Mistake of Nature

Mistake of Nature

A shadow suspended on dust
Mar 30, 2020
I hate how stupid, weak, and pathetic I am.
I hate my ugly, fat face and my flesh prison of a body.
I hate how fucked up and diseased my mind is.
I hate that there remains a small part of me that clings onto hope and life against all logic.
I hate that I can't accept reality.
I hate that I don't know how to talk to people or make friends.
I hate that no one has or will ever love me.
I hate how worthless and useless I am.
I hate how scared I am of everything and how my mind is a carousel of fears that I cycle through.
I hate the intrusive thoughts and images that fill my consciousness.
I hate that I was ever born and that I'm still alive.
I hate that I can't just CTB and get this shit over with.
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Reactions: Zoya, patheticpartner, mediocre and 19 others


When I die, you'll love me.
Nov 19, 2019
I can't find one thing that I like about myself. I hate everything about me. Everything about me is broken. The thing that I hate most about myself is that I fail to kill myself. I wish that I was miscarried.
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Feb 5, 2020
I hate that the simplest of things can cause me so much anxiety and that I'll never be able to live up to my true potential. I hate that you're feeling like this.
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Apr 5, 2020
I hate how stupid, weak, and pathetic I am.
I hate my ugly, fat face and my flesh prison of a body.
I hate how fucked up and diseased my mind is.
I hate that there remains a small part of me that clings onto hope and life against all logic.
I hate that I can't accept reality.
I hate that I don't know how to talk to people or make friends.
I hate that no one has or will ever love me.
I hate how worthless and useless I am.
I hate how scared I am of everything and how my mind is a carousel of fears that I cycle through.
I hate the intrusive thoughts and images that fill my consciousness.
I hate that I was ever born and that I'm still alive.
I hate that I can't just CTB and get this shit over with.

I totally resonate with so many of your points. My biggest shortcoming has been my cowardice, I fear new experiences, ESPECIALLY job interviews. It's a seemingly petty concern, but it has really ruined my life. The fear I feel has caused me to hide away from opportunities for growth and improvement, eventually becoming resentment and a kind of vile anger that doesn't relent, as my goals fall further out of view. Although my circumstances are not yet remotely dire, they are certainly headed that way. Now I just feel like a bitter fool whose best option is to die.
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May 13, 2020
My mother had a miscarriage before I was born. I hate about myself, that I wasn't the baby that died.
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May 23, 2020
I hate how my life has passed in front of my eyes and I was there, petrified.
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Green Destiny

Green Destiny

Life isn't worth the trouble.
Nov 16, 2019
I really hate how bad and slow my thinking process is along with my short and long term memory. Also my ears are big and I really don't like that either.
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Let me burn.
Apr 19, 2020
What DON'T I hate about myself? Is a better question, and the answer to it is nothing.
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May 11, 2020
I hate everything about myself
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"Mother, i tried, please believe me"
Jan 21, 2019
The question for me is what about myself i don't hate. It's much easier to answer: nothing
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Aug 27, 2018
I hate that I´m not a child anymore or at least a teenager
I hate how bad my physical and mental health is while other people have normal functioning bodies
I hate that I don´t have any friends anymore, since I used to have a ton of great friends and miss them every day
I hate my addiction to benzos just not to feel anxious i.e. to feel normal like everyone else
I hate my addiction to alcohol which I have to sedate myself otherwise my anger takes over.
I hate how weak and small I am and not just in height but bone density too my wrists are 5.3inches/13.5cm
I wish I was more masculine in my mind like wanting to fight and stuff like other guys, even as a child the other boys including my siblings liked to wrestle but I always hated that so I guess I just want to be more manly since I feel like such a girl
I hate how I am not better looking
I hate that I can´t accept the world I am living in with forced laws I never consented to, ignorance is bliss after all
I hate that I am poor
I hate I don´t have a car anymore
I hate how bad my long term memory has become like I can´t vividly remember most of my childhood or even teenage years only frackments
I hate I can´t feel the happy/sad feeling of nostalgia anymore because of apathy
I hate people don´t respect me because that I am small so I am not intimidating to them and if people don´t fear you they don´t respect you.

