- Nov 21, 2022
- 51
Part of me wishes he was not banned on the off chance he could actually entertain us with a rebuttal to some of what we said, but he did have his chance.
As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.
That's my impression as well. His final goodbye message on YouTube was direct and to the point. He appeared to know exactly what he was doing.i think the fact that he accessed this from a country where it was already banned is the most important fact. he went out of his way to be able to access this site which was already unavailable to him. that level of determination to be here shows that this was well thought out before hand and he was making it obvious that nothing would stop him. he wanted to be here and obviously even a country-wide ban would not get in his way. if he wanted to go out of his way to ignore that this site was not supposed to be viewed in his country, then i'm sure requiring an ID to verify you are over 18 would have just meant he would forge a form of ID. he had this well thought out
You can call me by my name. I didn't quote you just to make you look bad. The controversy comes from you characterizing your opinions as "the truth." It's astonishing you even expect statements like "dying is beautiful" to be uncontroversial, even on a suicide forum.But I only wanted to further reply really to say that it's pathetic for someone to quote parts of my venting post to make me look bad.
Stop calling people pro-lifers or "no different" from them just because they disagree with you. This is actually the most ironic thing you've said, because this is manipulative.Some people on here are literally no different to the pro lifer in this thread.
Only the ones who would disagree with this are the ones who believe suffering and existing in endless pain to be a positive thing. The process of dying can potentially be unpleasant but actually being gone from this world is a beautiful thing as it's the end of all torment. Those who see suffering as being beneficial are disturbing. So it's not a controversial opinion. Those who have left this world have no problems or worries anymore so they are lucky.It's astonishing you even expect statements like "dying is beautiful" to be uncontroversial, even on a suicide forum.
This is just not true, and this is the problem with your posts. It's like you can't wrap your head around the notion that someone can think suffering is bad and death is not beautiful at the same time.Only the ones who would disagree with this are the ones who believe suffering and existing in endless pain to be a positive thing.
I'm sure that there are some people that believe that suffering is good because it helps them grow, brings them closer to God or simply are mental masochistsThis is just not true, and this is the problem with your posts. It's like you can't wrap your head around the notion that someone can think suffering is bad and death is not beautiful at the same time.
This is just your opinion. Subjective, not objective.People should just accept that life is objectively awful
I presume that he is set in his outlook on this situation which leads me to wonder how he would've disagreed with some of the more eloquent/longer of the recent replies. I can definitely see where he is coming from but am suspicious that he has never had to endure the type of endless horrible experience required to empathize with why some consider suicide an option rather than a mistake. I am referring of course to the type of experience that doesn't have words to describe just how torturous and horrible every second begins to feel, let alone the fact that it never seems to subside/can go on for long periods of time without relief. Maybe I am wrong and he has experienced this but who knows, if I had to guess, I would say he most likely hasn't.Part of me wishes he was not banned on the off chance he could actually entertain us with a rebuttal to some of what we said, but he did have his chance.
While I can understand OP's frustration for the most part, I find this accusation to be very offensive because it is straight-up wrong.To put it simply: just because you are certain that you want to die doesn't mean you should be certain that others should die too.
And far from constructively helping me, it just makes me feel even more of a piece of shit for being here than I already do.While I can understand OP's frustration for the most part, I find this accusation to be very offensive because it is straight-up wrong.
The vast majority here don't think others should die, they just leave it to others to decide on their own and respond in a non-judgmental way. In fact, most will be glad when someone decides against suicide eventually and be supportive of it.
You can say surrounding suicidal people with suicidal people is a bad idea because of negative feedback loop, and maybe that's what you wanted to say and I hope it was. That's a fair argument. But to say like we wish death on others? That's just a false accusation.
This is a good point. He came to a forum filled with suicidal people, then got up on a soapbox to preach about how they should've helped another suicidal person... NOT commit suicide. There's no other way to describe it. It's just dumb.I'm sorry this may sound insensitive but OP did not need to mention I'm a YouTuber and this is my YouTuber name oh and I also make this open source program called this that this person who died used.
