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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
Some years ago I starting using this talking point with people, that we would see in the future some kind of physical altercation in many countries between the left and the right. Now it is looking more plausible every day.

My conundrum with this is the following. In a polarized, violent society, what happens to the people that don't buy gregarious ideological packages? I try to form my own opinions, which aren't perfect nor exhaustive, and this results in having ideas about the ideal society from both camps. So when the Bible Thumper Army shows up, can I share my views on religion and how I don't think life is a gift? When the Rainbow Army storms in, can I express my view on the evolutionary driven differences between men and women?

What I'm getting at is, why don't you fucking let people live like they want? Conservatives can have a territory and progressives another. Where people feel more fulfilled will have won. Why can we respect the culture of an aboriginal tribe because of its anthropological richness but we can't do the same with people on our countries or even world that want to live differently?

As humans, we seem to have this homogenization drive, which is about securing planetary power for a set of ideal and enforcing them, and I get it, that's a logical step in human evolution, but we really aren't there yet. There needs to be more experimentation and diversity first. And for me, it will always be necessary to have some cultural/ideological diversity. Most of people seem unable to tolerate actual diversity and are all about imposing their lifestyle and views on others. This happened with masks and vaccines most notably but has been happening for a long time.
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Jan 4, 2022
I think you are talking about playing devil's advocat. I also like doing that and I think it is a very valuable contribution, especially if done with the flexibility to honor facts when they become available. (This whole "we have to hear both sides, even if one is proven to be bullshit" thing the US media likes to pull off is quite a different story.) It is often not a valued contribution, though, so you have to balance how much of your personal comfort you are willing to sacrifice for it.

What I'm getting at is, why don't you fucking let people live like they want?
Sounds like liberal ideology to me. Yes please, can we have some more of this? Even if someone found the correct way of living, could he maybe just model that and everybody else gets to jump onto the train at their own pace? And, while we are waiting, could we please have some more time to practice critical thinking in schools, so that fewer people hop onto the foolish trains?
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Feb 12, 2022
I try to form my own opinions, which aren't perfect nor exhaustive, and this results in having ideas about the ideal society from both camps.
That's called being right-wing, ie. a non-conformist to the woke establishment.
So when the Bible Thumper Army shows up, can I share my views on religion and how I don't think life is a gift?
They won't. Their day is long-over. But if they did, they'd probably go easy on you if you were respectful because they believe in forgiveness, hating the sin not the sinner, and seeing people as humans with souls and not as mere toxic problematic data points that need to be erased.
When the Rainbow Army storms in, can I express my view on the evolutionary driven differences between men and women?
No. They'll have you fucking starved, mocked, and beaten and they'll love it. And it is happening as we speak.
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come to dust

Oct 28, 2019
That's called being right-wing, ie. a non-conformist to the woke establishment.

They won't. Their day is long-over. But if they did, they'd probably go easy on you if you were respectful because they believe in forgiveness, hating the sin not the sinner, and seeing people as humans with souls and not as mere toxic problematic data points that need to be erased.

No. They'll have you fucking starved, mocked, and beaten and they'll love it. And it is happening as we speak.
If bible thumpers are tolerant why have they been proud orchestrayors of gay conversion camps for decades? And pass legislation such as the Dont Say Gay bill to stop schoolchildren coming out?

Luckily I dont live in the US where bible thumpers are a thing.

And i would like you to find one example of a left wing person who starved, tortured and beat up a centrist. You're talking out of your ass here.
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Feb 12, 2022
If bible thumpers are tolerant why have they been proud orchestrayors of gay conversion camps for decades? And pass legislation such as the Dont Say Gay bill to stop schoolchildren coming out?

Luckily I dont live in the US where bible thumpers are a thing.

And i would like you to find one example of a left wing person who starved, tortured and beat up a centrist. You're talking out of your ass here.
The "Don't Say Gay" bill is an anti-authoritarian measure protecting vulnerable children from far-left brainwashing and protecting their freedom of conscience in an era where the left increasingly censors any of the innumerable ideas they brand "hate speech" or "problematic." It is certainly not shackling any gays in the closet.

