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May 13, 2020
I'm so glad I found this. This is pretty much the only doable method I've found, taking into account my health. Plus, it's quick and painless. Just need to find my location and get my supplies together. Thank you for this.
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Oct 13, 2020
That's the spirit ! ♡ thought about it as well, but I couldn't find my sweet spot sofar. For the ratchet I would recommend Rockler. Have you tried the method using some other stuff for compression just for testing?

So you're going to make a model of your neck first ? Could you explain me a process in brief? Rly interested, been working on the night-night for a while and happy that someone else is again active in the thread and is interested in the method, two minds better than one!

No the goal of my project is to make the model configurable so it fits all necks on this planet. I just need to study human neck anatomy a little bit.
Once my project completed I will use it to ctb
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Oct 22, 2020
I tried this method about a week ago, I wasn't really trying to kill myself, but just wanted to see how well it worked, and if it was uncomfortable. I used two rolled up t-shirts as padding instead of cornbags, and an endless ratchet. I couldn't really get it to work without feeling a lot of pressure in my head, so I quit after a couple tries.
Yesterday I decided to try it again, and I didn't use any padding this time, just to see how it felt. I placed the strap about as far up my neck as I could, and tightened it to the point where it was very snug around my neck and a little uncomfortable on my adam's apple. It was also a little uncomfortable because I wasn't able to swallow, but this discomfort only lasted a couple seconds before I started to feel lightheaded. Within 5 seconds I felt like I was going to lose consciousness, and within about 10 seconds, maybe even less, I fell over to my side onto my bed as I lost control of my body due to the lack of blood flow to my brain. The only thing I could do for a while was try to breath hard and try to regain control of my body. I laid there for what felt like at least half a minute, and tried to pull on the strap around my neck with my hand, but it didn't help. It didn't feel like I was getting closer to fainting though, but I also wasn't confident that I would be able to get myself out. After a while I was somehow able to sit back up, and managed to unlock the ratchet with my left hand. It was pretty scary, as I wasn't ready to die yet, but felt like I might.

I am writing this almost 24 hours later, and my throat still hurts, and I still have clearly visible blood spots around my eyes, which I have since immedeately after.
All in all, this seems like a solid method, and I am confident that had I tightened the ratchet one more 'click', I would now be dead. Just to be clear, I used an endless ratchet of 3 meters, although it really only needs to be about 50cm, which is 25mm wide, and I placed the ratchet behind my neck. The ratchet I used has a mechanism like this one:

Once I decide to ctb I'll probably use this method. Let me know if you have any more questions.
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I want to go home
Apr 18, 2019
I wish I could do this method... You all are so lucky to have a body that allows to do this.


Oct 13, 2020
So I started my first prototype and it was a really bad design, the height was perfect when the proportions in the X/Y axis were awful, my neck was too small and it was very inconvenent to put it up. I also forgot to design a place where the ratchet can fit without droping while tightening it up. I'll make a better one next time.
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Boarding the bus to Everlasting Dreamland ♡
Oct 19, 2020
Yeah im working on a 3d printable model of two ergonomic plastic blocks that fits the neck that would make it easier to apply pressure on the right spot
That is very clever. I'd be really curious to see what kind of design you'd come up with.
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Oct 25, 2020
Any success with this?
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Nov 2, 2020
Has there been successes with this? I remember reading something about a Korean spy's method of doing to oneself using fingers, but now I can't find any info on this. Anyone remember seeing this?
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Oct 18, 2020
Is there a video of anyone doing it?

Been talking to a lot of people in the chat and trying to explain this method, and one user wanted me to make a post about it, so here goes everything.

We're going after a classic idea of using a blood choke, except, it will be against ourselves. In the privacy of our own homes. In a fully relaxed state.

This method is fully capable and will kill you very fast. I know this because it's what we were taught in the Marine Corps.

First, you're going to want some Gorilla tape OR a tree ratchet.

Second, get two Sackhole/Cornhole bags.

Now, depending on what you're using, you'll want to lie on the ground and put the bags on these two exact areas on your neck (In blue).


The reason we're lying on the ground is that we want to be able not to have to fuss over putting the bags on us and making sure they don't fall out of place before we use the ratchet or the tape. You're putting the bags on these two areas to go after the internal carotid arteries.

Start cinching the ratchet closed or wrap the tape around your neck once. Is everything feeling good? I'm glad. If not, then uncinch it a little and place the bags. You want to make sure that you're not compressing the windpipe as that could cause you to freak out a little.

We want this to be painless and fast.

After you're comfortable, sit down if you want to or stand up. Do whatever you want honestly. Start wrapping the tape around your neck more and a little tighter or start closing the ratchet more.

In about 5-20 seconds you will pass out. After that, it's pretty much game over unless you somehow hit the ratchet release. That's why I said we could also use tape as well. With the gorilla tape, it will make sure that you don't inadvertently try to tear the tap off... because it will be strong as hell around your neck.

After you pass out, it will only take a few minutes, and you will be brain dead from the complete lack of blood flow to your brain.

