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Feb 29, 2024
If I still had money id probably try to enjoy life still. I had enough money to not need to work before and freedom to do anything. Money brings comfort
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I think the opposite is more accurate. Lack of money in life can make things much harder.

But, it really depends what a person is struggling with. Some things it definitely can't buy- good health, good genes, good family and friends. It may enable someone to cope with their problems more comfortably or, it could bring it's own unique problems- gold diggers who aren't at all genuine.

Plus, I think happiness can be about contrast. Someone who has always been wealthy maybe won't be all that grateful for it because it's their 'normal'. On the other hand, someone who's poor who gets a windfall can go a bit crazy and spend the lot and end up even more miserable because they tasted the high life and then squandered it.

I just think it's complicated. I think money would help a lot of people though. It's such a massive stressor in life. I might not be a lot happier with money but, I'd certainly feel more at ease with living without the pressure of having to earn it.
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the most optimistic pessimist
Apr 17, 2024
money gives you the opportunity to buy things that could make you happy, so in a way yeah. i might be more happy if i have more money to spend on things that I would like, but at the end of the day I still have my trauma, and I still live in an awful situation. it won't go away immediately, but I wouldn't know if it changed me unless I got put in a situation where I'd have more money.
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On the rollercoaster of sadness
Oct 17, 2023
Money can only bring happiness if you're unhappy because of lack of money. I was happier when I was a kid, pre teen, with my family that had some financial problems and limitations than I am now when I make good money and can buy what I want (within reason ofc).

Money can't buy me close friends, can't make my father or sister care more about me, can't fill the emptiness in my heart. I was off sick for 5 months, still kept my salary during that time (good company), so I was able to experience a little of living as if I was "rich" and didn't have to work. I was still miserable.

I'm now on a new psychologist, private, that specialises on the kind of problems that I have and I'm still hopeless. Spent yesterday the day crying while updating my finances spreadsheet. Best month of the year so far, saved a ton of money, still crying in front of the spreadsheet.

If your problems are not a mental illness, I think money can buy happiness, given you have the rest that can't be bought (love, friends, family). If not, it will help with daily life but won't do much more.
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Mar 23, 2018
I've seen mentioned that rich aren't any happier and some have CTB....
How many of them would be happy just to give it all away, All the benefits of being wealthy and live paycheck to paycheck ??? Knowing they could never get it back. For the rest of their lives.
(Decades.... Not 6 months to live) 😉
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
If I still had money id probably try to enjoy life still. I had enough money to not need to work before and freedom to do anything. Money brings comfort
Same / Similar!
It can give you peace of mind and relief from worries so in my book that is happiness.
Same / Similar!
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She wished that she never existed...
Sep 24, 2020
No, in fact the whole idea of "happiness" feels like a shallow delusion invented by humans to me and anyway even with money all humans are still capable of suffering to unlimited amounts. Existing can always potentially get so torturous way beyond anyone can imagine whether there is money or not, the reality is that human existence is so incredibly cruel, harmful but also so futile. And anyway no matter what humans are destined for nothing but to be tormented by old age just decaying and deteriorating if they exist for that long, the thought of such is so incredibly hellish to me. Existence itself is the problem, there's no "happiness" in existing.
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Jan 11, 2024
But for some people, those things only bring superficial, ephemeral enjoyment and happiness. And after a while, they can cease to bring even that. Some of the times I've been the most unhappy in my life were when I was on what should have been fabulous vacations (e.g. touring beautiful historic places, dining at the best restaurants, staying at the nicest hotels, etc). I knew how fortunate I was to be able to do these things, and I felt like I should be happy and enjoying it, but this just made the empty sadness feel even worse.

I actually really envy people who can truly enjoy life by having/spending money, and I don't doubt that there are people for whom this is the case. But money isn't a panacea for everyone. If it were, then rich people wouldn't CTB*

* I know not everyone on this list was rich, but many were. It's also just a list of 21st century suicides. The list would of course be much longer if it went further back in time. It also would be much longer if it also included people who attempted (but survived) suicide.
Beautiful historic places and good restaurants aren't superficial - they can be deeply rewarding, and honestly, I know my life would dramatically improve with financial security. Anyone who is rich and unhappy and doesn't ever have to worry about being homeless - which is a real reality for too many of us - definitely needs therapy. People get depressed and choose to end their life and I can understand that, but I also see that money is a HUGE burden for so many of us.

If I didn't have to worry about money and masking my autism to keep a roof over my head I would have far less stress. If you're someone who can be rich enough to travel and do so, go to events, pursue hobbies and still be miserable then give your money away to people who need it. It's actually deeply offensive when so many people are struggling to say 'the money doesn't change anything and money doesn't make you happy'. Then nothing can make you happy.
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i love books
Mar 31, 2024
When I have money I can buy books and that makes me happy
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Mar 6, 2024
Can money really make you happy?
Money is just a tool, not an end in itself, for some people.

If money can buy what you actually want, then they can make you happy.

Can that happiness last? Sure, as long as your desires can be acquired by simply paying for them.
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Life is a pointless, undeserved, unnecessary pain.
Oct 30, 2023
Elon Musk is a good example that money can't buy happiness...

He spends most of his time on Twitter spouting any bullshit he thinks, he bullies people as he pleases, he is a compulsive liar, etc etc.

