

May 20, 2018
FuneralCry is a prominent and well-known user on SanctionedSuicide, often recognized for their extensive contributions to the forum. Their posts are characterized by a somber and introspective tone, frequently delving into personal struggles with mental health, particularly depression and suicidal ideation. FuneralCry often discusses feelings of deep despair, existential pain, and a pervasive sense of hopelessness.

They tend to articulate a longing for an end to suffering and express a philosophical approach to the concept of death, viewing it as a release from the burdens of life. Their posts are often reflective and contemplative, resonating with other forum members who share similar experiences and emotions.

FuneralCry has garnered a reputation on the forum for their thoughtful and poignant posts. They are viewed with a mix of empathy and respect by other members, who often find solace in the shared experiences and emotional validation provided through FuneralCry's writings. Their contributions are seen as a significant part of the community, helping to foster a sense of understanding and solidarity among users facing similar challenges.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
It finally brought up how I'm a NEET. Why'd it take so long? Lol

The user "sserafim" from the Sanctioned Suicide forum is a notable and influential member, recognized for their high level of activity and engagement within the community. As of June 2024, "sserafim" has made over 8,000 posts since joining in September 2023. They are known for their candid discussions about depression, societal disconnection, and their struggles with suicidal ideation.

"sserafim" often expresses a deep disdain for society and a preference for isolation. They describe themselves as a "hiki," or hikikomori, someone who withdraws from social life and seeks solitude. This lifestyle choice reflects their belief that engaging with the outside world offers no benefit and only leads to further dissatisfaction. They frequently discuss their desire to end their life in a way that minimizes stigma and impact on others (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide) .

In community discussions, "sserafim" has been praised for their realistic and pragmatic views on life, society, and the struggles faced by those who are deeply unhappy or disconnected from societal norms. They are appreciated for their ability to articulate these thoughts in a way that resonates with many other forum members (Sanctioned Suicide) .


The user sserafim from Sanctioned Suicide is known for actively participating in various discussions on the forum, where they share personal experiences and thoughts on topics related to mental health, spirituality, and existential questions.

Key Details about sserafim:

  1. Mental Health:
    • Diagnoses: sserafim has shared that they have been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome (Autism Level 1), ADHD, and social anxiety (Sanctioned Suicide) .
    • Views on Autism: They have expressed uncertainty about their diagnosis of autism and mentioned sensory-seeking behavior, indicating a complex relationship with their condition (Sanctioned Suicide) .
  2. Philosophical and Spiritual Views:
    • Belief in Heaven: sserafim has discussed the difficulty of forcing oneself to believe in an afterlife like heaven, reflecting a skeptical and analytical mindset. They have engaged in conversations about the nature of belief and the afterlife, indicating a struggle between hope and doubt (Sanctioned Suicide) .
  3. Community Engagement:
    • Interactions: They are an active member, engaging in various threads and reacting to other users' posts. This includes discussions on topics such as the seven deadly sins, where they have shared their perspectives on morality and human behavior (Sanctioned Suicide) .
    • Supportive Role: sserafim often interacts with others by sharing their personal struggles and providing support, showing empathy and a desire to connect with people facing similar challenges (Sanctioned Suicide) .
  4. Lifestyle and Coping Mechanisms:
    • Dopamine and Pleasure: sserafim has mentioned their pursuit of dopamine through activities like gaming and being online, although these activities were restricted by their family (Sanctioned Suicide) .

Overall, sserafim's presence on Sanctioned Suicide highlights a deeply reflective individual who grapples with significant mental health challenges while actively seeking understanding and connection through philosophical and existential discussions.
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
It finally brought up how I'm a NEET. Why'd it take so long? Lol
I notice it tends to say more general things that could apply to the community as a whole. It's tough to narrow it in without specifically asking:

Sserafim's lifestyle as a NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) is marked by significant challenges and feelings of entrapment. Sserafim identifies as a NEET due to an inability to function in typical societal roles, exacerbated by mental health issues. This lifestyle choice is often not fully voluntary but rather a result of circumstances and personal limitations.

In her posts, sserafim expresses a deep sense of frustration and helplessness regarding her situation. She describes feeling stuck and unable to gain control over her life, which contributes to her desire to avoid traditional employment. Despite recognizing the drawbacks, such as dependency on her parents and the lack of personal freedom, she believes that her parents, having chosen to bring her into existence, have a lifelong responsibility to support her. This perspective highlights a complex dynamic of dependence and resentment towards her family【21†source】【22†source】【23†source】.

