
the grind
Mar 21, 2018
Sorry i couldn't respond yesterday, site wouldn't work for me =/ And yeah heavily considering building one, family's got quite a bit of experience in that regard. And sweet, i'll go see how it works for my machine :3 Thanks for the recommendation! Also, totally, i miss lots of things about my childhood but i am slowly getting the majority of these things back (some stuffed animals and consoles are too expensive to get a hold of again realistically, but i have most of my favourite things with me) - they won't match those memories perfectly, i'm weighed down a lot more to be that happy again, but it brings me closer than i ever could on an average day. It's pretty unhealthy to try and drag the past with me into the future, but i think i'm too far gone to care haha.

There is a really good pc building simulator on steam, but that's just if you can run it; the irony huh.
I really don't get stuck with nostalgic games, not even pokemon because every time I encounter a game I've already played I want to play it in a different way. I'm thinking about playing some pokemon games with only using one pokemon for each element, and the first one I catch of that element as well. My question to you would be: what pokemon game should I emulate? Granted I can emulate it.
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the grind
Mar 21, 2018
I absolutely love video games and its one of the reasons I'm still alive. I hate anyone who try to prevent me from my hobbies and interests including gaming. Fuck this world and this life, they bring you into a life that you didn't choose then force you to live in a certain way. I don't give a fuck about them and about their dumb life. They tell you that you live once and you should do what you want then the hypocrite tells you must do something you don't want.

Sorry for the maybe unrelated introduction I loved and played video games for 20+ years and love to play different genres. I like Mario, Crash, Zelda, Pokémon,Megaman and many other things. I love both new and old games although I spend more time on the old ones. I like to play competitive games but the toxic communities keep me away.
Currently I don't have money and I wish to get a Nintendo switch and buy more games for my ps4. The new God of War looks amazing (although I'm not a fan of the series), and I'm waiting for the Spyro remake which I'm very hyped for.

And yea, I get nostalgia always, I remember the good times when I forget about the world and filled with happiness because of games. I love to complete games but the moments of ending are something I don't like generally because everything ends in this life.

Sometimes I wish if I could play forever in a parallel universe rather than being in this toxic world.

Sorry for the long and maybe emotional post but fuck life. I love gaming.

Sounds like you love single player games, no wonder since all the online bullshit is just another toxic reflection of our world, you could try out speedrunning if you feel competitive in that type of way. Also any newish games you've enjoyed lately?
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An empty soul isolated and fuelled by desperation
Apr 3, 2018
Okay Spyro stuff, skip this if you want 'cause it'll be a long one.


Favourite game - Spyro 2. My first ever game i 100%-ed <3 I adore how much more alive it felt compared to #1, with NPCs dotted around and enemies interacting with each other (such as Aquaria Towers shockstick guys zapping crabs and the cows from Metropolis shooting the rocket pigs with lazers)! #3 is a close second, but honestly i love all three games for different reasons (#1's worlds all flowed together and really felt connected, and #3's bosses and plot were amazingly dark!)
Now, onwards to good ol' lists, i'll try to keep things brief...

Favourite homeworlds:
  • Spyro 1 - Magic Crafters (Fitting that magical creatures best suit the magic-based homeworld and the levels were all such fun!)
  • Spyro 2 - Autumn Plains (Beautiful atmosphere and aesthetic, also my favourite season <3)
  • Spyro 3 - Midday Gardens (So much chillness, these levels were so much fun to complete, and it felt a lot more open compared to the other homeworlds which i loved.)
Favourite levels:
  • Spyro 1 - Stone Hill, Dry Canyon, Wizard Peak, Misty Bog and Lofty Castle
  • Spyro 2 (so hard to choose, 2 per homeworld max.) - Idol Springs, Hurricos, Zephyr, Skelos Badlands and Mystic Marsh
  • Spyro 3 - Cloud Spires, Spooky Swamp, Charmed Ridge and Crystal Islands
Favourite level tracks (as limited as i can make them, not including main themes or homeworlds):
  • Spyro 1 - Stone Hill, Dark Hollow, Toasty, Magic Crafters, Alpine Ridge and Tree Tops
  • Spyro 2 - Idol Springs, Colossus, Hurricos, Aquaria Towers, Skelos Badlands, Breeze Harbor, Mystic Marsh, Cloud Temples and Metropolis (so hard to choose)
  • Spyro 3 - Molten Crater, Seashell Shore, Spooky Swamp, Bamboo Terrace, Spike's Arena, Fireworks Factory (ofc), Frozen Altars and Charmed Ridge
Real quick other bits -> Favourite speedways are Wild Flight, Icy Speedway and Harbor Speedway, and my favourite boss is either Gulp or Spike.

Again, sorry this went on for so long haha, i'm extremely passionate about this purple boi as he's one of the few things keeping me together presently. I don't want him to ever fade from popularity, and from what i've seen from the fandom these past few weeks i doubt it'll happen. He's finally back guys, woot! <3
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Reactions: Deafsn0w, RaphtaliaTwoAnimals and Life sucks


An empty soul isolated and fuelled by desperation
Apr 3, 2018
There is a really good pc building simulator on steam, but that's just if you can run it; the irony huh.
I really don't get stuck with nostalgic games, not even pokemon because every time I encounter a game I've already played I want to play it in a different way. I'm thinking about playing some pokemon games with only using one pokemon for each element, and the first one I catch of that element as well. My question to you would be: what pokemon game should I emulate? Granted I can emulate it.
I totally understand wanting to play games in a different way, somewhat to retain that nostalgia but also since i don't want to get bored (for example i implement some glitches and/or speedrunning strategies into my gameplay to goof around a bit more or add some needed challenge. And that does sound like a good challenge you have there, hmm. I'd go for either one from the Gold/Silver generation or one from the Pearl/Diamond generation. Whichever you find more enjoyable. Hope you get far with what pokemon you catch! Let me know how it goes! <3

