Yup, the Pandemic is going to be the "straw that broke the camels back" for millions.... I for one will not live to see the other side of this....... Im actaully glad to sit back and watch all the human nastiness, selfishness, insanity....... Trump and all the suffering. Confirms that this life is truly a dog eat dog, every man for himself, survival of the fittest, the strong crushes the weak........ I am a weak person who needed to be handled with gentle care in my childgood and formative years...but I got my Spirit broken and nothing can heal it.......... So yeah, fuck the lockdown. Fuck Trump. Fuck America. Fuck people. Fuck life. It is only good for those who luck and advantage and priviledge. As a Black Woman living in the USA....... I can tell you it is horrific still........ For every Oprah there are thousands of Black women who fall through the cracks of a "individualistic" culture.... we are still suffering the rippling effects of being brought here as slaves from our home countries that have been destroyed. Even if I did what the racist conservative say and "go back home to Africa" I would find the generational aftermath of colonialsim, and Black Women trying to bleach thier skin which is a million dollar industry because not only has the land and resouces been polluted, but also the MINDS of the people. I am done living in a universe where I am seen as a mule or scum. Buh buye shit hole Earth!