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Jun 20, 2018
It's retarded how much even seeing a pretty girl IRL can make me want to reverse my plans to CTB. I guess that I'm that desperate to find a fantasy to entertain so I don't lose my mind. I used to be very confident in an afterlife, where I could receive anything that I wanted, anyway, but those kind of beliefs fade when they could actually be useful for propelling us into the next world.
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I want to end it

Apr 29, 2018
I see this argument all the time and I really don't get it, to me the obsession with sex is so bizarre.
"At lest you can be someone's fleshlight", ok cool. I'm not interested in that xD
I would say 4 points to that:

1. There are many nice "ugly" guys out there who would be happy to be in a relationship with you.
2. Sign up to online dating and you will get plenty of messages from guys. Some will only be looking for sex, many won't. As an ugly guy on a dating site, you are utterly screwed. No girl will ever message you or reply to your messages. Even average looking guys have an extremely hard time on dating sites.
3. Girls always have makeup to cover their flaws. Guys have nothing. Short guys have it the worst.
4. Obviously you don't want sex, but at least you are desired in some way. For an ugly guy, they are not even desired for sex. They are literally seen as worthless by girls.

An ugly and/or short guy is essentially screwed, until he reaches 35+ and potentially starts to make decent money in his career. Even at that point, women will only settle down with him for his financial resources and stability, not because he is physically attractive.
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Beyond solace
Jun 30, 2018
Wow this thread relates so much it's even more depressing.

Less than average looking male,balding,short ...fml. Won't say i'm butt-ugly but below average for sure. This has been a serious factor in all my depressed years. And it's practically the sole reason for being lonely for 2 decades.
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Aug 10, 2018
Maybe the rising importance of beauty as of late, from an evolutionary standpoint, is "better" than importance of money. Because generally beauty suggests also health. At least it is sort of "natural": it is written in our genetic code to be attracted by beautiful people. Let's not consider "beauty canons" and people corrected by surgery, both of which are a deviation, let us look at true beauty, it does exist actually. Even children recognize beautiful people from ugly people, and sometimes they are even afraid of the latter. Beauty is not only form but is also expression of function. Correct proportions, symmetry, a strong body, correct bite and teeth, athleticism are all factors that once were meaning an individual was better at survival and so was a better mate to generate an offspring with. So our brain still istinctively recognize beauty in individuals of our species as heritage of our evolutionary history.

With development of society, cultural and social factors as race and wealth became more and more important, but nowadays it's like a resurgence of this ancient heritage. I don't know if it is a sign of our culture falling apart or just the arrival point of the technologic society which lead to an image driven culture.

Maybe we are going in the direction of an eugenethic society, where in the future the most of people will be good looking and reasonably healthy. Too bad times change crazy fast so those of us who can't already adhere to this newly imposed trend are simply cut out.

Maybe if we are graced of another life after this very one we're living, we will find ourselves in this type of world and all of us will be tall and beautiful. Then, it could be very well a world of beautiful people but nonetheless an horrible society, Hitler wanted an eugenethic society...
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Over n' Out

Over n' Out

Aug 5, 2018
I An ugly and/or short guy is essentially screwed, until he reaches 35+ and potentially starts to make decent money in his career. Even at that point, women will only settle down with him for his financial resources and stability, not because he is physically attractive.

Add bald in or noticably losing hair and you are finished before you start.
Yours faithfully, kojak
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Beyond solace
Jun 30, 2018
Add bald in or noticably losing hair and you are finished before you start.
Yours faithfully, kojak

Male pattern baldness,short,ugly or less than average,standard job and no wealth to speak of ...That's a recipe for a shitty life right there.
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Over n' Out

