Jon Arbuckle

Jon Arbuckle

Aspiring Corpse
Jul 23, 2024
I don't know if this should go in off-topic or not but here goes.
Since things are coming to a close for me I've been looking back at my life and trying to decide at what point was I the happiest, and I wonder: what was the best/happiest period of your life? not a singular moment like getting married but more like a significant amount of time in your life where you were the most content.

I think the happiest I've been was when I had just started college. I had just started dating my current boyfriend and I felt like I was going somewhere in life. this was before my grades started to slip and my depression started to come back. I miss that part of my life dearly.
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Jul 29, 2021
between the age of 16 and 18 the only time i had a girlfriend 20 years ago
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Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
My early 30's
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Apr 18, 2023
I don't know if this should go in off-topic or not but here goes.
Since things are coming to a close for me I've been looking back at my life and trying to decide at what point was I the happiest, and I wonder: what was the best/happiest period of your life? not a singular moment like getting married but more like a significant amount of time in your life where you were the most content.

I think the happiest I've been was when I had just started college. I had just started dating my current boyfriend and I felt like I was going somewhere in life. this was before my grades started to slip and my depression started to come back. I miss that part of my life dearly.
To be honest there has been aspects of my life at points and some more so then others that have been good. But there hasn't been an altogether happy period.

High school I was a loner. It was uncommon for me to say less then 50 words during a school day. It was more attend class and do all my homework. I was in karate and Jiu Jitsu my latter two years. I thoroughly enjoyed that.

College at points I had friends which I never really had previously, I worked, and I studied a lot The friends were fleeting and didn't stick around. Im not sure if i just thought they were friends or they were just using me. Probably the latter. Work sucked. Studying was just me trying to get through so i could eventually study what i wanted. I also went through a lot that I don't want to get into. That surprisingly for as profound of an experience has had very little impact currently.

After I worked as a scribe predominantly at an oncology clinic while studying for the MCAT. I guess if I had a time of my life that was the best this may have been it. But I didn't have friends again, I had no money and everything I earned I either paid back debt or saved for medical school. That said I loved my job it allowed me to gain valuable experience and fell in love with the specialty. Especially towards the end the main doctor I worked under believed in me which was new for me. I never had anyone believe in me before. He ultimately committed suicide my second year in medical school.

Medical school i have written about and is honestly not just one period. That said even the happiest time the first couple months were marred by the salient parts of the story, health struggles (fractured foot), and many other things. Everything just got worse from there.

And of course the current period has been hell no way around it or at least a slow descent into it.
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Autistic and schizophrenic, please be respectful
Jun 21, 2024
My happiest time was when I was below the age of 18.
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Jan 24, 2023
Me too when I started college. It was the only time in my life that I think I felt some sort of "happiness." It was many years ago, long gone, but I still remember walking on campus with the sun low in the sky and everything was golden and I felt peace. It feels like a dream. I'm so far away from that, there's no way I could feel even 1% of that peace in my nightmare life anymore.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I don't think that I was ever happy. My childhood could have been full of happiness but it got ruined due to bullies as well as my parents. Now that my childhood is gone, I have no opportunity to be happy. I'm forever doomed to be miserable. I can't achieve happiness but I can achieve peace via death
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May 11, 2024
I don't think I was ever truly happy. But as a kid there was still hope at least.
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Jul 2, 2024
6-10 years old probably
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
I never had any happy period in this hell called life

The only happy period was when I didn't exist before I was born into this evil world and evil life.I had No happy period in the past after I was born. The only happy day will be when I work most of day getting my suicide methods ready to 99% and then when the Day when I actually kill myself.

Imo the younger I was the more brainwashed I was. For example as a kid or even at 18 I didn't know a lot of the things I'm starting to realize for example that nothing matters only avoiding extreme pain. At 18 I thought crap like watching TV , news , yotub mattered "enjoying yourself '. I didn't know how evil this world and this life were.

I used to believe a lot of the lies were true I even had religious beliefs and believed that I should have kids. So I was brainwashed . I never want to have kids now and I don't believe in religion now . I now know non-existence is the ultimate bliss and that after Death is not existence forever
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Jun 21, 2023
Before I turned 16. Was doing well in school, didn't have depression and thought that I would become a doctor and live a good life.
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Gone soon

Gone soon

Guy who likes wearing womens' clothes
Jun 11, 2024
Probably before I was born
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Former nerd; current burden
Aug 1, 2024
Probably the bulk of 2023. Somewhat similar reasons to your own cited period too.

I had always been a shit tier student but after a big move out of a shitty situation and to a whole new place I started doing well at my second attempt at college (both times were community college but still lol) and for the first time I felt my ambitious goal of getting a PhD becoming some amazing academic or scholar was actually achievable and not just some delusional pipe dream (although obviously I could've been accused of thinking way too far ahead).

