

Nov 6, 2018
I was a medic on a navy ship in the final days of WWII.

Just as the war (in europe) was about to end, I was injured, but because the ship was about to take on a large number of serious casualties, I had to keep working, despite my own injuries.
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May 15, 2019
I used to have vivid, detailed dreams...

Now, I can barely recall, and just the noments prior to waking...
Last night, in my dream, I had a friend who was showing me her odd portrait (the legs stuck out if the frame?). We were in a large house, with many people... I didn't want to, but we split up. She went down the corridor and I stepped into a room. Half was like a packed restaurant, and I was sEarching for smething in the other half. I opened the cabinet door and woke up.


Mar 21, 2019
Can't really remember, something involving my family...


Apr 25, 2020
Can't remember last night for once, usually whatever I'm dreaming seems ok, like none of this is happening, then it suddenly turns ugly and people accusing me of bringing this all on myself. Maybe they're right.

That's when I wake up and smoke cigarettes till I'm sick


I am free, therefore I am lost.
Apr 12, 2019
I dreamt that I slit my wrists and throat and didn't die, I kept on loosing blood without passing out while my mother was scolding me


I go on holidays by mistake
May 4, 2020
Giant Tigers, hiding from them in a massive warehouse, which I think I've seen in Battlefield 5 during one of the missions. Not sure where the Tigers came from, unless my brain is just now processing Joe Exotic and his crazy docu from a month or so ago. As long as it's not Carole and her green teeth in my dreams tonight. I think I'd rather have Joe letching at me than her.
BPD Barbie

BPD Barbie

Dec 1, 2019
I have very vivid and real feeling dreams which I remember when I first wake up but the memory fizzles out during the day.
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I go on holidays by mistake
May 4, 2020
I have very vivid and real feeling dreams which I remember when I first wake up but the memory fizzles out during the day.
Write them down if you can, I started doing it around Christmas, it's hilarious looking back at some of the crackpot things my brain feeds me. I wish I could make some sense of some of them, I dream about people I knew very briefly, 20 years ago - like lads I worked with for a week who I'd completely forgotten about and would likely pass them on the street.
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Apr 25, 2020
I'm so sick of dreaming, they are exhausting. Never wake up rested. Too much goin on in them


But what do I know
Mar 31, 2020
I was working as an assistant to this very rich white man. Kind of a Mr. Burns type of character. He was very rich, very old, and cruel. I guess I was sort of his Smithers, though I was more hired to be his heath care advisor, I think. This man and I went to a small town to pick up the woman he was seeing. She was his complete opposite. She was Hispanic and young and vibrant and absolutely gorgeous. Everything about her was seductive and full of life. The only thing they had in common was that they were both very bad people.

As we were waiting for her to arrive, a friendly officer who lived there and was off duty at the moment offered to give us a lift in his mini van. I'm not sure what happened to our car, but we agreed. So we sat in the minivan with the cop while waiting for my boss' girlfriend to join us. She showed up all done up and ready for the rave/club she wanted to take my boss to. She also had drugs with her. It was a strange drug, an imagining of my mind. It was bright mango yellow with red, black, and purple flecks in it. It was very potent, comparable to cocaine. The woman was quite pleased with herself, citing that even just a little bit would "fuck you up good." She dipped her finger in the mixture up to the first knuckle and had me lick it off, and indeed it was quite strong. It tasted of tropical fruits and she told me it was made out of the ground up shell of some tropical fruit I'd never heard of.

The cop drove us to the party, I suppose. I don't remember where the woman went, but the next thing I know, the old man and I were being interrogated by the officer. He was now on duty and demanding to know about the drugs and the woman. I swore I had no connection or knowledge about any of it--that I had only just met her today. The cop stopped his interrogation when he received a tip about a child sex trafficking ring in a nearby convenience store. He and I went there and confronted the clerk, who was trafficking young girls to literal monsters. The cop and I freed the girls, which in turn created outrage with the monsters. They went on a killing spree.

