

the crucified
Dec 28, 2018
- My siblings' children. Although I am an anti-natalist, I cherish the thought of them having kids (if they choose to) and me being the cool uncle.

- The Irishman (film by Martin Scorsese). His movies have gotten me through my most miserable days and I still re-watch his classics. The man is the god of film-making.

On the bright side, I'll be here for Game of Thrones final season cause I am taking my 4th semester so that my parents don't despise for sitting in my room all day, so I will probably be able to enjoy GOT. After that, I am done with this world.

I have chosen shotgun to the brainstem through the mouth.
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Memento Mori

Memento Mori

shambling garbage
Jan 24, 2019
my hedonism. xD
all the (positive or at least neutral) feelings of bein alive, bein conscious. Thinking about the past/future.
not seeing the finish of some mangas I really like.
and lots of stuff I can't feel right now, like seeing my grandchildren grow up further, havin some cool talks with individuals around the world, correcting mistakes I made, and other stuff...
And if u remove the last points, it would be just missing being was fun once. and still is somehow^^

I think some people survived that kind of shot, so better take preparations for that case. When I thought about shooting myself, that one was my most favourite idea next to a shot in the right temple or into my chin, right trough my whole head :D
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Jun 29, 2018
I really miss my health. Losing my physical health has made me lose everything. If I could get my health back I would continue on living. The psychiatric system destroyed me and I would rather die than go back into a ward. I am tired of running to specialists doing all these procedures and getting nowhere. I tried overdosing and nearly died while in a coma. I need something more certain like a bridge jump. I live in NYC so there's a few options. I like you am also thinking of family. My younger brother turns 30 in mid March and my mom's birthday is in the beginning of April. I have been suffering for almost three years since they messed me up in a hospital. There is a lawsuit filed but no amount of money will make this right. I'll make my family beneficiaries and they can have what comes of it if I can make that happen.
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flower child
Jan 5, 2019
- My siblings' children. Although I am an anti-natalist, I cherish the thought of them having kids (if they choose to) and me being the cool uncle.

- The Irishman (film by Martin Scorsese). His movies have gotten me through my most miserable days and I still re-watch his classics. The man is the god of film-making.

On the bright side, I'll be here for Game of Thrones final season cause I am taking my 4th semester so that my parents don't despise for sitting in my room all day, so I will probably be able to enjoy GOT. After that, I am done with this world.

I have chosen shotgun to the brainstem through the mouth.
The way live music makes me feel and seeing a special little someone in my life grow up
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Heart Shards

The shards of my broken heart cut deep.
Feb 3, 2019
my family, my worlds I created through writing, music, good food, men. that's about it honestly.
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Jan 19, 2019
My 2 cats. They are wonderful. Music may be, the way it hurts my heart when I find something special.
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Jan 19, 2019
- Good food and alcohol

- Dogs

- Anime that either hasn't completed airing or is getting more seasons

- Video Games and their potential future such as Ready Player One quality VR

That's really it tbh. Hopefully we won't have to miss any of this in the afterlife.
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ember in the dark
Dec 7, 2018
I'll miss my friends a lot. I haven't seen them in a while, and the last time I was in a pretty depressed mood so I'm kind of sad they'll remember that when I had been trying so hard to act happy for them. One of them tried to cheer me up and I guess it worked, we skipped class, shared a fag then found £20 on the floor to blow in Tesco and B&M... I'll definitely miss him and times like those.

I've been waiting for a couple of games to come out since last year, their release dates both got delayed and I honestly don't know if I'll ctb before they're released or not.

I'll miss animals and nature, specifically not being able to go on walks with some good music playing.

And I'll miss coming on SS, reading posts and the community as a whole. I honestly don't know where I'd be without this site :)
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Dec 17, 2018
new music releases and the pizzas I'll eat in the future. But that doesn't even come close to the things I certainly won't miss in this world haha
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Dec 7, 2018
Reading good books, enjoying time with my best friend, having a laugh with my sister, my cat purring on my lap and milking me. Though what I'll miss the most I've already lost.
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im already dead just need to kill the body
Nov 10, 2018
the new avengers and star wars films nights out with freinds and mdma/speed lol
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flower child
Jan 5, 2019
the new avengers and star wars films
I was just thinking about this today!!!! I put star wars on my bucket list. I'm hoping we can still consume media in death
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Sun is rising
Dec 27, 2018
I have chosen shotgun to the brainstem through the mouth.
Very effective method imo. Rated at 99%.
Easy to overcome your survival instincts too...
Just takes one ahhh, fuck it, moment to jerk the trigger, and you're gone.
Kinda messy though.
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Reactions: RaphtaliaTwoAnimals, Ch92921, Deafsn0w and 3 others


