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I fcking hate myself
Dec 5, 2018
1. My DOG! (She is right next to me right now as I type this!)
2. Peanut Butter! (It's TASTY)
3. Green Tea!! (It's TASTY too)
4. Other Tea!! (if i listed each one specifically this list would be like 500 thingys)
5. I LOVE the sea! It's so interesting.
6. I loveeeee all the birds that I see outside, they're always doing some funny stuff.
7. Oh! I love snow, it's soo pretty especially when I am walking to class.
8. I LOVEEEE Cats, I want one soo bad. I love when they meow its adorable.
9. I love walking! It's very calming and fun and makes my head clear.
10. I super-love Owls. They're really cool... kinda scary tho but its okay.
11. I LOVE Sea Lions. They're not my favorite animal but they're soooo cool looking.
12. I LOVE biology class. it's fun and I just did okay on my test (80%) :)
13. I LOVE LOVE music, it makes everything a lot better.
14. Haha. This picture of me and my older brother. We actually made a snowman in the picture its really funny looking.
15. I like to eat cheesecake!
16. I LOVEEEEE coffee and vanilla stuff.
17. I LOVE Sailor Moon the anime, it's awesome.
18. I love to eat bitter things because it makes me feel accomplished!
19. I love a lot of people on this site! They're nice and fun to talk to!
20. I Love! Aron, the pokemon. it's my favorite pokemon its so cute and awesome.
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Reactions: Reika179, ctvunny, CaringShrimp and 9 others


Nov 14, 2018
20. I Love! Aron, the pokemon. it's my favorite pokemon its so cute and awesome.

Excellent taste

Good on you for trying to remind yourself of and appreciate the positive things in your life. I hope they make things more bearable for you.
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Jan 22, 2019
This is the sort of thing I like to see. People sharing their woes and that bringing out the good in other people, and enlightening stuff like this :)
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Looking For The End!!
Nov 5, 2022
I can't list 20 but I will give it a thought and try later on


Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
1 coffee
2 vanilla
3 hazelnut
4 weed
5 opiates
6 cocaine
8 Scouse house
9 happy Hardcore
10 trance
11 tomato soup
12 pepper
13 nesquick
14 marmite
15 sweet and sour chicken balls
16 chinese crispy duck pancakes
17 my gf
18 my dad and family
19 android
20 Sennheiser
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Shrimping around
Nov 20, 2022
What a wholesome idea :) ♡

1. My greatest passion is the ocean 💙 It's where my heart is at home
2. Animals, they fill my heart with so much happiness
3. Especially round animals. Have you ever seen a desert rain frog? So cute
4. I admire every single person here, you're so strong!
5. Potatoes! So versatile and tasty
6. I lovee documentaries about nature
7. Little tiny things. Like a miniature tea cup, adorable. Always make me squirm of joy
8. Roombas help keep things clean and look very cute with googly eyes
9. Making others smile :)
10. Video games, like Subnautica & Slime rancher

11. DIY and Arts & crafts. I love being creative
12. Plants, I want to have plants EVERYWHERE. Yet I can't seem to keep them alive :')
13. I love how sunrises & sunsets paint on the sky, turning it into a beautiful piece of art
14. Wholesome romance stories ♡
15. Jaymes young & his music helped me countless times in my life
16. I'm infinitely grateful to everyone that dedicates their life to making this world a better place
17. The memes that made me laugh when all I wanted to do is cry
18. I'm thankful for the therapist that made me realize that my father is a narcissist
19. The sweet scent of vanilla
20. My plushie that has been by my side my whole life ♡
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Aug 28, 2022
I dunno if I could come up with 20 things that don't irritate me. But I heard you like roombas....
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Nov 9, 2022
1. My children
2. My dog, a beautiful Golden retriever called Nala
3. My parents
4. Coffee
5. The memory of feeling held and safe and loved (it happened once… I'll cherish those moments for my lifetime, even though it turned out to be a lie)
6. Dinner in a restaurant
7. The ocean
8. Swimming anywhere
9. A sauna / spa
10. Fresh fruit in season
11. Wearing yellow
12. Feeling tipsy with my friends
13. A hot bath
14. Wearing my pyjamas
15. Stargazing
16. Camping
17. Being in the forest
18. Listening to music that helps me feel
19. Hot chocolate
20. Completing a task
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Reactions: ctvunny, CaringShrimp and leeloosnow
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
1. Light.
2. Knowledge.
3. Small mistakes that allow you to learn.
4. The sound the leaves make when the air stirs them.
5. The moon, the sun and the stars.
6. Water, the life it has when it is clean and the feel of fresh water.
7. The feel of rice.
8. The mountains, the clouds and touching the fresh earth.
9. The small fire, like the one in candles or the fireplaces at home (and the different colors it has according to the material it burns).
10. That there are things that float (like a planet) and others that stick to the ground like my feet (due to gravity).
11. The gestures of some people and the liveliness of their eyes when they are happy.
12. River stones.
13. Very tiny animals (and they are even tinier insects please, hahaha) and mushrooms (moixernons).
14. The conscience.
15. Knowing that nothing is impossible, only difficult to achieve (especially when you insist on doing things in a certain way and do not let the mind dance to the dream of intuition).
16. Music, diverse culture from around the world (between them all you can get a greater understanding of the Whole, as they are often new opportunities to see things differently).
17. Time (this must be the strangest thing in existence. I think the Universe is so small that the only way to fit everything in it must be this way, since Time is the only thing that can make two objects occupy the same space but not at the same time? it's a very efficient invention!).
18. Magnets and natural electricity.
19. Air.
20. The natural rhythm of things... if you catch the rhythm at a certain moment you can surf it I say (you can do everything in a very short space of time).