I fled. I ran to a building that looked like some luxury apartments, but it was some kind of senior living center. By happenstance, I had entered the apartment of an older woman who was caring for a dozen or so children between the ages of 8-12. She had a granny sort of vibe to her and was baking and telling stories. I rushed to close and bolt all the doors to the place--and there were many--and was urgently telling her that there were monsters in the building and we needed to be very quiet and pretend no one was here or they would come and kill us. The floor plan of the apartment was bizarre. There were rooms that connected in so many ways and in ways that didn't make sense, like a room with two bathrooms or a room that adjoined to the kitchen. Nonetheless, I raced from one end of the apartment to the other, closing and bolting the doors and turning off the lights. Now, all while this was going on, I could hear monsters growling in the distance, getting closer to where we were. I continued as fast as I could. The back door led to a large patio with a large in ground swimming pool. My cat was outside so I picked him up and brought him in. I closed the door, worrying about how rickety it was and how it would never hold, but I didn't have time to fuss too much so I continued with what I was doing. However, after I closed the back door, ghouls started rising from the pool. They were something between zombies and ghosts, walking and looking like zombies but having no real corporeal form.

I paid them no mind until I realized they had drawn one of the children to the door and were trying to possess the child. I don't quite remember what I did. Some combination of violent force and holy words, I think. I managed to pry the child from the power of the ghoul and I covered the window and ushered the child to the next room. The kids were all still playing in their sleepwear and acting as though nothing was happening. The old woman was also still carrying on, only half heartedly urging them to be quiet. I was getting frustrated because they weren't responding to the urgency of which I was trying to save them. I tried to usher the children into the bathroom and get them to hide in the bathtub, but only half of them listened. And then it was too late.

It had grown silent outside. I went to the door and listened. The knob was turning. I put my hand on the knob and felt the power of which the person was turning. The monsters were here. I whisper yelled at the kids that we needed to leave NOW and I opened a side door. We ran out around the front of the building. On the street, there was a bus. Strangely enough, the bus was being boarded exclusively by Asians. I knew that our best bet of surviving was to catch that bus. I ran for it, we were all too far away and the bus left without us. But then it stopped just a few feet down the road. I stopped and felt a chill as I watched the bus stop for one more passenger. He was a humanoid with a black horse's head. A monster. And I knew every one of those people on that bus was going to die. I turned sharply and told the kids we would walk the other way. We walked along the road since there was no path for us to walk on. We stepped on to the grass, and I cautioned the kids not to step on these wires that lined the grass. They looked something like Christmas lights, except they were deadly. They lined the grass in a grid pattern, and if you stepped on them, they would electrocute you. The last thing I remember before I woke up was trying to help some of the kids step over the wires.
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But what do I know
Mar 31, 2020
A lot happened, something about the city burning and people fleeing, but all I remember clearly is running along the shoreline. It was night and there was an orange glow casting enough light for me to see. My feet kept sinking into the sand, rather than sitting atop of it. Finally, I stopped running and examined my feet. All I felt was something between burning and itchiness, but my feet were moderately injured. I they were bloody and had gashes and gaping wounds where I could see the tendons and bones in my ankle and heel. But the most striking thing was the shards of glass under my skin. My skin was mostly in tact so it was as if the shards had grown under and pierced the skin from the inside when they got too big. I leaned down and started digging around in my skin and pulled out shards of glass from a half inch to two inches long. It felt amazing, akin to sexual release.

Even now, as I'm awake and thinking about it, I'm caught in a cross between revulsion and arousal and curiosity. I almost wish I could experience it first hand.


Jun 6, 2020
My best friend was goddess Athena and I visited gig where was a band which was like three bands mixed together and I really enjoyed it even though they played only intro of a song and then I woke up and had a really weird feeling about upcoming day.
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Feb 22, 2019
Self explanatory thread title.

I was chatting to someone in a coffee shop, and I turned around and saw someone running away with my bag (which had my laptop in it), and I was chasing after him. I kept running and running and the guy was in sight, but I could never catch him. That's all I remember.... not the weirdest dream I ever had hehe.


I want to drift into the lucid dream, endlessly...
Jun 11, 2020
I don't know exactly how old I was, but I was a lot younger. I was running around in my parents backyard with a bunch of friends who I have not seen in years, laughing and having fun. All of a sudden I jumped up in the air and started flying around the backyard. One of my friends made a remark saying, leaving so soon? I said yes and proceeded to fly upwards and went past the clouds to the clear blue sky above. At some point the blue sky became a thick grey cloud. I extended my hand forward and proceeded to tear into the cloud revealing what was behind it. I stood above another set of clouds, with the Sun slowly descending before me. It was very quiet. The colors of the sky during the sunset were very calming. For a brief moment, I felt peace. Then I woke up. :(
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Iustitia Mortuus
Jun 12, 2020
Lately I've dreamed of my Grandmother, whom I lost well over a decade ago. The dreams are intense and affective. To let my imagination run wild, it feels as though she's communicating with me, or that my desire to join her is conjuring these feelings. I visit her old home and garden, and reflect on how they're no longer hers, she left them behind and her character and energy are gone from them. I want to leave things behind too. I plan to journey and see her again. She tells me it's okay to seek an end, to seek peace, nothing to be ashamed of, and that she has no judgments of my life and experiences, only acceptance and compassion.