Oh, also, ccleaner (once i had researched how to not delete important biz, i'm not too good with so many options and commands) saved me quite a bit of space from years-old temporary files and the like, so thank you. I'm sure it's made quite a difference behind the scenes. But yeah, doubt i'll be able to run the emulator, was a nice thought however. Perhaps on my phone? Getting a new one soon so i might check one out there.
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the grind
Mar 21, 2018
I totally understand wanting to play games in a different way, somewhat to retain that nostalgia but also since i don't want to get bored (for example i implement some glitches and/or speedrunning strategies into my gameplay to goof around a bit more or add some needed challenge. And that does sound like a good challenge you have there, hmm. I'd go for either one from the Gold/Silver generation or one from the Pearl/Diamond generation. Whichever you find more enjoyable. Hope you get far with what pokemon you catch! Let me know how it goes! <3

Pearl and diamond? that's genius, it's pretty much the only pokemon game that didn't stick with me so I guess I'll just give it a second try, I know people usually love that generation so I want in on the fun.

Oh, also, ccleaner (once i had researched how to not delete important biz, i'm not too good with so many options and commands) saved me quite a bit of space from years-old temporary files and the like, so thank you. I'm sure it's made quite a difference behind the scenes. But yeah, doubt i'll be able to run the emulator, was a nice thought however. Perhaps on my phone? Getting a new one soon so i might check one out there.

No don't bother with the pc simulator thing, I mostly talked about it because I thought it was somewhat ironic that they created a game for the people who can't access it. If you feel way too anxious to build one your own then just say fuck it and buy a premade, but computers are more sturdy than you expect and it truly is worth researching, it's a lot of fun and probably nothing to lose if you're already on this website.
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Reactions: Deafsn0w, RaphtaliaTwoAnimals and Safira

Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
Yup, i agree with that first paragraph but at least for me more often than not it's different people saying "you only live once be free!" and "ew wtf are you doing playing video games at 2am? get a life, go outside" so i can't be mad at the former for the latter's response.
No need to be sorry about sharing your feelings, it's welcome in (for the most part) every thread, as we have all come here from a similar place and state of mind. <3 I hope you are doing well!

Totally my dude, i'm up for many genres (besides first-person shooters, never been any good haha) - have you played any so-called "artsy" games? More of an experience really than a game? Journey, Fl0w, Flower, Abzu? I'd love to know your thoughts on any of them, i adore them. So many people head into them expecting more than they should, i just like to go along for the ride~
Lots of emotional games i torture myself with too, like Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, Ori and the Blind Forest (so hyped for the sequel!!) and To the Moon (;o;)
A couple parts of the same sort of question (you don't need to answer them all, but i'm very intrigued):
  • Favourite Legend of Zelda game(s)?
  • Favourite Pokemon? (asked this earlier in the thread but i love to hear more people's favourites, it says a lot about you! <3 You can read mine above if you wish)
  • Favourite Mario Party game? (My favourite's either #6 or #8, can't choose <3)
  • Finally, favourite Spyro game/homeworld(s)/level(s)/pieces of soundtrack? Thoughts on non-Insomniac Spyro games? (i'm freaking obsessed with Spyro i'll have another post explaining my favourite things to not clog this reply XD apologies if it drags on)
You're in the same park as me! Wanting to get a Switch, and waiting for Spyro will be agony, but so worth it in the end for both ;o; and being in the UK helps because NumSkull Designs are based here and they're making a shit ton of Spyro merch!!! <3 <3 I'm so excited i will cry when i see a gameplay showcase, likely to be at E3.

And yeah, i think that too sometimes - moreso me being teleported into those worlds, if they're pleasant enough, and living there, meeting the main characters, etc. But my daydreaming has kept me distanced enough from reality when it really gets shit to keep me somewhat coping, in an unhealthy way sure, but whatever.
Sorry for the late reply <3
I really didn't play anything you mentioned so I'll be happy if you introduce me to some (although I can't concentrate and play right now because I'm filled with anxiety and pain, very horrible pain that I wish to just disappear from this world, nobody understands me or knows and all of them want me to be included in the brutal system and work in a toxic environment and get tortured 24/7 by the horrible world and my horrible pain).

Favourite Zelda ? This is a very hard question, I love them all, I don't like to say this is favorite, each one has a special place in my heart. I really can't, Zelda is my love and I literally felt in love with every game. Logically, I'll say Link's awakening because it was my introduction and is a masterpiece and I really love 2D as much as 3D. But then, every game has a story and great times ooa, oos, alttp, oot, mm,.. ..etc, I don't like to compare them like what many people do oot vs mm for example. I play and enjoy each one. I played BOTW and never compared it with other things and I completely loved it and loved the beautiful princess.

Favourite Pokémon ? Ah, its the same about Zelda, The first two generations logically because they are the introduction and I played them like crazy (countless times to the level of memorizing hidden items and their locations) but I fell in love with each one. I played the new ones (last two Generations) and enjoyed them very much.

For Mario party, I only played N64 ones so I don't know if I can answer. I wish honestly if I can play it but its multiplayer. Oh I forgot that I played the Gba one, was very nice.

Spyro, ah, I love them all Tbh, I love it as a whole, similar to crash and actually crash and Spyro are one in my heart for me lol. But logically I'll say the third one because of multiple characters and innovation. I generally love the mini games like ice hockey or following the fast dude. Sorry I don't remember names. I also like the flying stages. I like the stage with sun and rain puzzle. There are many but I think Spyro is a complete experience you always see different and new things and this whole experience is my favorite. I still didn't play ps2 ones but I plan on playing them, I played gba ones briefly but don't remember them specially Spyro orange and crash purple. As for soundtracks, generally I'm a big lover of video game music and I dream of remaking it mostly rock and metal but sadly its not possible for me. For Spyro, there is that track, I can't forget it and can't forget the name, so logically its the favorite Magma cone :)

I know I said sorry much but I'm very pained as I'm writing this. I hope I answered well although I don't like to say favourtie because I love and enjoy them all. <3
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Reactions: Deafsn0w

Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
Sounds like you love single player games, no wonder since all the online bullshit is just another toxic reflection of our world, you could try out speedrunning if you feel competitive in that type of way. Also any newish games you've enjoyed lately?
Actually I don't like the competitiveness itself as I believe its a part of toxicity but I like to analyze and try different things and make it work but sadly the communities are toxic and try to force a certain way to play and make you feel bad if you play for fun or exploration. So mmm I was a scientific man who loved game theory and theoretical computer science.. etc and it was my interest to check different possibilities but the toxic communities made me feel very bad and that my efforts are not worth it.

