Deleted member 19276
- Jun 28, 2020
- 682

"VICE" article... Grand Pro-Life Auto.
Seriously though, they should leave Marquis for good and find a life or something...
As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.
From what I can tell, conservatives in the US are very pro free-speech so I dont understand why they would think they can shut this site down.
Thats true but they dont try to censor people for it (well, they dont have any power so maybe they would if they did idk).Burning the flag? Should be a crime. Saying "Happy Holidays"? How dare you are waging a war against Christmas.
The focus of big tech censorship is right wingers. I think they made that very clear. Even trump gets censored and he didnt do shit about it.. I also know left-wing voices get deplatformed on Twitter constantly
Thats true but they dont try to censor people for it (well, they dont have any power so maybe they would if they did idk).
The focus of big tech censorship is right wingers. I think they made that very clear. Even trump gets censored and he didnt do shit about it.
EDIT: I meant they dont try to censor free speech. Making flag burning a crime is another topic.
EpicTrump suggested that burning the flag should be a crime, he also suggested to remove licenses from news networks. Those are free speech issues.
Yes lets stop. I'll let you keep the last word. I'm not good at debating anymore, especially not on my phone.I'm not here to open a political debate though,
I see it like this.I'm considering both train and jumping as viable options for myself. They seem to be very effective but I'm concerned about my survival instinct.
I'm not sure if those people are truly 'progressive'. I support many left-wing ideas and I consider myself to be very progressive when it comes to social issues. For example, I am critical of practices in the modern psychiatric system and I passionately support the right to die. I think people that write those articles would probably consider themselves to be maybe center-left but mostly liberal. Defending psychiatry as it is and opposing the right to die is a socially conservative position and people behind 'fixthe26' seem to operate from a Christian value system, they are trying to push legislation against this website through Republicans - which are known to be right-wingers. People that fight for the right to die, on the other hand, come from an anti-authoritarian, left-wing perspective. That's just my experience. But generalizing the woke left and pretending that they're the issue when it's really conservative (politically correct) Christian moms that are driving the gear against us is misleading.
Just to be clear, I've never said that the right wingers/republicans/conservatives suddenly turned pro-choice.
In fact, I'd say that this discussion belongs to neither side since it's still a taboo topic for both of them and they actively avoid talking about it.
I believe that you are wrong about how these people identify themselves politically, they truly see themselves as champions of the left who think they can punch whatever they perceive as nazis and hate orange man because science says so. I haven't a single doubt in my mind that they will take great offense when being called left-centrists and even more to being called liberals.
And let's not even pretend that the mainstream left is pro-choice in suicide in any real capacity. Sure, they tend to be the ones where these ideas come from, but they get quickly chased away from the movement. Left leaning people are always the ones spamming the useless suicide hotline even on topics that aren't even tangentially related to suicide. Not to mention that the left is embracing what they perceive as science to the point that any criticism about psychiatry or the corrupt industry behind them is immediately treated as a right-wing conspiracy equal to anti-vaxers, even if there's abundant evidence about shitty practices from these pharmaceutical megacorporations. Sure, you don't see a lot of that on this forum since we tend to have somewhat contrarian views due to the nature of our discussion, but I can't even count the amount of times that I've seen this mentality on places like reddit and from ""journalists"" like the clown who wrote this terrible article.
And again, conservatives are just as bad about this topic, or even worse. But the fact of the matter is that the left is definitely not pro-choice either. I used to hold some of the same political opinions as you, I still do to some degree, but I moved away from this movement since it became so pro-censorship and anti-freedom if you don't think exactly the same as how they think.
More amusingly, they make a big to-do about pointing out that they will not directly name this site and have an alternate name to prevent traffic from flowing here and being possibly liable(lol), but then they proceed to correctly name another 4 or 5 suicide-centric online communities and even link to some of themLol, I feel a bit slow because I was like "wtf is Suicide Solution?" I didn't realize they were talking about...us!
More self-righteous pro-lifers who think they know better than the people who are actually living their lives. They truly disgust me. Vice has been absolute trash for a long time now.
I'm fairly certain that the author simply wrote this site in his rough draft as "SS" and just made up new words lazily to make it match but still satisfy the legal dept.That's a pretty hilarious name, even if it is a blatant misrepresentation.
Funnily, the progressives are pro-choice when it comes to killing unborn babies, because 'my body, my choice'. Go figure.I have no clue why are the progressives so against suicide and the right to take decisions about your life. Like, these people should be the ones who truly understand how someone who posts on a pro-choice forum feels, but they are always the first to condemn these places while simultaneously talking about how bad life is right now and how much despair there is on the world.
Yeah because thats what the oligarchs deem acceptable for society but not suicide. I'm sure there are many progressives who are on our side but the majority are just cowards or blind followersFunnily, the progressives are pro-choice when it comes to killing unborn babies, because 'my body, my choice'. Go figure.
Just a heads up, unless you actually know the name of this website, it is EXTREMELY difficult to find it using google. I don't about y'all but I had to use Bing to find this. All the Google results were the exact opposite of this type of site, all 1-800 hotline type of stuff.Without even starting on how emotionally manipulative and biased this article is, thank fuck they at least had the decency to not use the website's actual name. The last thing we need is even more pro-lifers raiding our community... but I'm worried that even without directly naming us, they'll still figure out a way to come for us. I wish they put as much effort into actually helping people as they do trying to take away what for many of us is our only source of support.
Just pro-lifers being pro-lifers.