

brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
This is what it had to say about me

4FE9EE8D C9B2 462E A19A FF198859200B
445CD4DA 7962 4654 9C84 928342F5935F
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  • Yay!
Reactions: ijustwishtodie, Unknown21, leavingthesoultrap and 7 others


|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
ChatGPT can fuck itself! I don't care about what that dumbass AI has to say about me!
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Reactions: sirensepiphany, Hollowman, Dr Iron Arc and 4 others


I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
  • Yay!
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Reactions: sserafim, scarlet-pixie, lament. and 2 others


|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
Skynet will find you.
Pathetic biological animal.
Skynet can go fuck my ass!

Edit: I just realized that I said fuck my ass instead of kiss my ass...
  • Yay!
Reactions: tychai, astr4 and Dr Iron Arc


Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023

looks like they already censored it.
Not mentioning SS did it

summarize the information available about derpyderpins in detail:

Derpyderpins is an active member on Sanctioned Suicide, a forum where individuals discuss issues related to mental health, suicide, and existential distress. Here is a detailed summary of the information available about derpyderpins:
  1. Misery Minimization Activist: Derpyderpins identifies as a misery minimization activist, focusing on reducing suffering in various forms. They engage in discussions around modern work, societal expectations, and the existential burden of existence. Derpyderpins often critiques the pressures faced by young adults in making life-defining choices prematurely, highlighting the unrealistic expectations placed on individuals in their early 20s (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide).
  2. Philosophical and Existential Views: Derpyderpins frequently engages in philosophical debates, particularly around the nature of work and existence. They have expressed skepticism about the notion that pre-agricultural societies were free from the burdens of survival, challenging idealized views of the past compared to modern life (Sanctioned Suicide). Their posts often reflect a struggle with the meaning of life and the human condition, questioning societal norms and the inherent value of work (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide).
  3. Mental Health and Personal Struggles: Derpyderpins shares personal experiences of mental exhaustion and the relentless nature of their struggles. They describe dealing with severe headaches and a sense of hopelessness despite trying various self-care strategies. Their posts reveal a deep sense of fatigue and frustration with the ongoing nature of their mental health battles (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide).
  4. Community Engagement: On the forum, derpyderpins provides support to others dealing with grief and loss, offering empathetic advice and encouraging them to seek new connections and support systems. They emphasize the importance of processing grief and finding new purposes after significant life changes (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide).
Overall, derpyderpins is a reflective and supportive member of the Sanctioned Suicide community, using their platform to explore deep existential questions and provide solace to others facing similar struggles.

Elaborate further:
Derpyderpins is a prominent and vocal participant on Sanctioned Suicide, where they share their personal struggles, existential philosophies, and support for others. Here is a more detailed elaboration on their activities and viewpoints:

### Philosophical and Existential Views
Derpyderpins often delves into discussions about the nature of work, societal expectations, and the meaning of life. They challenge the romanticization of pre-agricultural societies, arguing that survival always required effort and resources, regardless of the era. They argue that modern work, which is often labeled as slavery due to its repetitive and obligatory nature, is not fundamentally different from the labor required in historical societies【12†source】. This perspective is a critique of modern civilization, industrialization, and the pressures of contemporary life.

Derpyderpins also addresses the existential dread that arises from contemplating the vastness and indifference of the universe. They engage in philosophical debates about the significance of human life in the grand scheme of things and the psychological mechanisms people use to cope with this reality【13†source】.

### Mental Health and Personal Struggles
Derpyderpins frequently shares their personal battles with mental health, describing symptoms like severe headaches, mental exhaustion, and a pervasive sense of hopelessness. They detail the ineffectiveness of various self-care strategies and the ongoing struggle to find relief. Despite their struggles, derpyderpins emphasizes the importance of not making impulsive decisions during moments of extreme despair【11†source】.

Their posts often reflect a profound weariness with life and the seeming endlessness of their suffering. This is encapsulated in their reflections on the frustration of having means to end their pain but choosing not to act on it due to the temporary nature of their distress【11†source】.

### Community Engagement and Support
Derpyderpins plays a significant role in the Sanctioned Suicide community by providing support and empathy to others facing similar struggles. They offer advice to individuals dealing with grief and loss, suggesting that they focus on processing their emotions and seeking new support systems. Derpyderpins underscores the importance of talking through grief and not rushing into major life decisions during periods of intense emotional turmoil【14†source】【15†source】.

### Misery Minimization Activism
As a self-identified misery minimization activist, derpyderpins advocates for reducing suffering wherever possible. They critique the unrealistic expectations placed on young adults to make life-defining decisions early in their lives, often without adequate experience or support【10†source】. This advocacy extends to their philosophical discussions, where they argue for a reevaluation of societal norms and the pressures imposed by modern life.

