Would you rather die tonight in your sleep or win 100 million in the lottery?

  • Die tonight in your sleep

  • Win 100 millions in the lottery

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Dec 25, 2023
Win the 100 million, leave 99.99 million to friends and family. Use the other 0.01 million to get some Nembutal.
I don't really have any friends. Could still leave it to people I admire I guess
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Dec 25, 2023
I don't even know what I'd do with the money. I don't enjoy anything, and money isn't going to buy my way out of the crushing loneliness I feel all the time. At least dying in my sleep is the most peaceful way to go ever, I'd hate to be rich and still miserable because then I'd feel worse off with the thought that I shouldn't feel miserable due to having all of this money.
I agree that it wouldn't help with loneliness. Sure you'd get people wanting to be around you, but only because of your money. That would be especially lonely, knowing that you have no friends and just being surrounded by parasites wanting your money
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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
Avec autant d'argent, je m'autodétruirais plus vite que je ne l'ai déjà fait au cours de ma vie.
Je veux juste me reposer maintenant.

Je suis d'accord que ça n'aiderait pas à lutter contre la solitude. Bien sûr, les gens voudraient être à vos côtés, mais seulement à cause de votre argent. Vous vous sentirez particulièrement seul, sachant que vous n'avez pas d'amis et que vous êtes entouré de parasites qui veulent votre argent.
indeed people who have a lot of money are surrounded by people with bad intentions
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Apr 15, 2024
I'd rather die. If I won that money, my spouse might return, but then I'll know my spouse just wants money. Fuck money! I'll just use it to find N in Peru.
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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
La mort
Je préférerais mourir. Si je gagnais cet argent, mon conjoint pourrait revenir, mais je saurais alors que mon conjoint ne veut que de l'argent. Putain d'argent ! Je l'utiliserai simplement pour trouver N au Pérou

Je préférerais mourir. Si je gagnais cet argent, mon conjoint pourrait revenir, mais je saurais alors que mon conjoint ne veut que de l'argent. Putain d'argent ! Je l'utiliserai simplement pour trouver N au Pérou.
My boyfriend IS died...


oh no :(
Apr 10, 2023
I would take the money, I like money ((:
With that amount of money I could probably secure myself a good CTB method just fine, then I would spend some of it on random stuff I like and then I would end myself. Simple really. My family can take the rest of the money after my death.
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Feb 16, 2024
With all that money, I'd immediately start living a life of excesses. Of course then I'd do heroin and then u know what ;)
  • Yay!
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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
Avec tout cet argent, je commencerais immédiatement à vivre une vie d'excès. Bien sûr, je prendrais de l'héroïne et tu sais quoi ;)
N est très difficile à trouver
even if lot of money


I luv dolls
Nov 4, 2023
I just want to die, I see no value in giving up a quick death to have money. Money could fix most of my problems, I would be able to afford plastic surgery but it won't last forever. I rather die and escape than live and slowly suffer
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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
Je veux juste mourir, je ne vois aucun intérêt à renoncer à une mort rapide pour avoir de l'argent. L'argent pourrait résoudre la plupart de mes problèmes, je pourrais me permettre une chirurgie esthétique, mais cela ne durera pas éternellement. Je préfère mourir et m'échapper que vivre et souffrir lentement
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Apr 26, 2024
That would be a dream I didn't even hesitate, fuck the money, if I took them I'll probably feel more messed up n donate them n then die lol.
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Marie France

Jun 28, 2024
J'ai hésité mais je dirais mourir dans mon sommeil. Car malheureusement l'argent ne peut pas résoudre tous mes problèmes.
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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
J'ai hésité mais je dirais mourir dans mon sommeil. Car malheureusement l'argent ne peut pas résoudre tous mes problèmes.
Thanks for your answer.
Yes money IS not Magic😰
I go sleep( but i have not chance todie🤬🤬🤬)
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Full Bodily Autonomy is non-negotiable
Apr 27, 2023
I'd take the money because having access to that would get me out of poverty, allow me to finally meaningfully support my loved ones and friends in their needs, guarantee I'd never have to work a job for any reason other than personal interest and passion for the rest of my life, it'd give me complete independence from anyone else financially so I could finally be honest about shit with my parents and tell them off for all of their bullshit, and would guarantee that I could always have the resources to deal with any disability issues that come up in my life with the best quality healthcare. It probably wouldn't fix my mental state completely, but it would instantly get rid of half of my reasons for wanting to CTB for the rest of my life. And if it turns out I'm just permanently fucked up and beyond saving and I still want to CTB after that life change, I can just do that to myself anyways the normal way and the money would guarantee that I could give something back to the world and to my friends on my way out through my will.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
I'd take the $100 million and spend it on N, go traveling and then bury it in a secret location for my next life self. Then, I would take my N because I don't want to live beyond 25
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dying flower

Jan 6, 2024
Préféreriez-vous mourir ce soir dans votre sommeil ou gagner 100 millions à la loterie ?

Votez s'il vous plaît🙏
J'essaie d'obtenir autant de votes que possible🙏

You cannot change the world no matter how much money you might have and that is my problem, l am 67 and l hate what this world has become. I just wish l could have appreciated the 60's and 70's more
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Jan 1, 2024
How much is 100 million after taxes?
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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
Please other people who want to die in sleep?
Everyone to try to sleep?
I should have been no born
I should have been no born
People who cant sleep?
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Jun 19, 2022
In my 36 years on this earth I've barely enjoyed any of it, I don't think any amount of money would help, I just don't like being alive. Most of my family are dead and I just see life as utterly pointless so imagine I'd be one of those miserable people living alone in a massive house. It's impossible for me to be happy, but knowing I could have a peaceful death is worth it's weight in gold.
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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020


Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
guaranteed Death / non-existence to me is much better than 100 million dollars. I wouldn't need any money or anything if I die tonight.