Over n' Out

Aug 5, 2018
Male pattern baldness,short,ugly or less than average,standard job and no wealth to speak of ...That's a recipe for a shitty life right there.
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Drowning in loneliness...
Aug 15, 2018
Yeah, it pretty much sucks how we subconsciously categorise people and even before we know it we like or not someone just by looking for few seconds.
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Aug 11, 2018
All the people in society who are meant to be beautiful, I see as ugly and artificial, and it makes me uncomfortable to look at them. Well, everyone in society save a few people.
I think that people always look best unaltered and there are no beauty standards for me; people look nice to me if I like having them around.
I will never, ever understand everyone else's idea of 'beauty'. I dislike that everyone is so obsessed with 'looking good' and it makes everyone seem really shallow and superficial to me. I don't even get the meaning of looking good. Why people think that painting their faces, making their hair a different colour, changing how their facial features look will make them look 'better' is beyond me.
To me, looks just are. No one's looks are good or bad, they just are. If I enjoy looking at a person depends on my relationship with them, and then I like looking at them because it's them, not because they 'look good'.
'Anarchy' 'enlightened outcast'
give me a break. What you just wrote is utter bullshit, you're just lying to yourself believing you're the one sane mane in this insane world but let me break it to you, as long as you're human you still will always judge people by their looks. What do you think, that people are evil? That they are superficial and you're the fucking outsider that sees the things for how they really are? It's something that happens subconsciously and there's nothing me, you or anybody can do about it, even if you're willing to change your mind you'll still be pleased to see some pretty face and feel disgusted to see an ugly face. You do categorize people as the way they looks. Let me say it again. You do categorize people as the way they looks. If you still think you're the sane one you're just too naive for reality. We're humans, may be the most intelligent between animals, but still pretty darn stupid and defective.

Sorry for the outburst. Just sick of the bullshit. If you can understand what I wrote than maybe you'll also be able to understand why people try to do the best they can to 'fix' their looks and try to be at least acceptable. And when one can't, to CTB is the only way out.
Peace man
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Invisible anarchist
Jul 9, 2018
'Anarchy' 'enlightened outcast'
give me a break. What you just wrote is utter bullshit, you're just lying to yourself believing you're the one sane mane in this insane world but let me break it to you, as long as you're human you still will always judge people by their looks. What do you think, that people are evil? That they are superficial and you're the fucking outsider that sees the things for how they really are? It's something that happens subconsciously and there's nothing me, you or anybody can do about it, even if you're willing to change your mind you'll still be pleased to see some pretty face and feel disgusted to see an ugly face. You do categorize people as the way they looks. Let me say it again. You do categorize people as the way they looks. If you still think you're the sane one you're just too naive for reality. We're humans, may be the most intelligent between animals, but still pretty darn stupid and defective.

Sorry for the outburst. Just sick of the bullshit. If you can understand what I wrote than maybe you'll also be able to understand why people try to do the best they can to 'fix' their looks and try to be at least acceptable. And when one can't, to CTB is the only way out.
Peace man
It's no wonder you're sick of the bullshit with the world we're living in. I understand what you wrote, and it's awful how people are judged on their looks. What I stated is just my opinion - it is subjective. Also, I am bound to be biased by my arrogance and my experience of life. My opinion has no bearing on other people and does not diminish what they have experienced. I am sorry if I have phrased anything in such a way as to diminish other's suffering.
Of course I judge people based on their looks. I judge people for looking superficial. I may judge people differently but of course I still judge people because it's a human instinct.
Yes, I do think that people are superficial and that I am not as superficial. I'm arrogant. Some people cope with society by trying to fit in, and some people can't bear trying to fit in to such an extent that they become isolated and, as a result, bitter and arrogant.

I want to end it

Apr 29, 2018
Add bald in or noticably losing hair and you are finished before you start.
Yours faithfully, kojak
True. People will quote famous celebrities for being able to pull off the bald look, but they were already attractive in the first place. For 99% of men, losing their hair is a looks death sentence, so to speak.

Also shortness and balding cannot be changed unless you go to extreme/expensive measures. Many women fail to realise this. The main undesirable characteristic for women - overweight - can easily changed. And even so, there are many men who love BBW women, it's not even that undesirable to be an overweight woman anyway.

I will stop posting here now because I am ranting too much.
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Aug 13, 2018
It is sickening to me how low on empathy one has to be to be genetically burdened with ugliness and/or other major... flaws and decide that it is a good idea to pass them on (not to mention with somebody similarly flawed). What are such people thinking? That they are spreading the gift of life or what? That they are happy with who they are so surely their child will be as well? Cursing another being with a genetic starterpack like that, it's just... cruel. No, not cruel - wouldn't that imply the awareness of hurting someone? No, probably it's simply that they don't know what they are doing.
But i'm gonna shut up now, because "it's not my business"...
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May 4, 2018
As humans, we need a lot of stories to survive, and even more illusory fictions to thrive, that's why platitudes amounting to just-world-fallacy are so popular, people want to believe that working on something always pay off, that good things happen to good people, that it "will get better" etc, also people often use wishful thinking to endure a bitter or boring and banal present by dreaming of a better futur life : that one will be rich through hard work or by building his dream project etc, or at least gain financial independance, or meet that ideal partner etc etc, and some healthy dose of dreaming can be healthy, especially if it's realistic and if it drives one to work towards his goal.

