

Oct 1, 2022
Suicide Methods, by peacefulness (vs agony) (2022)

mix of methods from legal resources (wikipedia, this site, and other websites available on the clear net)

Nitrogen / Sarco10101010Gas/Mask10
Drug Mix (Morphine+)95107PPeH (p 283)3
Sodium Nitrite75 (?)76Drink5 (?)
Carbon Monoxide87910Gas10
Shooting *9 *5810Shotgun *5
Nigh-Night ***810710Korean in PPeH10
Tourniquet ***81079Tourniquet10
Bleeding **51075 (?)Blade **10
Detergent / Pesticides3993Japanese10
Jumping173.57Too unreliable7
Self-immolation01071Matches, Gasoline10
Train0955Too unreliable10
Seppuku + decapitation01055Honorable0
SS Resources------

* important notes about shooting
- you need a shotgun for 100% reliability
- you need to know a lot about firearms
- you need to know how to aim for the brainstem
- you need to make sure your finger doesn't flinch (use a prop)

** bleeding
- wrist cutting has a 1.2% success rate (!!!)
- better options are neck neck or groin area
—- both of these sites contain major arteries / vanes (jugular, carotid, femoral)
- even with major arteries / vanes, this takes time (not sure about agony)

*** nigh-night, tourniquet, partial
- difficulty finding carotid arteries and jugular veins (sweet spot)
- nigh-night was applied to me, by another person: no pain, and extremely fast
(i can't apply it to myself yet…)

didn't include 'train', 'jumping', 'decapitation'
- extreme violence / gruesome / gore
- inflicting trauma onto others, high risk of injury / death to others
- needs to overcome extreme survival instinct

i placed some temporary links, so the mods can update them when appropriate

- copy the table above and paste it in Excel (or something similar) to sort be different column headers
- please let me know if i should make any important updates
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Sep 28, 2022
wow SN seemed to have a much lower rating than i thought it would.

And shooting makes me think maybe i should go that method, good rating, il need to save for a gun.

Also insulin? i didnt know you can kill yourself with insulin, i may also look into that.

Thanks for posting.
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Aug 20, 2022
"Hanging, peacefulness 5/10"

Gonna die same way I lived

In agony🌸
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
Morphine is definitely not as available as they say. I can only get 10mg slow release pills on the dark net
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Oct 1, 2022
Gonna die same way I lived

In agony🌸

lol :))

i may not be correct about this, but at least is not extremely long until you reach unconsciousness
(more experts should correct me)

Morphine is definitely not as available as they say
info about the 3-drug mix is coming from the PPeH (page 283) - we can update availability to 5 ?
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Aug 20, 2022
Detergent? That one I wash my dishes with? What?


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Thank you for sharing, this is very useful information, but of course it's very sad how N is not available.
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Oct 1, 2022
Suicide Methods

Sorted by: 1. Peacefulness, and 2. Reliability

Nembutal100 %100 %0 %< 3 min0 - sleep0 %
Carfentanyl100 %100 %10 % (street)< 10 sec0 - unaware20 %
Fentanyl90 %85 %20 % (street)< 30 sec020 %
Heroine90 %70 %20 % (street)< 1 min00 %
Nitrogen80 %95 %70 %5 breaths0 - coma100 %
Helium80 %95 %70 %5 breaths0100 %
Crb Mnxide80 %95 %70 %<2 min070 %
Shooting***80 %80 %50 %0 secfighting SI50 %
SN**70 %70 %50 % (?)10 to 30 mindiscomfort50 % (?)
Hanging60 %50 %100 %1 to 5 mindiscomfort100 %
Tourniquet60 %50 %100 %1 to 5 mindiscomfort100 %
Nigh-Night60 %50 %100 %1 to 5 mindiscomfort100 %
Cyanide50 %90 %10 %1 to 3 minpainful10 %
Bleeding50 %50 %100 %> 1 hourdiscomfort100 %
Drowning10 %62 %100 %1 to 3 minfighting SI100 %
Jumping5 %34 %70 %< 1 minfighting SI70 %
Fire0 %70 %100 %1 to 3 minagony100 %
Freezing0 %50 %100 %1 dayfighting SI100 %
Dehydration0 %50 %100 %1 weekfighting SI100 %
Starvation0 %50 %100 %8 weeksfighting SI100 %
SS Resources------

