Do you believe in the existence of advanced E.T beings?

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Apr 3, 2024
After my NDE in 2011 I became fascinated by paranormal stuff: spirits, different dimensions, consciousness, parallel realities and advanced civilizations from other Star systems.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
Ya. I've heard about starseeds, like the Lyrans and Andromedans
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Aug 9, 2023
There must exist, just that they are probably pretty far away or haven't gotten advanced enough. We can't be the only ones, that would be really crepy.
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Apr 3, 2024
Ya. I've heard about starseeds, like the Lyrans and Andromedans
Yes, I have been learning about the different E.T's that exists in out there, like: The Arcturians, Sirians, Essassani, The Pleiadians etc.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
Yes, I have been learning about the different E.T's that exists in out there, like: The Arcturians, Sirians, Essassani, The Pleiadians etc.
I heard that you could tell which kind you are from your birth chart. There are starseed markings think. There are websites to calculate it. I calculated mine once out of curiosity but it seems like that website disappeared 😭

Who are the Essassani? I've never heard about them


Almost gone, it almost worked
Oct 24, 2020
I mean if it is truly accurate that the universe is endless and there isn't just some limit super far out beyond what we can perceive, then anything is possible. Statistically every single will happen somewhere out in the universe, including advanced extra terrestrial beings.
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Apr 3, 2024
I heard that you could tell which kind you are from your birth chart. There are starseed markings think. There are websites to calculate it. I calculated mine once out of curiosity but it seems like that website disappeared 😭

Who are the Essassani? I've never heard about them
The Essassani, are apparently a hybrid race from zeta-greys and human genetic manipulation (you have probably heard of "alien abductions").

They have been in communication with us humans for decades through channelling done by Daryl Anka. I have watched a lot of their videos on YouTube for years now.

Their planet is a little smaller than ours, and gravity is about 85% of ours and exists about 500 light years in the direction of the Orion constellation.

"The Essassani live to around 300 years. They die consciously, even with their eyes open, chosen to be the right time to move on and expand. There is no decay of the body; it converts instantaneously back into universal energy.

They have a synchronistic civilization typical of all advanced races. No governments are required; they operate more by networks, on an individual and group basis.

Individuals or groups provide a needed service in such a manner that no monetary or barter system is necessary; everything is free. There lifestyle is always 'very spontaneous, very joyful, very ecstatic'. The city ships range from one to ten miles in length. They are used to explore galaxies and contacting planets within the Association of Worlds.". So they are not just technologically advanced but spiritually advanced too. The more I research about other civilizations from other Star systems the more I realise how premitive we Earth humans are. Other civilizations don't have things the monetary system, Government, Religion etc. they just live in peace ✌🏼🕊️ with their environment. They leave their body consciously when they are done with it (what we would deem CTB).
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(ᴗ_ ᴗ。)
Nov 25, 2023
Yes I do.
Greys, reptilians, mantids...
Do you mind sharing your NDE?
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Apr 3, 2024
Yes I do.
Greys, reptilians, mantids...
Do you mind sharing your NDE?
I have already posted it on a different thread, I'll copy and paste it here and add more stuff I remember from the experience.

I have definitely experienced something beyond the physical that allowed for an awareness that is not possible in human form, an expanded awareness. When I died several years ago I momentarily left my human body as well as this entire physical reality, I was no longer physical and burdened by the heaviness of the physical body, the was also no more physical pain of any kind. My spirit body was very very light and could travel across different Galaxies and dimensions at insane speeds. I quickly found myself at this dimension were I was one with the whole entire reality, the experience of Oneness (unlike here were we experience the illusion of separation). In this reality I was not doing or having any thoughts (100% thoughtless state), it was just the experience of being and knowing e.g. I knew with absolute certainty that all is just one thing and in a state of perfection whilst being that oneness and perfection, I am convinced this is what most call "Source". For the first time in my life, I was experiencing what I will call love accompanied by this intense euphoria that trancends any and all experiences we are busy having here. Most of the stuff I experienced there can't be described here cause they are of a completely different dimension, the aforementioned is just my futile attempt to describe what cannot be described in Earthly terms.