Jan 22, 2019
If you asked me this question months ago I'd have an entire list lmao. I just really don't have any emotion, depression and suicidal thoughts have completely destroyed anything I want in this world anymore. Although, I was planning on killing myself this month, but I forgot the new GoT season is so far away, I might try and hold out.
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Dec 14, 2018
The "potential" to have a "family"
Riding a motorcycle
And tacos. But tacos are #1.
A8974350 6E3D 4821 B9E7 FA5F16DD3F60 C88AE667 4120 4012 BAE6 896E5E3BCCDE
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the crucified
Dec 28, 2018
Very effective method imo. Rated at 99%.
Easy to overcome your survival instincts too...
Just takes one ahhh, fuck it, moment to jerk the trigger, and you're gone.
Kinda messy though.
That's what I wanted to hear my man, I feel a strange peace inside now that I know buying a shotgun is only one step away (I talked to the dealer a week ago, told him I will contact him in a few months).
It will be messy but I will drink lots of cheap vodka an hour before and say 'fuck it, let's do this'.

If you asked me this question months ago I'd have an entire list lmao. I just really don't have any emotion, depression and suicidal thoughts have completely destroyed anything I want in this world anymore. Although, I was planning on killing myself this month, but I forgot the new GoT season is so far away, I might try and hold out.
I can relate, but I just cannot leave without knowing how GOT ends. I don't know your situation but if you can hold out until April, by all means do so, cause it will be worth it hopefully.
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Making death amazing journey
Oct 7, 2018
Earth and all the Creatures and Creations [non-human ones]
Big whales [Humpbacks in particular],
Mountains in snow [Matterhorn was my favorite],
Cycling [and more cycling],
British Jurassic Coast [Portland cliffs and sleeping on Chesil Beach],
Star gazing somewhere in Europe on very cold winter nights when I was younger.
Pine forests
The cakes my mum used to make for me [cheesecake]
Staring into campfire...I could do it every night
I used to read a lot once my brain worked as it should and I used to listen to a lot of music [now I cant stay focused for 3 min]

as you see I seem to be so much attached to this realm and the same time there is so little life essence in me.
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Aug 27, 2018
That won´t be able to watch the last season of Game of Thrones and some movies I wanted to see too.
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Dec 31, 2018
@stellabelle that's delicious yum

Seriously im over here drooling for some of them beauties!! God I miss my teeth....BAD....
Food was always one of my self soothing tools/escapes and when they extracted the last of my teeth back in October, well life got a whole lot bleaker!!
What else I'll miss besides food?? A gorgeous sunrise and a starry night lit by the moon, maybe some trees and definitely water of some sort nearby! I will miss beauty in all it's crazy unique forms and that includes inanimate and animate objects, I especially find some people just amazingly beautiful...but I find animals far more beautiful in both character and ability to love well! They don't care if I can make my words come out right and I don't misunderstand their cues!!
I will miss reading a good book, or a cup of tea and soft fuzzy blanket to curl up under...I'll miss orgasms too! Those are awesome, had to throw that in!! There is a huge list of thinks I will miss, because I have been able to really appreciate and love life when I was healthier...
What I'll miss most though is seeing my daughter grow up and have children of her own....even if I sort of hope she doesntd chose to have them, that's a nicely ambivalent feeling to have!! Its hard to be an idealist and a realist....probably much of my struggle in living in this world!!
Last edited:
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Sun is rising
Dec 27, 2018
I will drink lots of cheap vodka
good idea, lots of alcohol releases inhibitions and puts you in a shitty mood, perfect for 'fuck it' moments
just stay sober enough to get your aiming right at the brain stem, you don't want to be part of the 1%
prop the butt of the gun so recoil doesn't mess with your aim either. GOOD Luck to you.