New games... mmm, I played BOTW, crash remake, played several fighting games like Street fighter and Guilty gear with high skill (sadly wasted) and I quit because of toxic communities. I play some mobile games also, mostly vainglory.
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An empty soul isolated and fuelled by desperation
Apr 3, 2018
Sorry for the late reply <3
I really didn't play anything you mentioned so I'll be happy if you introduce me to some (although I can't concentrate and play right now because I'm filled with anxiety and pain, very horrible pain that I wish to just disappear from this world, nobody understands me or knows and all of them want me to be included in the brutal system and work in a toxic environment and get tortured 24/7 by the horrible world and my horrible pain).

Don't be sorry about the late replies, i totally understand. This isn't like other forums, i like to think we're all a bit more patient with each other because we understand each other at least somewhat more than usual. It's no problem, i love recommending those kinds of artsy games, as people can draw from their own experiences to give it a unique atmosphere and meaning.
About your pain, do you mean physical as well as mental? Because that really sucks, i think the people who most deserve the right to end their own life as painlessly as possible are those with chronic pain. Why would people want to keep them here, suffering, just for their own selfish gains? And yeah, this system of ours is horrifically exploitative of individuals, sapping their will to work their best and remain involved with others. It's worse in certain places ofc, and i'm somewhat grateful i'm not in a culture where you're basically excommunicated if you take a week off of work, but it really is unfair no matter where you go. Things seem like they're taking both great and horrific steps forward, reverting as well as building upon what should be common sense (such as compassion and tolerance), guess we'll just have to see which outweighs the other.

Favourite Zelda ? This is a very hard question, I love them all, I don't like to say this is favorite, each one has a special place in my heart. I really can't, Zelda is my love and I literally felt in love with every game. Logically, I'll say Link's awakening because it was my introduction and is a masterpiece and I really love 2D as much as 3D. But then, every game has a story and great times ooa, oos, alttp, oot, mm,.. ..etc, I don't like to compare them like what many people do oot vs mm for example. I play and enjoy each one. I played BOTW and never compared it with other things and I completely loved it and loved the beautiful princess.

I definitely understand loving things for different reasons, a lot of people i've seen just seem to KNOW their favourite instantly, thought i'd might as well give it a shot haha. My first was Minish Cap, and my favourite's Wind Waker <3 But yeah, each story excels in different ways, and its wide array of plots and mechanics draws in such a large audience it's no wonder it's one of the biggest series in gaming history! I can't wait to get a Switch and play BOTW, it looks amazing. Glad you enjoyed it <3

Favourite Pokémon ? Ah, its the same about Zelda, The first two generations logically because they are the introduction and I played them like crazy (countless times to the level of memorizing hidden items and their locations) but I fell in love with each one. I played the new ones (last two Generations) and enjoyed them very much.

Oh no i meant specific pokemon! Like bulbasaur, luxray, riolu, etc. But that's pretty neat too :D What an accomplishment to memorise that stuff, i'd never have the patience to :3 And yeah, love the cinematics and battle animations from the latest generations, can't wait to see one for the Switch revealed, possibly this week! Keep an eye out for it!

Spyro, ah, I love them all Tbh, I love it as a whole, similar to crash and actually crash and Spyro are one in my heart for me lol. But logically I'll say the third one because of multiple characters and innovation. I generally love the mini games like ice hockey or following the fast dude. Sorry I don't remember names. I also like the flying stages. I like the stage with sun and rain puzzle. There are many but I think Spyro is a complete experience you always see different and new things and this whole experience is my favorite. I still didn't play ps2 ones but I plan on playing them, I played gba ones briefly but don't remember them specially Spyro orange and crash purple. As for soundtracks, generally I'm a big lover of video game music and I dream of remaking it mostly rock and metal but sadly its not possible for me. For Spyro, there is that track, I can't forget it and can't forget the name, so logically its the favorite Magma cone :)

Aww, love it <3 I never played crash at the time, my brothers hogged the discs =y but played the n sane trilogy as close to 100% as i could get (100%-ed #2 and #3, i don't have the patience for #1!) and loved them. They all do different things brilliantly where the others may falter, so they're equally loved by many. No problem about not knowing names btw, i forget them too. In #2 the minigames seemed to flow a lot more in the levels (less portals separating them) so i guess that's why i prefer them over #3's? Oh, Cloud Spires was one of my absolute favourites too <3 The music, the aesthetic, beautiful level!
It is indeed an experience, it's one big story of our purple boi's adventures. I never completed Spyro Orange/Crash Purple but i enjoyed the first few levels haha, the controls were pretty good. And yeah, the soundtracks were the best <3 If you ever complete a remake of some of the music, do let me know! I adore seeing others' interpretations of older music. Haha, Magma Cone's music always made me laugh with the voice in it, always thought it was saying "oh no....no, no, noo, what?....no....." - the cutscenes for that level too were brutal XD

I know I said sorry much but I'm very pained as I'm writing this. I hope I answered well although I don't like to say favourtie because I love and enjoy them all. <3

Absolutely no problem mate, I hope you can find at least a few moments of peace in the upcoming days, free of that pain (or at least reduced). You seem like a really pleasant person <3 That may not mean much to you, but it does to me, and i hope you can accept that someone out there likes you <3
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Reactions: Deafsn0w, RaphtaliaTwoAnimals and Life sucks

Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
Don't be sorry about the late replies, i totally understand. This isn't like other forums, i like to think we're all a bit more patient with each other because we understand each other at least somewhat more than usual. It's no problem, i love recommending those kinds of artsy games, as people can draw from their own experiences to give it a unique atmosphere and meaning.
About your pain, do you mean physical as well as mental? Because that really sucks, i think the people who most deserve the right to end their own life as painlessly as possible are those with chronic pain. Why would people want to keep them here, suffering, just for their own selfish gains? And yeah, this system of ours is horrifically exploitative of individuals, sapping their will to work their best and remain involved with others. It's worse in certain places ofc, and i'm somewhat grateful i'm not in a culture where you're basically excommunicated if you take a week off of work, but it really is unfair no matter where you go. Things seem like they're taking both great and horrific steps forward, reverting as well as building upon what should be common sense (such as compassion and tolerance), guess we'll just have to see which outweighs the other.

I definitely understand loving things for different reasons, a lot of people i've seen just seem to KNOW their favourite instantly, thought i'd might as well give it a shot haha. My first was Minish Cap, and my favourite's Wind Waker <3 But yeah, each story excels in different ways, and its wide array of plots and mechanics draws in such a large audience it's no wonder it's one of the biggest series in gaming history! I can't wait to get a Switch and play BOTW, it looks amazing. Glad you enjoyed it <3

Oh no i meant specific pokemon! Like bulbasaur, luxray, riolu, etc. But that's pretty neat too :D What an accomplishment to memorise that stuff, i'd never have the patience to :3 And yeah, love the cinematics and battle animations from the latest generations, can't wait to see one for the Switch revealed, possibly this week! Keep an eye out for it!

Aww, love it <3 I never played crash at the time, my brothers hogged the discs =y but played the n sane trilogy as close to 100% as i could get (100%-ed #2 and #3, i don't have the patience for #1!) and loved them. They all do different things brilliantly where the others may falter, so they're equally loved by many. No problem about not knowing names btw, i forget them too. In #2 the minigames seemed to flow a lot more in the levels (less portals separating them) so i guess that's why i prefer them over #3's? Oh, Cloud Spires was one of my absolute favourites too <3 The music, the aesthetic, beautiful level!
It is indeed an experience, it's one big story of our purple boi's adventures. I never completed Spyro Orange/Crash Purple but i enjoyed the first few levels haha, the controls were pretty good. And yeah, the soundtracks were the best <3 If you ever complete a remake of some of the music, do let me know! I adore seeing others' interpretations of older music. Haha, Magma Cone's music always made me laugh with the voice in it, always thought it was saying "oh no....no, no, noo, what?....no....." - the cutscenes for that level too were brutal XD

Absolutely no problem mate, I hope you can find at least a few moments of peace in the upcoming days, free of that pain (or at least reduced). You seem like a really pleasant person <3 That may not mean much to you, but it does to me, and i hope you can accept that someone out there likes you <3

-Cool. What artsy games do you recommend and what platform?

- I don't know if I can describe the pain but I think its both mental and physical. I feel pain in my chest and head and sometimes in body. I don't know how to describe really :'( I feel like a torture yet they insist me to be tortured more in the system and other toxic humans. Some people tells to do exercises or take medicine but its all BS. Nothing works and if pain becomes less, its just a periodic change and I get an ugly state of anhedonia that I wish I get pained more to distract me from it. I know it's complicated and don't know if I'm describing it well but I'm fucked up anyway and I'm being forced to live like this and being tortured while nobody knows or sees or understands. If I don't end my life, I don't know how I will endure this torture until the ugly natural death comes and seeing the ugliness of the flow of time. Moreover, I reached a point of seeing how life itself has serious flaws and how many things are just fake or looks(I wrote another topic about this).

- Oh, the minish cap is amazing and I remember the graphics at that time (and still) are very beautiful. I loved collecting kinstone pieces and exploring the tiny world. It was a very innovative game. The soundtrack was amazing and unique specially the minish woods and town theme and I loved each track of it. The wind waker is also very unique by sailing and I loved exploring each pixel of the map :D I liked the treasures and taking the map from the fish. I loved every piece of soundtrack and the roost island was very great piece. I can't forget how I got stuck in forsaken fortress multiple times lol. It was good times.

- Favorite Pokémon? Mmm that's a hard question also, when I played pokemon RBY for example countless times, I tried to play with every pokemon possible and I develop special emotions for my teams. But.. Choosing from the large quantity is hard, I love many, generally I love cute ones, I want to explore the strange and strong ones. I'll say the favorite is Pikachu (specially the female Cosplay Pikachu in ORAS which I fell in love with, sorry *shy*), I love many others and not only the cute ones but the list will be very long lol.

- Sadly I'm just dreaming of remaking music, I have no knowledge about music theory or playing instruments. I just remake or make new music in my mind. I even create my own music and even sad music and keep playing it in my mind. Its hard for me to do this in reality because of pain, society, time, systems.. etc, there is no support, its the complete opposite. They ruin everything and force you to live a dumb life then prevent you from death and ending your life.

- Spyro cutscenes were very funny and trolling lol. I remember I couldn't stop laughing at some.

- Thanks very much, I really appreciate it <3 I'm happy to talk with you and I wish we talk more. I'm worried about you and hope you are alright. I'll be happy if I see you talking more. For sure it means something to me, you understand me and feels my pain <3 I really wish if my words reduce your pain and problems *hugs* , thanks very much and I'll be here for you whenever you need to talk <3
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Reactions: Ben, Deafsn0w and Safira


An empty soul isolated and fuelled by desperation
Apr 3, 2018
-Cool. What artsy games do you recommend and what platform?