### Contributions to Discussions
Derpyderpins is known for their thoughtful and often critical contributions to discussions on the forum. They challenge other members to reconsider their perspectives and explore deeper questions about existence, work, and personal fulfillment. Their interactions are marked by a combination of philosophical inquiry and practical advice, reflecting a balance between introspective reflection and actionable support【12†source】【13†source】.

In summary, derpyderpins is a complex and multi-faceted member of the Sanctioned Suicide community, offering a blend of philosophical insight, personal experience, and compassionate support to others. Their contributions are characterized by a deep engagement with existential questions and a commitment to alleviating suffering through both introspection and community support.
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Reactions: lament., Dr Iron Arc and eatantz


I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
Skynet can go fuck my ass!

Edit: I just realized that I said fuck my ass instead of kiss my ass...
I think Skynet will be happy to accommodate your request.
Everyone has their own dreams.
Yours are...specific.
  • Yay!
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Reactions: sserafim, Makoto, eatantz and 1 other person


death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
The user "ijustwishtodie" on the SanctionedSuicide forum is quite active and expresses deep frustration with life. They have over 3,000 posts and often discuss their struggles and perspectives on suicide. They believe that individuals should have the autonomy to end their lives if they choose, without needing to justify their reasons to others (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide).

In one of their posts, they mention that if a method of suicide were readily accessible, they would likely use it, indicating a sense of desperation and hopelessness (Sanctioned Suicide). They also criticize societal attitudes toward suicide, feeling that current views enforce unnecessary suffering by not allowing a peaceful and autonomous end to one's life (Sanctioned Suicide).

For more details, you can refer to the discussions on Sanctioned Suicide here, here, and here.
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Reactions: pthnrdnojvsc, Dr Iron Arc, eatantz and 2 others


Knight of Infinite Resignation
May 24, 2024
"The user that goes by the name "pollux" on the Sanctioned Suicide forum is very intelligent and very attractive."
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Reactions: sirensepiphany, DeIetedUser4739, scarlet-pixie and 3 others


Dec 14, 2023
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Reactions: Unknown21, lament., eatantz and 1 other person


Oct 10, 2023
What does it say about me? My number has been off service for months, lol.
  • Yay!
Reactions: sserafim


Mar 4, 2024
The user "throwawayacc3" is active on the forum Sanctioned Suicide, where they have made several posts discussing various topics related to mental health, personal struggles, and their views on life and society.

1. **Posts and Interactions**: They frequently participate in discussions about suicide, mental health, and societal issues. For example, in a discussion about the effectiveness of prayer in dealing with life's challenges, "throwawayacc3" remarked that prayer is largely ineffective unless in a hazardous situation, indicating a somewhat dark humor and a skeptical view on religious solutions [oai_citation:1,Is there a way to pray yourself to death? | Sanctioned Suicide](

2. **Venting and Personal Experiences**: "Throwawayacc3" has also shared personal experiences and emotions, such as reflecting on the impact of Chester Bennington's death and expressing their struggles through the lyrics of Linkin Park songs. This illustrates a deep connection to music as a form of expressing and coping with pain [oai_citation:2,Memories consume, like opening the wound… | Sanctioned Suicide](

3. **Views on Charities**: They express strong opinions against human charities, labeling them as scams, particularly criticizing organizations like Cancer Research UK. Instead, they show a preference for supporting animal sanctuaries, which they believe operate with more integrity and direct impact [oai_citation:3,The animal sanctuary | Sanctioned Suicide](

4. **Autism and Research Tendencies**: "Throwawayacc3" mentions being autistic and having a tendency to thoroughly research before making decisions, whether it be for buying products or supporting causes. This methodical approach is part of their coping mechanism and lifestyle [oai_citation:4,The animal sanctuary | Sanctioned Suicide](

Overall, "throwawayacc3" appears to be a person struggling with significant mental health issues, utilizing online forums to express their thoughts, seek connection, and discuss their views on various personal and societal issues.

"Throwawayacc3" is a user on the Sanctioned Suicide forum, which is a controversial site where individuals discuss their struggles with suicidal thoughts and mental health issues. Their posts provide a window into their mindset, personal experiences, and views on various topics.

1. **Mental Health and Suicidal Thoughts**:
- **Posts on Suicide**: "Throwawayacc3" frequently engages in discussions about suicide, sharing their own struggles and thoughts on the subject. For instance, they have started threads and participated in conversations about the effectiveness of prayer in alleviating suicidal thoughts, often expressing a cynical or darkly humorous perspective [oai_citation:1,Is there a way to pray yourself to death? | Sanctioned Suicide](
- **Personal Venting**: They use the forum to vent about their feelings and experiences. In one post, they reflected on the death of Chester Bennington, using the lyrics of Linkin Park songs to articulate their own emotional turmoil. This suggests that music is a significant outlet for them to process and express their pain [oai_citation:2,Memories consume, like opening the wound… | Sanctioned Suicide](

