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Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
I have seen the doctor and remain a voluntary patient unless i refused to stay.
If i had said no,they would have to re access they said.
He is changing my meds to a different anti depressent but wants to monitor me for 2 weeks whilst in hospital with no leave!
This is just not on.how can they keep me here like this.
I lay in bed before not moving at all but just hoping my life could slip away.
I worry about the change in meds as i dont want to look like the other zoombies in here and lose my capibility to think straight and look after myself.
Suggestions please
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Nov 21, 2018
Lara I'm so sorry. What meds are they looking at? I think you mentioned you were on sertraline? What was the dose and how long were you on it? Is there any weaning off of it? Are you able to hide pills under your tongue?

If they start things like seroquel or another anti psychotic it can make it hard to think. I'm very curious what they want to do.

I was in a therapy program and a lady going through a divorce came and they had her on 3 meds and she had that glassy eyed medication look. How much say do you have?
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Macc Lad

Macc Lad

Jan 22, 2019
I need help really quickly my friends.
I have been sectioned and am now on a psych ward.my boy has been taken into care again.
I have a room of my own but there is nothing i can harm or hang with.
I have bed clothers but nothing to tie them too.i am on obs too.
I have just managed to get a bowl into my room as i need to harm.but how do i smash it without noise.
If i hold my breathe for long enough will that work or will i just pass out and not die.
I could not talk myself out of the section as they know i have sn at home.i feel like a caged animal.please please help me.

"If i hold my breath for long enough will that work or will i just pass out and not die" ......i would say you're probably in the best place for now!
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Mar 16, 2019
I dont know wether i should be on here for privacy reasons.i dont want them using this as a reason to add to many others.Police did not find my sn but now they are using this to stop me going home even though i said that i would give it up !
Omg i hate this place , its enough to send anyone crazy !
I just want to go and its seems near impossible.i am getting very irritated.

I wish you luck with the med change. Be honest with the doctor, that you really don't want to be a zombie. Be an active participant in treatment. I feel like at this point you have nothing to lose, it's too hard to CTB in a ward, It does sound like you are having a bad reaction to Zoloft, so switching off of it is probably better. Be open and honest how the meds are making you feel with the doctor. I feel if you genuinely appear to be interested in getting better you are going to get out quicker. Plus if you do crazy things like try and run away they are only going to respond in a similar way which is to give you lots of sedatives, lock downs etc. Zombie is not the answer for sure.
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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018
Hey, @Lara Francis, how are you doing today?
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I think ive had a bad reaction to sertaline which makes me feel my hubby is alive when hes not.social services came to the house saying that they had applied for my boy to be removed and i wad due in court in an hr.
I told them i wasnt going then tried to get my son from school to run but teachers stopped me and he would not come and they called the police.
I left school and was just going to run as i knew they wanted to bring me here.but there was a very small part of me that thought i could convince the judge but it was not to be and i was detained outside the court room where they were waiting.
I considered going home to take sn but knew they would have been there!
I think my phone may die very soon and i have no charger !
This is why I hate the state. The most dangerous thing to humans is when u have a ruling class who can enforce terribly destructive policies on the citizens who often cannot defend against this shit. Like if your kid gets taken from u by the so called "child protective services" which is anything but. Your kid is at risk of sexual predators and abuse in the foster homes. Things are not what it appears to be oftentimes. The intentions sound good but does it actually do good.
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Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
Hey, @Lara Francis, how are you doing today?
I am trying to keep my head down so i will be given leave.I am still not allowed off the ward yet.
There are some really unwell patients in here so it can be abit frightening.
I am just hoping to get out asap.
Thanks for asking.x
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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018
I am trying to keep my head down so i will be given leave.I am still not allowed off the ward yet.
There are some really unwell patients in here so it can be abit frightening.
I am just hoping to get out asap.
Thanks for asking.x

Good to hear you are keeping out of trouble, hopefully at your next ward round they will give you some leave, but you may need someone in the community who is trustworthy in their eyes to take you out. Don't worry though, all this is normal for the system as it now is & as soon as someone suggests you go for 'overnight' leave you are sorted, that is their way of moving someone else into your bed overnight so that when you come back the next day you get discharged.