Besides the ones i mentioned before (they came to mind first as they're the most popular, for a reason ;3) - Journey, Abzu, Fl0w and Flower - i'd go with Okami mainly, always a blast to play and it's available even on the Switch soon!
Other games with a striking style i love include:
  • Inside (by the same people who made Limbo) which has some dark and disturbing themes so there's your warning
  • Hohokum (want to play this one so bad! <3)
  • The Last Guardian (just a gorgeous game)
  • Firewatch (aestheticssss)
  • Sound Shapes (cute as hell and a lot of fun)
  • Child of Light (my sister has played this, i have not, but it's definitely a pretty game, and might be of interest to you)
  • The Rayman games, old and new (i've played almost all of them, so unique and wild, challenging though - well at least challenging to me haha)
  • Bound (i've been recommended this myself, and i can't believe i haven't had time to play it yet ;o; what an absolute gem)
Hope you can find some time to check some out <3 They're mostly not that long, with a few exceptions (looking at you Okami).

I don't know if I can describe the pain but I think its both mental and physical. I feel pain in my chest and head and sometimes in body. I don't know how to describe really :'( I feel like a torture yet they insist me to be tortured more in the system and other toxic humans. Some people tells to do exercises or take medicine but its all BS. Nothing works and if pain becomes less, its just a periodic change and I get an ugly state of anhedonia that I wish I get pained more to distract me from it. I know it's complicated and don't know if I'm describing it well but I'm fucked up anyway and I'm being forced to live like this and being tortured while nobody knows or sees or understands. If I don't end my life, I don't know how I will endure this torture until the ugly natural death comes and seeing the ugliness of the flow of time. Moreover, I reached a point of seeing how life itself has serious flaws and how many things are just fake or looks(I wrote another topic about this).

Ouch, i understand an aching in the chest, but i understand mine is just due to hormones when i'm very distressed messing with my emotions (physical heartbreak as it were). Mmm, being forced to remain in this system (or at least finding it extremely difficult to be self-sustaining in present-day) is debilitating sometimes. Just blind guessing here, but it's likely that your pain is rooted in something outside of your control (besides society as a whole sucking), like your current living conditions or people you are around being particularly toxic. Perhaps there's a way to eventually, not anytime soon i bet, but eventually physically move away from those things. Physical problems are easier to tackle believe it or not ^^;; not to say they're not difficult, but it's easier to manage that compared to attempting to rewire how you think for example. I understand if it's something you cannot accomplish (eg. money problems or family pressures to stay) but it's just a thought.
You're doing fine in explaining, don't worry <3
Yeah, you sought a therapist/counsellor (if any are accessible realistically) yet? It's not everyone's thing, but having someone to talk to regularly really does help. If they haven't helped you, there's always the Samaritans, they're as impartial as you can get about these topics and won't make you feel guilty or "wrong" for thinking about society in this way. Only recommending them as i know i cannot regularly be here for you to talk to, as i fluctuate a lot between being more social and wanting to crawl into a deep deep hole away from everything. Having a more consistent form of support can help you figure out where the pain may be coming from if you're unsure about it.
Indeed, i shift between thinking death is a beautiful thing (not the process ofc but the concept of experiencing the end of your perception of time, what a crazy thing to think about) and being scared out of my mind about the purpose of everything we're doing. (I did write some other stuff but i don't want this to be stupidly long, so i'll save you from attempting to decipher the rambles).

- Oh, the minish cap is amazing and I remember the graphics at that time (and still) are very beautiful. I loved collecting kinstone pieces and exploring the tiny world. It was a very innovative game. The soundtrack was amazing and unique specially the minish woods and town theme and I loved each track of it. The wind waker is also very unique by sailing and I loved exploring each pixel of the map :D I liked the treasures and taking the map from the fish. I loved every piece of soundtrack and the roost island was very great piece. I can't forget how I got stuck in forsaken fortress multiple times lol. It was good times.

The animations when you shrunk down and grew again, my heart <3 <3 I vividly recall the entire beginning portion of the game, from the marketplace to the castle to the pond to the stump, ahh, love it. And yeah, the soundtracks to pretty much every LoZ game is a masterpiece. I used to just ignore the fish and sail aimlessly around haha, it was so much fun <3 And pfft, yeah, i got lost in the wind temple every single playthrough...Outset Island was the best though, i always imagined the island was bigger than it actually is, Nintendo did a great job with that game's immersion (and its remastering for the Wii U was jawdroppingly gorgeous!)

- Favorite Pokémon? Mmm that's a hard question also, when I played pokemon RBY for example countless times, I tried to play with every pokemon possible and I develop special emotions for my teams. But.. Choosing from the large quantity is hard, I love many, generally I love cute ones, I want to explore the strange and strong ones. I'll say the favorite is Pikachu (specially the female Cosplay Pikachu in ORAS which I fell in love with, sorry *shy*), I love many others and not only the cute ones but the list will be very long lol.

Mmm, it's a really large number nowadays, over 800! I won't make you type it all out, but that pikachu's a good choice ;3 Love that the libre one got into Pokken Tournament.

- Sadly I'm just dreaming of remaking music, I have no knowledge about music theory or playing instruments. I just remake or make new music in my mind. I even create my own music and even sad music and keep playing it in my mind. Its hard for me to do this in reality because of pain, society, time, systems.. etc, there is no support, its the complete opposite. They ruin everything and force you to live a dumb life then prevent you from death and ending your life.

There's support here isn't there? And i'm sure subreddits about beginning music-playing can help you start for free (besides the cost of equipment, but that's better than that AND costs for each lesson/consultation). It's never too late to try and make it work, at least temporarily. I draw to express myself, and you can have music be your outlet, and besides society weighing us down, it's just a small amount of practice as many days per week as you can. Eg. i threw myself into art knowing NOTHING besides how to hold a pencil and seeing others' artwork, and i worked upwards from a small doodle every few days to dozens whenever i'm inspired. You can do it, or at the very least start progress towards it. The day you're proud of yourself will be worth everything it took to get there, trust me.

