I'm angry, obsessive, and lazy.
How does that turn into a positive thing?
The angry and obsessive part will manifest into what I jokingly call "the musical monk approach", but assuming temporal lobecotomy happens, it will... probably be self-destructive/abusive for a while...
You see, I want to be a guitarist. A good guitarist. The problem is that I can't put my brain to work harder than a volunteering toddler right now. Why? Epilepsy. I can skim on music theory books, but that's about it.
What will happen after a (hopefully successful) temporal lobecotomy is that I will go through a bit of therapy, down some painkillers because cracking one's skull open like a coconut will hurt regardless of anesthesia, and then I lock myself in my room with a guitar. I will go out only for food.
There will be only potential two outcomes to this situation - either I accidentally kill myself because I will refuse to stop doing courses for long enough to patch my wounds, or I will get out being the new Jimmy Hendrix. "...kill myself because I will refuse to stop doing courses for long enough to patch my wounds..." has happened before already when I was a kid. The problem was that I indeed stopped raging, or Hendrix would be giving my hypothetical skill blowjobs by now.
As for lazy, I hate doing stuff.
I will prefer to spend money to buy a bunch of, say, roombas (irobots, in this case) to clean my apartment instead of doing it myself.
Since I can't do that with, say, rolling cigarettes, I've already invented a sort of protocol on how to roll cigarettes as efficiently as possible with as little of actual labor required to do this. Again, the problem is money, but I'm slowly turning into a home-based cigarette manufacturer.
So yeah, the lazy part makes me invent ways to do as little actual work as possible to do what I love doing most - browsing reddit, SS, a dash of facebook, and hating my life.