

Jan 13, 2020
Pardon my upcoming intellectual vommit. Currently unable to sleep and in immense pain from my neck and bones, I think flu kills me before I eventually ctb myself.
Everyday I see various discussions about how work sucks, how genetic sucks or how depression sucks etc and I decided to share something with you.
The world was and always will be flawed, regardless if you believe in something from our POV the universe is hellhole. Even if everything goes well that makes you perhaps glad for being born, in the end you lose all your loved ones and then yourself and everything you accomplish ed. Because the universe doesn't care and it can't care because it's not sentient, it's just full of mindless processes pushing this all forward. And it will never change, no one can change it, even your hypothetical or existing children. The suffering WILL continue. Honestly these thoughts completely cured all my other psychological problems I used to have, which was paranoia from what other people think behind my back or that people don't like me and I will be alone with no friends etc or that I am too unhealthy, not eating enough or eating a lot. Or even not being able to be part of LGBTQ community because I hate categorizing and think that people should literally stop caring if you have that or this genitalia and focus on what the identity of the person truly is, on the other hand I also dislike how LGBTQ apologize the way they are infront of society either by saying they were born this way (who cares honestly you can be with whoever the fk you wanna be with or without being born this way) or having to Identify as someone with body dysphoria otherwise people will think you're making shit up (i call myself shapeshifter and yes i don't like being a girl but at the same time i don't hate my body, i just wish it wouldn't subject me to category of a "female of human species". I also really like dresses and consider action of walking around as girl like dressing up a doll. Would I like to be guy? Definitely I just wish there was other way to do it). Just to make it short and not waffle offtopics etc, we are all doomed and instead of realizing that we chose to talk about meaningless bs. Even calling other people that they are mentally ill, now I am not saying mental illness isn't a thing, when it comes to hallucinations etc there is probably something wrong with the brain chemistry, but saying depression is just a chemical imbalance is simply wrong. Some studies even proven that and as someone with treatment resistant depression as doctors qualified it I think it's bs. Also mental illness is natural, it comes from nature and it's called anomaly just because it prevents you functioning in society.

Damn I waffled anyway in the end. Sorry, hopefully someone can understand what I am saying.
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Antinatalism + Efilism ❤️
Nov 4, 2019
Everyone who "enjoys life" is mentally ill in my opinion. They would have to be legitimately mentally ill to enjoy life. Like how does one enjoy it? And they call the others depressed and shit.
The fact that you have to pretend means you're more depressed.
You're right about depression not being caused by chemical imbalance. It's caused by life.
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Apr 27, 2018
I would love to read your updated version of "Candide" by Voltaire , A bit patronisingly post modernist of me ,
but you sound rational and critical thinking enough to get my drift .

The world is an absurd nightmare ... but it could be better .

We've only been fucking it up for seventy thousand years !

Cut us some slack , hu ?

( To be honest , I haven't read said tome for a few decades , and it's probably infinitely offensive , so apologies if so , and not intended that way . )
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
Everyone who "enjoys life" is mentally ill in my opinion. They would have to be legitimately mentally ill to enjoy life. Like how does one enjoy it? And they call the others depressed and shit.
The fact that you have to pretend means you're more depressed.
You're right about depression not being caused by chemical imbalance. It's caused by life.
This is going to surprise you but I agree
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Antinatalism + Efilism ❤️
Nov 4, 2019
This is going to surprise you but I agree
Life itself is what causes problems in the first place. I don't get why you're agreeing to me.


Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
Because I don't want to be part of the problem. I feel much more negatively a lot of the time but I don't want to impose that negativity on others, there's enough people doing that. It isn't all bad but there's a lot wrong with it for sure
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Antinatalism + Efilism ❤️
Nov 4, 2019
You will always be part of the problem as long as you exist. You're still part of the world as long as you exist.


Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
You will always be part of the problem as long as you exist. You're still part of the world as long as you exist.
I'm not living for me anymore so what it boils down to is can I do more good alive or dead and will it ever be enough anyway. Suffering for the greater good is my purpose (or delusion)
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Jan 13, 2020
I would love to read your updated version of "Candide" by Voltaire , A bit patronisingly post modernist of me ,
but you sound rational and critical thinking enough to get my drift .