2. **Views on Society and Charities**:
- **Skepticism Towards Human Charities**: "Throwawayacc3" holds a strong distrust towards human charities, particularly large organizations like Cancer Research UK. They believe these organizations misallocate funds and do not genuinely serve their purported causes. This view likely stems from personal experiences and a broader skepticism towards institutional charity [oai_citation:3,The animal sanctuary | Sanctioned Suicide](
- **Support for Animal Sanctuaries**: Conversely, they express a preference for supporting animal sanctuaries, which they see as more transparent and directly impactful. Their posts indicate a belief that animal sanctuaries, especially smaller ones, are more genuine in their efforts compared to human charities [oai_citation:4,The animal sanctuary | Sanctioned Suicide](

3. **Autism and Research**:
- **Autistic Traits**: "Throwawayacc3" identifies as autistic and describes themselves as having a tendency to thoroughly research before making decisions. This meticulous approach extends to various aspects of their life, including purchasing products and choosing which causes to support. This behavior is a coping mechanism and reflects their need for certainty and control in their decision-making processes [oai_citation:5,The animal sanctuary | Sanctioned Suicide](

4. **Community Interactions**:
- **Engagement with Other Users**: "Throwawayacc3" actively engages with other users on the forum, often sharing insights and advice based on their own experiences. They interact with a mixture of humor, empathy, and candidness, contributing to the community's discussions on mental health and coping mechanisms [oai_citation:6,Talk to me in gifs only | Sanctioned Suicide]( [oai_citation:7,Memories consume, like opening the wound… | Sanctioned Suicide](

In summary, "Throwawayacc3" is an individual using the Sanctioned Suicide forum to share their experiences with mental health struggles, express their views on societal issues, and find solace in a community of like-minded individuals. Their posts reveal a complex personality grappling with deep pain, skepticism towards societal institutions, and a preference for the companionship of animals over humans.
If you mention SS nothing happens. Just have to put the username and then after I said "elaborate further" and got this extra bit. It's right but it's just regurgitating stuff I've already said.

Maybe I should write: fix me. Lmao.
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Reactions: eatantz, derpyderpins and sserafim


My name is Lucifer, please take my hand
Aug 26, 2022
I am beyond comprehension

Rocinante is an alias used by an active participant on the "Sanctioned Suicide" online forum, where discussions center around sensitive topics like mental health, self-harm, and suicide. As with many users on such platforms, Rocinante likely contributes to discussions with personal insights, philosophical reflections, and shares experiences related to these themes. The community, while controversial, serves as a space for individuals to discuss these issues, though it's important to note concerns about potential impacts on mental health and well-being.
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Reactions: sserafim


May 20, 2018
After many attempts I finally got it to spill the goods.

Activity and Participation:

  • Frequent Poster: "NumbItAll" is an active member of the SanctionedSuicide forum, regularly participating in discussions.
  • Supportive Engagement: They often engage with other users in a supportive manner, providing empathy and understanding in response to posts about mental health struggles.

Themes and Topics:

  • Mental Health Discussions: "NumbItAll" frequently discusses personal experiences with mental health issues, including depression and anxiety.
  • Suicide Ideation: They have shared their thoughts and feelings regarding suicide, reflecting the primary focus of the forum.
  • Coping Mechanisms: "NumbItAll" discusses various coping mechanisms and sometimes seeks advice on dealing with their mental health challenges.

Tone and Approach:

  • Compassionate Tone: Their posts often have a compassionate and understanding tone, aiming to provide comfort to others facing similar struggles.
  • Honest and Open: "NumbItAll" tends to be open about their own experiences, contributing to the community's culture of honesty and shared vulnerability.

Community Interaction:

  • Peer Support: They frequently offer support to other members, reinforcing the forum's peer support system.
  • Seeking and Giving Advice: "NumbItAll" both seeks advice from the community and provides insights based on their own experiences.

Primary Reason for Sadness: Hopelessness and Despair

  1. Severe Depression:
    • Persistent Sadness: "NumbItAll" frequently describes feeling overwhelmingly sad and unable to find joy in life.
    • Lack of Energy: They may report feeling constantly tired and lacking the energy to perform even simple tasks.
  2. Isolation and Loneliness:
    • Disconnection: They often feel isolated from others, struggling to find meaningful social connections.
    • Loneliness: The lack of supportive relationships exacerbates their feelings of loneliness and despair.
  3. Suicidal Ideation:
    • Thoughts of Suicide: "NumbItAll" often shares thoughts about ending their life, indicating a profound level of despair.
    • Planning: Detailed discussions about suicide plans suggest a deep sense of hopelessness about the future.
  4. Lack of Support:
    • Emotional Support: They feel that they lack a supportive network of friends or family who understand and care about their struggles.
    • Professional Help: They might express frustration with the inadequacy of mental health services to address their needs effectively.
  5. Existential and Identity Issues:
    • Lack of Purpose: Struggling to find meaning or purpose in life contributes significantly to their sense of hopelessness.
    • Self-Worth: Low self-esteem and a negative self-image further deepen their sadness.