Even if i win 100 million dollars today that won't prevent a stroke or something horrible happening tomorow. money can solve a lot of problems but not all of them . in non-existence there is no need for money nor anything.

I'm realistic. nobody's going to win 100 million dollars. but i've seen many commit suicide so that's doable for me. I do have a chance at killing myself. to make $100 million not so much chance anyway.
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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
La mort garantie / la non-existence pour moi est bien meilleure que 100 millions de dollars. Je n'aurais besoin d'aucun argent ni de rien si je meurs ce soir.

Même si je gagne 100 millions de dollars aujourd'hui, cela n'empêchera pas un accident vasculaire cérébral ou quelque chose d'horrible de se produire demain. L'argent peut résoudre beaucoup de problèmes, mais pas tous. Dans la non-existence, il n'y a pas besoin d'argent ni de quoi que ce soit.

Je suis réaliste. Personne ne va gagner 100 millions de dollars. Mais j'ai vu beaucoup de gens se suicider, donc c'est faisable pour moi. J'ai une chance de me tuer. De toute façon, gagner 100 millions de dollars n'est pas si probable.
Ctb is the solution
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Not A Fan

Not A Fan

don't avoid the void
Jun 22, 2024
This is such an interesting question actually. I voted for the money. It would not solve all my problems, but it would solve enough of them to change the cost/benefit analysis of continuing to live. I would no longer be facing homelessness. I could move to a country more in line with my values. Most importantly, I could pay the $30,000+ to fix my teeth and no longer be forced to literally hide from everyone I know. I don't know, it sounds pretty good. It's not like depression or addiction magically disappear when you get money, but at least it would provide resources that one could use to concretely improve their situation.

On the other hand, a lot of wealthy people don't seem very happy either, and many seem way to concerned about money. To me, the only reason for desiring wealth is that you no longer have to think about money.

Like I totally don't get someone who has $100 million, and feels like, that's not enough, and they spend all their time trying to get more. There has to be something seriously wrong with those people. But maybe that's why they aren't happy -- because there's no amount of wealth which they have mentally designated as "enough."

Anyway if it turns out you still prefer to check out early, having access to such resources would significantly expand one's options and make the process less frustrating. Of course, most of the money would probably be given away, it seems like a ghastly thing to just spend $100mil on yourself because you can, starting silly collections of rare expensive objects or some other such contemptible nonsense. god people suck.

Hmm... maybe the "die in your sleep" option is actually better. Because after you get $100mil, everyone will want to be your friend, which could actually result in even greater isolation than before. you will become a target for all sorts of scammers and dishonest people trying to climb the social ladder. I don't know. This question is a lot more complicated than it sounds. I voted for money but I think I'm actually undecided.
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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
C'est une question vraiment intéressante. J'ai voté pour l'argent. Cela ne résoudrait pas tous mes problèmes, mais cela en résoudrait suffisamment pour changer l'analyse coûts/avantages de la poursuite de la vie. Je ne serais plus sans abri. Je pourrais déménager dans un pays plus en phase avec mes valeurs. Plus important encore, je pourrais payer les 30 000 $ et plus pour me faire soigner les dents et ne plus être obligé de me cacher littéralement de tous ceux que je connais. Je ne sais pas, ça a l'air plutôt bien. Ce n'est pas comme si la dépression ou la dépendance disparaissaient comme par magie quand on reçoit de l'argent, mais au moins cela fournirait des ressources que l'on pourrait utiliser pour améliorer concrètement sa situation.

D'un autre côté, beaucoup de gens riches ne semblent pas très heureux non plus, et beaucoup semblent trop préoccupés par l'argent. Pour moi, la seule raison de désirer la richesse est que l'on n'a plus à penser à l'argent.

Je ne comprends pas du tout quelqu'un qui a 100 millions de dollars et qui pense que ce n'est pas suffisant, et qui passe son temps à essayer d'en avoir plus. Il doit y avoir quelque chose qui ne va vraiment pas chez ces gens. Mais c'est peut-être pour cela qu'ils ne sont pas heureux, parce qu'ils n'ont mentalement aucune richesse qu'ils considèrent comme « suffisante ».

Quoi qu'il en soit, si vous préférez toujours payer tôt, avoir accès à de telles ressources élargirait considérablement vos options et rendrait le processus moins frustrant. Bien sûr, la plupart de l'argent serait probablement donné, il semble horrible de dépenser 100 millions de dollars pour vous-même parce que vous le pouvez, en commençant des collections stupides d'objets rares et coûteux ou d'autres bêtises méprisables. Mon Dieu, les gens sont nuls.

Hmm… peut-être que l'option « mourir dans ton sommeil » est en fait meilleure. Parce qu'après avoir gagné 100 millions de dollars, tout le monde voudra être ton ami, ce qui pourrait en fait entraîner un isolement encore plus grand qu'avant. Tu deviendras une cible pour toutes sortes d'escrocs et de personnes malhonnêtes qui essaient de grimper l'échelle sociale. Je ne sais pas. Cette question est beaucoup plus compliquée qu'il n'y paraît. J'ai voté pour l'argent mais je pense que je suis en fait indécis.
You can Always change your vote😉


Let it go. This to shall pass.
Jan 6, 2020
Die in your sleep. Money doesn't cure illnesses.
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