- Thanks very much, I really appreciate it <3 I'm happy to talk with you and I wish we talk more. I'm worried about you and hope you are alright. I'll be happy if I see you talking more. For sure it means something to me, you understand me and feels my pain <3 I really wish if my words reduce your pain and problems *hugs* , thanks very much and I'll be here for you whenever you need to talk <3

*hugs* <3 Thanks, i'm glad you're helped by this community, i know i am. I won't be here too often (i'm getting increasingly busy, and i'm either in too much of a funk or the site is broken for me D:) but when i am i'll try my best to reply to stuff. You're a wonderful person, thanks again for the kind words.
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
Besides the ones i mentioned before (they came to mind first as they're the most popular, for a reason ;3) - Journey, Abzu, Fl0w and Flower - i'd go with Okami mainly, always a blast to play and it's available even on the Switch soon!
Other games with a striking style i love include:
  • Inside (by the same people who made Limbo) which has some dark and disturbing themes so there's your warning
  • Hohokum (want to play this one so bad! <3)
  • The Last Guardian (just a gorgeous game)
  • Firewatch (aestheticssss)
  • Sound Shapes (cute as hell and a lot of fun)
  • Child of Light (my sister has played this, i have not, but it's definitely a pretty game, and might be of interest to you)
  • The Rayman games, old and new (i've played almost all of them, so unique and wild, challenging though - well at least challenging to me haha)
  • Bound (i've been recommended this myself, and i can't believe i haven't had time to play it yet ;o; what an absolute gem)
Hope you can find some time to check some out <3 They're mostly not that long, with a few exceptions (looking at you Okami).

Ouch, i understand an aching in the chest, but i understand mine is just due to hormones when i'm very distressed messing with my emotions (physical heartbreak as it were). Mmm, being forced to remain in this system (or at least finding it extremely difficult to be self-sustaining in present-day) is debilitating sometimes. Just blind guessing here, but it's likely that your pain is rooted in something outside of your control (besides society as a whole sucking), like your current living conditions or people you are around being particularly toxic. Perhaps there's a way to eventually, not anytime soon i bet, but eventually physically move away from those things. Physical problems are easier to tackle believe it or not ^^;; not to say they're not difficult, but it's easier to manage that compared to attempting to rewire how you think for example. I understand if it's something you cannot accomplish (eg. money problems or family pressures to stay) but it's just a thought.
You're doing fine in explaining, don't worry <3
Yeah, you sought a therapist/counsellor (if any are accessible realistically) yet? It's not everyone's thing, but having someone to talk to regularly really does help. If they haven't helped you, there's always the Samaritans, they're as impartial as you can get about these topics and won't make you feel guilty or "wrong" for thinking about society in this way. Only recommending them as i know i cannot regularly be here for you to talk to, as i fluctuate a lot between being more social and wanting to crawl into a deep deep hole away from everything. Having a more consistent form of support can help you figure out where the pain may be coming from if you're unsure about it.
Indeed, i shift between thinking death is a beautiful thing (not the process ofc but the concept of experiencing the end of your perception of time, what a crazy thing to think about) and being scared out of my mind about the purpose of everything we're doing. (I did write some other stuff but i don't want this to be stupidly long, so i'll save you from attempting to decipher the rambles).

The animations when you shrunk down and grew again, my heart <3 <3 I vividly recall the entire beginning portion of the game, from the marketplace to the castle to the pond to the stump, ahh, love it. And yeah, the soundtracks to pretty much every LoZ game is a masterpiece. I used to just ignore the fish and sail aimlessly around haha, it was so much fun <3 And pfft, yeah, i got lost in the wind temple every single playthrough...Outset Island was the best though, i always imagined the island was bigger than it actually is, Nintendo did a great job with that game's immersion (and its remastering for the Wii U was jawdroppingly gorgeous!)

Mmm, it's a really large number nowadays, over 800! I won't make you type it all out, but that pikachu's a good choice ;3 Love that the libre one got into Pokken Tournament.

There's support here isn't there? And i'm sure subreddits about beginning music-playing can help you start for free (besides the cost of equipment, but that's better than that AND costs for each lesson/consultation). It's never too late to try and make it work, at least temporarily. I draw to express myself, and you can have music be your outlet, and besides society weighing us down, it's just a small amount of practice as many days per week as you can. Eg. i threw myself into art knowing NOTHING besides how to hold a pencil and seeing others' artwork, and i worked upwards from a small doodle every few days to dozens whenever i'm inspired. You can do it, or at the very least start progress towards it. The day you're proud of yourself will be worth everything it took to get there, trust me.

*hugs* <3 Thanks, i'm glad you're helped by this community, i know i am. I won't be here too often (i'm getting increasingly busy, and i'm either in too much of a funk or the site is broken for me D:) but when i am i'll try my best to reply to stuff. You're a wonderful person, thanks again for the kind words.

Oh cool I was thinking about Okami and don't know it is artsy.

As for the pain, its complicated as I feel the mess of brain chemicals if that means "Mental". I have anhedonia and depression and sometimes I get purely anhedonic which is a very ugly thing that I wish pain comes to distract me from it.
Physically I feel pain in my chest and head area/brain(if this count physical also), sometimes I feel pain in random areas in body and I got previously periods of unbearable pain in the whole body, that was extremely painful and torture. Now I just got a period of heavy pain in chest and head.

I'm living in a country with no support or help to these things and everyone makes things worse. And yea the surrounding is toxic. My problem is severe but almost everything in the world including the surrounding is wrong and this aggravate the problem and I think I'll have problems because of it even if I initially don't have any problems. But then whats the definition of problem? And if I don't have a problem, I'll be like those toxic people? And why the problem-free don't see the truth while people with problems see it?

I'll try learning music but again the problem of anxiety, pain...etc and sometimes I can't focus. Also financial problems (is it possible to learn via midis and computer software?)

