Accomplished faker
- May 30, 2019
- 698
As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.
When we hear toxic masculinity we think about the stories where women throw acid onto guys their pants because they were 'manspreading' (seriously what is up with these ridiculous terms the left keeps coming up with)
Hey I like what you wrote, but unfortunately we both know that is not what the majority of people nowadays understand under that term. Neither have I seen any feminists that use the term in that sense.
When we hear toxic masculinity we think about the stories where women throw acid onto guys their pants because they were 'manspreading' (seriously what is up with these ridiculous terms the left keeps coming up with) or things like the Gilette ad where men get told to be nice to women and not vocally abuse them on the streets as if we all do and that is what defines us.
Neither does the wikipedia link (or anything when I search for the term for that matter) refer to anything your saying. If only it was about that.
That video has been debunked as a fake.
That is irrelevant. It's about the statement they tried to make
I still believe it's a form of a disorder.
It's because we do more of the dangerous, dirty, stressful jobs, with longer hours than women. It's because there is no pay gap. It's because school curriculum is tailored to women. It's because STEM Is advertised to girls more than boys. It's because women tend to win in court when a divorce happens. It's because if the police get called over a domestic issue the police almost always side with the women,. And if the women lies to police then they just get a slap on the wrist. It's because men go to war to defend their country more than women. It's because men are given longer prison sentences for the same crime a women would do. Male slaves are frequently ignored by human rights laws and policies. Nobody gives a shit if a male is rapped in prison in fact it's frequently joked about. Because of false rap accusations against men. Men's reproductive rights include issues such as false paternity claims or paternity fraud, adoption rights, abortion, etc. It's because there is no patriarchy.Not that this is too major. However... I was just wondering as (so I've heard) men end up ctb at a higher percentage then women. Why is that I wonder?
That is irrelevant. It's about the statement they tried to make
funny to see such an interpretation of the actions of these girls.The video wasn't done by a feminist. There is no statement that was made which leads back to feminism. Please read the article I've linked.
The video you're referring to was fake.
Viral video of Russian woman bleaching manspreaders was anti-feminist propaganda
If you got angry at The Feminists, congrats, you fell for itwww.theverge.com
Please don't fall for anti-feminist propaganda. I don't know any feminists that use 'toxic masculinity' the way you describe it. The Gilette ad also never implies that all men harass women on the streets, it simply asks men to be a better example. Also, that ad was designed in a way to steer as much attention, as possible - with success. Companies pretend to be 'woke' in order to increase their sale rates.
First sentence in Wikipedia:
*The concept of toxic masculinity is used in psychology and gender studies to refer to certain norms of masculine behavior in North America and Europe that are associated with harm to society and to menthemselves. *
Toxic masculinity - Wikipedia
funny to see such an interpretation of the actions of these girls.
it really is that they have nothing to do with feminists.
The action was aimed at the fact that in my country it is very common among men in public transport to "keep their legs wide when sitting". well, or how to describe it correctly?) and yes, the video does not include moments where girls received physical punishment(not much pain, but so that they remember the consequences) for their actions. and it really was ^ _ ^ yet spoiling other people's things should have consequences, regardless of the motive.
What statement was this? It was propaganda.
Some people believe the earth is flat. Doesn't make it true.
1) Ok. I'll go with your side and go ahead and say that video was fake. Doesn't mean the concept doesn't still exist.
Sure. Please enlighten me what it is then. Enlighten me on how feeling like something you are not doesn't fit the word 'disorder'
There are no "sides" to facts. You either accept reality or you don't. What concept are you talking about?
Lmao it isn't a fact because you have one source backing it up. I can also go ahead and believe the actual girl in the video and claim she has nothing to do with it.
There are numerous sources, only one was provided. You are obviously free to believe the actress in the video.
There are no "sides" to facts. You either accept reality or you don't. What concept are you talking about?
You'll have to provide more information on what your claim is. What is the "something" that you are talking about?
Sources that all quote the same source which is EU vs disinfo
Something refers to whatever it is you like to identify as nowadays. Your turn again. Explain to me how it doesn't fit the word 'disorder'
Ignore the motivation behind the video for a second and see if you can find a source that verifies that the video as real.
Are you talking about transgender people?
its real video. if you want, deny of course this fact. You can find a lot of confirmation on the site https:\\vk.com .Ignore the motivation behind the video for a second and see if you can find a source that verifies that the video is real.
its real video. if you want, deny of course this fact. You can find a lot of confirmation on the site https:\\vk.com .
may it be hard for you to accept that in my country such things can happen and almost have no consequences?)
People who appeared in the video gave interviews and admitted that the video was staged. You're a bad faith actor.
Can you provide a direct source for confirmation? The earlier linked source references one of the people in the video confessing to being a paid actor. Further, there does not appear to have been any incident report filed with the police.
do not invent.People who appeared in the video gave interviews and admitted that the video was staged. You're a bad faith actor.
1. It does. MTA literally launced a campaign on it just to give you one of many examples.
Riding the subway
Find out about fares, maps, transfers, how to get on the right train, how to get help, what to do if you miss your stop, and more.web.mta.info
2. This is the typical feminism argument to that campaign. You see it everywhere. Listen to that video and try to understand our side.
3. Well no the fact that stories like these get associated with that term is true. Which is why people hate on the toxic masculinity movement. You are speaking in academic terms yet you surely realize that 95% of feminism propaganda out there has nothing to with the academic meaning. You say those who oppose feminism are the ones who think that way. In reality the problem is that a large part of the people who fight for it think that way. Have a look at big protests and how those people act.
4. You are also taking my words out of context. I never said feminists go around pouring bleach on men because of toxic masculinity. I said these are examples of stories that get associated with the term.
This isn't about man-spreading though. This is a guide about manners in public spaces. And yeah, you shouldn't take up 80% of a seat in a train. That has less to do with man-spreading and more with civil manners.
We simply have a different approach. I feel bad spending my time in this debate. It just makes me feel worse anyway. If you have any sincere questions about transgender people though, let me know. I am more than happy to talk about this subject. I have a lot of insight into this topic from a psychiatric point of view and I can actually support my case with studies.
There is no 'toxic masculinity'-movement and it was literally the intention of this anti-feminist propaganda video to create this association in your head. You literally fell for the cheapest trick in history to make a certain group look bad. I agree with you that there are bad apples within the feminist movement but you're literally generalizing a very diverse movement with contradicting views. As I explained in the past already, there isn't just 'feminism'. There is pro-choice feminism, there is traditional feminism, there is sex-positive feminism, there is conservative feminism, there is intersectional feminism, there is anti-trans and queer feminism. We literally have internal fights going on about certain issues and you pretend as if we're all the same. No, we're not. You're generalizing a movement with millions of people in it because you pick out a few bad apples that support your anecdotal argument. That's like saying all conservatives are bad because some support racist policies. You do realize that, right?
According to polls I've read, the majority of feminists actually support gender equality. And the definition of the word feminism literally implies equality as well. So again, you're making empty statements. Everything that comes from feminism goes through academic discourse first.
And there is no evidence that supports your case.