PS: sometimes having your tools and knowing your method gives a sense of peace in it own right
I know that many here have decided to continue playing in the card game, while sitting on their stuff
nothing wrong with that either - a sense that you are now in control - it's actually kinda awesome
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Jan 15, 2019
Earth and all the Creatures and Creations [non-human ones]
Big whales [Humpbacks in particular],
Mountains in snow [Matterhorn was my favorite],
Cycling [and more cycling],
British Jurassic Coast [Portland cliffs and sleeping on Chesil Beach],
Star gazing somewhere in Europe on very cold winter nights when I was younger.
Pine forests
The cakes my mum used to make for me [cheesecake]
Staring into campfire...I could do it every night
I used to read a lot once my brain worked as it should and I used to listen to a lot of music [now I cant stay focused for 3 min]

as you see I seem to be so much attached to this realm and the same time there is so little life essence in me.

I feel exactly the same way, and reading the posts it seems, oddly, in many ways, given what this site is about, that many feel the same way.

I/we seem to deeply appreciate the wonders of this earth and life here, but for various reasons we have reached a point where we feel we can no longer be part of it all and it's time to make an exit. It's so sad, really, but in my case at least I'm sure I'll be back and hopefully in circumstances that will help me to see out the challenges to a better ending.
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Jan 15, 2019
Earth and all the Creatures and Creations [non-human ones]
Big whales [Humpbacks in particular],
Mountains in snow [Matterhorn was my favorite],
Cycling [and more cycling],
British Jurassic Coast [Portland cliffs and sleeping on Chesil Beach],
Star gazing somewhere in Europe on very cold winter nights when I was younger.
Pine forests
The cakes my mum used to make for me [cheesecake]
Staring into campfire...I could do it every night
I used to read a lot once my brain worked as it should and I used to listen to a lot of music [now I cant stay focused for 3 min]

as you see I seem to be so much attached to this realm and the same time there is so little life essence in me.

I don't see a contradiction in being attached to this life/world, but also feeling you can't be part of it any more.
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Reactions: RaphtaliaTwoAnimals, Redt2go, Deafsn0w and 1 other person


Nov 20, 2018
I'll probably miss music the most. Depressing and sad music has helped me through hard times a lot. Besides that, I will miss out on some TV shows and video games, but lately I haven't been able to enjoy them as much as before due to depression anyway. The benefits of being non-existent heavily outweigh all the good and bad parts of existence.
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the crucified
Dec 28, 2018
good idea, lots of alcohol releases inhibitions and puts you in a shitty mood, perfect for 'fuck it' moments
just stay sober enough to get your aiming right at the brain stem, you don't want to be part of the 1%
prop the butt of the gun so recoil doesn't mess with your aim either. GOOD Luck to you.

PS: sometimes having your tools and knowing your method gives a sense of peace in it own right
I know that many here have decided to continue playing in the card game, while sitting on their stuff
nothing wrong with that either - a sense that you are now in control - it's actually kinda awesome
Thanks for the good wishes man, made me feel good. I have actually never tried vodka before, although it's easily available and costs around $2 for a 250ml bottle. I've had beer before, but vodka is probably way stronger.
I will drink the night before CTB to see if I can aim right.

How should I prop the butt of the gun? I am thinking of lying on the ground and pulling the trigger with my foot, so that the shotgun pellets stay in my skull as my head will be pressed against the ground.
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Jan 15, 2019
Thanks for the good wishes man, made me feel good. I have actually never tried vodka before, although it's easily available and costs around $2 for a 250ml bottle. I've had beer before, but vodka is probably way stronger.
I will drink the night before CTB to see if I can aim right.

How should I prop the butt of the gun? I am thinking of lying on the ground and pulling the trigger with my foot, so that the shotgun pellets stay in my skull as my head will be pressed against the ground.

Um, yeah, vodka is WAY stronger...Don't go too mad on it or you'll be out like a light before the deed.
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Making death amazing journey
Oct 7, 2018
we have reached a point where we feel we can no longer be part of it all

I couldn't say it better. Exactly how I feel right now.

For that reason I stopped listening to the bands and music I loved when I was 'alive'.
I dont go to places to see them for 'the last time'. They are not mine anymore.
I stop riding my magnificent titanium bike next day I joined this forum, because I lost that feeling of oneness with it...
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