There aren't many things left to enjoy, im schizophrenic was born with fasd with in the 90's iq
on top of that i've been abusing benzos for 2 years on top of psychotic episodes my intelligence is even lower and lower
i used to play games which i don't enjoy anymore due to meds and poor attention span, i've stopped reading since again my attention and comprehension of plot
and characters don't register anymore. that leaves movies and music things that are slipping away as well, nothing brings me joy anymore.
I'm just a medicated plant that works and sleeps that's it, i don't know i'll be around much longer at 27 i say my childhood was good until my illness fucked my life up.
That sounds bit familiar. I have stoped taking the antipsychotic due it's numbing and fogging effect. Tbh, it actually cripled me by making me go dumber over time (I was forced to used it for couple of years, while being held in mental hospital against my will.).
But anyways, I have being managing well since I got the change to stop it. After the withrawal episodes my energy has increased and I have being mentally balanced, because I have research how to take care of my diet, and used some suplements as aside, such as lion's mane.
It's a medicinal mushroom that has being used to treat all sort of cognitive and mental disorientations, such as shcizophrenia*. *In the studies it actually has being reported to be more effective then the pharmaceutical medicine.
I have being using it just for a month and I can actually feel myself quite "normal", like how it used to be before my mind started to degenerate. Also one of it's health befits is that it also repairs and grows new braincells. I would recomend it if you are intrested,
Also there's couple of healthy habbits that will also help brain grow new cells and develop in various ways, such as excercize and learning to play a instrument.