Many people have gone hungry due to losing their jobs over woke cancel culture. Violent communist thugs are treated with impunity by police in the US who are too afraid of having their jobs sacked by the woke elite to protect the victims. (Communists have also, of course, carried out vast genocides in other countries that they've seized centralized control over.)
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come to dust

Oct 28, 2019
The "Don't Say Gay" bill is an anti-authoritarian measure protecting vulnerable children from far-left brainwashing and protecting their freedom of conscience in an era where the left increasingly censors any of the innumerable ideas they brand "hate speech" or "problematic." It is certainly not shackling any gays in the closet.

Many people have starved due to losing their jobs over woke cancel culture. Violent communist thugs are treated with impunity by police in the US who are too afraid of losing their jobs to protect the victims. (Communists have also, of course, carried out vast genocides in other countries that they've seized centralized control over.)
That bill is very specifically used so that children afraid of coming out to their parents have no one to turn to and have to adhere to conservative family forces.

If you care about people getting fired in America, advocate for improved workers rights laws. In america you can get fired for asking for a raise or because you were too ill to work. And its the right wing who put in place such brutal laws so for every 1 person starving from "wokism", there are dozens starving because of right wing employment law.
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Jun 28, 2022
religion should be so far separated from politics.
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Feb 12, 2022
That bill is very specifically used so that children afraid of coming out to their parents have no one to turn to and have to adhere to conservative family forces.
The bill has no effect other than preventing far-left teachers from indoctrinating 1st through 3rd graders. If a 3rd-grader wants to identify as gay, he still can. Although he's not very likely to want to, since 3rd-graders who haven't been indoctrinated tend not to be naturally interested in sexuality.

If you care about people getting fired in America, advocate for improved workers rights laws. In america you can get fired for asking for a raise or because you were too ill to work. And its the right wing who put in place such brutal laws so for every 1 person starving from "wokism", there are dozens starving because of right wing employment law.
This whataboutism does not make what the left is doing okay. The Democrats supposedly siding with "workers' rights" are the first to come out with the clapping emojis when big corporations fire, silence, or discriminate against conservatives and people who don't check enough left-approved minority boxes.
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come to dust

Oct 28, 2019
The bill has no effect other than preventing far-left teachers from indoctrinating 1st through 3rd graders. If a 3rd-grader wants to identify as gay, he still can. Although he's not very likely to want to, since 3rd-graders who haven't been indoctrinated tend not to be naturally interested in sexuality.

This whataboutism does not make what the left is doing okay. The Democrats supposedly siding with "workers' rights" are the first to come out with the clapping emojis when big corporations fire, silence, or discriminate against conservatives and people who don't check enough left-approved minority boxes.
The law is much more wide ranging than that. Anything considered "age inappropriate" is banned, which for bible thumpers, is the entirety of being gay.

It's not whataboutism to say right wing american politics kills far more people than left wing american politics. You dont actually care about people starving though, which is why you call it "whataboutism". you just care about owning the libs for some stupid reason.
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Feb 12, 2022
The law is much more wide ranging than that. Anything considered "age inappropriate" is banned, which for bible thumpers, is the entirety of being gay.
There's no reason to think the vague wording in that particular part of the bill is in any way intended to be used to shove little Timmy in the closet.

If you have a problem with speech codes worded in a way that could allow for a vast overreach of censorship, you should really let every other institution in the USA know about that other than the the Florida public elementary school system. Is it okay when Harvard, Twitter, and Coca Cola do it because they're woke?

It's not whataboutism to say right wing american politics kills far more people than left wing american politics. You dont actually care about people starving though, which is why you call it "whataboutism". you just care about owning the libs for some stupid reason.

