

Nov 26, 2020
Why... why is it that I have to feel so guilty? Why do I care so much? Why can't I just be selfish and not think about how much pain I'll cause once I ctb? Why was I born into a loving family. I don't want to say goodbye to them, but I just have to. I just can't keep living anymore. I really hope there isn't an afterlife, because I know I'll feel the guilt for my actions, and I'll try to find a way to kill myself there.
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
I'm sitting with this same dilemma. I just want to go but love is such a powerful force. Eventually though I'm still gonna have to check out because I can't stay alive and suffer for other people forever just to keep them comfortable. Breaks my heart at what this is going to do to my loved ones though.

My brother told me today that it's selfish of him to expect me to stay despite my poor quality of life. He's right.
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Nov 26, 2020
I'm sitting with this same dilemma. I just want to go but love is such a powerful force. Eventually though I'm still gonna have to check out because I can't stay alive and suffer for other people forever just to keep them comfortable. Breaks my heart at what this is going to do to my loved ones though.

My brother told me today that it's selfish of him to expect me to stay despite my poor quality of life. He's right.
I'm sorry you are also dealing with the same thing as me. Even though I love my family, Im suffering way too much mentally that being alive isn't possible. I don't believe they will understand like your brother does though.
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
I'm sorry you are also dealing with the same thing as me. Even though I love my family, Im suffering way too much mentally that being alive isn't possible. I don't believe they will understand like your brother does though.
I'm sorry you are also dealing with it. Yup, unfortunately few people will understand. Are you planning to go soon or are you holding on longer due to the guilt?
It's bad enough that we're struggling with our depression, now we have this extra layer of guilt on top to deal with too. Sigh.
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Nov 26, 2020
I'm sorry you are also dealing with it. Yup, unfortunately few people will understand. Are you planning to go soon or are you holding on longer due to the guilt?
It's bad enough that we're struggling with our depression, now we have this extra layer of guilt on top to deal with too. Sigh.
Sadly I'm only holding on a little longer due to guilt, but also the fact I'm actually a little scared. Anxiety is making me think about the consequences of being caught and saved. So I have to make sure this attempt is successful, otherwise I know I'll never get a chance to ctb for a long time.
I agree with that. I care about others and put them before myself, which is why my guilty conscience is making this extremely hard to bear :(.
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Jul 7, 2019
I feel you, this is a burden that can't be explained to other people, wanting to end it so badly but knowing that you'll hurt your loved ones in a way that not even the worst person in the world deserves is the most tragic feeling in my life.
I told them about this a few days ago... they can't stop crying and feeling terrible, my mother told me that she would die if I abandon her, and my brother said that this will ruin all of his dreams and future.
I can't even imagine what they will feel once I'm gone.

At least know that you love them too, to the point that you have these feelings, you are an amazing person just for having this kind of empathy, not many people do. I'm sorry that you are dealing with this, but only you know what's best for you.
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
I feel you, this is a burden that can't be explained to other people, wanting to end it so badly but knowing that you'll hurt your loved ones in a way that not even the worst person in the world deserves is the most tragic feeling in my life.
I told them about this a few days ago... they can't stop crying and feeling terrible, my mother told me that she would die if I abandon her, and my brother said that this will ruin all of his dreams and future.
I can't even imagine what they will feel once I'm gone.

At least know that you love them too, to the point that you have these feelings, you are an amazing person just for having this kind of empathy, not many people do. I'm sorry that you are dealing with this, but only you know what's best for you.
My mother said something to the same extent. It's terrible feeling.

I wish I could just go without having it affect others. That's why I wish I never existed in the first place.
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Reactions: Ghost2211, VtubersAreMyLife and Fragile


Nov 26, 2020
I feel you, this is a burden that can't be explained to other people, wanting to end it so badly but knowing that you'll hurt your loved ones in a way that not even the worst person in the world deserves is the most tragic feeling in my life.
I told them about this a few days ago... they can't stop crying and feeling terrible, my mother told me that she would die if I abandon her, and my brother said that this will ruin all of his dreams and future.
I can't even imagine what they will feel once I'm gone.