Keep your head down & it will be over soon, & lucky/unlucky depending on the circumstances just be glad they don't keep people 2yrs like they did back when i was a nipper xx
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Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
Lara I'm so sorry. What meds are they looking at? I think you mentioned you were on sertraline? What was the dose and how long were you on it? Is there any weaning off of it? Are you able to hide pills under your tongue?

If they start things like seroquel or another anti psychotic it can make it hard to think. I'm very curious what they want to do.

I was in a therapy program and a lady going through a divorce came and they had her on 3 meds and she had that glassy eyed medication look. How much say do you have?
They have stopped the setraline and have me on duloxetine 30mg.
They want to have me on this dose for a week then increase it to 60mg after 7 days.
Atm it seems to be ok.i just feel tired and have a headache.i hope u r ok jenna.
Omg.i am so so bored.
Ive been given 2 hrs leave a day.
When i took it today ,i went home but was unable to take the boarding off the front door! I sat outside in the sun and really really did not want to return.
I cant stay here much longer but i really dont think a discharge will be granted.
I will have leave again tomorrow and thoughts are not ro return but leave a note saying i dont have sucicidal thoughts and please use the bed for someone else that really needs it.i will b safe.please dont set the whole police force looking for me.
I know this is not a great idea but i can be impulsive at times.
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Mar 16, 2019
I just went off of sertraline too. Just started Trintellix, so far I have lots of energy, less depressed still anxious and the headaches. I always get headaches when I start a new med too. Are they decreasing the suicidal thoughts? sertraline made me want to end it. I get the impulsiveness, it's part of my diagnosis too (ADHD.. I'm not hyperactive since I was a child but, I have to write everything down to stay organized among other stuff Etc etc. I would want to run away too... But... I really think your best bet is to wait until you get discharged instead of writing a note....because even though you could write a note and leave... it's going to be better for you to have on your record that you cooperated with their treatment plan. Especially when it comes to your social worker and son. Do you like to read? Good books are a decent escape to pass time. Boards on the house what's that all about? Enjoying the sunshine though sounds pretty great. It's snowing where I live. I'm sick of the snow.
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I am ___________

I am ___________

Hated, Unloved by the world and everything in it.
Jan 3, 2019
I think i have been foolish !
It was driving me crazy in here this am and i have nothing of my posessons in here.
They would not let me off the ward by myself and so i asked for a staff member to come and get some fresh air.when it was time to come in,i said sorry but no and ran away!
I had 7 hrs off the ward but the police found me at 10pm tonight and im back in hospital
They tell me i have to be assessed again but i returned voluntary but dont know if i will now be sectioned on a 2 or 3.?
Meanwhile the police forced entry into my house and searched the place so it is boarded up so even i cant get in.i guess i broke their trust but i dont need to b here and just want out.maybe any leave is off the cards now!

This is why I do not trust people. They don't have your best interests at all only their own selfish interest. My advice is try and get the hell out of there as soon as possible. It's bad enough that they took your son away from you, what more are they going to take away from you? Fuck this world.
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Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
This is why I do not trust people. They don't have your best interests at all only their own selfish interest. My advice is try and get the hell out of there as soon as possible. It's bad enough that they took your son away from you, what more are they going to take away from you? Fuck this world.
I am very much getting where u r coming from right now.
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Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
I dont know how this place is ment to be helping me!
All my leave has been cancalled because i tried to get into my own house yesterday.
The nurse in charge said no way when i asked to leave and said he would detain me.This is the biggest nigjtmare ever.
i dont know what to do.i am not a volitile person but my patience is at breaking point.
  • Aww..
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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018
I dont know how this place is ment to be helping me!
All my leave has been cancalled because i tried to get into my own house yesterday.
The nurse in charge said no way when i asked to leave and said he would detain me.This is the biggest nigjtmare ever.
i dont know what to do.i am not a volitile person but my patience is at breaking point.