Lying to oneself can help endure a hard, cold reality.

But like i said in the title, the importance of looks destroy even the most rosey-tinted narratives, because they have such a huge impact and there is no way to imply they are deserved, people are so eager to minimize their importance to preserve their just-world-fallacy. Not only can't we change our looks, but they are the most important factor in relationships, what determines the qualities of the most important needs/aspects and predictors of contentment in life (Love/Sex), they influence to a huge degree even the quality of your social life. And their effect isn't restricted to relationship, people who are more attractive are also treated better in general, people are more indulgent with them, they are given the benefit of the doubt or excused more easily when they act wrongly, they are always complimented, treated well, people flock to them and want to talk to them, be with them and help them, which not only gives them confidence but also allows them to become better at other aspects, creating therefore a virtuous cycle : It's easier to be more cheerful and like people when everybody likes you and is nice to you, easier to chose a healthy lifestyle when you have to maintain an amazing life, full of gratifying social encounters, sex and romance, easier to ask questions and learn when everybody loves you even when you are goofy, wanna hear you talk, is eager to show you things, loves conversing with you etc. So the attractive people not only get all the benefits of those vital aspects (Sex/Love) more than they even need and want ! Some guys have hundreds girls wanting to sleep with them because of their looks, while other have nothing (i can't give opposite example because any girl can find sex, the problem for them can only begin when they seek love etc), but they are also considered smarter and more moral person ! They get the good cards and they are also considered as "Deserving them for being good moral people" !

Also, what disturbs me the most is that it may happen that through the constant (implicit or explicit) rejections you faced, double standards, different treatments etc, you may (not saying it happens to all bad-looking people) - contrary to the more attractive people - suffer from a vicious circle, where you become more ressentful, more bitter, less confident and cheerful, more cynical, and you are blamed for that as if it was the root and main causes of your problems. So while people pat themselves on the back and give the attractive people double benefits, congratulate them for being so cheerful and outgoing and confident while they helped them have that with their constant validation, compliments, fulfilling every need of their ego, romantic and sexual gratification etc etc, you may be also blamed for the bitterness, little misogyny, lack of confidence that you have, double punishment.

So while you can dream about being rich or changing your life to travel more and get more leisure if you have a boring or dreadful job, even if it's irrealistic, you can at least dream about it and enjoy the period while you dream, what can you do about looks ? You can't even dream about becoming good-looking, contrary to other aspects that you can chance there is 0% chance of becoming attractive through any form of hard-work or luck or creativity etc, you can't even dream about a better futur !

And if you're someone like me, someone for who the priority is loving and being loved, the warmth of human relationships, cuddle and sex, if nothing else with that lacking speaks to you (becoming rich, building something, travelling), you're left with nothing to strive for ! How can you work towards something when even the far eventuality of success in that department isn't satisfying ? Doesn't at all adress your basic needs ? You can't even dream of a better futur, because the thing that really determines those aspect you need is just the way your face looks !

This is the personal part, but also fromr a general point of view i find it really depressing that everything is based on looks, i can't just accept it like some people do, that will never happen.