I think I've explained this pretty well and I hope you guys understand the method. If not, please don't hesitate and I'm sure that I can help you out or someone else in the community can help you out.
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Oct 13, 2020
I noticed that there are three pressure point needed. 2 in the front at approx 45 degrees between the shoulder and the front on both sides and one on the neck to be sure that the pressures is evenly distributed to both sides of the neck. (see diagram below) even though cutting the bloodflow on the rightside is enough to cut bloodflow to the entire brain.
also a semi soft cylindrical object of 4-5cm diameter and 7cm height might be the ideal object to apply those pressure on the carotids.

@anant99 there will be a video when I ctb
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Oct 16, 2018
Regarding this picture (sorry for my three demensional thinking skilks) This oicture shows the front of a human right (bc of aorta/ears). So I have to lay down and tape them to the front of my neck?


Oct 16, 2018
so i found the carotid artery but still cant pass out when im doing by hands
do i have to use both?


Oct 23, 2020
I'm in the UK what's the best padding to use?


Sep 28, 2020
would this work only with a tight rope around the neck?


Currently Spiraling
Sep 26, 2020
Can someone explain this to me in even simpler terms, sorry I'm stupid
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Nov 15, 2020
Tried for hours, have everything I need. You might aswell choke yourself because this is pretty much impossible to pull off "peacefully". Don't waste your time.
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Currently Spiraling
Sep 26, 2020
Tried for hours, have everything I need. You might aswell choke yourself because this is pretty much impossible to pull off "peacefully". Don't waste your time.
Okay good to know then


Chicken of ss
Aug 9, 2018
the most necessary information from the opening posting translated to german:
Im englischsprachigen Forum "www.sanctionedsuicide.com" wird eine Methode sehr gut erklärt, die ich für ziemlich praktikabel und angenehm halte - deswegen möchte ich sie niemandem vorenthalten und habe die Informationen ins Deutsche übersetzt.
Es handelt sich dabei um eine Form des sog. blood-chocke, des Blutwürgens. Dabei wird nicht die Luftröhre, sondern die Arterien welche das Gehirn mit Blut versorgen abgedrückt.
Diese Methode ist sehr eng verwandt mit dem atypischen erhängen, ich würde sie jedoch als angenehmer und sicherer beschreiben.

Der Orginalbeitrag findet man unter diesem Link: https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/the-night-night-method-mega-thread.6834/
Der Titel des Threads ist "The "night-night" method mega thread".

Man benötigt:

  • Gorilla-Tape ODER einen Spanngurt mit Ratsche (diese Dinger die oft auf Ladeflächen von Autos etc. benutzt werden um Waren festzuzurren)
  • 2 sog. Sackhole/Cornhole -Säckchen das sind mit Mais gefüllte kleine Säckchen (ca 12x12cm). (Cornhole ist ein Spiel aus den USA, bei welchem diese Säckchen auf ein Brett mit einem Loch geworfen werden. Ziel ist es das Loch zu treffen)


Man legt sich auf den Boden und plaziert die beiden Säckchen auf dem Hals. Siehe Anhang: Sie müssen sich genau im blau markierten Bereich befinden.

(Man findet die beiden Stellen auch durch Tasten mit den Fingern: Lege deine Daumen seitlich an die Luftröhre, oberhalb des Adamsapfels, die Finger befinden sich im Nacken, der kleine Finger liegt am nächsten beim Ohr.
Suche deinen Puls. Hast du ihn gefunden, versuche die Ader abzudrücken. Hast du den richtigen Punkt erwischt, fühlst du dich etwas schwindelig und dein Sicht verschwimmt innert 5 Sekunden. Braucht es länger, hast du die richtige Stelle noch nicht gefunden. Manchmal braucht es eine Weile, bis man die Stelle gefunden hat

Sobald man die Säckchen richtig plaziert hat fixiert man sie mit dem Zurrgurt oder dem Tape. Es sollte sich alles gut anfühlen. Wenn nicht, lockert man das Tape oder den Gurt etwas und verschiebt das Säckchen etwas. Die Luftröhre sollte nicht zugedrückt werden.
Sobald die Säckchen an der richtigen Stelle halten und sicher fixiert sind, kanns man aufsitzen oder aufstehen - wie es einem beliebt. Jetzt muss man den Zurrgurt festzurren oder das Tape enger wickeln, damit die Arterie abgedrückt wird. Innerhalb weniger Sekunden wird die Sicht verschwinden, in 5-20 Sekunden setzt die Bewusstlosigkeit ein. Danach ist man so gut wie tot, ausser jemand öffnet den Zurrgurt. Hier bietet das Tape einen Vorteil: Es lässt sich kaum mehr entfernen.

Der Tod folgt nach wenigen Minuten, man stirbt an einem Hirntod da kein Blut mehr ins Gehirn fliesst.

