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May 2, 2024
what a through thread. any question i could have had, has been answered in this thread, probably more than once. :)


I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.
Apr 22, 2024
Good lord... IMG 1810
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Oct 17, 2023
do you

do you think this would work with folded socks instead of the sack/cornhole bags? or does it have to be something weighted? i'd like to ctb sooner rather than later and i have everything except the bags
I've got a couple nice chestnuts that I picked out for this purpose. My thinking there is that a firmer rather than softer object will work better. The softness of the object would be a matter of comfort. I can press two fingertips into my neck firmly enough to occlude blood flow without excessive discomfort. A chestnut is broader than my fingertips, so it will be more comfortable than that. Without having practiced with softer objects, folded socks seem a little too giving. I'd choose something more firm.


May 7, 2024
I have spent the last two weeks trying to figure this method out. I finally figured it out and wanted to pass on the information for anyone who needs it. Keep in mind, some of this may not apply to you or it may be wrong but these are my findings while figuring this out.

I found my carotid artery pretty earlier on while I was sitting up. My vision started fading quickly and so I let up. It wasn't until later that I found out you have two locations for your carotid artery on each side of your neck. The one I found was directly beside the windpipe on each side. I later found out that the correct carotid arteries you want to compress are further away from the windpipe and slightly higher up. You want to push directly into your neck to hit them. It's also important to note that it is much easy to compress your carotid artery when you are sitting up versus laying down. Because you don't want a failed attempt, you want to make sure you do this lying down so falling over won't ease up the pressure on your artery. I tried the square bean bags, compressed socks, folded socks, marbles with compressed socks and beanbags, and medication caps. The ones on the regular sized bottles. All of those and I still was not able to compress them with the ratchet.

So regarding the ratchet, I bought two. One with a width of 2" and another with 1.5". I am on the smaller side so I found out the 1.5" was the way to go for me. Too wide and it makes it harder to get the ratchet high enough on your neck. I originally was also using one with hooks. When I switched to the 1.5", I cut the hook off and tied a good length of the belt to the metal part where the hook was attached too. Then I fed it through the ratchet like normal.

I tried all of the above methods of compression with the 1.5" and was still coming up with nothing but tonight, I finally did it. I decided to try the medicine caps again but by themselves. After some adjustments, I realized the caps need to be farther apart from where I was pushing the carotid artery with my fingers. It's closer to the outside of your neck, if that makes sense. I applied pressure and it worked! The problem though, is that to compress just your carotid artery, you need a specific spot that doesn't also hit the spot that causes your head to feel pressure. I found out that was actually wrong. If you compress both arteries at the same time, you won't get that pressure because you block blood to and from the brain.

So what I ended up doing was taking a long sock I had, and thing it around my neck, relatively tight but not uncomfortable. I then placed the medicine caps under the sock into the correct places and thebsock was tied tight enough to keep them in position. After I got that set up, I laid down and pushed them directly towards the center of my neck and started getting the head pressure. I pushed them even harder against my neck and the pressure went away and my vision started fading fast. That's when I realized the problem and reason it wasn't working for me before. The directions say you can tighten it at your leisure but the truth is, you want to tighten it quickly once you know the caps are in the right place. You basically will tighten the ratchet to the point where it's tight around your neck but it's not cutting off anything. Something important to note, when you tight the ratchet, if you are not using tape or something strong to keep the caps in place, they will be moved from the strap pulling on them as the ratchet tightens everything. Since i didn't have tape, I shifted the strap in the opposite direction that it was being pulled while i was cranking the ratchet to keep everything in place. Once you have the ratchet tight, when you are ready to CTB, you will want to crank it quickly 3-5 times. If done correctly, you will tighten both arteries at the same time and the pressure will go away and your vision will begin to blur. If the pressure remains after a couple of seconds after tightening it, release the ratchet and make adjustments to where the caps are placed. Keep in mind you want to do all of this from a laying down position. If you are sitting when you fade out and fall over, there is a good chance the pressure won't be enough and you will wake up.

My first successful attempt at compressing correctly with the ratchet happened about an hour ago. By tightening the ratchet quickly, I felt pressure and it immediately faded followed by my vision blocking out. I quickly released it since I am not quite ready to go just yet. I'm sure I didn't do a very good job of explaining everything but hopefully it can help some of you figure it out. It is important to take things slowly to make sure everything is in place. I spent roughly 50 hours of trying to figure this out so it can absolutely take a while but I wanted a painless death and this seems like my only option.

My thoughts: I am ready to CTB because my life has been a series of terrible things over and over again. For 14 years, I have had suicidal thoughts almost daily. I met my wife and we were together for 10.5 years. She was what kept me from leaving earth. She would tell me everyday we were forever. Until last month when she left me. Abruptly too. There was no, let's try counseling or anything, though I offered. She was just done. She later told me all of the reasons why she was leaving me and most of it was things she had never mentioned during our relationship. She made me feel like trash, and kept hurting me and breaking me more than she did when she left. The plan is to CTB before the divorce is filed so that I can still die a married man to the woman that was supposed to be with me forever. I'm not sure if that will be a few weeks or months but now that I finally have the ratchet working, it makes it easier to go through these days knowing there is a clear end. I have never lived by myself and I have never felt more isolated and abandoned as I do now. I'm going to spend my last days working a boring job, but at least on the weekends, I can hang out with my friend and get some good memories before I'm gone. I am also now on talking terms with my soon to be widow and we have played video games online together like we used to. I've completely closed up to her and I don't let my guard down around here but it's nice to be able to spend more time with her before I go.