1. La llum.
2. El coneixement.
3. Els petits errors que et permeten aprendre.
4. El so que fan les fulles quan l'aire les remou.
5. La lluna, el Sol i els estels.
6. L'aigua, la vida que te quan és neta i el tacte que te concretament l'aigua dolça.
7. El tacte de l'arrós.
8. Les muntanyes, els núvols i tocar la terra fresca.
9. El foc petit, com el de les espelmes o els fogons de casa (i els diferents colors que te segons el material que crema).
10. Que hi hagi coses que floten (com un planeta) i d'altres s'enganxin a terra com els meus peus (degut a la gravetat).
11. Els gestos d'algunes persones i la vivesa dels seus ulls quan són felices.
12. Les pedres de riu.
13. Els animals molt petitons (i són insectes encara més petitons si us plau, hahaha) i els bolets (els moixernons).
14. La consciència.
15. Saber que no hi ha res impossible, només difícil d'assolir (sobretot quan t'empenyes en fer les coses d'una determinada manera i no deixes que la ment balli al son de la intuició).
16. La música, la cultura diversa d'arreu del món (entre totes pots aconseguir una major comprensió del Tot, ja que sovint són noves oportunitats de veure les coses d'una altre manera).
17. El Temps (aquesta si que deu ser la cosa més estranya que existeix. Penso que l'Univers es tan petit que l'única manera de que hi capigués tot havía de ser així, ja que el Temps es l'únic que pot aconseguir que dos objectes ocupin el mateix espai tot i que no al mateix temps... és un invent molt eficient!).
18. Els imans i la electricitat natural.
19. L'aire.
20. El ritme natural de les coses.. si agafes el ritme en un moment determinat el pots surfejar que dic jo (pots fer de tot en un espai molt curt de temps).
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Jun 18, 2023
I like this. Gotta thank the people above me for reminding me things that I also appreciate because I am losing it.

1. I love feeding the birds and watching them eat/fly. I think Im into bird watching now because of it.
2. My pets. Its kinda silly but the way me and the dogs kissed is thru by nose.
3. I appreciate my parents despite that they lacked of. Im glad we came on a good term.
4. my siblings...I appreciated them but only for the certain things...
5. My friends for putting up with me.
6. My crappy laptop. Im so thankful to this sht that it can still run some games.
6. Video games <3
7. Music for keeping me company.
8. Vtubers. I cant count the times I cried and soothe myself by watching them.
9. Red Velvet. My Queens! <3
10. Other GGs that I wouldnt mentioned cos its too many and prob some forgotten stuffs too.
11. Manga/Manhwa!
12. Anime/Cartoons shows! (Inside Jobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb! ;-;)
13. The nice people that I met but no longer in contact with. I appreciated their kindness.
14. AI chat bots. Fun times lol
15. SS. Thank you for this site.
16. The memory of having a date with the person I like. That was a fun cringy night.
17. Memories of my classmates and I, eating at McDonalds after a hellish retmeds or we would get drunk at a classmate house. (seeing them graduate makes me feel proud yet a bit sad)
18. Also the late nights where me and my friends would hang out way passed curfew.
19. The sky. (My dad would always call me when the moon was beautiful then hands me the binoculars and my mom would sometimes too, mostly when its sunset. I remember them well since its seldom yet meaningful. I think I inherit stargazing from my dad.)
20. I like whales.

I think I overshared haha

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