

Cursed by God
Dec 9, 2022
As a grad student at Harvard in my late 20s
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Lady Laudanum

Lady Laudanum

Adrenaline junkie
May 9, 2024
During the time when I was with the only person who ever loved me. I'm still hopelessly in love with them, even though they've put up boundaries against me because of my substance abuse.
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let death be kinder than man
Aug 11, 2023
I think I was the happiest about two years ago when I first moved out of my dads house and in with my best friend. We played games together and watched his favorite shows and just hung out all the time. At first I was there to help him with his anxiety, then I just stayed.

We fought sometimes, sure, but god I wish I could go back with the knowledge I have now and try to prevent some of those fights. All I want is to be at his side again…
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long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
I don't know if this should go in off-topic or not but here goes.
Since things are coming to a close for me I've been looking back at my life and trying to decide at what point was I the happiest, and I wonder: what was the best/happiest period of your life? not a singular moment like getting married but more like a significant amount of time in your life where you were the most content.

I think the happiest I've been was when I had just started college. I had just started dating my current boyfriend and I felt like I was going somewhere in life. this was before my grades started to slip and my depression started to come back. I miss that part of my life dearly.
The year before Covid, during, and the year after, probably.

In like 8th grade I got to drop out of orchestra (hated it), had more than 2-3 friends at school for the first time, and was just generally doing better than I had in previous years. And school ended early because of the pandemic which was nice.

During covid I was just super chill, online school was easy asf and I did it two years in a row, so basically from the onset of Covid school shutdowns to roughly August 2022 I did very little schoolwork and got to just hang out at home. It was basically a two and a half year summer vacation.

My parents broke up during that time and my grandpa died which were both pretty bad but my average day-to-day experience was much better.
As a grad student at Harvard in my late 20s
You went to Harvard??? That's really cool

What'd you do, if I can ask?
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11.04.2015 ❤️
Jan 9, 2023
July 2014 - April 2015.
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Aug 24, 2024
Since i was born to when I was 7 years old, ever since then i have felt completely dead inside and I don't know how to feel alive again
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Oct 10, 2023
I can't recall any happy times, though compared to now, they were all happier because I had my dogs and now there is nothing but a big void
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Feb 29, 2024
I don't know if this should go in off-topic or not but here goes.
Since things are coming to a close for me I've been looking back at my life and trying to decide at what point was I the happiest, and I wonder: what was the best/happiest period of your life? not a singular moment like getting married but more like a significant amount of time in your life where you were the most content.

I think the happiest I've been was when I had just started college. I had just started dating my current boyfriend and I felt like I was going somewhere in life. this was before my grades started to slip and my depression started to come back. I miss that part of my life dearly.
When I was naive, and just generally had a very outgoing and trusting online persona in MMOs. I used to trust every single person I met, and I'd never think that anyone would ever hurt me.

From my teenage years and into my mid 20s-- I was completely blissfully unaware to the cruelty that exists in the world, and now I just feel sad in those MMO spaces that used to bring me a sense of belonging, excitement, and everything seemed so worthwhile.

I don't know what happened, but that part of me seems gone. I miss it. Now, it seems like its just groups of people that get together on Discord and play together inside MMOs while the organic way of meeting people seems to be gone.. so, the roleplaying that I used to love to fall into is gone for me.

Sorry, I'm having trouble articulating the way I want to right now, but I think that essentially covers it. I miss PSO2 before New Genesis ruined it for me, and how it further separated everyone.

I don't feel like I belong anywhere anymore, and real life just isn't for me.. especially with how the world is lately. This hyper-individualism depresses me more than words can express.
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Aug 23, 2024
Three equally happy times:

When I was a young child, up to age 12, I was a super happy and caring kid, before all the bullying and abuse started happening.I often wish I could start over at this point.

When I was in my 20s and I had a big social circle in the punk and hardcore scene, with some close friends and meeting new and nice people all the time. I also was in a band and wrote most of our stuff, which was so rewarding. I met all different types of people, and almost everyone was wonderful in their own way.

In my 30s my first year or two with the man who is now my husband. We were actually super struggling financially, but every day was hopeful and happy, with lots of fun going to the parks, library, and spending so much time together, before my emergency surgery with no health insurance and substance abuse after that, and before his chronic pain started to become unbearable for him.
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Jun 8, 2024
anytime I'm about to/during sleeping with a new or old random women.

except immediately after when I have to ghost them; because I was born as a lover-boy, forced to be a pimp.

most times I have to fake my entire personality and life just to attract them, knowing that if I were to "be myself" they wouldn't like me at all.


Jun 11, 2024
I am kinda sad that I find this question rather difficult to answer.

My first intuition is to look back to a time when I didn't appear to have any major problems and was able to function. However, I know that would be looking through rose-tinted glasses, because I was a very confused autistic child who was first suicidal at age ten.

A more recent period that I can remember more objectively is a few years ago.

It was a holiday so I had no college. I had a lot of pain in my shoulder, so I couldn't sit at the computer for very long, so I decided to make it an experiment and drastically reduce my time online in favour of more offline activities. I started reading more, going for long walks without my phone, spending more time cooking, trying new activities like drawing and (solo) board games. Another major factor was that I had also recently started methylphendiate and was still in the initial honeymoon phase.

I wasn't overly happy per se, but I don't think I've ever felt so calm, in control and hopeful about the future.

Unfortunately, this only lasted for a few months at the most, as life happened and the honeymoon phase slowly wore off.
Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
When I was a kid at the cinema. There is something really magical about the big screen when you are a kid.
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Aug 25, 2024
For myself it was the roughly three year period from age eleven to fourteen. I was at a new school where I made friends and didn't experience bullying for the first time in my life, but hadn't yet developed any mental or physical health issues. At that time the world seemed so full of potential and as if everything was in full color, every new experience bringing the greatest joy.
There have been other times ranging from weeks to a couple of months where I've felt truly glad to be alive but they're rare and never seem to last very long.
ham and potatoes

ham and potatoes

Just some hillbilly
Mar 27, 2024
college, with the exception of my last year. thats when all the anxiety and depression really hit it hard
college was fun, had a bunch of friends, lived in a frat house, partied all the time, was always around beautiful women.
then life happened, been downhill since


Aug 14, 2024
Well, before going at school, where bullies ruined my life forever.

Then 1996-1998, due to a very special friend that unfortunately I lost.

And 2004-2006, when I was in love with my ex girlfriend.


Potential Former Person
Aug 21, 2024
Second half of last year finally pulled everything together and was on the way up. Felt like I had it all and things would only get even better. Funny looking back now I couldn't have been more wrong.


Apr 15, 2022
Probably grade school years when I was still innocent and too naive to understand how shitty the world really is.
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ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛ, ᴍᴏᴜʀɴɪɴɢ ʟᴀᴍʙ...
Nov 3, 2023
I think...11-14? It was still hard, but it was better. The air was crisper. My dog was still here. We went from rural VT to suburban Maine but the endless skies, the tress that kissed the clouds. I don't know, it felt perfect. It felt safe. I think that's what I go back to the most. Things could be scary but I felt secure. I felt like moving forward wasn't so scary, like you weren't trudging through quicksand. I miss laying in the snow with my dog, rolling down the grassy hills, looking up at the stars every night.

My first semester of college was really nice, too. I made friends, the sky was amazing, and the ocean was right there. I was in Hawai'i and everything felt so...peaceful. Like I was being gently held by that warm, soft breeze. It might sound a little silly, but I guess thats how my brain processes it.

I spent a few weeks in Alabama visiting an old friend from high school as well. It was just so...nice.

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