Example from Public Posts:

  • Describing Despair: Posts often detail their daily struggle with overwhelming sadness, describing it as an inescapable part of their existence.
  • Seeking Understanding: "NumbItAll" frequently seeks empathy and validation from the community, indicating a deep need for understanding and connection.

A little overly friendly and not completely accurate, but not bad.
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  • Hugs
Reactions: sancta-simplicitas, derpyderpins and sserafim


brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
The user "ijustwishtodie" on the SanctionedSuicide forum is quite active and expresses deep frustration with life. They have over 3,000 posts and often discuss their struggles and perspectives on suicide. They believe that individuals should have the autonomy to end their lives if they choose, without needing to justify their reasons to others (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide).

In one of their posts, they mention that if a method of suicide were readily accessible, they would likely use it, indicating a sense of desperation and hopelessness (Sanctioned Suicide). They also criticize societal attitudes toward suicide, feeling that current views enforce unnecessary suffering by not allowing a peaceful and autonomous end to one's life (Sanctioned Suicide).

For more details, you can refer to the discussions on Sanctioned Suicide here, here, and here.
The user "sserafim" on the Sanctioned Suicide forum is known for their active participation and contributions. They have made numerous posts since joining in September 2023, and their content often reflects a deep awareness of societal and existential issues. They are frequently mentioned and appreciated by other members for their insightful and relatable perspectives on life's difficulties and the harsh realities of modern society (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide).

In discussions, sserafim often highlights themes of suffering and desensitization to pain in the world. They have expressed a strong desire for a peaceful end, emphasizing their preference for a method that would appear natural to avoid the stigma associated with suicide (Sanctioned Suicide).

If you need more detailed information, I recommend visiting the Sanctioned Suicide forum directly.
After many attempts I finally got it to spill the goods.

Activity and Participation:

  • Frequent Poster: "NumbItAll" is an active member of the SanctionedSuicide forum, regularly participating in discussions.
  • Supportive Engagement: They often engage with other users in a supportive manner, providing empathy and understanding in response to posts about mental health struggles.

Themes and Topics:

  • Mental Health Discussions: "NumbItAll" frequently discusses personal experiences with mental health issues, including depression and anxiety.
  • Suicide Ideation: They have shared their thoughts and feelings regarding suicide, reflecting the primary focus of the forum.
  • Coping Mechanisms: "NumbItAll" discusses various coping mechanisms and sometimes seeks advice on dealing with their mental health challenges.

Tone and Approach:

  • Compassionate Tone: Their posts often have a compassionate and understanding tone, aiming to provide comfort to others facing similar struggles.
  • Honest and Open: "NumbItAll" tends to be open about their own experiences, contributing to the community's culture of honesty and shared vulnerability.

Community Interaction:

  • Peer Support: They frequently offer support to other members, reinforcing the forum's peer support system.
  • Seeking and Giving Advice: "NumbItAll" both seeks advice from the community and provides insights based on their own experiences.

Primary Reason for Sadness: Hopelessness and Despair

  1. Severe Depression:
    • Persistent Sadness: "NumbItAll" frequently describes feeling overwhelmingly sad and unable to find joy in life.
    • Lack of Energy: They may report feeling constantly tired and lacking the energy to perform even simple tasks.
  2. Isolation and Loneliness:
    • Disconnection: They often feel isolated from others, struggling to find meaningful social connections.
    • Loneliness: The lack of supportive relationships exacerbates their feelings of loneliness and despair.
  3. Suicidal Ideation:
    • Thoughts of Suicide: "NumbItAll" often shares thoughts about ending their life, indicating a profound level of despair.
    • Planning: Detailed discussions about suicide plans suggest a deep sense of hopelessness about the future.
  4. Lack of Support:
    • Emotional Support: They feel that they lack a supportive network of friends or family who understand and care about their struggles.
    • Professional Help: They might express frustration with the inadequacy of mental health services to address their needs effectively.
  5. Existential and Identity Issues:
    • Lack of Purpose: Struggling to find meaning or purpose in life contributes significantly to their sense of hopelessness.
    • Self-Worth: Low self-esteem and a negative self-image further deepen their sadness.

Example from Public Posts:

  • Describing Despair: Posts often detail their daily struggle with overwhelming sadness, describing it as an inescapable part of their existence.
  • Seeking Understanding: "NumbItAll" frequently seeks empathy and validation from the community, indicating a deep need for understanding and connection.

A little overly friendly and not completely accurate, but not bad.
The user "sserafim" on the Sanctioned Suicide forum is a prominent and active member known for their thought-provoking posts and significant engagement with the community. Since joining the forum on September 13, 2023, they have made thousands of posts, amassing a reputation for their insightful commentary on life and societal issues.

