
Feb 18, 2023
What effects does sn have if you fail an attempt and survive? I know the antitode is methelyne blue but how do you take it? Do you have to go to a hospital and let the doctors give the methelyne blue intravenously? If you survive from sn then how are you able to go to a hospital considering that sn gives symptoms such as nausea, vomitting, headaches, fainting, blurry vision, how can you get help, do you have to call an ambulance? Also I know that many people said that the effects from a failed sn attempt can be reversible and there hasn't been records of people with long lasting damage, but since sn causes hypoxia, doesn't that mean it can cause long lasting or even permanent damage? What type of permanent damage can it cause?


Apr 15, 2024
Yes, you definitely need to go to the hospital. You get there by calling emergency and they send an ambulance. I think the worst damage is renal failure and some brain damage, but not as much as with inert gasses. Most failures seem to be due to vomitting lots of the SN out before it has caused enough effect in the blood to the point of causing brain death and damage. With gasses the issue is not vomitting, so damage occurs much faster until the person is saved or wakes up to remove the gas and/or bag.


Jun 10, 2024
Based on stories here, some people who vomit up the contents and have their SI kick in whilst they still retain consciousness call a friend to then call an ambulance, if not directly. Otherwise, some are found within a couple of hours if not in a remote enough location from help and taken to the hospital. Whilst you're correct that theoretically, a pure enough SN in the right dosage would cause damage due to hypoxia, there are some anecdotes here of people being a couple of hours into ingestion, being found, administered methylene blue and then able to walk away with no irreversible brain damage. I'm sure there are titration or methodical errors to take note of but take the above as you will.


Feb 18, 2023
Based on stories here, some people who vomit up the contents and have their SI kick in whilst they still retain consciousness call a friend to then call an ambulance, if not directly. Otherwise, some are found within a couple of hours if not in a remote enough location from help and taken to the hospital. Whilst you're correct that theoretically, a pure enough SN in the right dosage would cause damage due to hypoxia, there are some anecdotes here of people being a couple of hours into ingestion, being found, administered methylene blue and then able to walk away with no irreversible brain damage. I'm sure there are titration or methodical errors to take note of but take the above as you will.
Sorry, what do you mean by titration or methodical errors?