

À ma manière 🪦
Aug 18, 2024
People here will say that a gun isn't 100 % safe, but that's always because of wrong ammunition and angle. If you just shoot your chin off or use a pistol or other small caliber its logical that you can survive that, I don't know why some people don't think about this and just pull the trigger. A shotgun slug to the side of the head or vertical intraoral is 100 % deadly, the head explodes. You can find plenty of videos of that if you don't believe me.
What type of rifle would be safe? And should it be aimed at the palate?


Aug 23, 2024
What type of rifle would be safe? And should it be aimed at the palate?
Like I said, shotgun (I personally like akkar churchill best, but any with 12 gauge is fine) and slug ammunition, like brenneke. Vertical intraoral would be aiming at the palate, yes. The angle should just pass through most of the skull, then its fine. Watch a few videos on gore sites like the one with ronnie mcnutt if you're unsure what I mean, a shotgun slug will just explode your head.


Sorrowful Pixel
Apr 9, 2023
Thanks, is SN (sodium nitrate) good?
It's sodium nitrite, btw, and yes, it is, though the procedure and prep time might not be ideal for everyone, plus it's getting a bit popular lately, so getting it in a few countries is now really hard to get.


New Member
Sep 5, 2024
I've been looking for SN in the UK. Has become one of my more favoured methods since reading about it on here. From a lot of posts it sounds easy to obtain, but I'm struggling to find somewhere that doesn't require pre approval (education and business use)


Apr 18, 2023
These are the three criteria I think are important for an ideal suicide method, at least for me:

1. No permanent damage in case of failure
I remember seeing a (hopefully fake) video of someone who shot their face and jaw off with a gun and survived, turning him blind and without a mouth and nose, and basically visually transforming the poor guy into a grotesque monster. He picked a method that is seen as reliable, but he still survived, and his life will undoubtedly have gotten far worse after that affair, even if he got the correct mental health attention which he may have lacked before the attempt.

2. Light on pain
It should not be more painful than something like a migraine or twisted ankle, ideally it should be painless and unconscious.

3. Reliability
Note, this criteria is subservient to 1 and 2, and reliability does not have to be that high. If chance of death is only 10%, but pain is light or non existent, and there is no risk of permanent damage, the ideal suicide method lets you attempt as many times as you want without fuss, causing you to die eventually through chance. It's okay to let your mental anguish continue for a little while as long as you have hope for it to end soon through death. However, a higher reliability is still preferable and good to know when researching methods.

Are there any suicide methods that meet these criteria? I doubt it, but I'm curious. I'm also curious what you all think in general about desirable and less desirable suicide methods. I am researching suicide methods that are painless and low risk of permanent damage, because I don't want to make my life worse, and I'm a little reluctant about causing physical pain to myself.
Honestly it doesn't exist. The thing is to kill yourself you have to kill yourself. Unfortunately, that comes with risk and pain for sure. It's also life an Murphys law exist which means nothing is going to be 100%.


New Member
Sep 2, 2024
The more I read on here, the more I learn. I was going to cut myself, but it seems that is deeply unreliable. Then I considered mixing household chemicals (don't know if I'm allowed to say which) and locking myself in a small room.

But I think I am going to have to just come to terms with it being very painful.


long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
The more I read on here, the more I learn. I was going to cut myself, but it seems that is deeply unreliable. Then I considered mixing household chemicals (don't know if I'm allowed to say which) and locking myself in a small room.

But I think I am going to have to just come to terms with it being very painful.
I would not suggest mixing chemicals, that's almost certainly a bad idea
Gustav Hartmann

Gustav Hartmann

Aug 28, 2021
When I read the title of this thread I thought about correct in terms of political correctniss. This would mean you make an application and if it is accepted (depending on the reasons why you want to die) you will be narcotized in a hospital and your life will be ended under medical supervision. When I was narcozised it was really perfect. It could be embedded in a friendly and peaceful situation like shown in the film "Soilent Green".

But seriously, you have to add the point accessibility. Otherwise explosives would be perfect.

In this real world I would say, full hanging is the best choice. You only have to find a suitable gallows in a remote place. You can and should test the stability of your set up in advance. People with manual know-how have a clear advantage. Another usp of hanging is, that you can hang you self non lethally in order to get used to the pain (which is bearable) and find confidence in how fast you will pass out. This will mitigate the fear of the unknown.


death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I think that the correct suicide method is euthanasia. Euthanasia is perhaps the best suicide method out there as it's peaceful and reliable too. There are chances of a suicide method going wrong if you do it yourself but, if you get yourself killed with the help of some professionals, you're guaranteed to die. It's unfortunate that euthanasia isn't legalised for people like us


Jul 9, 2024
These are the three criteria I think are important for an ideal suicide method, at least for me:

1. No permanent damage in case of failure
I remember seeing a (hopefully fake) video of someone who shot their face and jaw off with a gun and survived, turning him blind and without a mouth and nose, and basically visually transforming the poor guy into a grotesque monster. He picked a method that is seen as reliable, but he still survived, and his life will undoubtedly have gotten far worse after that affair, even if he got the correct mental health attention which he may have lacked before the attempt.

2. Light on pain
It should not be more painful than something like a migraine or twisted ankle, ideally it should be painless and unconscious.

3. Reliability
Note, this criteria is subservient to 1 and 2, and reliability does not have to be that high. If chance of death is only 10%, but pain is light or non existent, and there is no risk of permanent damage, the ideal suicide method lets you attempt as many times as you want without fuss, causing you to die eventually through chance. It's okay to let your mental anguish continue for a little while as long as you have hope for it to end soon through death. However, a higher reliability is still preferable and good to know when researching methods.

Are there any suicide methods that meet these criteria? I doubt it, but I'm curious. I'm also curious what you all think in general about desirable and less desirable suicide methods. I am researching suicide methods that are painless and low risk of permanent damage, because I don't want to make my life worse, and I'm a little reluctant about causing physical pain to myself.
Inert gases and nembutal are the only two methods I know of that meet these criteria
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Liam Ross

Liam Ross

New Member
Aug 25, 2024
I read everything I found on the Internet, subscribed to the organization "Exit international", and came to the following conclusions. Two good, simple and guaranteed ways:
1. Die in a clinic in Switzerland
2. Helium or nitrogen + plastic bag (exit bag)
everything else is problematic (eg where to buy Nembutal) or unreliable


Aug 12, 2024
how about getting bitten intenionally by a dog with rabbies or a venomous snake.


Aug 18, 2024
J'ai pensé à l'électrocution comme moyen de transport, peut-être que je devrais y réfléchir ?
I thought about it too, but I had no idea how to do that exactly to be sure it would work. Idea ?
Que diriez-vous d'être mordu intentionnellement par un chien atteint de la rage ou par un serpent venimeux ?
Snake will be difficult and extremely painfull. Dog, ah ah it's a joke ! Rabies = terrible suffering and long, and Thanks God, dogs with rabies are very very very rare (vaccines).
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Gone soon

Gone soon

Guy who likes wearing womens' clothes
Jun 11, 2024
Hm. Probably you'll never know if a method was correct, because you're dead then. You'll only know if it wasn't


Apr 3, 2023
Any one which works for you successfully. Ideally painlessly.

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