

Jun 30, 2018
Making a political post not gonna argue with anyone I'm just saying with the vaccine mandate in the US going on (by Jan 4th), it's just amazing how afraid people are of a shot. Bonus points if they don't want the flu shot. Act like they're gonna die do you really want to live that badly lmao I'm getting my booster shot next week. Worst case it doesn't work.

Turned on Fox News and they are absolutely livid and batshit crazy even ignoring the covid stuff. We are so divided on just this simple issue we are completely fucked as a country. It's only gonna get worse.
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Death is salvation
Sep 26, 2021
Wouldn't it be the opposite? If you don't get vaccinated you're at a great risk to develop Covid, an awful form of it where the chances to die are even greater. If you get vaccinated you won't be able to develop severe form of the virus and you'll be away from death.
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Jun 30, 2018
Wouldn't it be the opposite? If you don't get vaccinated you're at a great risk to develop Covid, an awful form of it where the chances to die are even greater. If you get vaccinated you won't be able to develop severe form of the virus and you'll be away from death.
Good point. Could be the buried under all the "freedom fighter" bs going on. Where is all the rage towards cost of living and low wages and corrupt politics? The anger is there it's just not where it needs to be.
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less than him
Oct 14, 2021
No idea what's going on in the US but I got vaccinated because I don't want to kill my immunocompromised grandmother. Also because I love needles
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Ready to embrace the peaceful bliss of the void.
Feb 4, 2020
No idea what's going on in the US but I got vaccinated because I don't want to kill my immunocompromised grandmother. Also because I love needles
So sweet! I got vaccinated not for me but for people I might come into contact with. The part about the needles though? Hell no. I HATE needles!
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Gray Wounds

Gray Wounds

A Phantasmagoria
Jun 27, 2018
I was told instant death is possible after vaccination if my body isn't strong enough. So I went to get vaccinated without drinking or eating beforehand which, I've been told, can cause serious bad effects. I was rooting for death but instead, I got immunity, I guess.
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So Scribble Me Out
Jan 14, 2020
Personally, when I got the shot, I had a bunch of crazy people from my family be like "YOU GON DIE!!!!" And it was hilarious when I said "bold of you to assume that isn't my intention". LMFAO

But for real. People aren't even afraid it will kill them. It's just a dumb "BUT MUH FREEDUMB" thing.
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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
I'm vaccinated and I'm against making it mandatory.

Please stop caricaturing.

Take care,

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Dec 13, 2018
Get a jab and "save the world" :) and repeat on every 6 months period. A subscription for beeing immortal superhero and a reason to hate on the mortals, so scared of getting the needle.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
To be honest Americans have just turned this whole ordeal into a political issue rather than what it was intended to be- a discussion of public health and epidemiology.

I keep seeing Americans online (granted, there are people from other countries doing this too, but it is mainly Americans honestly) circle jerking about their moral superiority and how they hope "le trumptard redneck unvaccinated people" all die off en masse, no matter what their reasoning is for declining.

On the other side of the coin, you have some unvaccinated people who view themselves as Neo incarnate, boasting that they are smarter than the "sheep" and wishing ill will upon those who chose to take the vaccine.

It is just pathetic. I blame the American media outlets for stoking this massive fire and creating a cultural divide that serves no purpose other than to further divide an already fractured population and sow the seeds for more strife and disarray. Instead of bringing people together they have created a scapegoat for the government's poor decision making.

You have older vunerable people out there who absolutely would reap rewards from the vaccine once you do a cost benefit analysis, but refuse to take it for various reasons. Should we force them? Absolutely not.

They can make their own decisions regarding their health, no matter how asinine anyone else may find their choices. At this stage of the game, they have accepted the risk of a disease that poses a considerable threat to their demographic, and that's the risk they're willing to take. No one will make them budge.

Then we have the complete opposite of this, people who are absolutely hysterical despite having recovered from covid themselves, receiving the vaccine, and possessing the knowledge that they have a negligible chance of developing a complication from the disease.

Seriously, I am seeing so many Americans rushing to get their 5-10 year old children jabbed, when they don't need it. None of this is out of concern for their children, mind you, but because they are afraid their own kids will bloody kill their young, healthy parents by transmitting covid.

You can show them data from the CDC and numerous esteemed medical journals that children do not develop severe symptoms unless they are extremely immunocompromised/serious existing comorbidity, but they still won't believe it. They don't believe anyone should have a choice in this matter. Covid vaccination should be forced, out of some delusion of moral good.

To me, this is incredibly fucked up. It is a slippery slope towards mandating medical procedures, when the ends do not justify the means. I am speaking as someone who got CFS from another viral infection, I would never support forcing anyone to take a flu jab "for my safety" because I don't think it's the responsibility of other people to make medical decisions out of some supposed moral obligation for me.