Please just calm down, you are not helping yourself to get out of there, if anything you are just extending your stay. If you had carried on with 2hrs unsupervised leave you could have been out of there by next week. If you really want to get back home & get your kid back then you need to grow up & behave like an adult. It really isn't that difficult.

They do not want to keep you there, that is the last thing they want, but if you continue to bugger about & act like a threat to yourself then they have no other choice to keep you, though even then for only so long as you have stated there are some very unwell people in there & they have a constant bed shortage so you will still be out soon anyways regardless of how you behave.

Do you want your child back?

You can do a bunk & get away with it, but only by staying below everybody's radar i.e no compulsive shit that will bring you to the attention of anybody. If you can do that then generally after 28days of disappearing it will be decided that you no longer pose a threat to yourself if you have managed not to be in the above 28days.

If you want help to navigate the wonders of inpatient care then i will happily assist you to get back out as soon as possible, but i can only do that if you do indeed want to leave. So just let me know.
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Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
Please just calm down, you are not helping yourself to get out of there, if anything you are just extending your stay. If you had carried on with 2hrs unsupervised leave you could have been out of there by next week. If you really want to get back home & get your kid back then you need to grow up & behave like an adult. It really isn't that difficult.

They do not want to keep you there, that is the last thing they want, but if you continue to bugger about & act like a threat to yourself then they have no other choice to keep you, though even then for only so long as you have stated there are some very unwell people in there & they have a constant bed shortage so you will still be out soon anyways regardless of how you behave.

Do you want your child back?

You can do a bunk & get away with it, but only by staying below everybody's radar i.e no compulsive shit that will bring you to the attention of anybody. If you can do that then generally after 28days of disappearing it will be decided that you no longer pose a threat to yourself if you have managed not to be in the above 28days.

If you want help to navigate the wonders of inpatient care then i will happily assist you to get back out as soon as possible, but i can only do that if you do indeed want to leave. So just let me know.
I will take your help please.
I told them that i needed to go and get some headphones for my phone and they said i would need to see my consultant.after a meeting with me,he agreed to 2 hrs leave but said it was a fine line between allowing me and not because of my impulsive behaviour when angary.
He is increasing the antidepressent tomorrow ahead of time because i have tolerated the starting dose.so maybe a few days on the increased dose i will be allowed home next week.
Its a hard environment to tolerate.i am finding it more difficult than last time.
Thanku for the blunt but honest and sensible response.x
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Nov 21, 2018

I've had three stays. I was voluntary. I wold listen to @Letmego. Please . You have to play by the rules. If you get the two hour leave make sure you are back early. I wouldn't mess with it. @Empty Smile got caught on his attempt and spent 3 months in a facility. I think he is in the states and I don't know the rules where you are. I want you out so bad and hoping the medication works.
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Nov 25, 2018
Omg.i am so so bored.
Can you get a newspaper so you have something to read?
You could also do some exercising. You don't need a gym for that.
Also, you could try to meditate.
This will help you and show them you're trying to get better.
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Nov 21, 2018
They have stopped the setraline and have me on duloxetine 30mg.
They want to have me on this dose for a week then increase it to 60mg after 7 days.
Atm it seems to be ok.i just feel tired and have a headache.i hope u r ok jenna.
Omg.i am so so bored.
Ive been given 2 hrs leave a day.
When i took it today ,i went home but was unable to take the boarding off the front door! I sat outside in the sun and really really did not want to return.
I cant stay here much longer but i really dont think a discharge will be granted.
I will have leave again tomorrow and thoughts are not ro return but leave a note saying i dont have sucicidal thoughts and please use the bed for someone else that really needs it.i will b safe.please dont set the whole police force looking for me.
I know this is not a great idea but i can be impulsive at times.