Also I don't know if I'll ctb and when or how. Maybe I'll do it and find peace. I'm very tired of life and existence.
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Apr 6, 2018
Saga Frontier and Final Fantasy X are my two favorite games of all time. If you guys get the chance check them out its definitely worth it (although the former is probably close to impossible to get now, the latter is definitely worth buying, i think its remastered im not sure).
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May 9, 2018
I like getting drunk and playing the starting zones in WoW. No other video game has burned so many good memories in my mind, particularly the starting zones. I experienced my first love over WoW, we were only 11 years old. It's so pathetic and weird.
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¡Si hablas español mándame un mensaje privado!
Apr 9, 2018
Currently I am playing Skyrim SE with 250 mods. I am in the middle of Steins Gate 0 and I plan to restart playing The Elder Scrolls Online soon (new summerset expansion).
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Unfortunately alive.
Mar 17, 2018
It's a bit difficult to still enjoy playing video games for me, i've lost a lot of my will to start them up. However, considering I want to CTB soon i've been continuing my singleplayer playthrough's that I never finished. i.e. Mad Max, after I finish that i'm gonna go back to Bioshock 2 and New Vegas. Also playing a bit of Vermintide 2 on the side but I can usually only play 1 or two hours before I get bored.
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Apr 6, 2018
Videogames were the only things keeping me alive a few years back. Too bad they lost their appeal.
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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
At the moment, Stalker SoC with the OGSE mod. Nice way to pass the time. The atmosphere/mood certainly agrees with me and the gameplay is quite satisfying as well (especially on Master). Can't believe it's taken me this long to finally play it. I bought a copy way back when it first came out (still have it actually), but I kinda hated it at the time since it wasn't really what I was expecting at all. The vague, low budget open-endedness of the goals/mechanics which, when combined with the numerous bugs, just really rubbed me the wrong way. It's only until recently that I've finally given it a second chance and I'm just glad I did. Wonder if Clear Sky & Pripyat are just as good.

Ultimately, I keep gaming because I have to. There's really no other choice. It's nice if I can enjoy myself on occasion (like with Stalker), but in the end it's a secondary concern. Games distract me from the bottomless, firey pit inside my head like nothing else, so for that I'll always need them. They aren't a source of pleasure, so much as a desperate escape from pain. I suppose I should count myself fortunate they can even still do that for me since, by rights, they shouldn't. Lucky me. Lucky, lucky me. (*sigh*)
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FBI agent
Jun 7, 2018
Dark souls
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i wish i'd melt with the snow
Oct 19, 2018
honestly i think vr technology still needs a long time to become what we want it to be, but it looks nice so far.
i wanted to buy a nintendo switch for zelda and some other games and also wanted to try and get into the shin megami tensei series, i was waiting for kingdom hearts 3, life is strange 2 and the last of us 2.
the last time i played was two weeks ago i think, i installed a bunch of mods and played a few hours of skyirim, last summer i tried ng+ on persona 5 and almost finished it, stopped before the last dungeon.
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Reactions: Ben, ouvreyes, Deafsn0w and 1 other person

Miss clefable

Aug 23, 2018
I want to play RDR2 and Death Stranding let's see how fate plays out
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Reactions: Ben, Deafsn0w, worldexploder and 1 other person


Sep 19, 2018
I beat over 300 video games since 2010. My absolute favorite being Red Dead Redemption. Haven't played video games in a couple months due to my depression, but my favorite genre is Action RPGs like Skyrim, Fallout, and Kingdoms of Amalur (very underrated game).

I also love retro games since those were the first I played. Old school Mario and Sonic were amongst my favorite. I loved Shovel Knite.
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Oct 22, 2018
If you like action rpgs i can only reccomend Path of Exile, maybe a bit different but very addictive.
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Oct 20, 2018
To be honest, I really enjoyed the early days of World of Warcraft. The recent expansions have been uninspiring. And on the topic of VR, I tried it. I was barely able to discern simple text. It has a long way to go. Every 10 years or so you see a marketing push for it.
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Makoto Naegi

Makoto Naegi

Given up.
Oct 20, 2018
Heard a lot about Celeste, really want to get into it when i have the time (so much anime to watch, other games to play, oof, never enough time). I love challenging games like that as much as they make me rage, because this one at least seems quite fair in its difficulty, you know what you're getting into.

I doubt i'll ever play with a VR headset in my lifetime, i don't know anyone who has one and my family's quite poor, but seeing people enjoy it and goof around with it does put a smile on my face. I bet i'd feel quite nauseous using it anyway haha. Oh ofc corporations will use VR to advertise and market certain ideologies onto people, just glad it's been this long without that kind of intervention. Lots of indie developers doing the best with what they have, and it's glorious.

I'm extremely hyped for Spyro Reignited Trilogy, those games are one of the reasons i'm still around today, they give me so much joy! I'm beyond elated the rumours were true, following them as they became more and more official was one of the best experiences of my life (it was over half a year of checking! Activision knows how to hype). Other games i really love are Okami, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and Harvest Moon. I could talk all day about them <3 (i bought Stardew Valley too, but i don't think i'll ever have time to play it XD good to know it's an option though, it looks gorgeous).

Really want to get into the Persona games after hearing how well 4 and 5 did, anyone here played them? I feel like they're right up my alley.

Persona is absolutely perfect!!! I'd recommend it to anyone, they're so deep and complex and utterly consuming. They got my mind off everything for quite a while, which is always great.
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Reactions: Deafsn0w and RaphtaliaTwoAnimals
Makoto Naegi

Makoto Naegi

Given up.
Oct 20, 2018
My favorite game of all time is Fallout, not even joking for about two years it was the reason I got out of bed. It really let me just be someone else and get out of my life. The companion characters cared way more about me than anyone else and it just gives you this connection you won't get anywhere else.