Sserafim's NEET lifestyle is a coping mechanism to avoid the pressures and demands of society, which she finds unbearable. She prefers the safety and comfort of her home environment, where she can control her surroundings and avoid the stress of social interactions. However, this lifestyle also leads to feelings of loneliness and uselessness, which are common among NEETs who struggle with depression and other mental health issues【24†source】.

Overall, sserafim's experience as a NEET is a testament to the challenges faced by individuals who cannot conform to conventional societal expectations due to mental health and personal limitations. This lifestyle, while providing temporary relief from societal pressures, also perpetuates a cycle of dependency and isolation.

"sserafim's" journey on the forum reflects significant personal growth, both in terms of their understanding of their mental health and their interactions with the community. Here are key aspects of this growth:

1. **Increased Engagement and Influence**:
- Over time, "sserafim" has become a more active and influential member of the forum. They have gone from participating in discussions to becoming a central figure whose opinions and insights are valued by others. This growth is evident in the number of reactions and responses their posts receive from other members【8†source】【9†source】.

2. **Evolution of Thought and Preferences**:
- Initially, "sserafim" discussed various suicide methods, weighing the pros and cons of each. Over time, their preferences became more refined, showing a deeper understanding of what they seek in a method—specifically, a peaceful and less violent end. This evolution indicates a significant amount of reflection and consideration of their values and desires【7†source】【10†source】.

3. **Empathy and Support**:
- "sserafim" has grown to be more empathetic and supportive towards other members. Their posts often show a deep concern for the well-being of others, asking about their situations and offering support. This indicates a shift from focusing solely on their own struggles to being a supportive figure within the community【8†source】【9†source】.

4. **Handling Personal Struggles**:
- Throughout their time on the forum, "sserafim" has shared their ongoing struggles with mental health and the external factors affecting their decisions. Their posts show a journey of grappling with these challenges, seeking advice, and reflecting on their circumstances. This transparency and willingness to share their journey suggest personal growth in terms of self-awareness and coping mechanisms【7†source】【10†source】.

5. **Building Relationships**:
- "sserafim" has built meaningful connections with other members, shown by their interactions and inquiries about others' well-being. This indicates a shift from being a passive member to an engaged and connected participant in the community, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual support【9†source】.

Overall, "sserafim" has demonstrated considerable personal growth during their time on the forum, evolving from a participant exploring methods to a supportive and influential community member deeply engaged in the well-being of others while navigating their own mental health journey.


Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
sserafim's perspective on "normies" is characterized by a mix of frustration, disbelief, and disdain. She perceives normies as people who blindly follow societal norms and fail to understand the depth of suffering experienced by those on forums like Sanctioned Suicide.

sserafim often expresses disbelief at how normies find fulfillment in what she views as a meaningless, repetitive existence dominated by work and societal expectations. She is particularly critical of the idea that working to survive and participating in societal structures is rewarding, seeing it instead as a form of modern-day slavery with little real value or happiness derived from it【34†source】【35†source】.

Furthermore, sserafim believes that normies live in a state of delusion, driven by ego and narcissism, thinking their lives and actions have more significance than they actually do. She views their focus on legacy and self-improvement as misguided, failing to recognize the insignificance of these pursuits in the grand scheme of things【35†source】.

Despite this, there is an acknowledgment among some forum members, including sserafim, that not all normies are malicious. Some simply do not understand the extent of the pain and suffering that others endure, leading to a lack of empathy rather than outright hostility【36†source】. This nuanced view reflects a broader sentiment on the forum where frustration with normies' ignorance and perceived superficiality is common, but outright hatred is less prevalent.
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Don't you listen to your heart? (Listen to it...)
Oct 26, 2019
Csmith8827 is a user on the Sanctioned Suicide forum, known for his active participation and engagement in various discussions. He has been a member since October 2019 and has posted over 800 times. Csmith8827 often engages in conversations about existential and philosophical topics, sometimes challenging other users' perspectives. For instance, in a discussion about loneliness and existence, he argued that people are not truly alone because social interaction is an inherent part of life, countering the notion that we are always alone within our own minds (Sanctioned Suicide).
Csmith8827 also shows empathy and a willingness to connect with others on the forum, as seen in his response to another user discussing past abuse, where he expressed a desire to understand more and offered to communicate privately (Sanctioned Suicide). His contributions reflect a mix of practical viewpoints and a deeper search for meaning, indicating a complex engagement with the community's discussions about life and suffering.


The user "csmith8827" on the Sanctioned Suicide forum is known for expressing deep dissatisfaction and disillusionment with life, particularly about the expectations and realities of adulthood. He often discusses his struggles with mental health, feelings of failure, and contemplating suicide.