No conservative I've ever met actually wants people to starve and die. They believe their business and economic policies on the whole help more people put food on the table. They're also statistically more likely to donate to charity than leftists. Younger people on the right (myself included) are a bit less free-market oriented nowadays anyway.

Leftists, on the other hand, really do seem to relish in the idea of someone starving and suffering because they liked a problematic Tweet.
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come to dust

Oct 28, 2019
There's no reason to think the vague wording in that particular part of the bill is in any way intended to be used to shove little Timmy in the closet.

If you have a problem with speech codes worded in a way that could allow for a vast overreach of censorship, you should really let every other institution in the USA know about that other than the the Florida public elementary school system. Is it okay when Harvard, Twitter, and Coca Cola do it because they're woke?

No conservative I've ever met actually wants people to starve and die. They believe their business and economic policies on the whole help more people put food on the table. They're also statistically more likely to donate to charity than leftists. Younger people on the right (myself included) are a bit less free-market oriented nowadays anyway.

Leftists, on the other hand, really do seem to relish in the idea of someone starving and suffering because they liked a problematic Tweet.
The bill is worded that way because its bible thumling proponents wish to see homosexuality eradicated. Don't be naive.

No, right wing employment law is in place to benefit company owners who can fire employees at will and make them suffer. There is nothing beneficial to employees in the US employment law. If you paid attention to economic data, you'd know that real wages haven't kept up with economic productivity in the US for about 4 decades. So it is not putting any food on the table.
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Feb 12, 2022
The bill is worded that way because its bible thumling proponents wish to see homosexuality eradicated. Don't be naive.
The bill is worded that way because the left wants to see the family unit eradicated and replaced with a collective belonging only to the woke mind virus, and DeSantis probably figures you can never guess what they'll come up with next to corrupt your kids.
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Sibyl Vane

Sibyl Vane

May 28, 2022
The whole purpose of the bill it's to ensure parental rights over the education of their children. People completely misinterpreted the text. It never mentions the word "gay". Read it for yourself, it's only 7 pages:

The section that caused the controversy was the following: "Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards."

I don't see anything wrong with that. Why anyone would think to be appropriate to be teaching 4-8 years old children about sexual matters, it's beyond me.
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come to dust

Oct 28, 2019
The bill is worded that way because the left wants to see the family unit eradicated and replaced with a collective belonging only to the woke mind virus, and DeSantis probably figures you can never guess what they'll come up with next to corrupt your kids.
So being gay or trans is the "woke mind virus" according to you since now being gay or trans is no longer supported in schools and can easily be disallowed because its not "age appropriate"

The whole purpose of the bill it's to ensure parental rights over the education of their children. People completely misinterpreted the text. It never mentions the word "gay". Read it for yourself, it's only 7 pages:

The section that caused the controversy was the following: "Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards."

I don't see anything wrong with that. Why anyone would think to be appropriate to be teaching 4-8 years old children about sexual matters, it's beyond me.
As i already mentioned, and if you read your link, it also says any LGBT related content considered "age inappropriate" by the school should be banned. That section of the clause applies to all ages. For right wing extremists, that simply means anything LGBT related should be banned.

Not to mention the big fuck you to LGBT teachers who now have to go into the closet because they are "age inappropriate"

It's funny how right wingers have nothing to say on the actual impact of right wing economic policy on peoples livelihoods.

The "war on wokism" is their only talking point now. They project the culture war onto leftists but they are the ones who are most fixated on culture wars. Of course, this is all deliberately engineered so that their corporatist overlords can secretly get away with economic tyranny.
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Feb 12, 2022
So being gay or trans is the "woke mind virus" according to you since now being gay or trans is no longer supported in schools and can easily be disallowed because its not "age appropriate"
I'm gay or trans and I say screw off with your anti-family child-indoctrination agenda.
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come to dust