At least know that you love them too, to the point that you have these feelings, you are an amazing person just for having this kind of empathy, not many people do. I'm sorry that you are dealing with this, but only you know what's best for you.
Aww :(, I'm really sorry. I feel horrible because other people are suffering way more than me, but I can't help but feel bad because of how much it hurts me to hurt people I care about.
I don't know how you had the courage to tell your family. I've kept this from them ever since I can remember, and if they would cry in front of me like that I would actually change my mind, which Is 100% something I don't want to happen. I want to be gone before this sense of guilt crushes me...
Thank you for your kind words, it really is helping me a lot with making my decision a little bit more bearable.

I really hope you can find peace and happiness, with whatever you decide in the future.
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Jan 20, 2020
That is what keeps me going. I don't want to make them hurt as much as I am. I'm supposed to protect them from such suffering. Only you can know if you should live for others or not, and how long you can do it. One day at a time. You don't need to make such a choice until ready.
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Nov 26, 2020
That is what keeps me going. I don't want to make them hurt as much as I am. I'm supposed to protect them from such suffering. Only you can know if you should live for others or not, and how long you can do it. One day at a time. You don't need to make such a choice until ready.
I honestly wish I had that kind of resolve. I really wish I could live for my family. But I just can't anymore, I'm so exhausted it's ridiculous. I really don't want them to suffer, but in the long term I would just cause more suffering, and that's also something I can't live with.
Ill take your advice though, I'll only make the choice when I'm fully committed to my decision, where I have no doubts.
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May 4, 2020
I completely understand. The fact that my dad's brother committed suicide doesn't help either. I'm stuck because a few years back, after my first attempt, my parents told me, "It doesn't matter what you do or don't do. We don't care about anything, we just want you to be alive." There's no way I can ever let them find out I committed suicide.
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Dec 25, 2019
You are being forced to constantly think about your family by the pro-life and religious squad. It's one of their favourite tactics to deter people from killing themselves. Yes, suicide is tragic from the perspective of the survivors but not from the standpoint of the suicide when they and their problems have ceased to exist. That's the whole point of suicide.


permanent eternal absoluteNONexistenceNOTHINGness
Dec 17, 2019
Same (but UNLIKE you it's not because of "suffering"/"depression" nor any other reason in general of any type) and it's so fucking frustrating because if it wasn't for them/if it wasnt because they would get 'traumatized'/'shocked' and be 'devastated'/'hurt' and all that I wouldve attempted/died many years ago.
that and the 'fact' that i don't have any way out are the reasons why I havent ctb yet. My 'parents'/'family' love/want me a lot (ok i guess lol, dont give a sht, as "cruel" as it 'sounds') and care a lot about me and blahblah and also are 'loving' (i put the 'words' between 's because I just couldnt care less about the 'meaning' of 'words' in general lmfao and i dont give a shit if they and or whoever in general is 'loving' or not ) and other "positive" crap like that and well they'd 'suffer'/'cry'/'be' 'devastated', 'hurt' and blah blah if i die so well, i haven't attempted/died yet because of them (also because i just don't have any way out) and its so fcking frustrating, I 'wish' i just didn't give a fuck and went for *it without any 'doubt' (*death/non-existence/eternal absolute nothingness) whether theyll suffer/be devastated or not. Sigh

