
Oct 16, 2018
I can't stop thinking about how terrible humanity is. I go to fucking walmart and all I can think about is all the people there living this soul sucking shitty life as a human doing the pain in the ass shit required for survival. The employees working there that are 40+. How shitty their life must be, or at least how miserable I'd be in their place.

The feeling of powerlessness to change anything is crushing. Some cunt pig can stop you driving on the road and legally fuck with you and require you to waste time and stress on a traffic ticket for any bullshit reason. Thinking about unavoidable bullshit in life like cops makes me want to kill myself.
At all times I am very disturbed by the injustices of the world which stem from how imperfect our society functions, and the powerlessness I have to change it. Human life has developed to a point where people actually think the world works well because they can get one day amazon shipping. The glaring imperfections that cause so many people so much suffering is all too apparent to me and I feel great empathy for all people. Normal people marvel at the systems we have in place today and pretend to be thankful for how far we've come as a species, whereas I just see them as primitive pieces of shit with glaring flaws. The education system. The mental healthcare system. The justice system. Social welfare. Everyone forced into these imperfect systems and burned by them. How dare people actually defend them. It's usually the people that just happened to have no problem with anything. They actually try to frame this society as a good thing with all its imperfections, because at least we're making progress. Fuck that. Nuke everything.

Another that endlessly bothers me is people and the effect they have on my emotions. I hate society. Their lack of empathy. Their virtue signaling. Their justifications for this bullshit life while I suffer. Their ignorance. A bad interaction with someone can greatly effect me. I hate having to keep doing it.
People that have anything negative to say about anything are often times shot down by society and just labeled as "complainers," meanwhile they coast through life with a healthy brain. Fucking bastards. People make me want to kill myself. I wish I could live by myself somewhere with minimal molestation by homo sapien scum. But to do that I will have to secure the means, which means working, which means it might never happen because I'll have killed myself.

I'm suffering very much. I don't know how to help myself. No one can help me. No one can give me money to live with this economic system. No one can give me the means to achieve the social life I want. I'm not even capable of a social life anymore. I don't relate to people and have nothing to talk to them about.
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Jun 17, 2019
sorry dont have much to say, but I hear you. I cant bare watching the news or going on facebook anymore because its all messed up and ridiculous, and fake, and full of hate, and misunderstanding and people dont care.
I feel like I dont want to talk to anyone either.
sorry I dont have any answers , but you aren't the only one that feels like this
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Apr 30, 2019
I go to fucking walmart and all I can think about is all the people there living this soul sucking shitty life as a human doing the pain in the ass shit required for survival. The employees working there that are 40+. How shitty their life must be, or at least how miserable I'd be in their place.

I think similarly about supermarket workers and am left with two upsetting conclusions about them, either

1) they're miserable, and life is a hierarchy enjoyed only by those at the top, meaning all the ordinary labourers below, most of society, are miserable.

2) if they're actually happy with their mundane repetitive 9-5 regime, knowing i couldn't be happy doing the same thing makes me feel either spoiled/lazy or different and on a completely separate wavelength from everyone else.

I don't want to believe either!
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Life cares only for itself.
Jun 5, 2019
Believe! When I worked at one, everyone was either :

a. miserable
b. stupid
c. believed in some social construct that makes up for it (sport, holidays etc)
d. under duress from others (peers, society, family)
e. religious
f. scared of poverty or death

or some combination of these.

Horrible thing is that today, that's a decent job.
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May 5, 2019
I think similarly about supermarket workers and am left with two upsetting conclusions about them, either

1) they're miserable, and life is a hierarchy enjoyed only by those at the top, meaning all the ordinary labourers below, most of society, are miserable.

2) if they're actually happy with their mundane repetitive 9-5 regime, knowing i couldn't be happy doing the same thing makes me feel either spoiled/lazy or different and on a completely separate wavelength from everyone else.

I don't want to believe either!
I currently work in a place like this. It is pure hell and a major reason for CTB.
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Oct 16, 2018
I think similarly about supermarket workers and am left with two upsetting conclusions about them, either

1) they're miserable, and life is a hierarchy enjoyed only by those at the top, meaning all the ordinary labourers below, most of society, are miserable.

2) if they're actually happy with their mundane repetitive 9-5 regime, knowing i couldn't be happy doing the same thing makes me feel either spoiled/lazy or different and on a completely separate wavelength from everyone else.