I also actually built up a formidable reading habit from scratch from literally nothing and was finally starting to actually read all the books that I had purchased that had been collecting dust for years prior.

This stuff gave me confidence, hope and even some pride. I was still a loser, I was always destined to be a loser. But at least I was a loser who had finally justified his existence and found where he excelled. And I was finally out of a shitty, stressful household. Everything was looking up for the first time ever.

And then in late December the first concussion happens, which either triggered or coincided with a slew of health problems that PERMANENTLY RUINED all of that shit from 2023. So CTB is not only an option for me all over again, it's kinda imperative at this point.

Sorry for all of that. I have a terrible habit of always being painfully long winded. I swear my dad could ask me about lunch and I could respond to him in a similar way. I'm glad to get to talk about the positive side of this story on SaSu for once instead of just the shitty end. Thank you for providing the opportunity :)
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Looking for fair winds and following seas
May 27, 2024
Going back to finish my degree in my 30s. I loved school. I did well, was newly married with a kid and had bought my first house. I felt like I was finally living. Cancer and my own destructive personality killed all that.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Nothing, I've never wished to exist and under no circumstances would I ever wish for the cruel and torturous burden of having the ability to exist, I find existing to be deeply undesirable and it's only ever caused me to suffer. For me the only relief could lie in never existing again, I only wish and hope for eternal nothingness where all is forgotten about for me, I'm not meant to suffer in this existence that just caused so much pain in the first place.
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i'm a loser, a failure
Apr 3, 2024
Before I was 10 and started feeling depressed. I was abused by family members and bullied at school, certainly, but at least I could experience pleasure.
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Aug 23, 2024
0 - 10. But I was only happy alone and only in rare moments. And after that it went all downhill...I'm 22 now and every day feels like a fever-dream. Its all so worthless and without logic, being stuck in this thing called body
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Aug 11, 2024
Me reaching 2350 elo on chess,com but now it doesnt even matter cause of mental illness
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only help i want is with ctb
Jul 9, 2023
before i turned 11, easily. no responsibility, no dysphoria, being quiet was a good thing, lots of excitement, anything seemed possible.
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Aug 18, 2024
I don't know if this should go in off-topic or not but here goes.
Since things are coming to a close for me I've been looking back at my life and trying to decide at what point was I the happiest, and I wonder: what was the best/happiest period of your life? not a singular moment like getting married but more like a significant amount of time in your life where you were the most content.

I think the happiest I've been was when I had just started college. I had just started dating my current boyfriend and I felt like I was going somewhere in life. this was before my grades started to slip and my depression started to come back. I miss that part of my life dearly.
Yeah, the happiest time was fall and winter of my freshman year of college.
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Jan 1, 2024
When I was in the womb
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
The second semester of grade 10 (so around when I was 15 to 16-years-old). For some reason, despite my ideation having ramped up the semester before, landing me in the hospital, I felt oddly good during my second semester. My mood improved, my grades improved by a lot, and I actually felt truly okay for once in a long time. Then grade 11 hit and things ended up going back to normal for me. To this day, I have no clue as to why I was doing so well at the time.
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Jul 25, 2024
I honestly am not sure I've ever had a happy period in my life. I've had fleeting moments, but each time period I look back on I remember all the bad things I felt during that time. The anxiety, the stress, the financial problems, the loneliness, the self hate that's always been with me. Maybe I was happy in kindergarten, but even then I remember losing my two best friends when they moved away. I honestly dont think I've ever had a happy year my entire life. I'm 40 now. I guess I always figured things would get better, but they never have, only gotten worse. It's gotten to a point now where I honestly can't even see a way for my life to improve. Crazy. I didn't even realize I've never been happy until I stopped to really think about it.
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May 31, 2024
8-14 were good, just carefree being a kid

18-21 i got loads of attention from girls which i completely wasted, but was never the less a good time due to positive lookism

32-34 i was a digital nomad and had a great few years traveling before COVID put a screeching end to it

Rest of it I was pretty depressed tbh

23-25 and 30-32 and were really rough
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Aug 1, 2024
Probably my early 40s. Things finally seemed like they might turn out okay after a WHOLE life of literally fighting tooth and toenail not to wind up homeless and get my children raised. But, alas, chronic illness has a way of always bringing me back down to the reality that I just don't have the stamina normal people have. I wound up taking on too much and crashed and burned spectacularly. Still I have it so much better than so many others. I don't understand why I am depressed. I should be happy. But I am not.
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another bpd death statistic
Aug 6, 2024
late september to early/mid october last year. and the last day i felt truly happy this year was january 10th
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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
About 10 years
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Betrayed and Broken
Apr 30, 2024
Between 13 to 17. Used to love riding horses and felt free, just me and my horse wandering through the woods together.
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Dead already. Just need to dispose of my body now.
Aug 6, 2024
When I was a sperm inside my father's balls.
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