
Dec 15, 2021
I've heard that. Perhaps weather, or perhaps having to coexist with the rest of the world are factors. Or maybe it's still difficult just to connect with others.

As for the psychopaths, they have infiltrated just about everything. A few favourites:
Rupert Murdoch, who owns a good percentage of all media worldwide, and uses his influence to manipulate and bombard uneducated people with propaganda until they vote in favour of the interests of the billionaire class
Gina Rhinehart, another Australian billionaire, in fact the country's wealthiest. Uses her massive influence to push for more ecological destruction, mining and fossil fuel support. Has commented that she'd like to see average Australians only make $1 per day.
Richard Sackler, US billionaire who personally engineered the US opioid epidemic that killed tens of thousands of Americans, and the only consequence was having one of his pharmaceutical brands go bankrupt.
Mark Zuckerberg, maker of the algorithm that destroys human relations while enriching himself in the process
Lukashenko/Putin/Kim/etc. Need I say more?

I see your point, and I mostly agree. There are some big fish our there that needs to be fried.

However, do you really believe that Zuckerberg is evil..? I mean, I dislike everything that social media represents, but couldn't he just have been unknowlingly developing Facebook out of sheer stupidity..? Zuckerberg is like the modern version of Oppenheimer - one of the creators of the atomic bomb. Really, Zuckerberg could have said "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds" at any point since the release of Facebook, if he has ever realized what impact that it has had on the world.


Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
However, do you really believe that Zuckerberg is evil..?
I don't like to use the word evil. But he's some random loser who made some software to try and meet women, and now he's more of a world leader than anyone who people get to actually vote on. He's above the law because there are no laws around what he's done; the technology is too new, plus it targets the very brains that people would use to unite and discipline him. Just as there would have been no road rules affecting Karl Benz back in the day, except the implications for global political instability are far more serious.


Dec 15, 2021
I don't like to use the word evil. But he's some random loser who made some software to try and meet women, and now he's more of a world leader than anyone who people get to actually vote on. He's above the law because there are no laws around what he's done; the technology is too new, plus it targets the very brains that people would use to unite and discipline him. Just as there would have been no road rules affecting Karl Benz back in the day, except the implications for global political instability are far more serious.

You are right. Then it seems like recklessness is one of the greatest threats that face us today - this planet is probably filled to the brim with just that. Then I wonder - should humanity really try to conquer space and live on other planets, or would it be better if humanity just died out, like the dinosaurs..?


Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
Whatever will be will be. It's not apathy, just acceptance that we can only live our own lives to the best of our ability.

PS. the dinosaurs are doing just fine! šŸ¦


Dec 15, 2021
Whatever will be will be. It's not apathy, just acceptance that we can only live our own lives to the best of our ability.

Good point!

To the original question of this thread, though, it seems like society was still progressing after World War II, when it comes to living standards, social life and technology, but now all those aspects seem to have stagnated, so what do we have to look forward to, in case the world doesn't end up in a huge fireball soon - and life, uh, finds a way..?

PS. the dinosaurs are doing just fine! šŸ¦

Ha ha! No, they were all cats :smiling:

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Sep 21, 2020
The worst part about it was the support for Israel after 1948 and the near total dominance of the US government by Israeli genocidalist interests.

The logic from the US was because some Jews were genocided by Europeans , let us let the Jews genocide and occupy the Palestinians , instead of doing something like carving an Israeli state out of US federal lands.
Sorry I didn't get to know you SuicidallyCurious. I hope you found peace.