Oct 28, 2019
I'm gay or trans and I say screw off with your anti-family child-indoctrination agenda.
Just because you are gay and trans doesn't make you anti gay and trans rights.
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Feb 12, 2022
Just because you are gay and trans doesn't make you anti gay and trans rights.
Alright then, well I guess supporting Ron DeSantis and letting him eradicate me is just my preferred method and you have to respect that or you're not truly pro-choice.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
They won't. Their day is long-over. But if they did, they'd probably go easy on you if you were respectful because they believe in forgiveness, hating the sin not the sinner, and seeing people as humans with souls and not as mere toxic problematic data points that need to be erased.
Well, these people might be moderate now that they've been driven out of academia or the financial power centers to a large extent, but history shows they've been mostly fanatical when they were in charge.

come to dust

Oct 28, 2019
Alright then, well I guess supporting Ron DeSantis and letting him eradicate me is just my preferred method and you have to respect that or you're not truly pro-choice.
If you were pro choice you'd be left wing because the right wing is 100% anti euthanasia. No right winger here can truly be "pro choice".


Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
If you were pro choice you'd be left wing because the right wing is 100% anti euthanasia. No right winger here can truly be "pro choice".
I'm pretty sure every right-winger on SaSu is very much pro-euthanasia. Nobody that is minimally intelligent aligns him or herself with each and every position of a political camp like they are obligatory.
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come to dust

Oct 28, 2019
I'm pretty sure every right-winger on SaSu is very much pro-euthanasia. Nobody that is minimally intelligent aligns him or herself with each and every position of a political camp like they are obligatory.
If your end goal is to die, I don't see why any worldly right wing issue would be more important than an easy death for you. And yes, I have seen right wingers here argue against euthanasia.

And even if they are pro choice in their alleged views, they are not pro choice in their actions if they vote right wing.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
If your end goal is to die, I don't see why any worldly right wing issue would be more important than an easy death for you. And yes, I have seen right wingers here argue against euthanasia.

And even if they are pro choice in their alleged views, they are not pro choice in their actions if they vote right wing.
That's fair but the political landscape is so horrid that people that vote (I don't) feel obligated to support the lesser of two evils.

I'm very big on euthanasia personally, much before signing up here, especially for the elderly.
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On the brink
Jul 7, 2022
My conundrum with this is the following. In a polarized, violent society, what happens to the people that don't buy gregarious ideological packages?
Until the accute violent phase is over, it's probably best to stay put. If you come out as a centrist, people from both camps will see you as an enemy which is arguably worse than taking sides. When things begin to settle down you can draw profit from the situation by becoming a mediator between the opposing parties.
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
If bible thumpers are tolerant why have they been proud orchestrayors of gay conversion camps for decades? And pass legislation such as the Dont Say Gay bill to stop schoolchildren coming out?

Luckily I dont live in the US where bible thumpers are a thing.

And i would like you to find one example of a left wing person who starved, tortured and beat up a centrist. You're talking out of your ass here.
That bill is very specifically used so that children afraid of coming out to their parents have no one to turn to and have to adhere to conservative family forces.

If you care about people getting fired in America, advocate for improved workers rights laws. In america you can get fired for asking for a raise or because you were too ill to work. And its the right wing who put in place such brutal laws so for every 1 person starving from "wokism", there are dozens starving because of right wing employment law.
The bill is worded that way because its bible thumling proponents wish to see homosexuality eradicated. Don't be naive.

No, right wing employment law is in place to benefit company owners who can fire employees at will and make them suffer. There is nothing beneficial to employees in the US employment law. If you paid attention to economic data, you'd know that real wages haven't kept up with economic productivity in the US for about 4 decades. So it is not putting any food on the table.
So being gay or trans is the "woke mind virus" according to you since now being gay or trans is no longer supported in schools and can easily be disallowed because its not "age appropriate"

As i already mentioned, and if you read your link, it also says any LGBT related content considered "age inappropriate" by the school should be banned. That section of the clause applies to all ages. For right wing extremists, that simply means anything LGBT related should be banned.