I don't want to believe either!
most people hate work but have families and healthy brains
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Life cares only for itself.
Jun 5, 2019
you'll have to explain what a 'healthy' brain is here.
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Life cares only for itself.
Jun 5, 2019
society. Their lack of empathy. Their virtue signaling. Their justifications for this bullshit life while I suffer. Their ignorance.

This enjoyable life?
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Oct 16, 2018
society. Their lack of empathy. Their virtue signaling. Their justifications for this bullshit life while I suffer. Their ignorance.

This enjoyable life?
well they're not here so yeah


Jun 16, 2019
I think similarly about supermarket workers and am left with two upsetting conclusions about them, either

1) they're miserable, and life is a hierarchy enjoyed only by those at the top, meaning all the ordinary labourers below, most of society, are miserable.

2) if they're actually happy with their mundane repetitive 9-5 regime, knowing i couldn't be happy doing the same thing makes me feel either spoiled/lazy or different and on a completely separate wavelength from everyone else.

I don't want to believe either!
Wouldn't you rather believe in 2? Because then there's a possibility of convincing yourself that you're actually the rational one. I myself cannot do it and even if I did it probably wouldn't be very comforting anyway.

Here's another hypothesis that's harder to justify and seems less likely but that I'd be willing to accept if more evidence supported it:
People higher up in the hierarchy are actually more miserable. This is actually something I can observe in people I know, the problem is I don't know that many people so it shouldn't draw any conclusions from that.

I'm not exactly sure which way the correlation goes either. It might be that misery motivates people to get out of it and so they strive towards accomplishing goals, or those who do accomplish more realize how fleeting the satisfaction brought by those achievements is and so become miserable.


Life cares only for itself.
Jun 5, 2019
Productivity propaganda. If you feel excluded and you've done your best to assimilate, then they've excluded you. You haven't failed, they have. You have the right over your own life. Do what you want.
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Feb 19, 2019
It really is pretty wild for me to take a step back and realize that I am effectively forced to live on this lame ass planet through and with no choice of my own, and am expected to be grateful for receiving the chance to do so.

It scares the shit out of me when I imagine still being here at 80 or 90 or something. That thought just consumes me nonstop.
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Oct 16, 2018
It really is pretty wild for me to take a step back and realize that I am effectively forced to live on this lame ass planet through and with no choice of my own, and am expected to be grateful for receiving the chance to do so.

It scares the shit out of me when I imagine still being here at 80 or 90 or something. That thought just consumes me nonstop.
i just don't want to suffer while living to 90
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Nov 27, 2018
I can't stop thinking about how terrible humanity is. I go to fucking walmart and all I can think about is all the people there living this soul sucking shitty life as a human doing the pain in the ass shit required for survival. The employees working there that are 40+. How shitty their life must be, or at least how miserable I'd be in their place.

The feeling of powerlessness to change anything is crushing. Some cunt pig can stop you driving on the road and legally fuck with you and require you to waste time and stress on a traffic ticket for any bullshit reason. Thinking about unavoidable bullshit in life like cops makes me want to kill myself.
At all times I am very disturbed by the injustices of the world which stem from how imperfect our society functions, and the powerlessness I have to change it. Human life has developed to a point where people actually think the world works well because they can get one day amazon shipping. The glaring imperfections that cause so many people so much suffering is all too apparent to me and I feel great empathy for all people. Normal people marvel at the systems we have in place today and pretend to be thankful for how far we've come as a species, whereas I just see them as primitive pieces of shit with glaring flaws. The education system. The mental healthcare system. The justice system. Social welfare. Everyone forced into these imperfect systems and burned by them. How dare people actually defend them. It's usually the people that just happened to have no problem with anything. They actually try to frame this society as a good thing with all its imperfections, because at least we're making progress. Fuck that. Nuke everything.

Another that endlessly bothers me is people and the effect they have on my emotions. I hate society. Their lack of empathy. Their virtue signaling. Their justifications for this bullshit life while I suffer. Their ignorance. A bad interaction with someone can greatly effect me. I hate having to keep doing it.
People that have anything negative to say about anything are often times shot down by society and just labeled as "complainers," meanwhile they coast through life with a healthy brain. Fucking bastards. People make me want to kill myself. I wish I could live by myself somewhere with minimal molestation by homo sapien scum. But to do that I will have to secure the means, which means working, which means it might never happen because I'll have killed myself.