At the end of these dreams, I almost feel I'm merging with the great unknown, becoming part of everything, and reunited with my Grandmother. I wake up grieving hard, sobbing as if I lost her yesterday.
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Nov 11, 2021
I dreamed i was looking for the ones i have loved and lost but i never find them
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Sep 10, 2018
Nothing today, but a few nights ago I dreamt that I had died and was in a much better world...
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I know that I have nightmares. I do tend to forget the specific details about them as soon as I wake up though. There is no peace even in sleep, there will only be peace when I die.
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Death is salvation
Sep 26, 2021
I dreamt that I was hit by a car which came in high speed to the sidewalk. Only my right knee and a bit overall my right leg were affected. No one called an ambulance or police, and it was a center like thing full of people, the driver also ran away. So I had to go home like this and suffer in silence for a few hours until I decided to tell my parents.
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Sep 10, 2018
I saw a group of people (maybe 15 people, maybe more), they had winter coats on (quilted jackets etc.), they were inside a gigantic hallway or tunnel, and one middle aged woman spoke to us other people, but I couldn't hear any sounds or voices. The lighting was slighly orange or brown, it was like 11 in the morning and the sun had risen hours ago but it was still dawn even though it was also full day (it was dawn, evening and the middle of the day at the same time, deal with it). Don't remember anything else cause I immediately woke up.
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Tell my dogs I love them
May 29, 2020
I keep having recurring nightmares about failing my ctb attempt with N, or something relating to that subject
Last night it manifested as a nightmare where my grandad went to dignitas and we were with him in the room while he drank the N and it turned out to be a really painful and traumatic death
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crippled with grief
Nov 8, 2021
My ex-girlfriend loving me, as ever
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May 29, 2020
orange flavored marijuana cookies. and finding a shitload of cash. and being at a fancy restaurant that was free...
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A Mole Sitting in a Hole
Jun 6, 2020
orange flavored marijuana cookies. and finding a shitload of cash. and being at a fancy restaurant that was free...
Can I have your dreams please? I'm happy to pay.
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Sep 10, 2018
I saw a really stressful nightmare in which my sibling was in underwear, very angry and yelled at me and told me how much they hate me and how everything in the world is my fault. I tried to run away and tell about it to other people, I tried to tell them that I was a good person and my sibling is being crazy and violent and running around in public spaces in nothing but underwear, but everyone defended my sibling and told me that they hate me and that I'm the most evil and stupid person ever.

I hate my relatives. I'm always the scapegoat. I have nothing but hatred left for them. Can't wait to die and get some real family members.
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Dec 8, 2020
It was a long dream. I was a kid and was constantly getting bullied by my peers. Was even raped by them. My life continued to get worse and worse, then I finally died (presumably suicide but I can't remember).

My peers moved on and years went by. Then I decided to try and reach out to them from "the great beyond". Was leaving notes and signs for them. They were more mature, so I found a way to communicate with them and tell them how their actions affected me. I also was able to possess them and force everyone into a faux group therapy session by making them confess their deepest anguish and pain. We all understood each other better after that.

It was interested. Kinda sucked at some points. Was good at others. Last week I played an awesome game, Beyond Two Souls, so maybe that's where the possession and related phenomena came in lol. Fun stuff.
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Sep 3, 2021
I had this bizarre dream. I was with this team of shark hunters and I had this feeling of "I'll just watch, there's no way I'm getting in the water". Everyone had these harpoon guns. It was night time and the water was all sparkly and bright. This giant shark came out of the water to attack us on the docks, and we shot at it. It ended up being a giant robot and this guy came out and pretty much was like "haha pranked you".

Later on I was back home. I woke up in the morning and took a walk to this baseball field. I walked some laps around it and saw some senior citizens there.

After that I was told I had been entered into an exchange program and was going to school in central Europe. It felt like I was teleported to an apartment with these 3 men. We went on a walk and I looked at all these unfamiliar foreign buildings and signs in another language. I was nervous because I couldn't speak the local language. Then I woke up.
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Nov 17, 2021
I can't remember
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