You can work out and improve your looks ten fold. Having good exercise habits can make you good looking. There are some rare cases where people's gut bacteria is so messed up from eating the wrong foods that exercise is mostly irrelevant. The people with the highest levels of positivity get the most attention. I have seen good looking guys have terrible sex lives because they were negative and not open. Think of a sexual female male relationship like a casting porn video. The premise is that the female who is auditioning needs to follow the rules of the person conducting the interview or she will be asked to leave. Having strong boundaries implies you have a high value as a man. The interviewer establishes that there are many other female options and that she needs to stand out in order to stay and hold the attention of those interviewing her for a job(related to being attractive). The females at this point are turned on by the high value of the male interviewing her because he in displaying that he only gives attention to girls that listen to his rules and she feel more special each and every moment he continues to give her attention. The interviewer asks her to be more daring and seductive and she does as he asks because he rewards each action displaying compliance with a verbal compliment. Eventually she becomes so satisfied with the rewards and his leadership that she goes all the way. The interviewer says as many commands as possible and follows them up with compliments so that she understands that she will feel good when she plays by his rules and makes her less willing to leave and rid herself of the compliments of a high value man. A relationship with a girl whose number you got on the street or met through a mutual friend can follow the same rules. A man can still establish that he will reward her when she is compliant and ignore her and not hang out with her when she acts like the man should be satisfied with her eating half the guacamole and acting all shocked every time you ask her to touch you. Net video girls is a good place to start, but make sure you search for the full video. Only give girls attention when they give you something back.
It really is a blessing that people can look at some one walk across the street and tell if they are confident. It rewards those who live positively. Sure you might have to lower your standards some but trust me there are plenty of women around you are receptive to confident males who speak slowly and have strong boundaries. The social media generation are more prone to be nervous and uncomfortable with talking while they are sober and in public alone than 30+ year old women. Some girls only want to date guys who have a certain type of status and that is a result of fame and materialism culture. There are still plenty of girls who know they want a masculine man or at least are receptive to a random masculine guy. It is okay you say something like you seem like a waste of time if a girl is rude to you and smile. Having a lot of dominant eye contact is good. The goal of having a conversation with a girl is to say as little as possible while remaining relaxed. Saying "I want to get your number/meet up with you/ how can I get in contact with you" will yield better results than "Can I have your number?" It is a shame that dating coaches are portrayed as bad when really they are teaching the proper courtship process. There's a game called Super Seducer. It doesn't teach to go up to random people and grope them, it teaches to progress from the hips to legs etc. when she is accepting. Yes it is possible to gage how accepting a girl is. These types of things are said to bad these days by feminists. That is because the illuminati has an agenda to stop people from mating and to reverse the gender roles.
I totally respect anyone who doesn't feel like climbing the mountain. It can be hard. Getting rejected is the most masculine thing you can do though. The more you do it the more you will convince yourself you are deserving.
Lying to yourself works, but only when you believe it.


Aug 5, 2018
I can identify with most of the people in the thread but suffice to say that one party here still distorts reality in a really bizarre way. I wish Luke was here, he could express himself much better than me. I think some of you know what I'm getting at. It's really sad. Everytime there's a good conversation people come in and have to project their delusional worldview for their own benefit..... also one of the reasons I am CTB. Sorry for not going into detail but the guys here will probably know what I'm talking about. Tried to be as subtle as possible.
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Aug 13, 2018
You mean me? I wouldn't be surprised.
But despite the vibe a lot of my posts may give, i'm a pretty positive person - not some extreme, insensitive, bitter type.
I know i should shut up more.


Aug 5, 2018
You mean me? I wouldn't be surprised.
But despite the vibe a lot of my posts may give, i'm a pretty postitive person - not some extreme, insensitive, bitter type.
I know i should shut up more.

No, I wasn't talking about you.


Jul 26, 2018
I'm ugly and it definitely makes life harder.

And before anyone goes, "well at least women can get sex," know that not everyone wants sex. I personally hate it.
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Aug 19, 2018
The importance of looks can destroy many things, but I disagree that beautiful people is always benefited, and that they can't have any problems whatsoever. Everyone wants what they don't have, and only when you have said thing, you get to learn about the disadvantages and the dark side of it. There is a dark (very dark) side to being beautiful, as there is an even darker (and extremely dangerous) side to being intelligent. Both "positive qualities" give you some extra power, but power can turn against oneself, and if you are a sick person (like I, and probably many other people here) it is usually a condemn, something that makes the situation worse.

Due to physical appereance I attract many unwanted attention, many people has taken advantage of my very severe psychological vulnerabilites to abuse me sexually, I am constanyly getting persuaded so I have sex with other people in exchange of favors, money, whatever (Often, those were lies, and you jus got abused without getting anything in exchange, not even a damn thank you). I feel extremely reified, utilized, and manipulated, and I have felt so since I was underage, when people alredy harassed me or tried to trick me into sex, even much older people and even when it was ilegal.