The world is an absurd nightmare ... but it could be better .

We've only been fucking it up for seventy thousand years !

Cut us some slack , hu ?

( To be honest , I haven't read said tome for a few decades , and it's probably infinitely offensive , so apologies if so , and not intended that way . )

It can be better but some things will continue being as cruel as they were. Namely death of old age, losing your loved ones, pain, diseases... You can't fix that anytime soon and before that many many people will be sentenced to life and death for the "greater" good.


Oct 22, 2019
I oftentimes wonder whether or not this is how Earth naturally is, but it seems more so that she became infected by this Draconian virus and afterwards they set-up an artificial matrix to impose on humanitree for so long now seeing as they had mind control technology even in ancient times. They were more advanced in the past than what your paid liars have been parroting throughout centuries. What if amnesia isn't a natural process but something forced via electronic weaponry?

I know some stuff for certain, one is that none of us here are the human masks we wear. For some it isn't even our first incarnation. We all have an original identity from whence we came, and full recall memory is a possibility for every one of us. This place feels like a soul trafficking operation that could possibly be hidden with an invisibility cloak from the rest of the universe.

Because think about it, if you were a soul trafficker/collector & wanted to maintain control/deceit on your soul food farm.. You would either hide the current location of Earth, or blackmail the Galactic Courts & good alien beings which ends up preventing them from taking any action. This age of misery & mystery needs to come to an end. If I had one final wish before returning to formlessness, that would be for all of those criminal bloodlines to perish in much deserved agony and for humans to receive one last chance to walk into an age of futuristic wonder & happiness for all.

No more wars, millions of adversarial criminals who have been conspiring against humans & Mother Nature will have been executed, certain percentage of "humans" would be dealt with as well, no more amnesia, etc.. Sucks to realize this will probably just always remain a dream, fear of science & what they can do with tech is why I'm only killing time for a little while longer. At least you can always count on nothingness to save you from becoming lost in hell. This Draconian beast system based on Zionic Mind Control & warfare against the human heart/Earth has nothing permanent to offer any of us anyways..
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Broken Chimera

Broken Chimera

The abyss also gazes into you
May 27, 2019
@Conker. I have a slightly different take on it. The Annunaki are the ones who set this control matrix up. The old testament god. Think about it, if you look at the OT who was the most genecidal out of all of them? Yawyeh. If that's the case, why would Yeshua try to bring others to that same god saying he's loving?

Thing is that we have the gnostic teachings. They talk about the Demiurge the one who keeps this crap going. I'm not a believer anymore , but that's the only thing that made sense when I look at this world. A loving God wouldn't allow a system this foul to go unchecked.

Truth is that regular people want it to be like this. That's why change will rarely will occur. That's why if there is any place different than this low vibration trap, I'll take it. And if it's nothing after, fine by me. Beats being here watching this shitshow.
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Jan 13, 2020
Guys I have nothing against your belief or thoughts but my post was basically about bias and delusions people themselves. Aliens and Gods or reincarnation fall into that category. You could say I am atheist but I try not to have any definitive judgement. Animals are creatures too and people never mention them in regards of alien creators or Gods. The way I see it, people use various coping mechanism to try not to think about the fact they will suffer and die for absolutely nothing. The universe doesn't care and won't most likely provide you with reincarnation either. The universe is just too flawed as I said (which is what I meant by the Title of the post, the world in the Title isn't just our Earth).

Don't mean to offend you I can definitely make or post another thread discussing gnosticism, occult or aliens if you wish.
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Antinatalism + Efilism ❤️
Nov 4, 2019
Guys I have nothing against your belief or thoughts but my post was basically about bias and delusions people themselves. Aliens and Gods or reincarnation fall into that category. You could say I am atheist but I try not to have any definitive judgement. Animals are creatures too and people never mention them in regards of alien creators or Gods. The way I see it, people use various coping mechanism to try not to think about the fact they will suffer and die for absolutely nothing. The universe doesn't care and won't most likely provide you with reincarnation either. The universe is just too flawed as I said (which is what I meant by the Title of the post, the world in the Title isn't just our Earth).