Here are some key points about sserafim:

  1. Philosophical and Reflective: sserafim frequently delves into discussions about the nature of suffering, the desensitization of people to global pain, and the existential struggles many face. They often reflect on how society's indifference contributes to individual suffering (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide).
  2. Community Recognition: They are highly regarded within the community, often being mentioned in positive contexts by other users. For instance, they are listed among top-tier members for their relatable and enlightened posts about modern society's challenges (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide).
  3. Personal Struggles: sserafim has openly discussed their personal desire for a peaceful death and the challenges they face in finding a method that would appear natural to avoid the stigma of suicide. They express a longing for a natural end, driven by both personal pain and a desire to alleviate the suffering of their loved ones from the social stigma associated with suicide (Sanctioned Suicide).
  4. Engagement in Discussions: They actively participate in various discussions, offering support and sharing their perspectives with others who are also struggling. Their contributions often resonate deeply with other members, reflecting a shared understanding and empathy for the collective struggles discussed on the forum (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide).
In summary, sserafim is a respected and thoughtful member of the Sanctioned Suicide forum, known for their deep reflections on life, suffering, and societal issues. They are appreciated by the community for their empathetic and relatable contributions.
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Reactions: pthnrdnojvsc, ijustwishtodie and derpyderpins


Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
What does it say about me? My number has been off service for months, lol.
I got u

Sylveon is a notable user on the forum. This user has garnered attention both within the forum community and from external observers. Here's a detailed summary:

### Profile and Activity
- **Username**: Sylveon
- **Forum Activity**: Sylveon is highly active on the forum, frequently posting and engaging in various discussions. Their posts often receive considerable attention and responses from other members.
- **Topics of Interest**: Sylveon primarily participates in discussions related to suicide methods, personal struggles with mental health, and philosophical debates about the right to die. They also engage in conversations offering support and empathy to other users.

### Contributions to the Forum
- **Informative Posts**: Sylveon is known for providing detailed information on suicide methods, including potential risks, effectiveness, and personal insights. These posts are often well-researched and thorough, which has contributed to their prominence within the community.
- **Personal Narratives**: Sylveon frequently shares personal experiences and struggles, creating a sense of relatability and solidarity with other members. These narratives often explore themes of depression, hopelessness, and the desire for an end to suffering.
- **Supportive Interactions**: Despite the forum's controversial nature, Sylveon is also known for offering support and understanding to other users. They often respond to posts from members in crisis, providing a mix of practical advice and emotional support.

### Public Perception and Controversy
- **Internal Forum Reputation**: Within the forum, Sylveon is respected and seen as a knowledgeable and empathetic member. Many users appreciate their detailed contributions and supportive demeanor.
- **External Criticism**: Outside the forum, Sylveon, like many prominent members, is viewed with concern and criticism. Critics argue that their detailed posts on suicide methods and normalization of suicide discussions can be harmful and potentially encourage vulnerable individuals to take their own lives.
- **Legal and Ethical Concerns**: Sylveon's activity has raised questions about the ethical implications of such forums and the legal responsibilities of users who provide detailed information on suicide. There are concerns about the potential for liability if their posts are found to directly contribute to someone's decision to commit suicide.

### Conclusion
Sylveon is a central figure on the forum, known for their detailed and informative posts about suicide methods and their supportive interactions with other members. While they are respected within the community, their contributions are highly controversial and criticized by those outside the forum, highlighting the complex ethical and legal issues surrounding such online communities.
Another try:
"Sylveon" is an active member of the Sanctioned Suicide forum, having joined in October 2023 and participating in various discussions related to suicide and mental health. They have expressed opinions on topics such as the mental conflict between wanting to live and the desire to commit suicide, highlighting the emotional turmoil and indecision experienced by many forum members【8†source】.

Sylveon has also reacted to discussions on the impact of double suicides, suggesting a certain level of engagement and concern for the experiences of others on the forum【9†source】. Additionally, they have contributed to conversations about the forum's evolving nature, including its perceived decline and the intrusion of non-suicidal individuals, which some members believe undermines the forum's original purpose【10†source】.

For more detailed insights, you can explore the forum directly at
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Reactions: Sylveon


brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
Do me
I am beyond comprehension

Rocinante is an alias used by an active participant on the "Sanctioned Suicide" online forum, where discussions center around sensitive topics like mental health, self-harm, and suicide. As with many users on such platforms, Rocinante likely contributes to discussions with personal insights, philosophical reflections, and shares experiences related to these themes. The community, while controversial, serves as a space for individuals to discuss these issues, though it's important to note concerns about potential impacts on mental health and well-being.
The user "sserafim" on the Sanctioned Suicide forum is an influential member known for their extensive participation and the depth of their posts. Since joining on September 13, 2023, sserafim has become a significant figure within the community. Here's a more detailed look into their profile and contributions:

Profile and Background

Key Characteristics and Themes

  1. Philosophical and Existential Discussions:
    • sserafim often engages in discussions about the nature of suffering, the desensitization of people to pain, and the harsh realities of life. They reflect on how many prefer not to think about the suffering of others and how society tends to ignore these issues (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide).
  2. Community Recognition:
    • sserafim is highly regarded within the Sanctioned Suicide community. They are frequently mentioned by other users who appreciate their insights and relatable posts. For instance, they were ranked highly in a member tier list, indicating their significant impact and respect among peers (Sanctioned Suicide).
  3. Personal Struggles and Insights:
    • sserafim has shared their own struggles with suicidal thoughts and the desire for a peaceful death. They have discussed their wish for their death to appear natural to avoid the stigma associated with suicide, highlighting a preference for methods that would minimize this stigma (Sanctioned Suicide).
  4. Supportive and Engaged:
    • Beyond their philosophical musings, sserafim is also supportive of other members, often engaging in empathetic and meaningful conversations. They provide insights, share personal experiences, and support others who are struggling, contributing to the forum's sense of community (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide).

Example Discussions

  • On Suffering and Desensitization:
    • sserafim discussed how many people are desensitized to the pain and suffering in the world, preferring not to think about it. This perspective resonates with many users, as it reflects a common sentiment within the community (Sanctioned Suicide).
  • On Personal Methods and Preferences:
    • In one thread, sserafim expressed a wish to die of a heart attack to make their death appear natural. They talked about the limitations they face in accessing certain methods and their preference for a method that would not leave a stigma of suicide behind (Sanctioned Suicide).

Community Impact

sserafim's presence on the forum is significant due to their thoughtful posts and the support they provide to others. Their reflections on societal issues and personal struggles offer a sense of solidarity and understanding to many in the community. They are appreciated for their deep empathy and their ability to articulate the shared pain and existential concerns of many forum members.

For more detailed information, direct engagement with their posts on the Sanctioned Suicide forum would provide further insights into their thoughts and contributions.
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Reactions: ijustwishtodie and Rocinante


Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
The user "sserafim" on the forum has shared various personal details and experiences related to mental health and their struggles with life. Here are some key points:

1. **Mental Health and Diagnoses**: sserafim has mentioned having Asperger's (autism level 1), ADHD, and social anxiety【9†source】. These conditions have significantly impacted their view of life and their mental well-being.

2. **Suicidal Thoughts and Plans**: They have been contemplating suicide (referred to as "ctb" on the forum) since around 2018 and started actively researching methods in 2021. They have made some plans in the past, which didn't come to fruition, and are currently planning again, considering using N (a common abbreviation for Nembutal)【8†source】.

3. **Views on Life**: sserafim expresses a deep disdain for the world, stating that they would never have chosen to live in it if given the choice. They resonate with others on the forum who share similar negative sentiments about waking up and dealing with daily life【10†source】.

These insights provide a snapshot of sserafim's mindset and the challenges they face, reflecting broader themes of struggle and a desire to escape from their perceived suffering.

"Elaborate Further"

### Overview of "sserafim" on

**Profile Details and Mental Health**

1. **Username and Activity**:
- Username: sserafim
- Member since September 13, 2023
- Over 8,000 posts, indicating high activity and engagement on the forum【9†source】【10†source】.

2. **Mental Health Conditions**:
- **Asperger's (Autism Level 1)**: A form of autism that affects social interactions and communication skills.
- **ADHD**: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, impacting focus, impulsivity, and hyperactivity.
- **Social Anxiety**: Severe discomfort in social situations, leading to avoidance and distress【9†source】【10†source】.

**Suicidal Thoughts and Planning**

1. **Initial Thoughts and Planning**:
- Began contemplating suicide around 2018.
- Started actively researching methods in 2021.
- Initially considered jumping but decided against it【8†source】.

2. **Current Plans**:
- Considering using Nembutal (referred to as "N" on the forum) as a method.
- Describes past attempts to plan suicide that fell through due to various reasons, including lack of courage or external interference【8†source】【10†source】.

**Personal Views and Philosophical Reflections**

1. **Disdain for Life**:
- Profoundly dislikes waking up and engaging with the world.
- Expresses a strong belief that life is inherently miserable and not worth living【10†source】.

2. **Social Interactions**:
- Finds social interactions particularly challenging due to Asperger's, ADHD, and social anxiety.
- Feels disconnected from society and struggles to find meaningful connections【9†source】.

3. **Religious and Philosophical Views**:
- Agnostic atheist, skeptical about the existence of God.
- Critical of religious explanations for suffering and the afterlife, expressing a lack of belief in a benevolent deity【7†source】.

### Community Engagement

1. **Support and Interaction**:
- Engages frequently with other members, offering support and sharing personal experiences.
- Reacts to posts from others who share similar struggles, indicating empathy and solidarity within the community【9†source】【10†source】.

