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Aug 18, 2020
Maybe it is kind of cheap to mock trash TV. It is so common and if someone disagrees he or she is seen as an idiot.
But I am always angry when I see news about them.

When I was a teenager the TV raised me and I watched so much despicable trash TV. The concepts of the shows were basically humiliation of other people. So that the people who watch it can feel better when looking down at people. My mom and her bf still regularly watch horrible stuff like that. I am so glad I found youtube. That combined with the ability to understand English opens up the opportunity for so much more valuable content.

The concept of Naked attraction is so superficial and idiotic. One chooses a new partner by looking at their body especially genitalia. This is so fucking stupid. Which moral does that show portray? I think I watched like 5 mintues of it in my whole life because I was kind of shocked that there are shows with such a concept.

There is a singing or super talent casting show in my country. The jurors are despicable assholes who mock other people. And other people watch that shit to feel better when other people get insulted. What a shame that this show survived that long.

But the worst is called jungle camp (on English I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here) Celebrities who lost all their money and fame have to eat dicks or balls of animals so that the average viewer feels superior to these desperate people.

I think most of these shows were imported from United Kingdom or the US. But the German orgininal shows are morally not really better just more boring.

I think in the Netherlands there are shows which would cross ethical standars in my country. I am out of the business since a long time but as a teenager I always wanted that these edgy foreign shows would get imported to my country.

But I am not sure how fair it is to take the Netherlands as an example. I assume every country has its own digsuting trash TV.

Which TV shows do think about? Or is the internet the source for the worst trash TV. Without a doubt there are horrible channels also on youtube. But I can avoid them.


Feb 27, 2021
I still don't get why love island is so popular. I watched one ep of it and swear 80% of it was just the contestants talking by the pool.

Maybe not the most disgusting but the most baffling when it comes to popularity.
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She wished that she never existed...
Sep 24, 2020
I've seen 'I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here' before and it's so awful. I don't understand how anyone can enjoy that. I think that it's still quite popular in my country and it's on TV every year. The UK has a lot of TV shows that sound so terrible, I do try and stay away from anything that I know will just make me feel worse.


shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Reality TV, easily. Also, Soap Operas like Days of Our Lives

Repetitive, unoriginal writing. No meaning beyond amping up emotions and shock value. Bad acting. Terrible makeup and costume design. Just bad after more bad.
Raskolnikov's Axe

Raskolnikov's Axe

Aug 31, 2022
I don't watch TV at all. I've always hated reality TV and those charity programs or whatever. I don't know if they have them where y'all are from but here they have this weird trauma porn shows where they pick a poor family, do an in depth presentation about their squalor and misery, film them crying and talking about it (sometimes even children), and then film themselves giving these people new household appliances or money or house renovations. I've always found it humiliating. Like that poor family was exchanging it's dignity for help.
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