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Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
I need help really quickly my friends.
I have been sectioned and am now on a psych ward.my boy has been taken into care again.
I have a room of my own but there is nothing i can harm or hang with.
I have bed clothers but nothing to tie them too.i am on obs too.
I have just managed to get a bowl into my room as i need to harm.but how do i smash it without noise.
If i hold my breathe for long enough will that work or will i just pass out and not die.
I could not talk myself out of the section as they know i have sn at home.i feel like a caged animal.please please help me.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I don't like to say this, but I don't think you will have very high odds of successfully CTB'ing in a psych ward. This is because they make it very difficult by taking away tools and means to reliably CTB. I would focus on getting out as quickly as possible and like you said, they know you have the means (the SN) at home so talking or trying to convince them would be futile at this point. My strategy would be to cooperate and try to minimize the amount of time they detain you there. It sucks, but in this situation, that is the best you can do given the circumstances. I hope my advice helps.
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Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
I don't like to say this, but I don't think you will have very high odds of successfully CTB'ing in a psych ward. This is because they make it very difficult by taking away tools and means to reliably CTB. I would focus on getting out as quickly as possible and like you said, they know you have the means (the SN) at home so talking or trying to convince them would be futile at this point. My strategy would be to cooperate and try to minimize the amount of time they detain you there. It sucks, but in this situation, that is the best you can do given the circumstances. I hope my advice helps.
You know when u just feel so desperate.
I am going on water and hunger strike.
Though.but i do know u r right.
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Feb 24, 2019
what @thrw_a_way1221221 said, you should cooperate and then they will let you go. You gotta show them you're in a sane state of mind.
If they catch you doing anything, they will keep you longer, and then you're REALLY gonna be in much more misery.
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Pressure building
Nov 9, 2018
damn... what happened?
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Nov 21, 2018
Lara I wish so bad I had the right words. I have such a soft spot for you in my heart. I know the suffering is great and I pray you won't be there long. I agree with the others and try to do what you can to get out.
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Done with life
Oct 28, 2018
I need help really quickly my friends.
I have been sectioned and am now on a psych ward.my boy has been taken into care again.
I have a room of my own but there is nothing i can harm or hang with.
I have bed clothers but nothing to tie them too.i am on obs too.
I have just managed to get a bowl into my room as i need to harm.but how do i smash it without noise.
If i hold my breathe for long enough will that work or will i just pass out and not die.
I could not talk myself out of the section as they know i have sn at home.i feel like a caged animal.please please help me.

First calm down and just take this how it is for now.
Your boy also miss you now.
And you are getting help now in the ward.
Dont be impulsive with these thoughts now and take your rest.

Wish you all the best
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Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
damn... what happened?
I think ive had a bad reaction to sertaline which makes me feel my hubby is alive when hes not.social services came to the house saying that they had applied for my boy to be removed and i wad due in court in an hr.
I told them i wasnt going then tried to get my son from school to run but teachers stopped me and he would not come and they called the police.
I left school and was just going to run as i knew they wanted to bring me here.but there was a very small part of me that thought i could convince the judge but it was not to be and i was detained outside the court room where they were waiting.
I considered going home to take sn but knew they would have been there!
I think my phone may die very soon and i have no charger !
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Pressure building
Nov 9, 2018
I think ive had a bad reaction to sertaline which makes me feel my hubby is alive when hes not.social services came to the house saying that they had applied for my boy to be removed and i wad due in court in an hr.
I told them i wasnt going then tried to get my son from school to run but teachers stopped me and he would not come and they called the police.
I left school and was just going to run as i knew they wanted to bring me here.but there was a very small part of me that thought i could convince the judge but it was not to be and i was detained outside the court room where they were waiting.
I considered going home to take sn but knew they would have been there!
I think my phone may die very soon and i have no charger !
Woah... I hope everythings gets better... good luck
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Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
How can i smash this bowl without noise
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Feb 28, 2019
I think ive had a bad reaction to sertaline which makes me feel my hubby is alive when hes not.social services came to the house saying that they had applied for my boy to be removed and i wad due in court in an hr.
I told them i wasnt going then tried to get my son from school to run but teachers stopped me and he would not come and they called the police.
I left school and was just going to run as i knew they wanted to bring me here.but there was a very small part of me that thought i could convince the judge but it was not to be and i was detained outside the court room where they were waiting.
I considered going home to take sn but knew they would have been there!
I think my phone may die very soon and i have no charger !