People envys me and hates me just because of how I look, they inmediately asume I am a jerk/dumb/ bad person/ some kind of chad that plays with the feelings of the person they attract, someone that has had it all gifted, and that could posibly not have any problems, or that has had it easier than them... But in those moments, when people looks at me and jugdes me, oh, how do I wish my inside was visible. If they could see it I can guarantee you they would prefer to never look at me again.They wouldn't think I am a privilegued, they wouldn't envy me.They would be terrified of me, disgusted, they would perhaps even run away and never look back. That is what happens when your external appereance is impolute but your inside is putrid and necrosed.
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Aug 20, 2018
I've seen two sides to this in my life, which is one of the main reasons I plan on ending myself soon.
In middle school I was chubby, awkward, and open about my love of video games. Got bullied non stop, nobody gave me the time of day, and I grew...into a bitter mindset.
Highschool came along, and I started to workout, lost weight, join sports teams and pretended to be like those generic high school popular kids, faking
I made friends with people I hated, did things I hated, and acted like somebody I'm not just to not be made fun of. Some of the same people who bullied me would later be 'friends' or wanted to date me for looks. It...disgusts me, it made me realize, people are shallow, and I'm better off dead. Nobody gives a damn about personailty, and even if they did, I'm empty anyway.

20 years old, and cut off all of my 'bonds'.
Genuine bonds just don't exist.

I also really hate sex obsessed men and women are today, porn, advertising, and modern media are so bad. And then in real life, men and women cheating, open and also in secret are gross. I believe in wholesome and faithful love, not this crap most people my age are all doing and seeing.

I'm tired of seeing the depravity, so...I really won't miss that when I'm dead.
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Aug 5, 2018
I've seen two sides to this in my life, which is one of the main reasons I plan on ending myself soon.
In middle school I was chubby, awkward, and open about my love of video games. Got bullied non stop, nobody gave me the time of day, and I grew...into a bitter mindset.
Highschool came along, and I started to workout, lost weight, join sports teams and pretended to be like those generic high school popular kids, faking
I made friends with people I hated, did things I hated, and acted like somebody I'm not just to not be made fun of. Some of the same people who bullied me would later be 'friends' or wanted to date me for looks. It...disgusts me, it made me realize, people are shallow, and I'm better off dead. Nobody gives a damn about personailty, and even if they did, I'm empty anyway.

20 years old, and cut off all of my 'bonds'.
Genuine bonds just don't exist.

I also really hate sex obsessed men and women are today, porn, advertising, and modern media are so bad. And then in real life, men and women cheating, open and also in secret are gross. I believe in wholesome and faithful love, not this crap most people my age are all doing and seeing.

I'm tired of seeing the depravity, so...I really won't miss that when I'm dead.

I can agree with a lot you say. Everything is about looks. If you're ugly like me nobody will ever care. Society is fake. I didn't won the genetic lottery and that's the only thing that matters in this world. How you look, determines your fate.
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Aug 20, 2018
I think it's unhealthy to have such a determinist mindset. My friends would describe me as kind of an ugly guy, and i know i'm not the most attractive person, but in a way i am glad, because it means that the people that are attracted to me aren't doing it only for looks and only that. However, i can see how not bring attractive could bring about a very determinant mindset because you are consistently getting no attention or little. In that case you could try surgery or something. It's 2018, surely attractiveness is just another thing you can buy.
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May 4, 2018
I've seen two sides to this in my life, which is one of the main reasons I plan on ending myself soon.
In middle school I was chubby, awkward, and open about my love of video games. Got bullied non stop, nobody gave me the time of day, and I grew...into a bitter mindset.
Highschool came along, and I started to workout, lost weight, join sports teams and pretended to be like those generic high school popular kids, faking
I made friends with people I hated, did things I hated, and acted like somebody I'm not just to not be made fun of. Some of the same people who bullied me would later be 'friends' or wanted to date me for looks. It...disgusts me, it made me realize, people are shallow, and I'm better off dead. Nobody gives a damn about personailty, and even if they did, I'm empty anyway.

20 years old, and cut off all of my 'bonds'.
Genuine bonds just don't exist.

I also really hate sex obsessed men and women are today, porn, advertising, and modern media are so bad. And then in real life, men and women cheating, open and also in secret are gross. I believe in wholesome and faithful love, not this crap most people my age are all doing and seeing.

I'm tired of seeing the depravity, so...I really won't miss that when I'm dead.
People care about personality when it is a likable one. I understand.