I also knew the this current reality of physicality is just a an illusion, a short dream that I had waken up from. Also, in addition to no longer feeling physical pain, I also no longer had the experience of the dense emotions (fear, anxiety, hate etc.) that come with being in a physical body. I was so calm and okay with all the traumas I had experienced back on Earth, they didn't matter at all in that dimensional reality. I had an expanded awareness and with this came the absolute knowing that time-space reality is just an illusion. But unfortunately I had to return back to my Earth form/lower self and this comes with forgetting and extreme limitations (compared to my higher self).

I came back to the dimensions of pain. I have devoted my life to healing my traumas but I just end up experiencing more traumatic events (C-PTSD). I now just want to return back to those higher dimensions I was in.
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I'm so scared... I'm cold.
Mar 20, 2023
I believe in them, even if an ex-CIA agent claims that we do have UFOs and they do not belong to extraterrestrials. I think they are mostly observers and either make deals with the governments to experiment on humans in exchange for technology or don't really get involved because of how stupid humanity is.
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Apr 3, 2024
I believe in them, even if an ex-CIA agent claims that we do have UFOs and they do not belong to extraterrestrials. I think they are mostly observers and either make deals with the governments to experiment on humans in exchange for technology or don't really get involved because of how stupid humanity is.
Yes. I came across the same information that some of these E.T's that are responsible for what is deemed "Alien abductions" made deals with the government to extract DNA samples from human beings in exchange for advance technology. Apparently these E.T beings have messed up their own genes and can no longer reproduce and are slowly, slowly dying out on their home planet.

I laughed when I read that they (E.T's) argued that we humans conduct experiments all the time on animals and plants without any concerns whatsoever if they are okay with it because we deem them lesser intelligent life forms, they are doing the same on humans cause they deem Earth humans as lesser intelligent life forms. Yes, humans can be hypocrites, arrogant and stupid at times (if not all the time), no wonder some of us are anxious to get off this planet.
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I'm so scared... I'm cold.
Mar 20, 2023
Yes. I came across the same information that some of these E.T's that are responsible for what is deemed "Alien abductions" made deals with the government to extract DNA samples from human beings in exchange for advance technology. Apparently these E.T beings have messed up their own genes and can no longer reproduce and are slowly, slowly dying out on their home planet.

I laughed when I read that they (E.T's) argued that we humans conduct experiments all the time on animals and plants without any concerns whatsoever if they are okay with it because we deem them lesser intelligent life forms, they are doing the same on humans cause they deem Earth humans as lesser intelligent life forms. Yes, humans can be hypocrites, arrogant and stupid at times (if not all the time), no wonder some of us are anxious to get off this planet.

That is a bit of hypocrisy for sure. The funny (or unfunny) part about that too is that humanity is caught doing unethical and even illegal experimentation on the populace but gets away with it. MKultra for one example. It surprises me how its a known fact this happens but no one seems to even care.
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ham and potatoes

ham and potatoes

Just some hillbilly
Mar 27, 2024
Space is just so unimaginably big. 100s of billions of galaxies, each with 100s of billions of stars, which could each have multiple planets orbiting them.
So thinking that this little planet is the only one where life happened just seems crazy to me
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
Does anyone know anything about starseeds from Scorpius, Hydra, Leo or Aquila?
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
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I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
Yes and no.

The fact that we haven't found other civilizations yet is often called the Fermi Paradox.
There have been many theories. Some more scientific, others more fantasy/sci-fi.

Maybe we are the first intelligent civilization in the entire universe? Or maybe other civilizations are hiding from someone/something.

Let's also remember that we humans are animals, just like, for example cats are animals.
Maybe we will find animals on other planets that are not "intelligent".
Maybe we will only find such animals.

Logic tells us that in such a vast space we cannot be completely alone, but we also cannot rule out other possibilities.
So my answer is yes and no.
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Aug 24, 2024
All I can say is I've been looking at the night sky for over half a century and have not one time seen something that could not be explained. With all the stargazing I do, surely I would have seen something by now. I have not. I'm not saying aliens don't exist, but I am saying they sure are conveniently missing when most serious astronomers are out sky watching all night.