I hope you can use that as your defence. It's not your fault that you had a bad reaction to your medication, I hope they take that into consideration. So sorry to read this. I hope you get out soon. Hopefully someone can drop a charger to you.
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Feb 15, 2019
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Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
I have to go.sorry.be back when i can x
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Noitu x Love

Noitu x Love

Lone Wolf
Feb 13, 2019
Don't be foolish. Cooperate, as it's the only way you get released. I've been acquainted with the mental health system rather well. They don't want to help. They want to make you a "normal" citizen. I've seen suicide people literally tell the doctors they had no interest in help and to send them home.

Play the game. Get freedom.
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Mar 14, 2019
Hello Lara,
I'm so sorry for your situation. Even if you managed to cut yourself deep enough , you'd be discovered before you were dead. The only way out is to play the game. Work on trying to keep calm and focused. Maybe ask for some benzo's. don't suddenly change ur story or they'll know your just telling them what they want to hear. Slowly change your story to i don't really want to die it was just a cry for help and I really want ur help and do whatever bullshit they want. I know it's a long shot but if you have someone who can visit you and tell staff that they'll support you and keep an eye on you when released that helps get u out faster. And do everything u can to maintain privacy on ur phone. Log out. Delete search history. Use TOR or duckduckgo app browser. They will not let you out based on a hunger strike, just keep you longer.
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Mar 16, 2019
I think ive had a bad reaction to sertaline which makes me feel my hubby is alive when hes not.social services came to the house saying that they had applied for my boy to be removed and i wad due in court in an hr.
I told them i wasnt going then tried to get my son from school to run but teachers stopped me and he would not come and they called the police.
I left school and was just going to run as i knew they wanted to bring me here.but there was a very small part of me that thought i could convince the judge but it was not to be and i was detained outside the court room where they were waiting.
I considered going home to take sn but knew they would have been there!
I think my phone may die very soon and i have no charger !
Sertraline made me obsessive with wanting to end it all. Big hugs. Cooperate to get out. There's a way through the hell. Spontaneous actions make everyone squirrely. You got this. When you've hit the bottom of the well and there's no where else to go...just put one foot in front of the other
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Reactions: Lifeisatrap, RaphtaliaTwoAnimals and Lara Francis
Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
Don't be foolish. Cooperate, as it's the only way you get released. I've been acquainted with the mental health system rather well. They don't want to help. They want to make you a "normal" citizen. I've seen suicide people literally tell the doctors they had no interest in help and to send them home.

Play the game. Get freedom.
I think i have been foolish !
It was driving me crazy in here this am and i have nothing of my posessons in here.
They would not let me off the ward by myself and so i asked for a staff member to come and get some fresh air.when it was time to come in,i said sorry but no and ran away!
I had 7 hrs off the ward but the police found me at 10pm tonight and im back in hospital
They tell me i have to be assessed again but i returned voluntary but dont know if i will now be sectioned on a 2 or 3.?
Meanwhile the police forced entry into my house and searched the place so it is boarded up so even i cant get in.i guess i broke their trust but i dont need to b here and just want out.maybe any leave is off the cards now!
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A Joke
Apr 17, 2018
I think i have been foolish !
It was driving me crazy in here this am and i have nothing of my posessons in here.
They would not let me off the ward by myself and so i asked for a staff member to come and get some fresh air.when it was time to come in,i said sorry but no and ran away!
I had 7 hrs off the ward but the police found me at 10pm tonight and im back in hospital
They tell me i have to be assessed again but i returned voluntary but dont know if i will now be sectioned on a 2 or 3.?
Meanwhile the police forced entry into my house and searched the place so it is boarded up so even i cant get in.i guess i broke their trust but i dont need to b here and just want out.maybe any leave is off the cards now!
That was not a particularly smart move, i think it is best to cooperate right now. Good luck❤️
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Nov 21, 2018
Oh no Lara. I'm so sorry. I know how bad you are hurting. Can you just hang in there until they let you go? What is the longest they can keep you there for?
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Mar 28, 2019
Deep breaths, Lara. Request anti-anxiety meds if you can. Don't forget: many of us have been in a similar situation. You will get through this.
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Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
That was not a particularly smart move, i think it is best to cooperate right now. Good luck❤️
Yes i agree.
Something kicked off on the ward and i was left with just one person so just saw an opportunity.i think their could be conseque
Oh no Lara. I'm so sorry. I know how bad you are hurting. Can you just hang in there until they let you go? What is the longest they can keep you there for?
I dont know how long i am here for.!
I upset the nurse that was with me.i feel bad for her now and hope she does not get into trouble as their was nothing she could of done.
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Apr 1, 2019
I reckon you're going to be put on section 3. You can try and appeal but solicitor may say with your current actions, ward manager may say no. Its extremely boring inside the ward. Hide your emotions and make them trust you. Just saying from experience.
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Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
I reckon you're going to be put on section 3. You can try and appeal but solicitor may say with your current actions, ward manager may say no. Its extremely boring inside the ward. Hide your emotions and make them trust you. Just saying from experience.
Holy shit,no!
Do u think so.?
How long is that hold for?
I am abit worried as they tell me that i will now be assessed by a social worker and dr.
I did say to ward staff that i would come back voluntary on the phone when i was out but the police just got to me first.
R u in the uk too?
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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018
Hey sorry to hear you in the not so funny farm, as everyone has said, if you want to get home & specially if you want to get your son back then you need to play the game.