I'm suffering very much. I don't know how to help myself. No one can help me. No one can give me money to live with this economic system. No one can give me the means to achieve the social life I want. I'm not even capable of a social life anymore. I don't relate to people and have nothing to talk to them about.

Either you follow or you die. No one can and want to help. Not if it doesnt satisfy themselves in someway.

All they do is running away. Ignoring it. Acting as if they did something to help without giving it much thoughts. Those half baked thoughts and emotions. I dont pity any of them. For they deserve whatever is coming to them. After all its the result of their actions. The consequences to their own choice. If they wont bear it who will? Those that do not fight for themselves mean they're already accept what is coming. The dirty filthy world. Where ignorance are exalted and weakness touted as virtue. Avoiding things wont solve anything. What a sight this world is.
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Life cares only for itself.
Jun 5, 2019
For they deserve whatever is coming to them.
They deserve a long life in ignorance of their own happy idiocy? Are you sure?
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Nov 27, 2018
They deserve a long life in ignorance of their own happy idiocy? Are you sure?

Oh no no the price of ignorance is high. Higher than you can imagine. How about extinction of humanity sounds to you? But I get what you mean.. if only there's some way to exact upon the very same people with the very same pain and sorrow they inflicted upon others. But as we know world is unjust. The one who have to pay for their sins are rarely themselves but those that come after them and around them. What an injustice.

No matter how they wish to paint themselves. Their core will never change.


Life cares only for itself.
Jun 5, 2019
Justice is but another word in the lexicon of spin. Used as a raison d'etre by those unable to face themselves. Extinction of humanity sounds more interesting but how will that come about?


Nov 27, 2018
Justice is but another word in the lexicon of spin. Used as a raison d'etre by those unable to face themselves. Extinction of humanity sounds more interesting but how will that come about?

True. I agree, justice is just another meaningless word. People getting away with murder because theyre rich. Getting away with screwing people lives up because they have power. Getting away with everything because they set the rules in favor of themselves. Yet at the same time the inaction and the weakness of the victims are inexcusable.. I understand the rules. I just cannot accept the fact that the suffering must continue like this. Do you understand where I am coming from? Everything is as it should. But I simply cannot accept it as is.

War. All it takes is one silly mistake. One hubris fellow to finally end it all. I wish theyre stupid enough to make that mistake. What a sight that will be. And our runner of course the natural disasters.
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Life cares only for itself.
Jun 5, 2019
I hear you. idk, the people in power are there for all the wrong reasons, yet the population don't seem to care. Empathy isn't regarded as useful, neither is progress. Digital democracy hasn't revolutionised anything but hate. Its all very sad.
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Nov 27, 2018
I hear you. idk, the people in power are there for all the wrong reasons, yet the population don't seem to care. Empathy isn't regarded as useful, neither is progress. Digital democracy hasn't revolutionised anything but hate. Its all very sad.

Yes it is.. the people they voted in are the very people that's actively destroying them. This act of self destruction. I have no excuse for any of them. They're the active participants and they deserve no pity. But at the same time I pity those that come after them. The people that have no say in any of it. Only doom to follow.. its sickening.
Dead beat dad

Dead beat dad

Mar 5, 2019
I can't stop thinking about how terrible humanity is. I go to fucking walmart and all I can think about is all the people there living this soul sucking shitty life as a human doing the pain in the ass shit required for survival. The employees working there that are 40+. How shitty their life must be, or at least how miserable I'd be in their place.

The feeling of powerlessness to change anything is crushing. Some cunt pig can stop you driving on the road and legally fuck with you and require you to waste time and stress on a traffic ticket for any bullshit reason. Thinking about unavoidable bullshit in life like cops makes me want to kill myself.
At all times I am very disturbed by the injustices of the world which stem from how imperfect our society functions, and the powerlessness I have to change it. Human life has developed to a point where people actually think the world works well because they can get one day amazon shipping. The glaring imperfections that cause so many people so much suffering is all too apparent to me and I feel great empathy for all people. Normal people marvel at the systems we have in place today and pretend to be thankful for how far we've come as a species, whereas I just see them as primitive pieces of shit with glaring flaws. The education system. The mental healthcare system. The justice system. Social welfare. Everyone forced into these imperfect systems and burned by them. How dare people actually defend them. It's usually the people that just happened to have no problem with anything. They actually try to frame this society as a good thing with all its imperfections, because at least we're making progress. Fuck that. Nuke everything.