Im not "suffering"/im not "depressed" in any way at all of any type about absolutely anything at all and it's also not because of any reason at all, I simply just don't want to 'experience'/'live'/'do'/'explore'/'participate in'/'enjoy' etc bla bla bla 'life'/'existence'/'the world'/'planet earth' etc bla bla however the f*ck it is NOR absolutely ANYTHING else in general at all whatever/however it is of any type and simply just dont give a damn sh*t about/dont want/dont have any "interest" for etc etc (and dont want to and never will no matter what, no matter what/how anything, everything, whatever 'thing' of any type etc is lmao and a large etc, i JUST DONT CARE AT ALL AND NEVER WILL) absolutely anything at all in general and (never had and simply literally never will and it's not because of any damn reason at all, and i'm being completely 'honest' or whatever tf that means and im not "iNvEnTinG" it nor "lYiNg", but anyways no one will ever understand/believe that this is possible and that i can't just simply not want absolutely anything at all and NOT want to want to etc and that's it and it's NOT because of "nihilism" nor "emptiness" nor "inability" nor "boredom" nor "antinatalism" nor "iDeNtItY cRiSiS" or whatever the fck that means nor "depression" nor "apathy" nor "lOsS oF iNtErEsT" nor "disassociation" nor "sElF hAtReD"/"lOw sElf EsTeEm" nor "dIsConTenT" nor "uNsAtISfActIoN" [[i dont want absolutely anything at all to "sAtIsFy" me lmfao why the fck am I obligated to? Why can't i just not give a damn shit about literally anything and dont have any "intention" nor "need"/"necessity" to care about etc things, to have/find things that "sAtIsfY" me etc and or whatever the fck in general? Why? what if i simply just DONT fucking want to whatever/however tf anything/whatever 'thing' etc of any type/way etc in general is? why this has to be an obligation? Why just because everyone else in general wants to and 'i' had no choice but to 'be' 'born'/'exist'/'be'|'become' 'something'/'someone' and 'be' 'brought' to 'existence' and or whatever 'all' 'this' 'is'/is 'called' that i simply just will never give a fuck however it is etc means I have to want to too? jesus fcking christ :I lmfao]] nor ""'bad' life""/""'painful' life"" nor "dIsApPoInTmEnT wIth 'lIfE' aNd oR 'tHe wOrlD' aNd Or 'hUmAnItY'/'sOcIetY' and or whatever the fck in general" (no lmfao its not because of that neither lmao I couldnt give any less of a fuck 'how' 'life'/'the world'/'planet earth'/'existence'/'humanity'/'society'/anything in general whatever tf it is etcetc blahblah and or whatever the fuck/and or any other 'thing'/'place' etc of any type in general etc is/can be/could've been, neither 'what' 'happens' neither 'what' 'they' 'do' neither 'how' what they 'do' etc is/can be/could've been etc, neither 'what' 'there is'/'there are'/'there can be', neither 'how' 'it' 'works'/'how' 'it can't 'work', neither 'what' 'it' 'is' 'about'/what 'can be' 'about' and a 'large' etc neither if it's """""positive"""""/""""good""""" or """""""negative"""""""/"""""""bad""""""" lmfao I couldn't care less!!!!!! I dont give not even a single damn fck and never will) nor "abuse"/"trauma"/"bullying"/"mistreatment"/"bad family"/"bad parents" (I've never been "abused"/"bullied"/"beaten"/"mistreated" etc nor anything in general like that in any way, any type at all by anyone at all and so what lol I don't give a fck. and my 'parents'/'family' are 'good'/'great'/'perfect' 'parents'/'family' and 'love'/'want' etc 'me' 'a lot' and they're 'loving'/'caring'/'kind'/'supportive'/'respectful' [or whatever tf all those """positive""" 'adjectives' mean lol dont give a shit] and I couldnt care any less neither lmao) nor absolutely/literally ANY other """""negative""""""""""bad""""" thing at all of any type nor any other type of "problem"/"issue" NOR literally ANY other 'reason' in general AT ALL. I simply just dont have any "interest" for/about 'life'/'living'/'existence'/'planet earth'/'the world' etcetcblahblah NO MATTER 'HOW' ETC IT IS ETC NOR absolutely anything else in general at all/ nor basically, absolutely, literally [or whatever tf those 'words' mean lmao] ANY other thing/place etc of any type at all whatever/however it is. I just don't give a sht about/don't want nor any other 'verb'/'action' etc [and dont want to want to no matter what etc and never at all will and don't ask "why" because there isnt any reason at all] absolutely anything in general at all of any type, of any way, of any anything in general and no 'matter' at all 'what'/'how'/'where' etc it is and that's it and it's NOT because of ANY damn 'reason'/'reasons' AT ALL. but well, i have no way out anyways, and if i want to attempt "sUcCeSfUlLy" and "without any" risks/interruptions/worries of getting 'caught'/being 'found'/'getting' 'brain damage'/'traumatizing' and 'shocking' my parents/family etcetc I'd have to have a fucking 'house' on my own and for that id have to fucking 'work' first and 'wait' for 'who' tf 'knows' how many years until i finally have the damn 'house' (i dont want to have any fcking 'house'/'apartment' or whatever tf that is/means nor absolutely anything else ffs) so i CAN FINALLY ATTEMPT/CTB "safely"/"reliably"/"succesfully" without anyone around and without 'traumatizing'/'shocking' my 'parents'/'family' and "without any" risks etc there, sigh what a damn fcking shit that i have to have a goddamn 'house' to be able to do it 'well' and 'plan'/'prepare' it 'well' and not risk anything, i dont fcking want to have to wait for so 'long' and have to 'work' and all that garbage to have the f*cking 'money' for the fcking 'house' so I can finally attempt/ctb "reliably"/"successfully" with no risks/worries. If only dying/stopping existing was easy and quick and i could just disappear immediately without anyone 'noticing'/'knowing', id do it here but anyways it's so risky/suspicious and anyway I don't have any way out and well, there's also the 'problem' of my 'parents' and other 'family' 'members'/'relatives' or whatever tf that means 'finding'/'seeing' the body and getting 'traumatized'/'shocked' 'while' also having to 'deal' with the 'devastation' of having lost me and blah blah, jfc I fucking wish it was easy ffs it's so frustrating!!!!!! As much as i don't give a damn fcking sht about absolutely anything/anyone etc in general at all whatever/however/'whoever' etc it is (AND ITS NOT BECAUSE OF ANY REASON AT ALL. and well if no one believes it I dont care anyway and Im used to assumptions lmao) I 'cant' 'help' but 'caring' about them and 'feeling' a bit 'sad'/'bad' for them and that's the "reason why" (also a 'cat' that 'my parents' 'adopted' that 'loves' me a lot and the 'fact' that i just dont have any way out/method to finally DIE/NOT EXIST AT ALL with) and fuck it's so frustrating that i feel fucking forced to stay/not ctb because if i did it tHeY wOulD sUfFeR a LoT aNd bLah bLaH. But this (nor absolutely anything else in general at all of any type, whatever/however etc it is) SHOULDN'T be an obligation ffs, sigh it's so frustrating. I should just not give a shit if they'll cry/suffer/be 'devastated' or not and just go for it, as "cruel"/"selfish"/"heartless" (as if i gave a fuck lol) as "it is", but anyways there's also the 'problem' or whatever tf "problem" means that if i want to attempt 'well'/'succesfully' and have enough time to 'plan'/'prepare' for it etc and without any risks, 'worries' of my 'parents'/'family' being the 'first ones' who 'find'/'see' the body and 'getting' 'traumatized'/'shocked', of me 'failing' the attempt and 'getting' 'brain damage' or 'being' 'brain dead'/being a 'vegetable' (and i don't give a shit lmfao but I have no choice but to 'care' and want to 'avoid' it because of my 'parents'/'family' to not 'traumatize'/'shock' them) etc etc, I have no fcking choice but to have/buy a fcking damn 'house' or whatever tf that is/means 'where' ill be just me alone without anyone around so i can finally attempt/ctb there without having to fucking 'worry' about anything/anyone (i mean 'failing' the attempt, getting caught/being 'interrupted' and UNFORTUNATELY 'saved', getting 'brain damage', 'traumatizing' my 'parents'/'family' etc) and what a damn fcking bullsht that for that I'd have to first fucking 'work' to have the fcking 'money' for the fcking 'house' where i could FINALLY attempt/ctb and for that so many 'years' would have to fucking pass by, id have to wait a lot, fuck it 'sucks' or whatever tf "sucks" means that it's so fcking hard to die/finally NOT exist at all
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