May 4, 2018
I can agree with a lot you say. Everything is about looks. If you're ugly like me nobody will ever care. Society is fake. I didn't won the genetic lottery and that's the only thing that matters in this world. How you look, determines your fate.
I have felt the same. I realized a lot of people, when they are first meeting other people, have to put more effort forth to feel a connection to someone. It requires an extra effort and just going through the motions until you over time feel comfortable. Even when a person is acting less genuine than they do with friends they have known for a while, the differences are small, and it still means something. Some people are fake, most people are unconfident and mirror people they perceive as leaders. That is how playing around making fun of people turns into vicious making fun of people. Unconfident people spread negative energy. Most interactions are going to seem fake when you assume that they are. When a person fakes it to impress people who they think will bring them popularity, it is going to make that person feel like they are not being true to their inner self that only wants to feel a connection with people who display solid personality traits and give each other happiness. Faking it is necessary, think of all the merchants who had to act pleasant to complete sales throughout history. After a while it becomes second nature to spread positivity through acting that way. I think many people think that being real is the goal of life because of media saying so. It implies that being negative to people establishes you as a real person because it takes more effort to be positive. It takes more effort to be positive because the world we live in is naturally capitalist. The positivity of a person is the currency. It would be bad if positivity was not rewarded and if it was not challenge to be positive because it would lead to people of less spiritual constructiveness leading the world. It is nice that some people fake positivity when it doesn't come naturally. Some are blessed with the ability, and they deserve just as much respect for finding a way to preserve it. When a person acts negatively, they are being negative. They are not being fake and therefore better than the way you were acting. The way you act is how you are in that moment. Doesn't not matter if you appear less real unless it is really obvious (usually when done on purpose). My opinion. Definitely looks have an effect on how people are perceived.
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Aug 11, 2018
I'm not in the mood right now to read all your philosophical positive constructs about how personality has a huge say in it and about how beauty is everything and I just want to say that thought good looking people can have problems (obviously) really ugly people can't just fix everything with a good diet and by working out and it's not something that can be cured or overlooked in any way. I just advice you not to talk about the stuff you don't really have experience about. I know that looks isn't everything, but it is the first most important thing up to a certain point (If you're not Ryan Gosling is just fine, but if you're really bad it's over, all that you can say against it is plain bullshit)
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Just a thought I had:

Fuck looks.

I'll continuing being myself and giving a fuck about if others like me or not. I'm above their shitty wishes and tastes.
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Aug 11, 2018
Just a thought I had:

Fuck looks.

I'll continuing being myself and giving a fuck about if others like me or not. I'm above their shitty wishes and tastes.
it's good you can do that
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it's good you can do that
It's really good. I hope more people could do it, it would be really good specially for them, but it's not something easy or everyone can do, unfortunately.
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Aug 5, 2018
Putting eveything on looks is wrong.
There are millions of ugly people having a good life. (getting married,loving wife etc)
And also there is millions of handsome man who cant even stand a week in oır shoes without killing themselves.
My point is if you are ugly you should not just blaime it on your apperance. (i dont)
And if you are handsome just stfu dont try to give ugly people advice about self-esteem.
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Aug 25, 2018
A contrasting opinion...

I am a model. I personally think I'm ugly but other people tell me different. I can accept that when I wear make up I can look good, but it's all fake. Fake face, fake hair, fake boobs...nothing is real.

I wear make up every day because it's part of my daily 'act' it's my mask to conceal who I really am and what I really feel.

Despite being someone that society perceives as pretty, I think it's worse knowing that it's my personality that people can't connect with. I am always nice to people and friendly but I still can't connect.

I know what it's like to feel ugly, I was a really dorky child and had terrible skin problems until I was in my 20s. What has really thrown me over the edge is the realization that looking good has not helped one little bit.
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I also think there is not objectively ugly people; they are a minority yes bit there is always going to be somebody who finds an "ugly" person attractive even if they are extremely rare of find. That beauty is based in what a huge group has imposed as taste and they demand it but beauty as it's conceived in society is something arbitrary. Getting rid of canons is liberating because you can find your own beauty, on yourself or in other people without submit it to something imposed by society. Also I think everyone should have the right of being happy with themselves: your bodies and your self-acceptance are more important that trying to make happy a large group.

You will never see me saying things like x person is ugly, I want to look like that person, etc. For me, all that is arbitrary and stupid. For example my tastes are very differents of others, I like people who otherd consider ugly or even horrendous, I like fat persons too, and honestly, there is nothing wrong with that, but society repression is huge and try to destroy everything which is different or they don't accept; if they were more tolerant, the body issues would be ENORMOUSLY reduced and we could finally meet the marvellous realm of self-acceptance.
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