Current favorite is Danganronpa. It's extremely messed up on a ton of different levels but the characters and story are all so compelling.

Actually, the 3 things I've been living for for the past year were Danganronpa, Persona, and Mystic Messenger. They all look weird at first but they're so freaking perfect.
Also love Beyond: Two Souls, Pokemon (especially the Mystery Dungeon games!), Mortal Kombat, Assassin's Creed, CoD, and a bunch of other crap I can't currently remember rip
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Reactions: Deafsn0w and RaphtaliaTwoAnimals


Sack of Meat
Sep 3, 2018
I've had a strange relationship with videogames... I've played mostly strategy games all my life, and mostly stayed away from shooters (both 3rd person and 1st person). I've only ever liked one FPS - Crysis (even Crysis 2 and 3 are somewhat less impressive to me).

It's weird to find this many people who play Pokemon. Around me, most people's awareness of gaming begins with CS and ends with COD, with FIFA thrown somewhere in the middle. I grew up playing Pokemon because the place where I lived 2nd to 5th grade was an aberration where everyone played Pokemon to build some form of community. I remember 12 of us gathered around my Gameboy when I encountered a Shiny Rayquaza in Emerald (which we ended up catching with a standard Pokeball in a scene that I still remember vividly, with 10 of us mashing one button each). I never got a 3DS, and it didn't have emulation for a long time, so I never played Generation 6 and 7 of the core series. I did move onto playing the game on Showdown, so nowadays all I think when someone says Charizard is Mega-X over Mega-Y, DD + Roost + Dual STAB, 252+ Spd., Jolly over Adamant to outspeed Scarfers after first DD boost and NEVER STAY IN AGAINST CLEFABLE. (The last part put a smile on my face when that ran through my head.) Sorry, but this is the game that makes me move into that mode.

I've had my taste of multiplayer with DOTA, which I still love despite knowing that it makes me a hatefully prejudiced person. You end up meeting people that destroy your faith in humanity. In fact, the SEA (South-East Asia) server is filled with a bunch of natives that swear in broken English, have negative brain cells and are a stain on the human race that must be exterminated to remove the vermin from the fac- welp, I did it again. Yeah, I love the game, but hate what it made me into.

I have a vanilla XCOM 2: WotC campaign running in the background. (No mods because I haven't found a way of integrating mods into the cracked version that I use. Most of the time, I'm not exactly rich enough to buy the games I play. Also, my parents don't believe in spending money on games.) I've been prolonging the campaign to get an OP roster, and to listen to the Chosen Hunter's awesome dialogue.
  • Favorite Zelda game - Majora's Mask. First one I ever played, so it has a special charm. I haven't played much of Zelda apart from that, so I'm not really a good judge.
  • Favorite Pokemon - Blaziken. Always has been, always will be. Close second is Greninja. Third is Mimikyu.
As to more artsy stuff, I've liked playing Ori and Limbo. ECHO is another amazing piece of work that felt like watching a good indie psychological horror movie. And Automata is probably the best game I've ever played, even though I don't exactly like it. Hell, it;s probably because I don't really have affection for it. It's kinda like 2001 for me. I could write essays about the craft that went into it - hell, I did write one, that got butchered when it went to print.
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Aug 14, 2018
I rarely play games now but I liked playing a lot of RPGs (mostly Japanese ones), survival and psychological horror games, indie, experimental, artsy, adventure and atmospheric stuff, etc.

Too much to list them all but to give a rough idea:

Suikoden II
The Cat Lady and Downfall by Harvester Games
ICO and Shadow of the Colossus
Silent Hill 1-3 (Silent Hill 2 in particular)
Fatal Frame/Project Zero 1-3 (haven't played any past three)
Koudelka and Shadow Hearts
The House in Fata Morgana and Kara no Shoujo in particular for visual novels.
Amanita Design made some really gorgeous puzzle point and click games.
Yume Nikki
The Legend of Dragoon
Stardew Valley I played a boat load of when it first came out. It was a relaxing and pleasant distraction at the time.

The Final Fantasy series and Pokémon were also a big part of my childhood.

Sorry I can't go into more detail (lacking in energy as usual).
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Reactions: Deafsn0w and RaphtaliaTwoAnimals


Mar 31, 2018
My favorite game is 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors. It is a visual novel-based game for the Nintendo DS, released in 2009, I want to believe. I have played about 300 games so far since 1995, but I have very few favorites. Aside from the game I mentioned, I also like Xenoblade Chronicles (only the first), Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Dark Souls II and Bloodborne, Majora's Mask, The Last of Us, Okami, and Portal/Portal 2. Not favorites but I also like the Professor Layton games.

I am also working on a game. It is a visual novel/Zelda-like. I was thorn on whether I should make a game or a webcomic, but a game seemed more fitting, so yeah.
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Reactions: ouvreyes, Deafsn0w, led770 and 2 others

Miss clefable

Aug 23, 2018
My favorite game is 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors. It is a visual novel-based game for the Nintendo DS, released in 2009, I want to believe. I have played about 300 games so far since 1995, but I have very few favorites. Aside from the game I mentioned, I also like Xenoblade Chronicles (only the first), Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Dark Souls II and Bloodborne, Majora's Mask, The Last of Us, Okami, and Portal/Portal 2. Not favorites but I also like the Professor Layton games.

I am also working on a game. It is a visual novel/Zelda-like. I was thorn on whether I should make a game or a webcomic, but a game seemed more fitting, so yeah.
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Reactions: Deafsn0w, millefeui and RaphtaliaTwoAnimals


Sep 19, 2018
Has anyone here played The Last of Us? Damn they wasn't kidding when they said it was an emotional game. One of my favorites.

The last time I played a video game was a couple months ago. Sank about 35 hours into Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. I spent the majority of my time grinding to level up. Haven't picked the game back up since I beat the Royal Jelly. It's pretty good so far. I'm more into Western RPGs.
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Reactions: RaphtaliaTwoAnimals

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