I didn't take it because I was afraid it could worsen my existing conditions, as I have had bad responses to vaccines since I became ill. There was genuinely no way to ask questions or have an honest discussion about it because the health services here advise you to take it unless you will literally die of anaphylaxis.

I don't care about dying, I just don't want my mediocre quality of life to become even worse. No one has been able to answer any of my questions about how this vaccine effects people with CFS, because there's no data except surveys on chronic illness forums, which are anecdotal.

I am so glad I do not live in North America under these draconian mandates, which are causing nothing but more hatred and division- with very little gain for the vunerable. You're either a fox news watcher or a supposed NPC in the matrix, there is no in between.
There's no room for nuance or for changes in data and scientific inquiries, it is now a matter of being on the right political team so you don't look like you're "on the other side." I hate it. American politics are an absolute cancer.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Yeah it's all a divisive mindfuck. For that reason alone I believe all this shit is engineered. Everything that's been happening over the last few years is just trying to pit people against one another. When you realize that the whole entire goal is to get you to fight with everyone else, you're further than most.

That said, I'm still not getting the vaccine. People can call me ignorant if they like.
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kristallene Bergluft über verfallener Gruft
Aug 20, 2019
Making a political post not gonna argue with anyone I'm just saying with the vaccine mandate in the US going on (by Jan 4th), it's just amazing how afraid people are of a shot. Bonus points if they don't want the flu shot. Act like they're gonna die do you really want to live that badly lmao I'm getting my booster shot next week. Worst case it doesn't work.

Turned on Fox News and they are absolutely livid and batshit crazy even ignoring the covid stuff. We are so divided on just this simple issue we are completely fucked as a country. It's only gonna get worse.
Europe too, the damn pandemic has cleaved the continent in half. As to why people want to live? Survival instinct plus they aren't mentally broken yet. *yet* When the time comes people will throw themselves into the meatgrinder for whatever cause they think is worth dying for.
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Jul 7, 2019
I find it very interesting that you reached that conclussion, when I'd say that it's actually the opposite.

Why do you want to live SO badly that you want to force other people into vaccinating?

Besides, if you are vaccinated, why do I have to take it too in order to make your vaccine work? It's completely fine to get vaccinated, great even. But it should be voluntary and not forced through laws, punishment, and becoming a pariah to the society.

And then some people in here scratch their heads wondering why assisted suicide is not an option, and why the access to drugs that would facilitate it is impossible lol.
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Fussy exister. Living in the epilogue
Mar 11, 2020
This whole covid shit has just proven how much the human race needs to die off. What a ridiculous species.
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Ready to embrace the peaceful bliss of the void.
Feb 4, 2020
You're right. And on behalf of my fellow contrymen, I deeply and sincerely apologize for our fucking stupidity and strife.
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
The data doesn't suggest that you shouldn't get the clot shot, it says if you are smart, you don't get the clot shot. The ERs are starting to clog up with individuals that don't have COVID, but they have heart damage, upper respiratory illness and blood clots. The official narrative, "We have no idea what is causing this!" Yeah, sure, if you believe that, then I have a bridge to sell you.

No government is going to tell me what to put in my body, or force me to take any "vaccine."
This is MY Body. If I dont own it, I own nothing.
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Fussy exister. Living in the epilogue
Mar 11, 2020
The ERs are starting to clog up with individuals that don't have COVID, but they have heart damage, upper respiratory illness and blood clots.
Source please.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
The data doesn't suggest that you shouldn't get the clot shot, it says if you are smart, you don't get the clot shot. The ERs are starting to clog up with individuals that don't have COVID, but they have heart damage, upper respiratory illness and blood clots. The official narrative, "We have no idea what is causing this!" Yeah, sure, if you believe that, then I have a bridge to sell you.

No government is going to tell me what to put in my body, or force me to take any "vaccine."
This is MY Body. If I dont own it, I own nothing.
Yeah in Europe they are having soccer players keeling over on the field every week rn. Pericarditis, myocarditis, aneurysms, etc. My attitude is, get the shot or don't get it, but quit pushing your beliefs on to others. Everyone for themselves.
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
Source please.
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Fussy exister. Living in the epilogue
Mar 11, 2020
"Overall, 226 cases of myocarditis or pericarditis after vaccination in people younger than age 30 have been confirmed"

Allow me to laugh.
"Months of treatment delays have exacerbated chronic conditions and worsened symptoms. Doctors and nurses say the severity of illness ranges widely and includes abdominal pain, respiratory problems, blood clots, heart conditions and suicide attempts, among other conditions."

That's the line that comes closest to substantiating anything like what you said. And it doesn't really come close at all. There's no numbers, no link to the vaccine, no nothing. If that's the best you have, it's pretty damn weak, my man.
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
"Overall, 226 cases of myocarditis or pericarditis after vaccination in people younger than age 30 have been confirmed"

Allow me to laugh.