I could make a whole list about how I hate each of my dozen physical and mental problems but I covered that in the second sentence.
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Reactions: Zoya, Bct, GirlInBlue and 1 other person


May 8, 2020
My skinny body, my big ears, my crappy eyesight.
My sensitivity, my unmacho-ness, my low self esteem and total lack of confidence.
My wrong-wired brain that sabotages me at all the worst times.
My complete apathy towards things I used to be so passionate about.
My inability to communicate my feelings. My inability to think and act rationally.
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Jun 27, 2019
Only that I didn't learn the lesson about how selfish, stupid, and ego driven most people are soon enough. I didn't cause any of this. I am a victim...as are most of the people I see posting...really ALL of us. Even people who took active measures that led to their situation do not deserve this. Nothing innate, chosen, or bestowed upon us deserves this. I don't hate myself...I hate what has been done to me.
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Reactions: Zoya, GirlInBlue, cant cry and 2 others


lost among the stars
Jan 26, 2020
I don't know a thing like hate. If I say I hate something it does not mean the actual hate, it is more of a discontent.
If we consider something different than I used to tell here, then:
1) I don't like being very helpful. Usually it is a one-way help, when I am in trouble noone cares irl
2) I don't like being kind. People merely start using me
3) I don't like the feeling when I start doing something and then I am not just losing interest but feeling extremely tired
4) I don't like that I care about different people but do not care about myself
5) I don't like being too smart. This makes me see things regular people never see, makes me not do things which regular people do and everything seems wrong to me
6) I don't like being odd in this world. I feel that I had to live in different times where my potential could be worth something.
7) I don't like being. The whole system is not for me, nobody has equal opportunities
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Reactions: Zoya and GirlInBlue


Jun 27, 2019
I hate that I am unable to function normally in the world
I hate that I am riddled with guilt that I cannot reconcile
I hate that I am still here
I hate that I could never work out what I did that made him angry and therefore could never amend my ways to stop it
I hate that I will never really be clean again
I hate the very essence of me
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Oct 26, 2019
I have often felt that eating, breathing, keeping myself alive, were participation in people hurting me, were things I did against my own interest, that wanting help from anyone was legitimizing how people manipulated me. So I hated that I was still doing all that, daily.

I hope this does not come off as unsolicited advice, but just that the things I've wished for myself, I also wish for anyone else who'd want them: I hope that you can find the difference between "things that haven't worked out well for me in this shitty backwards social machine" and "things that are bad/wrong to be or want." I hope you find the audacity to revel in things about yr self that society is against, in spiting them. Even if it's not enough.
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May 13, 2020
I hate how little I can control myself.
I hate feeling like a slave to my own body and impulses.

My mother had a miscarriage before I was born. I hate about myself, that I wasn't the baby that died.
I'm suprised someone else had a similar experience... I was supposed to be a twin, and unfortunately I was the only one my parents got to have alive. I hate that.
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Blue Portal

Blue Portal

May 6, 2020
I hate how stupid, weak, and pathetic I am.
I hate my ugly, fat face and my flesh prison of a body.
I hate how fucked up and diseased my mind is.
I hate that there remains a small part of me that clings onto hope and life against all logic.
I hate that I can't accept reality.
I hate that I don't know how to talk to people or make friends.
I hate that no one has or will ever love me.
I hate how worthless and useless I am.
I hate how scared I am of everything and how my mind is a carousel of fears that I cycle through.
I hate the intrusive thoughts and images that fill my consciousness.
I hate that I was ever born and that I'm still alive.
I hate that I can't just CTB and get this shit over with.
I hate that I squandered my younger years.

