
Sep 3, 2018
For me it's my grandfather. I fucking hate him so goddamn much I want him to die so fucking badly I don't understand why people like him get to live. Why do bad shitty people like him get to fucking live? I would rant and rant on and on but my goddamn fucking eyes man like fucking hell I wish I can complain about this. Like fuck him to hell. Fuck him to oblivion. Die you cunt. The world will be a much better place without you in it. Fuck.

So who's your piece of shit family members?
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Don't Cry for Me, I'm Already Dead
Apr 7, 2021
There are endless pieces of shit in my family tree, but my mum would have to be the worst by far.
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Sep 3, 2021
My mom. Basically she is an abusive, manipulative vulnerable narcissist. I could write a big explanation for the 100th time but I don't feel like it. She doesn't know where I live and doesn't know what I'm up to. I never want to see her again and I will not be at her funeral.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Okay, this is gonna be a little weird, but one of my dad's cousins (a first cousin once removed????).

I always used to wonder why my dad and the rest of the older kids in his family seemed so damaged until I learned about this from my brother. He did some digging into the family history on account of my dad being the disturbed and melancholy soul that he is.

My dad's older cousin used to beat up my dad and break his stuff when he was a kid. My dad endured multiple humiliating beatings from him, and my grandpa looked the other way (I have issues with him too). If that wasn't enough reason to dislike this dipshit, he also molested my aunt when she was a little girl. Because it was the 50's and because my grandparents were naive and easily manipulated by my extended family, they didn't believe her, and to this day she is not believed by most of her relatives. This is despite the fact that this pedophilic SOB went on to molest another girl (now woman) in the family. His enabling parents (my great aunt/uncle) swept that one under the rug too even though the age gap was much wider and the evidence more damning for him.

My grandparents failed to protect their children, but it is difficult for me to hate them as their grandchild. They did eventually make the call to get the fuck out of town and move states - but only after my dad and his younger siblings had developed lasting psychological scars that affected the way they raised their own children.

That said, if forced to pick a family member that directly made my life hell as a kid, it would have to be my dad. Fatherhood is a hell of a ride when you hate yourself immensely and your wife gives birth to a kid who's just like you.
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Death is beautiful

Death is beautiful

May 20, 2021
My brother.
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Darkmoon Queen

Darkmoon Queen

Apr 1, 2020
My aunt. But it's alright because I haven't seen her in almost 20 years and she's about 75 anyway.

Too much to go into but I think she possibly fits the description of sociopath.
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Jul 31, 2020
I hate my father, yesterday I dreamed I stabbed him, when I was little he came home drunk and beat my mother and me, I once took a knife to stab him that was the first time I felt like killing someone but didn't want to go to juvie and be away from my mom, at that time i still loved her..but after she was turning into a drunk the only thing i felt for her was indifference
My mom. Basically she is an abusive, manipulative vulnerable narcissist. I could write a big explanation for the 100th time but I don't feel like it. She doesn't know where I live and doesn't know what I'm up to. I never want to see her again and I will not be at her funeral.
I fucking hate that kind of people are like those monsters from Harry Potter who suck every last drop of happiness, the best thing you ever did was stay away
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
My dad.
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Hold your head high, and your middle finger higher
Dec 25, 2020
Nfather. He is the type that needn't swear or curse, raise his voice or lift a finger to destroy you. What he said and did to me as a kid fucked up my head.
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Lance Stone

Lance Stone

A life of screwing up fixed in a determined flash
Oct 10, 2021
Probably my bio mother, she was an alcoholic bitch that mentally abused me till I was 11. She would get drunk and scream that she wish I was aborted and tell me how much of a mistake I was. When I went through my first in patient when I was 13 ( by this point she had lost custody and I had been adopted by my grandmother) she said I was such a failure I couldn't kill myself right. Its been over 6 years and I still refuse to talk to her because of those words. FUCK YOU MOM.
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Fussy exister. Living in the epilogue
Mar 11, 2020
My brother. For having a kid he's not capable of properly taking care of with a woman who's not capable of taking care of a potted plant. My brother has custody but the kid spends most of the time with me and my mom.

The woman by this point has 3 other kids with 3 more dads... none of whom are in the picture at all. (There's very few characters in this story that don't deserve to be clobbered to death) Oh, and she's barely 30, so I dread to think what her final stats will be. Why tf aren't parenting licenses a thing?

