I'm CBTing because of low quality of life. I also noticed my quality of life had a bad effect on my mental state. One of the turning point for me was when I couldn't get excited anymore. Professionals might say to me, well that's just classic depression. But it's not. I can't get excited if I'm now too ill to even work a few hours each week. I can't get excited if I'm too ill to go out into nature, if I've lost most of my friends because they don't understand, if I can't enjoy most foods because eating makes me sick, if I have to live my life revolving around my stomach, bladder, energy levels and other things. And to be honest excitement an adventure were always the main things that drove me in life. For everyone they have different wants. Some people are driven to seek out love and commitment for example. But for me I wanted to explore experience and create. Fortunately I've done a lot of that. So now that excitement is that main ingredient missing from my life, that my body and my life are just a burden killing all the excitement now, well that is a big mental part of my choice to CBT. So on the one hand there's the pain and suffering caused by the symptoms and a bleak future, loss of independence etc. And on the other hand there's also the lack of the key ingredients that always drove me to want to face life: adventure, excitement, freedom, experimenting, originality, exploring, creativity, and so on. So now that all that is gone I actually feel very detached from my life. That kind of detachment is a surreal feeling but I suppose in my case it is an acceptance that the good times are gone and that I'd rather not linger.