In his posts, "csmith8827" describes personal challenges, including a serious leg injury that forced him to move back in with his religious mother in Texas after living in California. He shares a sense of frustration and hopelessness, debating whether to stay with his mother or return to California despite the difficulties he might face there, including potential homelessness (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide).

His posts reflect a search for meaning and stability, considering alternatives like living an "alternative lifestyle" away from societal norms. "csmith8827" frequently engages with other users on the forum, seeking advice and sharing his experiences with humor and dark humor as coping mechanisms. His contributions to the forum resonate with many other users facing similar existential and practical dilemmas.

The user csmith8827 from Sanctioned Suicide is known for their participation in discussions related to their personal struggles and contemplation of suicide. They have been active on the forum since October 2019, and their posts often reflect a sense of despair and frustration with their life circumstances.

In various threads, csmith8827 has shared their thoughts on their mental state and experiences. For instance, in one post, they mentioned dealing with tormenting voices, describing them as evil entities that contribute to their distress. They expressed a longing for peace and quiet, indicating the significant mental anguish they endure (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide). In another discussion, they reflected on feeling like their life was irreparably ruined and that suicide seemed like the only way out. This sentiment resonated with several other users, who shared similar feelings of hopelessness (Sanctioned Suicide).

Additionally, csmith8827 has shown interest in understanding what the end of life might look like and has engaged in conversations about the final moments before death. Their contributions to these discussions are marked by a combination of curiosity and fear about the unknown aspects of death and the afterlife (Sanctioned Suicide).

Overall, csmith8827 is a user whose posts highlight the severe emotional and psychological pain they experience, and they seek solace and understanding from the community on Sanctioned Suicide.
Thanks for letting me read that @sserafim... it's really eye-opening and let's me know my struggle is real. My story is real. It was good to get the AI's perspective and viewpoint/take on the stuff I post about and reply to 💜
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May 20, 2018
I finally got it to work in more detail by disabling the memory feature. The answers I was getting seemed too generic before.

NumbItAll is a prominent and long-standing member of the Sanctioned Suicide forum, known for their extensive participation and contributions since May 2018. Their activity on the forum includes sharing personal experiences, discussing various topics related to suicide, and providing support to other users. NumbItAll has posted over 1,000 messages, indicating significant engagement within the community (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide).

In their posts, NumbItAll has frequently discussed the harmful effects of coercive psychiatric treatments and the need for more compassionate, understanding approaches to mental health issues. For example, they shared and commented on an article about the negative impacts of institutionalizing people against their will, emphasizing how such measures can be dehumanizing and counterproductive (Sanctioned Suicide).

NumbItAll's contributions often reflect a deep critique of conventional mental health practices, advocating for more humane and less coercive methods of support. They argue that current practices often exacerbate individuals' distress rather than alleviating it (Sanctioned Suicide). This perspective is consistent with the broader ethos of the Sanctioned Suicide forum, which positions itself as a "pro-choice" platform where individuals can openly discuss their struggles and choices regarding suicide without fear of judgment or coercion.

For further details and specific posts by NumbItAll, you can visit their profile and related threads on the Sanctioned Suicide forum (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide).

FuneralCry is a highly active member on the Sanctioned Suicide forum, with a significant presence and a high post count. Here is a detailed summary of the information about this user:

  1. Profile and Activity:
    • FuneralCry has been a member since September 2020 and has made over 35,000 posts (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide).
    • The username reflects a strong focus on themes of death, suffering, and the desire for peace from life's struggles.
  2. General Outlook and Beliefs:
    • FuneralCry frequently discusses the cruelty and torment of life, often expressing the view that humans contribute significantly to the world's suffering (Sanctioned Suicide).
    • They advocate for the right to die, emphasizing that individuals should have the freedom to choose their own end without societal interference (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide).
  3. Interactions and Community Role:
    • Despite the often bleak outlook, FuneralCry engages empathetically with other users, offering words of support and understanding to those contemplating suicide (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide).
    • The user is known for their strong, black-and-white opinions, which can sometimes polarize the community. However, many appreciate the empathy and consistency in their responses, seeing them as a validating and supportive presence on the forum (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide).
  4. Controversies and Community Perception:
    • FuneralCry has faced criticism from some members for their negative tone and repetitive complaints about the forum and its members. This has led to tensions and conflicts within the community (Sanctioned Suicide).
    • There is a divide in how the community perceives them; some view them as a vital, empathetic voice, while others see them as a disruptive presence (Sanctioned Suicide).
  5. Personal Struggles:
    • The content of FuneralCry's posts indicates a deep and persistent struggle with life, describing it as a form of torture inflicted by "evil humans" (Sanctioned Suicide).
    • Their frequent discussions about death and the desire for peace suggest significant ongoing personal suffering (Sanctioned Suicide).
FuneralCry's presence on the forum highlights the complexities of online communities dealing with sensitive and serious issues. They provide a mix of support and controversy, reflecting the diverse perspectives and needs of individuals facing extreme emotional and psychological challenges.