draw a circle

Apr 10, 2020
I hate that I'm scared of rejection so bad that I can't move forward. I hate my anxiety and my horrible temper. I hate how easily I get angry at anything and everything. I hate how I'm a jealous little bitch who thinks the world revolves around them. I hate how egotistical and selfish I am. I hate that I'm still stuck in a regret of a decision I made five years ago.
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Clutching at invisible straws
Dec 11, 2018
Being envious, jealous
Being lazy
Being greedy
Not putting efforts in making friends
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Apr 22, 2020
I hate that I'm never able to speak up. I've blown friendships and relationships just cause I never say things about myself. People think I'm boring, but I'm just terrified to say anything about myself.
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Aug 29, 2018
I hate that im trapped in a stalemate with life and dont have the balls to call it quits

I hate that i cant work anywhere without awaking someone's psycho within and that im so unlikable no one ever has my back

I hate that i cant get treated for adhd, that im basically doomed to know im awkward and incompetent and unable to do anything about it

I hate that im just the dumbo for most of my friends and cant connect with anyone

I hate how cringey i am

I hate that i can only win fights or stand up for myself in my head but freeze irl

I hate that i worked so hard towards my pipe dreams only to realize there was nothing worth it in me

I hate that im so fat but wont be bothered to work at it, because what would it change

I hate that i can only see disppointment or disdain in my family's eyes and that i feel the same about myself

I hate that all my bullies have won

I hate that the only mark i will leave on this world is a painful memory
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Apr 25, 2020
I hate that I'm so f stupid and let all this happen to me. I went from being determined to live life in spite of it all to giving up on everything

I hate that I think so black and white and it had to be all or nothing , nothing just sucks
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Mar 5, 2020
i dont hate myself, this stipid story sucks tho


Disqualified from Being Human
Apr 20, 2020
I also have a lot to hate about myself.

I hate how anxious and insecure I am.
I hate with my pessimistic and negative views of almost everything.
I hate how low my self-esteem is.
I hate how I can't see good points about myself (if I have any).
I hate how pathetic and weak I am.
I hate how I struggle to articulate my speech, sometimes just let sentences unfinished or unclear.
I hate how sometimes I make snarky remarks without thinking the consequenses.
I hate how shy I am.
I hate I don't have any artistic talents or skills.
I hate that I've indirectly killed someone.
I hate no matter how hard I tried, I still can't fix myself.
I hate how my traumas keep me from become a better person.

Still have more things to hate about myself, but just left these for now.
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May 25, 2020
I hate more life in general than me:

I hate people
I hate how we need to compete with each other to get anything:
to get a job, to attract someone, to get join a university, to accomplish something.
I hate how people lie, how people BETRAY
I hate politicians
I hate inequality of the world
I hate how we need to pretend we are something we aren't
I hate how people are so selfish
I hate how people feelings changes so fast
I hate how people are not responsible
I hate how society judges everybody
I hate how people are hypocrites
I hate how people are jealous
I hate how people have the necessity of being accept
I hate how society care about superficial things

What I hate about me:
I am too sensible
I am dumb, have difficult to learn anything
I am "baby"
I hate I didn't born dead.
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Reactions: _Minsk, raindrops, Zoya and 1 other person


trapped here
Nov 9, 2019
I hate my physical appearance.
I hate my body.
I hate my accent, where I'm from, where I live.
I hate my weak, underdeveloped voice.
I hate having Aspergers.
I hate how mentally and emotionally weak I am.
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New Member
May 26, 2020
i hate my personality
i hate my voice
i hate how i could've helped but didn't
i hate how i didn't have the resolve back then
i hate how i miss the bigger picture
i hate the way i think
i hate how i push away everyone
i hate that i wont graduate


Jun 5, 2019
I hate my broken mind
I hate my ugly face and fat body
I hate how I fail at everything I try
I hate my country
I hate my posture
I hate my personality
I hate my voice
I hate my hair
I hate how terrified I am all the time
I hate that I've been too weak to go through with suicide even though it has been the obvious solution for half my life.
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