Don't mean to offend you I can definitely make or post another thread discussing gnosticism, occult or aliens if you wish.
I actually posted about gnosticism in my own thread here. Well, the more logical side of it.
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-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
Everyone who "enjoys life" is mentally ill in my opinion. They would have to be legitimately mentally ill to enjoy life. Like how does one enjoy it? And they call the others depressed and shit.
The fact that you have to pretend means you're more depressed.
You're right about depression not being caused by chemical imbalance. It's caused by life.
The world is a cruel place and humans just try to ignore it with their distractions, delusions and wishful thinking.
Broken Chimera

Broken Chimera

The abyss also gazes into you
May 27, 2019
Guys I have nothing against your belief or thoughts but my post was basically about bias and delusions people themselves. Aliens and Gods or reincarnation fall into that category. You could say I am atheist but I try not to have any definitive judgement. Animals are creatures too and people never mention them in regards of alien creators or Gods. The way I see it, people use various coping mechanism to try not to think about the fact they will suffer and die for absolutely nothing. The universe doesn't care and won't most likely provide you with reincarnation either. The universe is just too flawed as I said (which is what I meant by the Title of the post, the world in the Title isn't just our Earth).

Don't mean to offend you I can definitely make or post another thread discussing gnosticism, occult or aliens if you wish.
Sorry. I just like seeing others think outside the box. But back to your point, the world is flawed in ways that can't ever be fixed. That's one reason I'm against bringing others into it. The main flaw is that most people won't even acknowledge the problems but just self medicate in order to avoid them for longer. And I can agree with you about depression not being a chemical unbalance because my depression stems from events in my life, (a point that no therapist or psychologist even bothered to mention but instead force pills down my throat). It won't change because people don't want to change. And sorry for hijacking your thread.
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Antinatalism + Efilism ❤️
Nov 4, 2019
The world is a cruel place and humans just try to ignore it with their distractions, delusions and wishful thinking.
Humans are driven by their ego. They think they're important and all; they also like controlling things because they fear that everything is out of their control. So they give themselves the illusion of control.
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Jan 13, 2020
Sorry. I just like seeing others think outside the box. But back to your point, the world is flawed in ways that can't ever be fixed. That's one reason I'm against bringing others into it. The main flaw is that most people won't even acknowledge the problems but just self medicate in order to avoid them for longer. And I can agree with you about depression not being a chemical unbalance because my depression stems from events in my life, (a point that no therapist or psychologist even bothered to mention but instead force pills down my throat). It won't change because people don't want to change. And sorry for hijacking your thread.
It's okay hun. I just sometimes have bad mood and sort of get worked up about people blaming stuff on things that can't be proven to exist. Sometimes simple explanations are the correct ones. I replied to you since I read it full and it ended with you being not believer which I can engage with, whereas the post above you I would probably had trouble in my fragile state to approach it with calmness, tolerance and reason altough I know anyone is welcome to think what they want I realize that, but it wasn't that much relevant to my thread I feel. I can relate to your depression, I was depressed from the exact same reason now I call it depressive realism or just realism considering how the universe is.
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Antinatalism + Efilism ❤️
Nov 4, 2019
Guys I have nothing against your belief or thoughts but my post was basically about bias and delusions people themselves. Aliens and Gods or reincarnation fall into that category. You could say I am atheist but I try not to have any definitive judgement. Animals are creatures too and people never mention them in regards of alien creators or Gods. The way I see it, people use various coping mechanism to try not to think about the fact they will suffer and die for absolutely nothing. The universe doesn't care and won't most likely provide you with reincarnation either. The universe is just too flawed as I said (which is what I meant by the Title of the post, the world in the Title isn't just our Earth).

Don't mean to offend you I can definitely make or post another thread discussing gnosticism, occult or aliens if you wish.
You could do a discussion thread on gnosticism. I would like to read it if you end up making a thread on it.
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Jan 13, 2020
You could do a discussion thread on gnosticism. I would like to read it if you end up making a thread on it.

Yes I could try my hand on it altough probably through lenses of occultism as that is also area I am interested in but I take it skeptically and maybe I don't understand it correctly, more research needed probably :)
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