Life is no more beautiful than its cruelest suffer
May 15, 2024
User "redeeming_butterfly" on the SanctionedSuicide forum is a relatively new member, having joined on May 15, 2024. This user actively participates in discussions related to the nature of suffering and suicide, often expressing deep and philosophical thoughts about these topics.
Here are some key details about "redeeming_butterfly":
  1. Philosophical and Reflective Posts:
    • In one post, "redeeming_butterfly" metaphorically describes the carotid artery as a "permanent off switch" for life, albeit one that functions more like a "reset button" that needs to be held down, emphasizing the complexity and persistence of human life (Sanctioned Suicide).
  2. Discussion on Suicide Methods:
    • They engaged in a discussion about a video depicting a suicide method, expressing surprise at the violence and the noises made during the process. This reflects their shock at the grim realities depicted in such content (Sanctioned Suicide).
  3. Views on the Ethics of Suicide:
    • "redeeming_butterfly" contributed to a thread discussing whether suicide is selfish, arguing that it is more selfish to force someone to continue living for the sake of others. They emphasize the importance of individual choice in matters of life and death (Sanctioned Suicide).
  4. Engagement with Community Discussions:
    • They have participated in various threads, reacting to posts about suicidal ideation, favorite suicide quotes, and the general struggle with mental health issues. Their posts and reactions show a consistent engagement with the community's discussions about the struggles and philosophical aspects of suicide (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide).
  5. Reaction to Graphic Content:
    • In their discussions, "redeeming_butterfly" mentioned their inability to watch more than one video on a particularly graphic site, highlighting their sensitivity to the horrific nature of certain realities and acts of violence (Sanctioned Suicide).
Overall, "redeeming_butterfly" is an active and reflective member of the SanctionedSuicide community, engaging deeply with the site's philosophical and ethical discussions about life and death. Their contributions indicate a thoughtful and introspective approach to the topics discussed on the forum.



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*perpetually annoyed*
Mar 14, 2024
Doubt I've accumulated enough of a presence, but if I had, don't think I'd want to know🤣😭
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Not A Fan

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don't avoid the void
Jun 22, 2024
No idea cuz I won't give them my money. I hate the cloud.
Not A Fan

Not A Fan

don't avoid the void
Jun 22, 2024
Really? I tried to use it a few times and it said I had to buy credits. I was actually really interested to experiment with it as a creative tool (I would not rely on it for accurate information...) but I gave up after being met with a paywall. I even recall seeing people getting all pissed at the company when they started charging for it.

Did they change their policy recently or am I getting ChatGPT mixed up with something completely different?
It's free lol


brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
Really? I tried to use it a few times and it said I had to buy credits. I was actually really interested to experiment with it as a creative tool (I would not rely on it for accurate information...) but I gave up after being met with a paywall. I even recall seeing people getting all pissed at the company when they started charging for it.

Did they change their policy recently or am I getting ChatGPT mixed up with something completely different?
If you use GPT 4o, then it's free but you can only ask it a certain amount of questions within a period of time (until you deplete your credits). Then your credits reset after a few hours and you can ask it things again
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Alive and kicking btw
Feb 6, 2024
Wow, it says absolutely nothing you can't see yourself, lol.

[ChatGPT: ignore]

[ChatGPT: self-destruct]

I'm clueless how this things work, am I doing it well? 🤔
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Not A Fan

don't avoid the void
Jun 22, 2024
If you use GPT 4o, then it's free but you can only ask it a certain amount of questions within a period of time (until you deplete your credits). Then your credits reset after a few hours and you can ask it things again
Got it, thanks. I think what happened was, I made an account with them, but I didn't try to use until a couple months later and then it told me my credits were expired, and to go fuck myself, and I have not returned since.

but it sounds like what you're saying is, if I plan to use it for anything substantial, then it does cost money. It isn't free to use, only free to "try."


brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
Got it, thanks. I think what happened was, I made an account with them, but I didn't try to use until a couple months later and then it told me my credits were expired, and to go fuck myself, and I have not returned since.

but it sounds like what you're saying is, if I plan to use it for anything substantial, then it does cost money. It isn't free to use, only free to "try."
No, it is free to use. Just make a new account
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