My nephew is the only reason I'm staying alive at this point. My conscience won't allow me to leave him alone with these people. But he's still only 8... and I'm so done with this life. I hate the whole situation.
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I remember...death in the afternoon...
Nov 7, 2020
I don't hate my mom, but she certainly made my life hell. I wish everyone had kind, supportive parents but alas, not so.
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Under The Graveyard

Under The Graveyard

There is no death. Only a change of worlds.
Jun 24, 2021
My brother and his wife.
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Oct 11, 2021
My mom and dad ruined my life the most but i couldnt hate them if i tried, probably because i relate to their issues and see all the parts of myself in them. I resent my mom sometimes but not the logical side of my brain. The one i actually loathe is my sister, even tho ive done more to ruin her life technically. shes tried to ruin mine/be overcontrolling, likely to gain the control that shes never had over herself, but failed hard. I dont even know if its sibling competitiveness, ive just been disgusted by her since the day i was born for some reason. It goes on and off, im usually more just apathetic to her, but shes the only one id say i ever truly "hate".
Thinking about it more now. I probably dont "hate" her as much as i just dont get how weak/overly emotional she is. I dont mind those traits in anyone else at all, but her whining over everything just weirds me out.
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Dec 14, 2018
For me it's my grandfather. I fucking hate him so goddamn much I want him to die so fucking badly I don't understand why people like him get to live. Why do bad shitty people like him get to fucking live? I would rant and rant on and on but my goddamn fucking eyes man like fucking hell I wish I can complain about this. Like fuck him to hell. Fuck him to oblivion. Die you cunt. The world will be a much better place without you in it. Fuck.

So who's your piece of shit family members?
Sounds like me thinking of my mother or sisters. I'm sorry man.
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Average life non-enjoyer
Sep 11, 2021
My mother - self-absorbed head case. Me CTB will take care of that though. Shame I wont get to see it.
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Better never to have been
Jul 4, 2021
My communist bitch mother (she is from Maoist China).
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I wish no one had to CTB..........
Aug 14, 2020
I think I'd say it's my grandmother. She's the only relative I think I hate. She's a bitchy bitch. But luckily for me, she's didn't get to make my life hell bc of my wonderful mom who just didn't let it happen.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
I gotta say I don't care for the women in my life much. My grandma was nasty, my mom raised me as a borderline narcissist with a whole bunch of problems and phobias, and my sister is snooty and testy.
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Death is salvation
Sep 26, 2021
While both my parents were abusive as hell, at least my mother had some times where it appeared she had a heart, so it has to be my father. Fuck that piece of shit to high hell, he traumatized me to the point that I have to cope with the trauma almost daily. I can't say what happened because its simply embarrassing. He hated me more than my mother did (my mother told me that him and the family on his side were disappointed cause I wasn't born as a boy, but it can't be only this, it has to be much more). He only knew to shout at me and spill bad words towards me. One time when I was about 9 and had to do a homework with him he shouted so high that it scarred me for life.

Nowadays he is playing a drama with crocodile tears because I want to quit university , "yOuRe LiKe YoUr SiStEr" while praising himself that he got the driver license at 50 and thinking that its the same as going through another kind of abuse and misery for 3 years for a piece of paper that doesn't guarantee anything. I hope he suffers 100x worse than I did and what he did to me and that he suffers the most painful death ever. He is probably the sole reason I'm fucked up like this. I'll celebrate a whole week when he dies.
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Cat Lady
Oct 25, 2021
For me it's my grandfather. I fucking hate him so goddamn much I want him to die so fucking badly I don't understand why people like him get to live. Why do bad shitty people like him get to fucking live? I would rant and rant on and on but my goddamn fucking eyes man like fucking hell I wish I can complain about this. Like fuck him to hell. Fuck him to oblivion. Die you cunt. The world will be a much better place without you in it. Fuck.

