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when (and if) I reach that point then it means I won't really have anything left that I truly enjoy, I constantly look for something to help me escape but every single time I question my feelings and their genuinity. I believe I won't miss much except maybe some music and the memories I have made with my close ones
I listen to most stuff, just not that big into EDM or hiphop. I can't think of any recent releases being my fav but liked the new linkin park album a lot and also Kendrick is cool. I mostly just shuffle the 2.5k liked music I have on my spotify. Been listening to pink floyd every morning these days, new routine I suppose.
I feel you with this one. I'd miss the games and the achievements I wouldn't get in the games I played. Plus the shows I wouldn't have had time to watch as well. I don't think it's silly at all.
I think for me I would miss watching series. I like a lot of true crime stuff and I would miss seeing a lot of new things that would come out, that I've been hoping would get a true crime adaptation.
I would also miss playing video games to a lesser extent. They aren't as fun anymore. I would also miss spending time just talking to people. I love to yap and talk about either my own feelings or listen to what others want to tell me, as well as any interests that I might share with a person, or even just rambling about random topics.
I do also have a love of boxing. I would miss competing in the sport as well as watching fights. So many fantasy fights that I've thought of through the years and then potentially not being able to see them makes me a little upset. Also wondering how far I could go and not seeing the fruits or potential happiness that I might achieve if I carried on.
Honestly a LOT. My cats, I love anime, video games, and vacations with my family. There's a lot about my life that is positive. Hell, even my job because of how cool everyone is. Those are what make this all so hard to go through with.
But the mental torture chamber that is my mind, plagued with terrible memories and experiences that nobody knows of is too much. I don't want to be this person anymore.
My parents, my boyfriend, my best friends, the possibility of being able to help others and see things improve (although it seems less and less likely every day). If love were enough to keep me here I'd be immortal.
My family, because I love them and they don't contribute a lot to the reasons why I want to ctb. Also I'd miss my pets and video games.
(Well I wouldn't miss anything because you can't do that when your brain isn't functioning)
Uhmmm atm? My mom??? My friends that I've come to cultivate over the last likeee 3-4yrs. Music for sure. As a EDNOS person) I don't remember the new term) food. In all the ways.
Hmm I think I'll miss writing just the right poetry.
Another thread that's making me think. Not in a bad way... just yeah
A lots actually.
My family, although they are one of the biggest reason for everything, I still love them and hope them can have a happy life.
My friends. Can't go through so many things without them. They deserve all the best in the world.
Manga and manhwa. And fanfic. Phew I self-study two languages just want to read them without any difficulties.
But, I don't think I am really gonna miss anything since my brain won't not be functioning then? Also for me missing them doesn't mean I will choose to stay because of them. I just feel so so so tired of everything happened in the past decades…
I wouldn't miss my cats, my friends, or my boyfriend - I would be happy for them, knowing they'd all continue to live good, happy lives without me.
What I would miss is something far more silly...I'd miss/be sad about the things I haven't finished: I haven't finished playing Corekeeper. I haven't finished the show I'm watching, Severance. And I haven't finished the book I'm reading. Dying would mean that I could never go back and finish these things.
i get so sad every time i realize that whatever i listen to when i ctb will be the last song i listen to ever.. but it's not like i could listen to every song anyway
i guess i'll also miss sitting in class with my friends, but that feels a little silly to say
I wont miss anything because I'll be dead, however the saddest thoughts I have before I l leave are, my dog will miss me (my adult son will take her), and the very supportive people on this site!
My parents and family dogs. I would break my parents hearts if I ctb and destroy them but if I am kicked out of grad school due to false accusations I have no choice.
Soo many things. My cats, my favorite books, my memories.. I also think a lot about how if I died in 2025 I'd miss out on stuff like the new Spiderverse and Sonic 4 movies in upcoming years
i really love playing video games and watching shows, so it saddens me that theres gonna be so many of them i wont get to experience. i know it might sound silly, i see a lot of people on here say that they're upset they'll miss out on bigger things like traveling the world, or falling in love, but for me immersing myself into fictional worlds helps me get through the day like nothing else. once i ctb and wont be able to watch my favorite shows anymore, i hope that some of u can turn on a good show that can make you feel just a little bit better in my place ^-^
if you're planning to ctb, what would you miss the most?
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