I'm glad that they at least kept you on an SNRI vs putting you on SSRI. That would have me worried. You have to play by the rules. I hope you get headphones. Can you at least color or something? I'm guessing there is a tv room but they dictate what's on it.

Barely anyone will fess up they are suicidal. Plus if you have a history. I remember I would just pace hallways to pass the time. I hope you are sleeping.

Much love.
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Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
I'm glad that they at least kept you on an SNRI vs putting you on SSRI. That would have me worried. You have to play by the rules. I hope you get headphones. Can you at least color or something? I'm guessing there is a tv room but they dictate what's on it.

Barely anyone will fess up they are suicidal. Plus if you have a history. I remember I would just pace hallways to pass the time. I hope you are sleeping.

Much love.
Thanku.i have my phone to listen to music whilst trying to sleep which helps but the internet goes off at 12 and sometimes knocks off spotify.
Hugs to you x
Can you get a newspaper so you have something to read?
You could also do some exercising. You don't need a gym for that.
Also, you could try to meditate.
This will help you and show them you're trying to get better.
I have joined in activities such as art and ti chi (prob spelt wrong).
It would be so easy to isolate yourself and believe me,its what i want at times.i am not the most sociable person anyway.i think i am going to be the worlds best at crosswords too!
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I am ___________

I am ___________

Hated, Unloved by the world and everything in it.
Jan 3, 2019
As much as I hate to say this, you should take the advice that others are trying to give you. Realistically speaking, if you act in a rash manner your predicament will only get more worse. Even if you have to force yourself, play along with what they ask, then after the dust has settled and you are finally out.... you will be free to do as you please. I am sure that your son would be sad if anything happened to you, I know where your coming from as at a young age I was taken away from the only true family I ever had. It is not right how they rip apart families, but that is the reality we live in. If you truly do care about your son, do whatever it takes to get him back and away from those cunning government bastards.
A child deserves to be with it's mother,father and family. Not with anyone else.
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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018
I will take your help please.
I told them that i needed to go and get some headphones for my phone and they said i would need to see my consultant.after a meeting with me,he agreed to 2 hrs leave but said it was a fine line between allowing me and not because of my impulsive behaviour when angary.
He is increasing the antidepressent tomorrow ahead of time because i have tolerated the starting dose.so maybe a few days on the increased dose i will be allowed home next week.
Its a hard environment to tolerate.i am finding it more difficult than last time.
Thanku for the blunt but honest and sensible response.x

Hey, Good Moaning,

Thank you for taking my words with the kindness they were meant, i may be getting on a bit now (hence the bluntness), but i was once your age & collided with a MH system that i didn't understand, that i fought with all my energy & learned the hard way that back then they would keep you for what seemed like forever when your 21.

As for the 'illusion' of a MH service that is now. It's all about playing their game, stupid i know as it shouldn't be like that but hey it is what we have.
Increasing your anti d's to 60 will make you feel a bit on edge again for a few days, but if you know its that causing it then you can be better prepared to deal with the ups n downs & you are correct that things are moving in the right direction. So enjoy your leave, resist any urge to bugger off & next week when you see the Quack again ask him/her about overnight leave.

Do you have someone, social wanker or support worker? talking to your housing to make sure it will be accessible to you soon (i thought you said something about a boarded up door) & i take it you have community nutty health normally?

If they insist you hand over the Sn before letting you go then no probs, just buy again IF you need to.

God i used to hate weekends in these places, so bloody boring, so make the most of the leave you have, maybe even take one hour in the morning then the other later to spread it out to fill the day a bit better, i would suggest playing the model patient so that you can ask for overnight leave towards the end of the week if they haven't already suggested you will be better off at home, hence the finding out about your housing & when you can go back as they will not discharge you till that is sorted.

Sorry this is all a bit discombobulated, i'm only on my first coffee of the day, but you can get through this & you know from being in there that they do not have enough beds to keep you long. So chill
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