So who's your piece of shit family members?
The bitch who had me. She never wanted me - wanted an abortion (wish she had one). She loved my sister. My sister, mother and I would go out to eat and they would make me stay in the car while they went inside to eat. I had to stay in the car with no food. I heard for 18 years how fat, stupid, worthless, ugly I was and that I would never find someone to love me or make anything of myself. I'm 67 and can still hear her voice in my head. She really FUCKED me up. I often wonder what I could have done with my life had I been born into a family that wanted me. Oh well - too late now.
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Dec 2, 2021
For me it's my grandfather. I fucking hate him so goddamn much I want him to die so fucking badly I don't understand why people like him get to live. Why do bad shitty people like him get to fucking live? I would rant and rant on and on but my goddamn fucking eyes man like fucking hell I wish I can complain about this. Like fuck him to hell. Fuck him to oblivion. Die you cunt. The world will be a much better place without you in it. Fuck.

So who's your piece of shit family members?
My dead dad he fucked my life with killing himself after cheating on my mom, he didn't man up , left us after screwing his own only and one family. i hope he burns in hell or be a lost fucked up soul till infinity. I'm traumatized fucked up forever my death will be 99% on him, worthless disgusting cheater piece of shit
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Ṿ̸̄Ọ̶͂Ỉ̶͉D̴̞͝ ̴̲̐A̷̾͜W̷̪͒Ā̵̯I̵͍̅T̵̛͔S̷̗͛
Jul 25, 2020
Hey mom, if you ever read this, I hope you live a long life full of suffering. 😘
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Not meant for this world…….
Nov 12, 2021
There is a long list of of the f'ers but my grandmother is at the top of the list. The things she did are irreversible and unforgivable.
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Oct 23, 2020
My uncle who would have me sit on his lap as a kid.
My school when I was 13 and 7 guys jumped me in the bathroom. I reported them and I got suspended for complaining.

Both my parents who abandoned me to hang out with their friends or to bang other people and ultimately just left me in my baby bed all alone.
Later on my mom let me starve, made me wear her boyfriend's sweater and my shoes were so small that I was in constant pain.
When I went to college later on and got government assistance to get by, my mom stole the money out of my account.
She stole from everyone. No one believed me. Now they do. And cause they're so embarrassed about it, they all have me blocked.

Then I met someone who I got married to. I worked hard, got 2 degrees in a foreign country. He thought it would be a good idea for me to become a stripper and meet up with people to see 'where it goes career wise'
I had a baby by someone else. Tried to quit the old life. He knew. My then husband didn't care, just wanted me to share the support checks. The new guy demanded an abortion. I left and never talked to him again.
I divorced. I'm now in a foreign country with no connections to home.
My ex has money and is taking me to court to steal my child from me, for no reason. He drinks, he sexually assaults me. No repercussions for him cause I was scared to speak up.

I'm all alone.
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waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
Everyone in my extended family are major fuck ups. Talking about ex-convicts, degenerate gambling addicts, abusive alcoholics, etc. My parents are just awful human beings. But they are also extremely religious (makes no sense) so in their minds they are good people just because they escape reality with their fairytales. There is no end to their ratchet behavior - child abuse, theft, identity fraud, etc.

My parents are the primary reason why I am forced to ctb. There was no chance I would have turned out normal given the environment I grew up in. To this day my parents still make excuses like 'the past is the past' or 'we tried our best' or 'others have it much worse'. They are the type of people who would murder someone and then blame the victim. Calling them loons or nutjobs does not even scratch the surface.
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𝔄 𝔲 𝔱 𝔦 𝔰 𝔪
May 21, 2021
For me it's my grandfather. I fucking hate him so goddamn much I want him to die so fucking badly I don't understand why people like him get to live. Why do bad shitty people like him get to fucking live? I would rant and rant on and on but my goddamn fucking eyes man like fucking hell I wish I can complain about this. Like fuck him to hell. Fuck him to oblivion. Die you cunt. The world will be a much better place without you in it. Fuck.

So who's your piece of shit family members?

interesting. toxic grandparent/grandchildren relationship is pretty rare due to lack of power dynamic.
My brother and his wife.

damn. I know the feeling of having your sibling betray you completely for a stranger (their lover). my big brother never payed any attention to me despite my desperate attempts to get closer to him. he talks to his fiancé every single day and only answer my text 6 weeks later.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Father & mother. Pedophile & his helper.
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Dec 5, 2020
father & mother, my brother and my pedophile uncle
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Nov 4, 2020
My sister, who's a two faced back stabbing fraud! However I have a plan for her that will stop her in her track's!
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