I will do my best to make another comment here right before I CTB so there is more proof it works.

Edit: Things took a turn for the worse so my plan is to CTB tonight, 5/13. If you haven't heard from me in a few days that means it was successful.
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Nothing what I used to be
Apr 23, 2024
I have tried to find my sweet spot for a while now but haven't found it yet. Today I practiced with the ratchet I bought two weeks ago and tried to tighten it around my neck. As padding I used a pair of T-shirts first and then two pairs of socks. Both of those garments were jammed tightly together with duct tape. The only results I was able to get was pressure on the head on some attempts, pressure on the trachea on some attempts and on the last attempt a little heavy and uncomfortable feeling on the back/right side of the neck and on the right side of the head, behind the ear. I could also feel that the veins in the neck were pumping blood much harder and rigorously and perhaps a little less. But perhaps that's what you get when you haven't found the sweet spot and thus perhaps I am pressing the jugulars instead.

I probably should read this thread through more carefully and try to examine my neck more to find the sweet spot. Any tips for finding the sweet spot? Does the position of the neck matter when trying to facilitate the search of sweet spot/cinching the ratchet (I don't remember did I already see an answer on this thread on this specific question before but let's ask just to be on the safe side)? The last reply implies that the pressure with fingers should perhaps be applied perpendicularly on the spot where carotids are and probably you're more successful when sitting, thanks for that tip!

Edit: I found on the page 50 something about tilting your head back. Perhaps that's the trick!
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May 7, 2024
No luck with it yet. My neck is bruised from trying it for 7 hours so I'm going to have to wait a few days for I attempt again. Maybe this weekend.


May 16, 2024
Hey everyone,

Been talking to a lot of people in the chat and trying to explain this method, and one user wanted me to make a post about it, so here goes everything.

We're going after a classic idea of using a blood choke, except, it will be against ourselves. In the privacy of our own homes. In a fully relaxed state.

This method is fully capable and will kill you very fast. I know this because it's what we were taught in the Marine Corps.

First, you're going to want some Gorilla tape OR a tree ratchet.

Second, get two Sackhole/Cornhole bags.

Now, depending on what you're using, you'll want to lie on the ground and put the bags on these two exact areas on your neck (In blue).


The reason we're lying on the ground is that we want to be able not to have to fuss over putting the bags on us and making sure they don't fall out of place before we use the ratchet or the tape. You're putting the bags on these two areas to go after the internal carotid arteries.

Start cinching the ratchet closed or wrap the tape around your neck once. Is everything feeling good? I'm glad. If not, then uncinch it a little and place the bags. You want to make sure that you're not compressing the windpipe as that could cause you to freak out a little.

We want this to be painless and fast.

After you're comfortable, sit down if you want to or stand up. Do whatever you want honestly. Start wrapping the tape around your neck more and a little tighter or start closing the ratchet more.

In about 5-20 seconds you will pass out. After that, it's pretty much game over unless you somehow hit the ratchet release. That's why I said we could also use tape as well. With the gorilla tape, it will make sure that you don't inadvertently try to tear the tap off... because it will be strong as hell around your neck.

After you pass out, it will only take a few minutes, and you will be brain dead from the complete lack of blood flow to your brain.

I think I've explained this pretty well and I hope you guys understand the method. If not, please don't hesitate and I'm sure that I can help you out or someone else in the community can help you out.
anybody know if the devs patched this yet?


May 7, 2024
I am going to attempt ctb by this method again. This time, I took the caps that come from Tylenol bottles and taped it on the bottom of the pill bottle caps. It makes them longer and I think the problem was they weren't pressing the carotid artery hard enough. It's either gonna happen. Tonight or tomorrow. Otherwise, I'll post an update that I failed again.


May 7, 2024
Failed attempt again but I think I'm getting close. I went back to just the pill bottle caps but taped 7 stacked dimes to the center which seems to hit my carotid artery easier. Not sure when I'll attempt again but I'll try to post here first.


Sep 3, 2021
Thanks for the useful information! I've read of people using medication bottles, corn bags etc, I wonder if some metal square pipes cut to exact measurement would work as an alternative?

Considering the purpose I'm not overly concerned by bruises.


Jun 1, 2024
Greetings. I have been eyeing this threat since before joining. I managed to locate my "sweet spot" fairly early and can induce my self into a dizzy state with blurred vision and tingles around the hands and legs 95% of the time. I don't want to say I have gotten addicted to it does feel kind of fun to induce my self into this state.
What I wanted to ask is if the body or at least the neck area could induce a tolerance to it. I do not plant on CTB yet but its good thing to train my self so I can do it perfectly.
So my questions are:
1)Can the body and or neck area built tolerance to the "finger pushing"?
2) Could it be possible to do this a lot on a daily basis that your carotid arteries become swollen for a while thus making have to stop to let them heal?
thank you for your time.
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