As for what section you go on that all depends on what section you were on at first. There is a 3 day hold that can be used by the police etc, then you get a section 2, that can only be used once per admittance as it is designated a 'Assessment section" After a section 2 has run out after 28 days then they can only apply for a section 3 which is 6mths, which is called a 'Treatment section' but don't worry if that is what is used as nowdays there are not enough beds or interest in keeping anyone that long, it's just the law that has to be used.
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Apr 1, 2019
Section 2 = 4 weeks
Section 3 = 6 months

You get assessed by a doctor and 3 other staff once a week.
You may have said you come back voluntary, but you HAVE to verify with the doctor who has the power to discharge you whether or not you are an involuntary or voluntary patient.

Yes I am from England.
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Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
Section 2 = 4 weeks
Section 3 = 6 months

You get assessed by a doctor and 3 other staff once a week.
You may have said you come back voluntary, but you HAVE to verify with the doctor who has the power to discharge you whether or not you are an involuntary or voluntary patient.

Yes I am from England.
Thanku x
Hey sorry to hear you in the not so funny farm, as everyone has said, if you want to get home & specially if you want to get your son back then you need to play the game.

As for what section you go on that all depends on what section you were on at first. There is a 3 day hold that can be used by the police etc, then you get a section 2, that can only be used once per admittance as it is designated a 'Assessment section" After a section 2 has run out after 28 days then they can only apply for a section 3 which is 6mths, which is called a 'Treatment section' but don't worry if that is what is used as nowdays there are not enough beds or interest in keeping anyone that long, it's just the law that has to be used.
I think i was on a 136 section when i went walk abouts.
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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018
136 is the police/nurse/god only knows who else 3 day hold, if that is all the sections you have had then the only other section, if they chose to use it will be the section 2 for 28 days, but again, that does not mean you will be there the whole 28 days, specially if you don't behave like i do in these places..

Good luck, you should be back out & free in no time
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Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
I dont know wether i should be on here for privacy reasons.i dont want them using this as a reason to add to many others.
Police did not find my sn but now they are using this to stop me going home even though i said that i would give it up !
Omg i hate this place , its enough to send anyone crazy !
I just want to go and its seems near impossible.i am getting very irritated.
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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018
Just stay calm & go with the flow, if you keep telling them what you want to do then they will trough social services make things worse for you. So please as hard as i know it is (been there many times) it will not help you either way to get aggy with them.
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Jan 19, 2019
I need help really quickly my friends.
I have been sectioned and am now on a psych ward.my boy has been taken into care again.
I have a room of my own but there is nothing i can harm or hang with.
I have bed clothers but nothing to tie them too.i am on obs too.
I have just managed to get a bowl into my room as i need to harm.but how do i smash it without noise.
If i hold my breathe for long enough will that work or will i just pass out and not die.
I could not talk myself out of the section as they know i have sn at home.i feel like a caged animal.please please help me.
Try to calm down. It's very difficult do it there. You'll just feel pain if you try to harm yourself.
I would wait until I was out to plan anything.
I'm sorry you feel so bad. May be you could ask for a medication to calm down, that you feel desperate, trapped and are anxious. Try to find a therapist and explain how you feel and if there is something he can do for you. Sometimes just talking is a good relief. Others medication can help.
A big hug with lots of love and care
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