I promised my mom I wouldn't suicide until she died. She was still sad for a day because I wanted to suicide eventually, probably for religious reasons.
She probably wants to meet me in some sort of heaven. I don't even want to go to some sort of stereotypical christian heaven, I got my own version of spirituality, my heaven is to evolve and self improve on an infinite journey to perfection. To make the ultimate language and write the ultimate story with it, to understand understanding itself/everything else, to engineer the ultimate experience. And perhaps stumble upon even greater things than that? My human life is only here to use as inspiration.
So I don't ever want to see my mom again, after a fairwell. She doesn't have the same aspirations to become something greater. And she is so determined to keep me alive even though I am suffering so much. That is another reason I don't resonate with her.
I still don't want to see my family suffer, my mom would become incredibly depressed if I died, making it miserable for my dad and brother. My brother especially doesn't deserve that, he is working so hard to get through university and work internships, I have a feel that if I died it would be the straw that broke the camel's back.
If suicide was legal I think I would do it. That way I could say my farewells and try to make it a happy thing. I am super excited for death, I really think there is an afterlife with less suffering than I'm living with. In fact, I think my heaven is real.
But really perhaps the universe will surprise me, maybe it knows of a better future for me, itself and everyone. I don't know.