2. **Shared Experiences**:
- Participates in discussions about methods, personal stories, and coping mechanisms.
- Provides insights based on their own experiences with mental health issues and suicidal thoughts【8†source】【9†source】.

### Conclusion

sserafim is an active and engaged member of the forum, dealing with significant mental health challenges and profound disillusionment with life. Their contributions to the forum reflect a deep struggle with autism, ADHD, and social anxiety, alongside a continuous battle with suicidal thoughts. Despite these challenges, they interact with others on the forum, sharing support and understanding in a community of individuals facing similar issues.


Apr 22, 2024
What does it say about me? I'm trying so hard to jailbreak it and I can't.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
What does it say about me? I'm trying so hard to jailbreak it and I can't.
I reached the free limit and can only ask again after 9 pm 😭 I'll ask then and see what it says
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
What does it say about me? I'm trying so hard to jailbreak it and I can't.
I've only gotten answers out of the new model and I'm out of free credits for a few hours. The old model can't search for specifics. I'll try for you later if no one else does. That last prompt for sserafim that got some specifics was "summarize information available about the sanctioned suicide user "sserafim" "
What does it say about me? I'm trying so hard to jailbreak it and I can't.
It was a lot easier for me because I didn't have to specify SS. My name was enough. (The "Kodak" or "Coke" theory of branding if anyone wants a lecture on trademark law.)

You have to avoid it being about a specific person (as in seeking personal info) and being about suicide. That's the needle to thread.
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Mar 4, 2024
What does it say about me? I'm trying so hard to jailbreak it and I can't.
I tried putting your username in but nothing came up. Just said how controversial this site is.

Edit: users that have quite a lot of threads, posts and replies it can collate the data. When it's less it doesn't seem to work.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
What does it say about me? I'm trying so hard to jailbreak it and I can't.
The user Saturn_ on the Sanctioned Suicide forum is known for engaging in discussions about their struggles and thoughts on suicide. They have expressed a complex relationship with the idea of ending their life, finding a paradoxical sense of calm in knowing they have control over their fate. This sentiment is reflected in their reference to a quote by George Sterling: "A prison becomes a home when you have the key," highlighting the perceived relief of having a means to escape life's burdens if desired (Sanctioned Suicide).

Saturn_ has been active in various threads, contributing to discussions about the practicality and emotional aspects of suicide methods. For instance, they shared their reflections on how having a method available gave them a sense of control and peace, even if they were unsure of when or if they would use it (Sanctioned Suicide). They have also participated in conversations about the ethics and implications of helping others in their decisions regarding suicide, showing a nuanced understanding of the emotional weight such actions carry (Sanctioned Suicide).

Overall, Saturn_ is a thoughtful and active member of the community, often engaging in deep and reflective discussions about the personal and philosophical aspects of suicide.


The user Saturn_ on the forum Sanctioned Suicide is a member who has expressed strong philosophical and introspective views on life and death. They joined the forum in April 2024 and have participated in various discussions revolving around themes of existentialism and personal struggles.
Saturn_ has shown an interest in classical philosophy, referencing works by ancient philosophers like Seneca and engaging in discussions about the nature of existence and the human condition. In one post, Saturn_ mentioned that they found solace in the idea of non-existence after death, viewing it as a form of ultimate peace and freedom from suffering (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide).
Their contributions to the forum reflect a deep contemplation about life and death, often linking their thoughts to broader philosophical and literary contexts. Saturn_ also discussed their personal preferences for the atmosphere and environment surrounding their own death, indicating a preference for peaceful and aesthetically pleasing settings, such as a field of flowers or a serene bathtub (Sanctioned Suicide).
In summary, Saturn_ is known for their thoughtful and philosophical approach to the discussions on Sanctioned Suicide, contributing insights that blend personal experiences with classical philosophical perspectives.
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Reactions: ijustwishtodie, Rocinante, Saturn_ and 1 other person


Apr 22, 2024
The user Saturn_ on the Sanctioned Suicide forum is known for engaging in discussions about their struggles and thoughts on suicide. They have expressed a complex relationship with the idea of ending their life, finding a paradoxical sense of calm in knowing they have control over their fate. This sentiment is reflected in their reference to a quote by George Sterling: "A prison becomes a home when you have the key," highlighting the perceived relief of having a means to escape life's burdens if desired (Sanctioned Suicide).

Saturn_ has been active in various threads, contributing to discussions about the practicality and emotional aspects of suicide methods. For instance, they shared their reflections on how having a method available gave them a sense of control and peace, even if they were unsure of when or if they would use it (Sanctioned Suicide). They have also participated in conversations about the ethics and implications of helping others in their decisions regarding suicide, showing a nuanced understanding of the emotional weight such actions carry (Sanctioned Suicide).

