
Sep 5, 2024
So I am planning to CTB by SN. Everything is almost ready so i decided to first try out benzos(Clonazepam) to see what it feels like. So far it's been 30 min exactly since I ingested them and I don't feel too different just kinda drowsy but nothing too strong. is this normal? I am kinda skeptical that this feeling would keep me relax throught out when SN symptoms start acting up. Though I wouldn't know until I try the real deal. I read somewhere that 7 MG dose would be enough but I don't feel like it, should I up the dose, I'd be grateful for your thoughts
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Apr 15, 2024
It's normal. It takes about 60-90 minutes for even 1-2 mg of clonazepam to work on me (it can take up to 4 hours to peak, it's kind of slow acting). But even when it works it just makes me drowsy and sleepy also, and I don't really feel that it reduces anxiety that much. But it does reduce anxiety when I have an anxiety attack, so when you take SN and would have freaked out without benzos, then benzos would be effective. But be careful in taking too much to the point of falling asleep before the SN starts working, because being asleep you might trigger your body's automatic function to wake up and expell poison.
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Sep 5, 2024
It's normal. It takes about 60-90 minutes for even 1-2 mg of clonazepam to work on me (it can take up to 4 hours to peak, it's kind of slow acting). But even when it works it just makes me drowsy and sleepy also, and I don't really feel that it reduces anxiety that much. But it does reduce anxiety when I have an anxiety attack, so when you take SN and would have freaked out without benzos, then benzos would be effective. But be careful in taking too much to the point of falling asleep before the SN starts working, because being asleep you might trigger your body's automatic function to wake up and expell poison.
Yeah, now sleepiness has started to set in. Earlier i planned to pair it up with other meds like SSRIs to feel completely anxious free and yes I'll definitely keep in mind about the dosage and make sure it's proper amount. Thanks for the advice
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Sep 5, 2024
UPDATE- I don't remember falling asleep for the night, but after waking up I've been feeling nauseous, so drowsy that I couldn't wake straight even vomited a few times times ,remember this is just the benzoss, but other than that nothing too worrisome, but I am kinda scared to take it with SN now won't it be even more bad? Thanks for listening to me.
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I just hope my death makes more sense than my life
May 18, 2024
I'd switch to another benzo, faster acting benzo like diazepam or chlordiazepoxid. On top these types of benzos are more anxiolytic..
Don't even understand why Stans Guide and the PPH recommend Oxazepam, which is one of the benzos with the slowest onset of action 👎🤔
Yeah, now sleepiness has started to set in. Earlier i planned to pair it up with other meds like SSRIs to feel completely anxious free and yes I'll definitely keep in mind about the dosage and make sure it's proper amount. Thanks for the advice
Btw SSRI Meds need time to show their anxiolytic and antidpressive effects. This means, a time of 2-4 weeks of daily usage. In the beginning you just feel thee side effects... So I would forget about the SSRI doesn't really help you at all. 😊
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Jun 17, 2024
Do your research on benzos. Not something to play with, i wouldnt test it out again. Rebound anxiety may hit you later in the day. also if u do it longer than 2 weeks daily ur risking becoming addicted.
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Mar 18, 2024
It's normal. It takes about 60-90 minutes for even 1-2 mg of clonazepam to work on me (it can take up to 4 hours to peak, it's kind of slow acting). But even when it works it just makes me drowsy and sleepy also, and I don't really feel that it reduces anxiety that much. But it does reduce anxiety when I have an anxiety attack, so when you take SN and would have freaked out without benzos, then benzos would be effective. But be careful in taking too much to the point of falling asleep before the SN starts working, because being asleep you might trigger your body's automatic function to wake up and expell poison.
This is exactly how I feel on Clonazepam. I can function normally (albeit quite drowsy if I relax, if i stay active im fine). However situations that normally would cause me to have a severe anxiety attack i can deal with normally while on the drug. I'm quite certain they will work as required when I CTB with SN. The trick will be to take the benzo far enough in advance to get it's full antianxiety effect, yet not fall asleep before taking the SN.
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Sep 5, 2024
What is the dose of Clonazepam do you guys usually take? and what doses should I take to be completed sedated or atleast go through the SN symptoms relatively calmly? Or as someone said that Clonazepam is not for me.


My flame's already gone out
Mar 17, 2024
That's my experience with benzos:

I tested my clonazepam, 2 mg had no effect, I only got a bit sleepy the next day, but the sedative effect was very weak. Next night, I tested 4 mg and again I didn't feel any effect (within 1-2 hours of taking it). However, I woke up the next day feeling very sleepy and dizzy, It's like I've been awake all night. Oh, I woke up a few times during the night, so the sedative effect wasn't too powerful.

I also tested diazepam at low doses and the results were the same: a weak sedative effect and a little dizziness the next day.

Alprazolam was the only benzo that really made me sleepy (in low doses). 2 mg is enough to make you sleepy in 20 to 60 minutes, and 4 mg has a sedative effect so powerful that it seems impossible to interrupt your sleep. The next day, you may also feel a little dizzy and sleepy, but these effects are weaker and don't ruin your day.