Not to mention the big fuck you to LGBT teachers who now have to go into the closet because they are "age inappropriate"

It's funny how right wingers have nothing to say on the actual impact of right wing economic policy on peoples livelihoods.

The "war on wokism" is their only talking point now. They project the culture war onto leftists but they are the ones who are most fixated on culture wars. Of course, this is all deliberately engineered so that their corporatist overlords can secretly get away with economic tyranny.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
Until the accute violent phase is over, it's probably best to stay put. If you come out as a centrist, people from both camps will see you as an enemy which is arguably worse than taking sides. When things begin to settle down you can draw profit from the situation by becoming a mediator between the opposing parties.
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
Tucker Carlson was in Brazil all last week. He interviewed Jair Bolsonaro and one of his sons. They are great men trying to save their country from leftist lunatics and China's colonization. Thank God Jair survived the stabbing from that violent radical.
The left are nation wreckers, society and culture destroyers. They are the useful idiots of the evil globalists.
I don't seek to "own" libs @come to dust. I am just stating my opinion. Of course, leftists don't believe in freedom of speech or thought and seek to destroy anyone who disagrees with their sick, perverted policies.
I'll save you libtards the trouble, by responding to myself. 1657301822212
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Sibyl Vane

Sibyl Vane

May 28, 2022
As i already mentioned, and if you read your link, it also says any LGBT related content considered "age inappropriate" by the school should be banned. That section of the clause applies to all ages.
It can't occur in kindergarten through grade 3. Beyond that, it simply implies that teachers cannot talk about it in a manner that is inappropriate to the age of the students. I think it's a reasonable measure to take. The parents should be the ones aprofundating these discussions with their children, not the teachers.
For right wing extremists, that simply means anything LGBT related should be banned.
Since the purpose of this bill is to assure parents' rights over the education of their children, if they find something on the curriculum they deem inappropriate, I believe it's a perfectly reasonable action to notify the principal or sue the school district if the former doesn't reach a resolution. In this case, the only opinion that matters is the judge, which we can assume will represent the law impartially. A lot will be dismissed, for sure. It's how it usually goes.
Not to mention the big fuck you to LGBT teachers who now have to go into the closet because they are "age inappropriate"
The school environment is not the place to freely discuss your sexual encounters or preferences. If this is something that bothers you, I don't think teaching would be the appropriate profession for you to choose.
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
Oh look, the right wing man has done a funny 👶. Would you like a round of applause for owning the libs?
Right wing man, I love it. I think I'll change my username to that. Thanks fool.

come to dust

Oct 28, 2019
It can't occur in kindergarten through grade 3. Beyond that, it simply implies that teachers cannot talk about it in a manner that is inappropriate to the age of the students. I think it's a reasonable measure to take. The parents should be the ones aprofundating these discussions with their children, not the teachers.

Since the purpose of this bill is to assure parents' rights over the education of their children, if they find something on the curriculum they deem inappropriate, I believe it's a perfectly reasonable action to notify the principal or sue the school district if the former doesn't reach a resolution. In this case, the only opinion that matters is the judge, which we can assume will represent the law impartially. A lot will be dismissed, for sure. It's how it usually goes.

The school environment is not the place to freely discuss your sexual encounters or preferences. If this is something that bothers you, I don't think teaching would be the appropriate profession for you to choose.
In a comservative state, many conservative judges will rule unfairly against gay people. The fact that this risk doesn't occur to you tells me that lgbt rights mean nothing to you

First of all it's not just sexual preferences it's gender identity. Second, I think that straight teachers will not face this level of scrutiny.

If you want to fairly apply this law, all mention of marriage and romance in childrens stories e.g. disney should be removed from school discussions. Or is it that only straight marriage and rlmance can be discussed according to you? If so, then you are homopobic and anti lgbt rights.
Right wing man, I love it. I think I'll change my username to that. Thanks fool.
You have nothing useful to add to this conversation besides stupid pictures, you right wing robot.
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