"Months of treatment delays have exacerbated chronic conditions and worsened symptoms. Doctors and nurses say the severity of illness ranges widely and includes abdominal pain, respiratory problems, blood clots, heart conditions and suicide attempts, among other conditions."

That's the line that comes closest to substantiating anything like what you said. And it doesn't really come close at all. There's no numbers, no link to the vaccine, no nothing. If that's the best you have, it's pretty damn weak, my man.
If you trust the government and the health "experts" saying the vaccines are safe,effective and have no long term side effects,that's fine. Remember to keep taking your mandatory booster shots too. The booster shots will never end and the mandates will never end. Have fun.
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Fussy exister. Living in the epilogue
Mar 11, 2020
If you trust the government and the health "experts" saying the vaccines are safe,effective and have no long term side effects,that's fine. Remember to keep taking your mandatory booster shots too. The booster shots will never end and the mandates will never end. Have fun.
Yes, yes, everyone is lying and out to get you. It's a huge conspiracy and everyone but you is actually a secret sociopath. All experts are only interested in deceiving you, and none of them care about the truth. From childhood on they dreamed about becoming scientists just to more effectively dupe people like you.
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
Yes, yes, everyone is lying and out to get you. It's a huge conspiracy and everyone but you is actually a secret sociopath. All experts are only interested in deceiving you, and none of them care about the truth. From childhood on they dreamed about becoming scientists just to more effectively dupe people like you.
It's not just me. The latest polls shows millions of Americans refuse to take the vaccine. I'm sure that many of the vaxxed took it only because they were being forced to.
BTW, You're getting too personal with your attacks on me. I'm not alerting any mods or anything. Keep it up and you will see how nasty I can be.
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Jun 30, 2018
It's not just me. The latest polls shows millions of Americans refuse to take the vaccine. I'm sure that many of the vaxxed took it only because they were being forced to.
BTW, You're getting too personal with your attacks on me. I'm not alerting any mods or anything. Keep it up and you will see how nasty I can be.
yes many more ignorant people out there
I find it very interesting that you reached that conclussion, when I'd say that it's actually the opposite.

Why do you want to live SO badly that you want to force other people into vaccinating?

Besides, if you are vaccinated, why do I have to take it too in order to make your vaccine work? It's completely fine to get vaccinated, great even. But it should be voluntary and not forced through laws, punishment, and becoming a pariah to the society.

And then some people in here scratch their heads wondering why assisted suicide is not an option, and why the access to drugs that would facilitate it is impossible lol.
Because I care about my at risk relatives. People are so scared over nothing.
I'm vaccinated and I'm against making it mandatory.

Please stop caricaturing.

Take care,

I don't want to get sick that shit sucks sorry
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Ready to embrace the peaceful bliss of the void.
Feb 4, 2020
Dude, I am phobic of needles and I still got it. Not for my benefit, have a great immune system, but I do live in an area with a lot of vulnerable people, ergo....
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Fussy exister. Living in the epilogue
Mar 11, 2020
It's not just me. The latest polls shows millions of Americans refuse to take the vaccine. I'm sure that many of the vaxxed took it only because they were being forced to.
BTW, You're getting too personal with your attacks on me. I'm not alerting any mods or anything. Keep it up and you will see how nasty I can be.
I'm well aware that it's not just you. They (the vast majority of them anyway) don't have any less conspiratorial reasons either so my criticism applies to them just as much as it does to you. So my criticisms weren't any more personal than you implying that anyone that takes the vax is a dupe. Grow a thicker skin.
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Jun 30, 2018
I find it very interesting that you reached that conclussion, when I'd say that it's actually the opposite.

Why do you want to live SO badly that you want to force other people into vaccinating?

Besides, if you are vaccinated, why do I have to take it too in order to make your vaccine work? It's completely fine to get vaccinated, great even. But it should be voluntary and not forced through laws, punishment, and becoming a pariah to the society.

And then some people in here scratch their heads wondering why assisted suicide is not an option, and why the access to drugs that would facilitate it is impossible lol.
Oh I know why it's because the elite doesn't want to lose any wage slaves


Ready to embrace the peaceful bliss of the void.
Feb 4, 2020
Please, if you think the vaccine is a conspiracy, don't take it. We certainly need to purify the overall collective intellect of society and the best way to do that is to weed out the unintelligent and willfully ignorant. So, please, stay away from ANY vaccine.


Sep 3, 2018
The data doesn't suggest that you shouldn't get the clot shot, it says if you are smart, you don't get the clot shot. The ERs are starting to clog up with individuals that don't have COVID, but they have heart damage, upper respiratory illness and blood clots. The official narrative, "We have no idea what is causing this!" Yeah, sure, if you believe that, then I have a bridge to sell you.

No government is going to tell me what to put in my body, or force me to take any "vaccine."
This is MY Body. If I dont own it, I own nothing.
Edit: What amazes me most the people who are cheering on for mandatory shots are the 'My body, My choice' crowds. Fucking hypocrites.
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