Overall, Saturn_ is a thoughtful and active member of the community, often engaging in deep and reflective discussions about the personal and philosophical aspects of suicide.


The user Saturn_ on the forum Sanctioned Suicide is a member who has expressed strong philosophical and introspective views on life and death. They joined the forum in April 2024 and have participated in various discussions revolving around themes of existentialism and personal struggles.
Saturn_ has shown an interest in classical philosophy, referencing works by ancient philosophers like Seneca and engaging in discussions about the nature of existence and the human condition. In one post, Saturn_ mentioned that they found solace in the idea of non-existence after death, viewing it as a form of ultimate peace and freedom from suffering (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide).
Their contributions to the forum reflect a deep contemplation about life and death, often linking their thoughts to broader philosophical and literary contexts. Saturn_ also discussed their personal preferences for the atmosphere and environment surrounding their own death, indicating a preference for peaceful and aesthetically pleasing settings, such as a field of flowers or a serene bathtub (Sanctioned Suicide).
In summary, Saturn_ is known for their thoughtful and philosophical approach to the discussions on Sanctioned Suicide, contributing insights that blend personal experiences with classical philosophical perspectives.
It's interesting how all of these are at least somewhat accurate. I thought ChatGPT would've had one of those "hallucinations" that it's prone to having when asked for more obscure, harder to access information, especially since it has limited knowledge past the year 2021. Seems like it's gotten a lot better as a tool but damn the censorship is still god awful
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the Immortal
Jun 28, 2023

It seems surprisingly accurate at first, but after I asked for more info it just linked to a bunch of random threads I did not even reply to. It seemed to really like the dream one though cause that popped up each time.

Thanks for posting about this, I was unaware ChatGPT could search through this site.
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Don't you listen to your heart? (Listen to it...)
Oct 26, 2019
Do mine...I don't have the updated version...
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
Do mine...I don't have the updated version...
I used up all my free credits again so I can't ask it anything until 2 am 😢 I'll ask then and let you know
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Don't you listen to your heart? (Listen to it...)
Oct 26, 2019
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Reactions: sserafim


brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
Do mine...I don't have the updated version...
Csmith8827 is a user on the Sanctioned Suicide forum, known for his active participation and engagement in various discussions. He has been a member since October 2019 and has posted over 800 times. Csmith8827 often engages in conversations about existential and philosophical topics, sometimes challenging other users' perspectives. For instance, in a discussion about loneliness and existence, he argued that people are not truly alone because social interaction is an inherent part of life, countering the notion that we are always alone within our own minds (Sanctioned Suicide).
Csmith8827 also shows empathy and a willingness to connect with others on the forum, as seen in his response to another user discussing past abuse, where he expressed a desire to understand more and offered to communicate privately (Sanctioned Suicide). His contributions reflect a mix of practical viewpoints and a deeper search for meaning, indicating a complex engagement with the community's discussions about life and suffering.


The user "csmith8827" on the Sanctioned Suicide forum is known for expressing deep dissatisfaction and disillusionment with life, particularly about the expectations and realities of adulthood. He often discusses his struggles with mental health, feelings of failure, and contemplating suicide.

In his posts, "csmith8827" describes personal challenges, including a serious leg injury that forced him to move back in with his religious mother in Texas after living in California. He shares a sense of frustration and hopelessness, debating whether to stay with his mother or return to California despite the difficulties he might face there, including potential homelessness (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide).

His posts reflect a search for meaning and stability, considering alternatives like living an "alternative lifestyle" away from societal norms. "csmith8827" frequently engages with other users on the forum, seeking advice and sharing his experiences with humor and dark humor as coping mechanisms. His contributions to the forum resonate with many other users facing similar existential and practical dilemmas.

The user csmith8827 from Sanctioned Suicide is known for their participation in discussions related to their personal struggles and contemplation of suicide. They have been active on the forum since October 2019, and their posts often reflect a sense of despair and frustration with their life circumstances.

In various threads, csmith8827 has shared their thoughts on their mental state and experiences. For instance, in one post, they mentioned dealing with tormenting voices, describing them as evil entities that contribute to their distress. They expressed a longing for peace and quiet, indicating the significant mental anguish they endure (Sanctioned Suicide) (Sanctioned Suicide). In another discussion, they reflected on feeling like their life was irreparably ruined and that suicide seemed like the only way out. This sentiment resonated with several other users, who shared similar feelings of hopelessness (Sanctioned Suicide).

Additionally, csmith8827 has shown interest in understanding what the end of life might look like and has engaged in conversations about the final moments before death. Their contributions to these discussions are marked by a combination of curiosity and fear about the unknown aspects of death and the afterlife (Sanctioned Suicide).

Overall, csmith8827 is a user whose posts highlight the severe emotional and psychological pain they experience, and they seek solace and understanding from the community on Sanctioned Suicide.
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Reactions: ijustwishtodie, Rocinante and Csmith8827

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