He's FILTHY rich.... Rich on the outside, but miserable on the inside.
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Jan 1, 2024
Elon Musk is a good example that money can't buy happiness...

He spends most of his time on Twitter spouting any bullshit he thinks, he bullies people as he pleases, he is a compulsive liar, etc etc.

He's FILTHY rich.... Rich on the outside, but miserable on the inside.
He takes ketamine or his depression
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Life is a pointless, undeserved, unnecessary pain.
Oct 30, 2023
the whole idea of "happiness" feels like a shallow delusion invented by humans
This is so true... "Happiness" is an elusive carrot on a stick and we, humans, are a donkey chasing It — perennially.
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Apr 15, 2024
I think a "temporary sensation" is the right keyword if you're trying to get happiness from money. It's like eating chocolate I guess.
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Jan 11, 2024
It can give you peace of mind and relief from worries so in my book that is happiness.
Exactly. I'm on a group of people sharing tips on how to save money. There are seniors in the group who are living out of their CARS. They'd look at the people who feell 'money can't buy happiness' and spit in their faces - and they'd be right. Their roof over their head right now is a CAR. Money would absolutely buy happiness. In the US it also buys you health rather than poverty.

'm too and really feel too old for this forum.
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Doesn't read PMs
May 20, 2021
It can make life easier, and recovery more accessible.

However, depression doesn't care about your bank account.

Lots of rich and powerful CTB.
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Freedom seeker
Nov 8, 2023
I'd like to test the theory.
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Feb 9, 2023
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Do cats live nine lives ? Or do humans ⏰
Feb 20, 2024
(Sorry for poor English my English sucks) I just wanted to know can money really buy happiness? Like if I do hardwork and become rich and successful will that make me happy? I personally think it can but temporary but if it's true then what's the point of chasing your dream and doing hardwork when you eventually gonna feel sad and lonely again because of your other problems. Many people say money can make you happy but there were many people/artist who were famous, rich and some of them even had family and love and most likely everything a person need in their life then what made them commit Suicide? Can money really make you happy?
Money can't buy happiness but it sure can make some difference , it will create outer happiness temporarily , but inner happiness can only be achieved through pure self love and acceptance
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silence ends

Jan 10, 2023
By living whole life in poverty i'd say money will make life easier and that way more happy and allows you to do things that increase happiness too.
"Ultimate happiness" ppl often talk about doesnt even exist so.
Ive crushed my financial situation for good towards ctb, gonna be homeless withs debts i cant pay in next months if id still be alive. So that will give motivation to ctb and win SI.
To be honest if id magically get even 10 000e now to fix my situation i would delay ctb further.

In our civilization we very much live by money. Money itself doesnt bring happiness but it makes living and doing things that bring happiness possible.
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Mar 17, 2023
Only rich people say that phrase LOL.
Like donate your all your money to charity and tell us if you still think money doesn't buy happiness.

I would love to try that theory and CTB with my lambo or my private jet if if find that to be true.
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I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.
Apr 22, 2024
I think it's bullshit, personally. It sounds like it would make sense on the surface, but money isn't merely luxury goods, good food and a nice house. Money can afford you stability, having money to fall behind reduces stress. Money pays for healthcare and money can save your life. The 1% live such alien lives from all the rest of us, never having to worry about the problems which the scarcity of money causes in a poor society. They are so out of touch because they own everything, and have endless mobility because of status.
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Mar 17, 2023
I think it's bullshit, personally. It sounds like it would make sense on the surface, but money isn't merely luxury goods, good food and a nice house. Money can afford you stability, having money to fall behind reduces stress. Money pays for healthcare and money can save your life. The 1% live such alien lives from all the rest of us, never having to worry about the problems which the scarcity of money causes in a poor society. They are so out of touch because they own everything, and have endless mobility because of status.
Deciding on which supercar to ride or what fancy resturant or vacation to choose must be so fucking depressing, Poor wealthy people.
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Sep 11, 2020
Money can never really buy true deep meaning happiness or 'cure' depression but it can take some worries away which in itself helps a bit overall. Money can also buy nice distractions and diversions from loneliness or unhappiness.
But they are still , welcome and enjoyable as they may be , just temporary distractions.
The reality of the deep unhappiness and pain still stays. Ultimately the desire to ctb is still there. Its just been delayed but it still comes..... eventually.
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New Member
Apr 23, 2024
i was always poor... so... i don't know
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Mar 17, 2023
This dumb idiot that originally said that should have said "Money doesn't buy health" which is more True cause money can't cure you from some types of CANCER or some health diseases and conditions.
Last edited:
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Oct 17, 2023
Money won't buy happiness but it can buy me the right to exist on Earth without being made to struggle against other apes which have not received an emotional education and remain only interested in serving their own needs.
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Mar 17, 2023
Money won't buy happiness but it can buy me the right to exist on Earth without being made to struggle against other apes which have not received an emotional education and remain only interested in serving their own needs.
You took the words of my mouth, Atleast i won't have to meet this freaks that throw their shit at me so i can exist.
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Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
Never had a lot of money, probably never will but I don't really mind. I have to always be careful on how I spend it, but I'm not complaining. It would be nice I think to not have to be Scroogy on gifts I think but it's supposed to be the thought that counts
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Jan 29, 2024
If I had more money I could buy a nice house in the country, replace my ten year old car, have time to pick up old hobbies and pursue new ones.
Not saying it would fix my mental state but it sure as hell would take some pressure off.
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