Why is any of that information necessary to share? He can mention he has a YouTube channel without literally advertising himself and name dropping his program.
He didn't know who this person was and had to look them up and oh I talked to them one time.
Then he comes on here and callously advertises himself and then blames the forum for the death of a user who made a few posts not asking for any help.
There were many things that brought this person to the end. It is very tragic. But to come on here and blame people here as if they were the sole individuals responsible and who could have saved his life and that we directly killed this person is absurd. It's a terrible thing to blame suicidal people for who are already dealing with so much at the end. There is no real concern here. He isn't like what can I do to "help" everyone here this was so tragic. It really moved me to make a difference. No he plugs his channel and says you killed this person. Making drama he can probably go talk about on his channel and what he did and posted here when he has no clue what the hell he's even talking about.
Exactly well said, you can feel it in the arrogance of his comments. Of course it's a tragic situation, but a 17 year old can choose to speak to someone if they wanted. That's not a criticism of him, but it's true. It's not the fault or the responsibility of this forum.I presume that he is set in his outlook on this situation which leads me to wonder how he would've disagreed with some of the more eloquent/longer of the recent replies. I can definitely see where he is coming from but am suspicious that he has never had to endure the type of endless horrible experience required to empathize with why some consider suicide an option rather than a mistake. I am referring of course to the type of experience that doesn't have words to describe just how torturous and horrible every second begins to feel, let alone the fact that it never seems to subside/can go on for long periods of time without relief. Maybe I am wrong and he has experienced this but who knows, if I had to guess, I would say he most likely hasn't.
I'm sorry this may sound insensitive but OP did not need to mention I'm a YouTuber and this is my YouTuber name oh and I also make this open source program called this that this person who died used.
Why is any of that information necessary to share? He can mention he has a YouTube channel without literally advertising himself and name dropping his program.
He didn't know who this person was and had to look them up and oh I talked to them one time.
Then he comes on here and callously advertises himself and then blames the forum for the death of a user who made a few posts not asking for any help.
There were many things that brought this person to the end. It is very tragic. But to come on here and blame people here as if they were the sole individuals responsible and who could have saved his life and that we directly killed this person is absurd. It's a terrible thing to blame suicidal people for who are already dealing with so much at the end. There is no real concern here. He isn't like what can I do to "help" everyone here this was so tragic. It really moved me to make a difference. No he plugs his channel and says you killed this person. Making drama he can probably go talk about on his channel and what he did and posted here when e has no clue what the hell he's even talking about
Yeah, I don't really know what he was trying to achieve with those accusations. That just contradicts his pro-life idealogy of helping suicidal people, by making every suicidal people here feel shittier by shoving responsibility for someone's death onto us. The hidden undertone of his post sounds like to me "you all just killed this wonderful kid are you happy now".And far from constructively helping me, it just makes me feel even more of a piece of shit for being here than I already do.
I truly think the guy is a clout chasing douche bag trying to use this person's suicide to make drama and spam his channel. Even on the last goodbye song on spentstardust's YouTube channel he comments and mentions his stupid music sourcing program by name AGAIN. It's so distasteful for someone so concerned about this tragedy. It's like oh this person died let me name drop my crap while I'm taking about their suicide. Like GTFO.Yeah, I don't really know what he was trying to achieve with those accusations. That just contradicts his pro-life idealogy of helping suicidal people, by making every suicidal people here feel shittier by shoving responsibility for someone's death onto us. The hidden undertone of his post sounds like to me "you all just killed this wonderful kid are you happy now".
There are lots of things he can do if he hates suicide forums. He is an influencer, he can influence things. He can talk to the admin. He can leverage his social media following and make videos to raise concern and try to shut down this forum, I will hate but respect him for that because he is doing things that are productive to his idealogy.
Instead, he just came here lashing out at a bunch of suicidal people for indirectly killing one of them, and dipped out without responding as if we don't deserve his time. If he was genuinely trying to spark discussion for positive changes in the atmosphere of the forum, I would say he did a piss-poor job at it. Otherwise, it is just an ego stroke for his moral superiority at the expense of some suicidal people's day.