I've posted these informations in a small german forum, I hope it's ok for the OP :)


Nov 17, 2020
i bought two ratchet strap
since i dont have cornhole bag I used my underwear rolled
just head exploding feeling no vision fading, no dizzy feeling :(
I will try again tomorrow
plus, it was hard to untie a rope.
I had tried to take it off for an hour


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Melon Master
Aug 19, 2019
So for tape, how tight is too tight? It says to wrap it tighter and tighter but when would I wanna stop? Does it matter? I wanna make sure I get this right the first time.
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Nov 6, 2020
Seems like this method is only theoretical. In reality it just doesn't work. I tried it last night and had the ratchet very tight with a soft sweater as padding and I could feel the blood pressure rise and I had it on for like 30 seconds while felt no dizziness at all but a slight discomfort and pain from the blood pressure build up and by the 30s mark I suddenly felt like a slight pinch in my eye so I just stopped and removed the ratchet. My eye is fine but my neck was very stiff up until today.
Seen couple of videos of self hanging and it seems so peaceful and fast. Thought this method could replicate it but it doesn't look like it.
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Dec 21, 2020
Seems to me like a lot of people aren't doing it exactly as described by OP and are doing all these makeshift versions wondering why it doesn't work.


Melon Master
Aug 19, 2019
Seems to me like a lot of people aren't doing it exactly as described by OP and are doing all these makeshift versions wondering why it doesn't work.
We use makeshift versions because the one by the OP doesn't work or doesn't work that well, personally I find medicine caps apply the pressure more efficiently.

Though I do see your point.


Dec 21, 2020
We use makeshift versions because the one by the OP doesn't work or doesn't work that well, personally I find medicine caps apply the pressure more efficiently.

Though I do see your point.

I've looked through a lot of this thread and I don't recall someone doing it the exact way OP did. Correct me if I'm wrong, though.
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Oct 13, 2020
We use makeshift versions because the one by the OP doesn't work or doesn't work that well, personally I find medicine caps apply the pressure more efficiently.

Though I do see your point.
cant find the method you mentioned, do you have a link pls ?


Melon Master
Aug 19, 2019
cant find the method you mentioned, do you have a link pls ?
I forgot where it was but earlier in this thread someone mentioned better ways to apply pressure to the carotid arteries, it's basically the OP's method except instead of using the sackhole/cornhole bags you'd use something like medicine caps or other objects that are small but good at applying pressure

Idk if it helps but my setup is a belt with medicine caps and a roll of duct tape for tightening it


Jun 8, 2019
Is there a video of anyone doing it?

Been talking to a lot of people in the chat and trying to explain this method, and one user wanted me to make a post about it, so here goes everything.

We're going after a classic idea of using a blood choke, except, it will be against ourselves. In the privacy of our own homes. In a fully relaxed state.

This method is fully capable and will kill you very fast. I know this because it's what we were taught in the Marine Corps.

First, you're going to want some Gorilla tape OR a tree ratchet.

Second, get two Sackhole/Cornhole bags.

Now, depending on what you're using, you'll want to lie on the ground and put the bags on these two exact areas on your neck (In blue).


The reason we're lying on the ground is that we want to be able not to have to fuss over putting the bags on us and making sure they don't fall out of place before we use the ratchet or the tape. You're putting the bags on these two areas to go after the internal carotid arteries.

Start cinching the ratchet closed or wrap the tape around your neck once. Is everything feeling good? I'm glad. If not, then uncinch it a little and place the bags. You want to make sure that you're not compressing the windpipe as that could cause you to freak out a little.

We want this to be painless and fast.

After you're comfortable, sit down if you want to or stand up. Do whatever you want honestly. Start wrapping the tape around your neck more and a little tighter or start closing the ratchet more.

In about 5-20 seconds you will pass out. After that, it's pretty much game over unless you somehow hit the ratchet release. That's why I said we could also use tape as well. With the gorilla tape, it will make sure that you don't inadvertently try to tear the tap off... because it will be strong as hell around your neck.

After you pass out, it will only take a few minutes, and you will be brain dead from the complete lack of blood flow to your brain.

I think I've explained this pretty well and I hope you guys understand the method. If not, please don't hesitate and I'm sure that I can help you out or someone else in the community can help you out.
I forgot where it was but earlier in this thread someone mentioned better ways to apply pressure to the carotid arteries, it's basically the OP's method except instead of using the sackhole/cornhole bags you'd use something like medicine caps or other objects that are small but good at applying pressure

Idk if it helps but my setup is a belt with medicine caps and a roll of duct tape for tightening it
Thanks so much for this. I have a few technical questions. You mentioned I thought to put the bags on and then the tape? I was unsure of this. Does the tape go over or under the bags, ditto for the ratchet. And, How wide should the Gorilla tape be (any specific brand), to cover the entire area? The ratchet seems much thinner than your area in the diagram; if the tape goes over the bag, and ditto for the ratchet; where exactly does it go; this seems very important to me. I suppose you want to find the carotid arteries by feeling for the pulse in your neck on both sides; is that the area that pressure; ie tape or ratchet should go? Thanks very much.

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