Your case is very specific , in that it is only acid reflux while eating too much/fast , and I assume with no other GI issues or ulcers ; while the reaction (vomiting for hours) actually sounds severe . What kind of medications are you on? SN in general is better drunk quickly , even if you are prone to vomiting . If you drink it slowly and vomit quickly you won't be able to continue and you will survive ; if you take the whole serving quickly and vomit , it will be fatal (even though you vomit) . Considering your condition you can have severe vomiting , but it will be fatal . I'm not quite clear how it works for you . PPIs (over time and although not recommended practice) with AE should help with that . You may try the 48 regimen to increase AE tolerance and potency , and perhaps reduce chances of vomiting , but members have vomited even following that (moonie) , though small amounts (usually) . So the only issue is to think of how to minimize the vomiting and the discomfort . Drinking poison slowly will not minimize vomiting and discomfort but increase it :)