It might help bring this issue to rest to acknowledge the tragedy of circumstance that is constantly manifesting itself in this situation.That just contradicts his pro-life idealogy of helping suicidal people, by making every suicidal people here feel shittier by shoving responsibility for someone's death onto us.
He is the "Head of product" for Musescore so it is his job to promote the product, maybe it is out of instinct. But it is an asshole move for anyone to promote their shit with someone's tragedy. Even if he wanted to add some credibility and context to the story, he could have just said he "A youtuber with humble following and maintains an open source music software " without namedropping himself and his product, and the post will be taken just as seriously.I truly think the guy is a clout chasing douche bag trying to use this person's suicide to make drama and spam his channel. Even on the last goodbye song on spentstardust's YouTube channel he comments and mentions his stupid music sourcing program by name AGAIN. It's so distasteful for someone so concerned about this tragedy. It's like oh this person died let me name drop my crap while I'm taking about their suicide. Like GTFO.
A lot of people did not comment or even read the posts that were made here and he just accuses everyone on the forum of killing someone. Tragically making some people feel terrible. The person has their own history and reasons way before the few posts they made here that were the reasons they committed suicide. No one should be accused of that. His actions show how little he actually cares about suicidal people or the death of this person he talked to once that he is on a crusade about while spamming his own content. He's just disgusting honestly.
Unless I'm mistaken (it's not like he had many posts though) the thread this is referencing is right here:He said that he had never told anyone about his intentions to commit suicide and was afraid that if he did, that person might try to stop him. Since I come from a family with plenty of mental health specialists and psychologists, this is the the reddest of red flags.
Are creative people that know about technology not allowed to be suicidal?
I don't think he did it respectfully at all. Making a tally of how he has killed zero and SaSu has killed at least one minor was actually really disgusting to me.It's unfortunate the OP was banned. He wasn't asking for the site to be banned. He also had the courage to exchange ideas with us directly, and he did so respectfully.
We're in a precarious position already. Making enemies unnecessarily will shorten the forum's lifespan.
I don't think we're culpable though. By the time a person arrives here they're already in a tremendously dark state of mind. If intervention is the goal it has to take place in the offline world. We can't be expected to be mental health professionals.
I can understand why he is upset, but there isn't always someone to blame. It's actually ironic that a person commits suicide and other suicidal people cop the blame.
An aside, but the theory of the five stages of grief is bunk: https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2022/10/five-stages-complicated-grief-wrong/671710/One source says denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance are 5 stages of grief. Was this not manifesting before our eyes?
I agree, very well expressed. It was offensive and needless.I don't think he did it respectfully at all. Making a tally of how he has killed zero and SaSu has killed at least one minor was actually really disgusting to me.
This is a forum. We are not an organisation or institution that has a duty of care or laws to abide by. All this is is a place for people to come and discuss. Him accusing that SaSu, ie all the people here, collectively killed a minor is kind of sick and is triggering me tbh. We have rules to not encourage death but we have no duty to anyone to enquire deeply into their welfare and psyche. As terrible as that might sound this is also what makes this place a safe haven for people since they know they're not going to be interrogated.
Such a young person dying is a fucking tragedy but we are not his family, his school, his doctor and a myriad of other community services that could've and should've intervened and checked on him.
Coming here and blaming SaSu for an action that was clearly premeditated a long time ago, blaming SaSu just because that was the last place he expressed himself is outrageous.
I doubt he was even in real grief, it may have shocked him, but his contradictory rant was more about himself and his need to stroke his own ego. Just my opinion.An aside, but the theory of the five stages of grief is bunk: https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2022/10/five-stages-complicated-grief-wrong/671710/
It was addressed with "hindsight is 20/20"Yeah, I lied. I am being judgemental.
I'm judging that a minor died because of lack of protocol.
Me: Being judgemental when I said I wouldn't be
SS: Allowing a minor to die
Yeah, my lack of etiquette is the the story here, isn't it?
I love how you would rather do anything other than take on board the criticism I'm delivering to you.