Another that endlessly bothers me is people and the effect they have on my emotions. I hate society. Their lack of empathy. Their virtue signaling. Their justifications for this bullshit life while I suffer. Their ignorance. A bad interaction with someone can greatly effect me. I hate having to keep doing it.
People that have anything negative to say about anything are often times shot down by society and just labeled as "complainers," meanwhile they coast through life with a healthy brain. Fucking bastards. People make me want to kill myself. I wish I could live by myself somewhere with minimal molestation by homo sapien scum. But to do that I will have to secure the means, which means working, which means it might never happen because I'll have killed myself.

I'm suffering very much. I don't know how to help myself. No one can help me. No one can give me money to live with this economic system. No one can give me the means to achieve the social life I want. I'm not even capable of a social life anymore. I don't relate to people and have nothing to talk to them about.
Amen brother.
The world is selfish, stupid, cruel and unkind.
That feeling of frustration of wanting people to just be kinder, to the planet, to eachother is one I share.
It both keeps me awake at night, and provides a little whispering voice when those thoughts around CTB come calling.
I don't have the answer my brother, all I can say is that there is some kindness in the world, sometimes.
I know that because I try to be kind, and judging by the tone of your post you are kind too.
That won't stop deforestation, global warming, child abuse, animal neglect going on wholesale in this world in the name of human 'progress (although just about everyone agrees these are bad things)'
Peace and good luck brother
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
Why would you want a "social life" in a society of such fucked up people? So you can get more fucked-up-ness into your life?
Does not compute.
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Oct 16, 2018
Why would you want a "social life" in a society of such fucked up people? So you can get more fucked-up-ness into your life?
Does not compute.
having no social life at all ever is worse. I'd really like some puss as well.
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Mar 7, 2019
This is the way I see it. There is an infinite amount of good and bad in the universe. What you focus on is up to you.


Nov 27, 2018
This is the way I see it. There is an infinite amount of good and bad in the universe. What you focus on is up to you.

Yet one cannot see good without looking at the bad at the same time. The reason good exist because theres something for it to compare to.


Apr 30, 2019
we need less yin more yang
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Jun 7, 2018
I can't stop thinking about how terrible humanity is. I go to fucking walmart and all I can think about is all the people there living this soul sucking shitty life as a human doing the pain in the ass shit required for survival. The employees working there that are 40+. How shitty their life must be, or at least how miserable I'd be in their place.

The feeling of powerlessness to change anything is crushing. Some cunt pig can stop you driving on the road and legally fuck with you and require you to waste time and stress on a traffic ticket for any bullshit reason. Thinking about unavoidable bullshit in life like cops makes me want to kill myself.
At all times I am very disturbed by the injustices of the world which stem from how imperfect our society functions, and the powerlessness I have to change it. Human life has developed to a point where people actually think the world works well because they can get one day amazon shipping. The glaring imperfections that cause so many people so much suffering is all too apparent to me and I feel great empathy for all people. Normal people marvel at the systems we have in place today and pretend to be thankful for how far we've come as a species, whereas I just see them as primitive pieces of shit with glaring flaws. The education system. The mental healthcare system. The justice system. Social welfare. Everyone forced into these imperfect systems and burned by them. How dare people actually defend them. It's usually the people that just happened to have no problem with anything. They actually try to frame this society as a good thing with all its imperfections, because at least we're making progress. Fuck that. Nuke everything.

Another that endlessly bothers me is people and the effect they have on my emotions. I hate society. Their lack of empathy. Their virtue signaling. Their justifications for this bullshit life while I suffer. Their ignorance. A bad interaction with someone can greatly effect me. I hate having to keep doing it.
People that have anything negative to say about anything are often times shot down by society and just labeled as "complainers," meanwhile they coast through life with a healthy brain. Fucking bastards. People make me want to kill myself. I wish I could live by myself somewhere with minimal molestation by homo sapien scum. But to do that I will have to secure the means, which means working, which means it might never happen because I'll have killed myself.

I'm suffering very much. I don't know how to help myself. No one can help me. No one can give me money to live with this economic system. No one can give me the means to achieve the social life I want. I'm not even capable of a social life anymore. I don't relate to people and have nothing to talk to them about.

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