I was frustrated because, in theory, alprazolam has a weaker sedative effect than these other two benzos. Its purpose is to treat anxiety, but in high doses, the sedative effect becomes very powerful.

I'm now starting to consider just using alprazolam in my SN protocol. 2 or 4mg at the beginning to reduce anxiety, and 30mg at the end to ensure unconsciousness.

The worst thing about alprazolam is that it tastes bad, very bad. If you crush it and mix it with water, it becomes even worse.

Oh, and I have no tolerance for benzo.

Sorry if my text was confusing, I used a translator.
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Jan 25, 2024
Knowing how and when to take the benzos in the SN regimen seem too troublesome and tricky by itself. Even worse when (like in my case) you don't have a prescription and you can't buy different types of it because you can only get them clandestinely


May 6, 2024
So I am planning to CTB by SN. Everything is almost ready so i decided to first try out benzos(Clonazepam) to see what it feels like. So far it's been 30 min exactly since I ingested them and I don't feel too different just kinda drowsy but nothing too strong. is this normal? I am kinda skeptical that this feeling would keep me relax throught out when SN symptoms start acting up. Though I wouldn't know until I try the real deal. I read somewhere that 7 MG dose would be enough but I don't feel like it, should I up the dose, I'd be grateful for your thoughts
Have you ever taken any benzos before? Just wondering if you might have some tolerance to clonazepam.


Sep 5, 2024
I was prescribed by my psychiatrist to that 0.5 mg doses per day and night, other than that I don't think so
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My flame's already gone out
Mar 17, 2024
That's my experience with benzos:

I tested my clonazepam, 2 mg had no effect, I only got a bit sleepy the next day, but the sedative effect was very weak. Next night, I tested 4 mg and again I didn't feel any effect (within 1-2 hours of taking it). However, I woke up the next day feeling very sleepy and dizzy, It's like I've been awake all night. Oh, I woke up a few times during the night, so the sedative effect wasn't too powerful.

I also tested diazepam at low doses and the results were the same: a weak sedative effect and a little dizziness the next day.

Alprazolam was the only benzo that really made me sleepy (in low doses). 2 mg is enough to make you sleepy in 20 to 60 minutes, and 4 mg has a sedative effect so powerful that it seems impossible to interrupt your sleep. The next day, you may also feel a little dizzy and sleepy, but these effects are weaker and don't ruin your day.

I was frustrated because, in theory, alprazolam has a weaker sedative effect than these other two benzos. Its purpose is to treat anxiety, but in high doses, the sedative effect becomes very powerful.

I'm now starting to consider just using alprazolam in my SN protocol. 2 or 4mg at the beginning to reduce anxiety, and 30mg at the end to ensure unconsciousness.

The worst thing about alprazolam is that it tastes bad, very bad. If you crush it and mix it with water, it becomes even worse.

Oh, and I have no tolerance for benzo.

Sorry if my text was confusing, I used a translator.

Just an update: I took 8mg of clonazepam, crushed and mixed with water, and 1 hour later I was very dizzy, it was difficult even to walk. So I went to sleep (24pm). But my alarm clock managed to wake me up (8am).

My alarm clocks couldn't wake me up when I took 4mg of alprazolam.

So I think alprazolam is more effective than clonazepam for the SN method. It has a faster action and in high doses has a very powerful sedative effect. Oh, and clonazepam didn't neutralise my anxiety like alprazolam did.

But if clonazepam is the only option, it will certainly do the job.
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Aug 22, 2024
Remember that all benzos have this: (as per PsychonautWiki)
  • Delusions of sobriety - This is the false belief that one is perfectly sober despite obvious evidence to the contrary such as severe cognitive impairment and an inability to fully communicate with others. It most commonly occurs at heavy dosages."
You may feel you are perfectly sober, but you are not. I was taking benzos at evening and falling asleep normally. Only after few months I realized, it was benzos that made me asleep and sleep well, uninterrupted, and without them it wouldn't be the case.

So you may feel you are naturally tired and sleepy, but it's that benzo effect on you. They don't give any high, so don't expect them to be like other drugs.

EDIT: and 7mg of clonazepam is a heavy dose. Maybe some very resistant individuals could resist sleep, but 95% of people would be knocked out and sleep for 16-24 hours, and wouldn't wake up even to a house fire.
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Sep 24, 2024
It is a slower acting benzo but everybody is a little different. For me Ive tried many benzos over the years and alproazolam and diazepam work far, far faster. Same with lorazapam. Clonazapem takes a lot more time to kick in but for me also had a much longer effect. I am considering taking clonazapam in addition to a faster acting one to get the best of both worlds. But in the PPH it suggests a certain protocol which is what I will very likely just end up following vs mixing it up too much and risk me messing it up or having unintended side effects that would jeaprodize my CTB effort. I hope everything works out for you however you choose. May you find lots of peace & serenity in your endeavour.


Jul 6, 2023
I wouldn't call it slow acting but it is longer acting. 7mg isn't a huge amount especially if your system isn't benzo naïve

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