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i̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶n̶i̶c̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶b̶a̶c̶k̶.̶
Apr 15, 2024
Knowing what this does, the pain it causes, I know there's no way to avoid it. But, I also know the additional pain it causes to cbt and leave nothing at all.

I've written letters, leaving directions for life insurance, who to call for benefits, what to do with my remains, distributed small things here and there, leaving playlists for people, passwords, etc. I've considered explaining how to distribute my things, but I don't know if it's selfish to leave that up to those left behind to decide or if I'm being selfish by not wanting to sit down and deal with all of that. Anything that I think they may need, or that I know I would of wanted from my loved one who cbt'd, is what I've focused on.

I would like to know what you would leave behind, if anything?
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Jul 8, 2023
They would have to deal with it one day regardless of what way you eventually die. You seem like you respsonsibly did everything you could prepare them for the aftermath, including having a life insurance policy in place.

I am lucky to have been a minimalist for the latter part of my life, so there won't be much to deal concerning me. I want to go deep in the wilderness to CTB, so that they won't even have to bury me.
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Let me go
Mar 3, 2024
Due to possibility of failure, I wouldn't leave anything. Besides, if you die by accident, it's exactly the same, whatever useful is left will be there for them regardless.
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Dec 7, 2023
nothing, i want to be forgotten as i wish i'd never existed in the first place and am embarrassed by my own existence
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Come on! Let’s go, we’ll make our future together.
Apr 20, 2023
Honestly probably nothing. I don't really have anything to say. Do what you want with my funeral or remains, I don't care.

I'd maybe leave a short letter for my mum or something, but other than that I just want to get the fuck outta here ASAP.

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Nov 9, 2023
I wrote a will where i leave behind all my stuff to my bf, i also wrote my password locker stuff so he can do what he wants with my accounts. (Everything except sasu ofcourse). I know it wont lessen his pain but its the least i can do ;(

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
In my case, my friends and family live hundreds of miles away and my place is such a mess. I don't want them to have to deal with the hassle of it all, so I've asked my solicitor to arrange for a house clearance service as part of my will. But yes, I would leave notes- likely emailed to my solicitor again. I've heard they don't always get passed on.
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I plan to leave a series of notes, recordings, and other such documents detailing exactly why I felt the need to die and why they shouldn't be sad over me lest they be idiots.
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
Nothing except for my dead body. I would take that with me too along with my thoughts if I could.
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May 26, 2022
The funeral place number and direction for fast disposal of my cadaver after the medical examiner finishes opening me. And instructions on selling some of my things to be donated to women/and/or children in need. Aside from that, nothing really.
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Apr 16, 2024
Some money for funeral and a small note how I want to be buried.

In the past I was making some notes and recordings about my life, feelings, people etc. but at one point I said fuck it, it's a waste of time and deleted everything.
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I knew I forgot to do something when I was 15...
Mar 26, 2024
Everyone's so nice here so I'm going to feel like an asshole but I'm leaving nothing but a few nasty letters thanking people for destroying my life. I've been driven to ctb by the uncaring actions of others and the last thing I want to do is make their lives easier. No passwords, no bank accounts, and a house full of junk.

I will schedule a few texts thanking the one friend I have for actually giving a damn about me. I've debated emptying my savings and writing them a giant check or something. No one in my family deserves it. Also possibly giving them my Steam password so they can enjoy my library for me.
Dark Window

Dark Window

Mar 12, 2024
I have considerable savings and assets that would make my parents retirement more comfortable and my siblings financial life easier.

I'd leave a letter explaining how it's not their fault, it's my brain chemistry, and that despite the fact that my life is being cut shorter than expected, I'm still glad I existed and my happiness was partly down to their efforts to provide for me well.

I'd like to leave them feeling that they didn't fail me and despite only living 35 years most of the were pretty good, but I'd have died one day anyway, and almost certainly would never had had kids, and they still have their own lives to enjoy and the lives of my brothers and sisters, who will one day give them grand children.
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Apr 15, 2024
An apology letter, I guess? I don't want anyone to feel like it was their fault, and I want my friends to live happy lives. I want to thank them for being here for me. I'd also share anything useful, like my password manager login so they can access anything they need to. That last part though I'd leave on actually me, since my friends are all online and sharing my pass manager login info on the internet seems like an awful idea even if I wouldn't be there to see the result


Oct 17, 2023
Trauma, pretty much. Concerningly, maybe a cat. Hopefully society won't harass my relatives over debt.

What am I gonna do lol. Best I got is to tell people it's happening ahead of time. If I could have coped I would have. If I was organised and had my ducks in a row I would probably have achieved an acceptable quality of life.

What I am gonna leave is basically a mess.


I see only one escape
Apr 3, 2024
Having lost a family member to ctb I realise that leaving things clean is definitely beneficial to those you're leaving behind. I mean some members of my family are suffering pretty bad with guilt, guilt is a hellish thing to live with everyday for the est of your life, fuck I know. So I guess, In my case I should definitely leave some notes to reassure my loved ones that it was nothing to do with them, and there was nothing they could do. When a person loses another person to ctb, I've noticed suddenly the grieving person feels like all of a sudden everything is about them, what they did, didn't do, should've done, how will I live through this, all the suffering I will go thru, I've got the funeral to sort, I've got this that blah blah blah. I I I, me me me. So I'd quite like to relieve them of the burden of all that selfish shit and just leave them an explanation that's clear enough for them to move on and continue in the torture we call life.


Apr 22, 2023
I will probably just leave a note and maybe a list of passwords.


death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I'd probably leave a suicide note that briefly explains why I killed myself. I don't think that it would matter as they would have the same response were I to not leave an explanation but I may as well give them the closure they need. I will also leave another note that contains the password to my bank account as well as my laptop saying that they can have it all. Other than that, I don't see what else I should leave behind. I don't really care about their response to my death as death is inevitable anyway which means that grief is also inevitable. Even if that wasn't the case, they should have simply not procreated if they didn't want to deal with grief from my death


Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
The ones left behind would much better off without me they would be (financially) secure and have a free life.It'd be so much better for them.

In a suicide note I would just say: Finally I'm free from unsolvable issues!
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