* SI = Survival Instinct / Fear
** SN = Sodium Nitrite
*** Notes about shooting:
- you need a shotgun for 100% reliability; high caliber gun: 2 shots to the gut + 1 shot to brain
- you need to know how to aim for the brainstem, and finger doesn't flinch
- you need to know a lot about firearms

reliability / risks:
- requires no medical intervention until death
- failure usually implies brain and / or organ damage (long time care) after attempt
- brain damage ranges from temporary, to life time incapacity, to vegetative state
- organ damage implies tendon / nerve, limb amputation, kidney, liver, heart, disfiguration
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Death is my goal

Death is my goal

pathetic failure
Aug 25, 2022
interesting, I'm leaning towards bleeding.


Aug 14, 2022
You made this yourself?


Oct 1, 2022
You made this yourself?

yes. did version 1 about 2 days ago, i update version 2 just now, and i'll update as i get more relevant info if more people want it

i'm attempting to update Suicide Resource Compilation (SS Resource) sticky - getting a bit outdated
(but i need help…)
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Sep 10, 2022
So if I am reading this chart correctly— nitrogen is the way to go? Is this the same as nitrious oxide?

I've been debating to change my prefer method of SN to N in where I think N is nitrious oxide… and then I have to figure out where/how to get nitriousOxide in general :(
N is Nembutal.
Nitrogen in the table refers to nitrogen gas (which I think is not the same as Nitrous Oxide). Death by Nitrogen, Hydrogen, or Argon gas is peaceful and reliable but setting it up is more complicated. Because of the complicated setup, I decided to switch from Nitrogen to SN (which has been the most popular method recently since Nembutal is difficult to obtain).


Nov 5, 2022
Detergent? That one I wash my dishes with? What?
It's a method where you get one product with a certain kind of sulfur in it and mix it with another one that's highly acidic. Most people do it in their vehicles but it can be done in a closed room. Supposedly you get knocked out very quickly if you mixed together enough of the two substances but you still have a period of having to breathe in highly toxic fumes before that happens. If the process is interrupted or if you got the wrong product or whatever it could just fuck you up instead. I briefly considered this but didn't like the risk, being exposed to nasty fumea, destroying the inside of my vehicle and exposing any rescuer to the same deadly fumes.
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Sep 16, 2022
Being of Germanic extraction I originally leaned to cyanide; thought I would go a la Hitler, Goering, and Himmler...... Just try to get cyanide in the USA. GOOD LUCK!
Cyanide is at least very quick.
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Kali Yuga

Oct 4, 2022
PPeH rated inert gases 7/10 peaceful as opposed to your 8/10. I'm guessing maybe they factor in having the bag over your head brings down the "peace" factor?

I remain sceptical but curious about SN. It seems convenient but terrifying knowing you wait 30 long minutes or more knowing your about to die while you can feel your body reacting to poison with symptoms that mimic an anxiety attack; i.e; Racing heart, nausea, stomach pain, headache. I don't understand how that gets rated so peaceful. I'm an anxious person so that terrifies tf out of me. I read some shifty recounts too. One, an account of a former member, Moonie (RIP) I believe whose SN was documented, and she groans "fuck" as she lays there dying. That is enough for a "nope" from me.

Anxiety makes this decision so hard. I'm tempted to fly to Mexico and smuggle some N back but it will be for nothing if I get it confiscated. I don't care about legal repercussions. PPeH talks about a 3/4 drug combo but htf am I suppose to get morphine sulfate? The dark web seems overwhelming or like a gamble. Otherwise I'd try get fentanyl. I wish I got in sooner to get some N from D that some were lucky enough to acquire.
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Nov 5, 2022
If I could get my hands on it hands down I would simply take a bunch of fentanyl and overdose to CTB. I've overdosed twice on opioids and you just go to sleep and stop breathing. I really wish I had that option instead of what I'm about to do but oh well
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Nov 5, 2022
How is the night night method so high? I cannot not even seem to find thr right place with my fingers to feel anything in the slightest? Like anything. And I've looked at all the diagrams and everything. I have an average sized neck, like I'm not fat, so I don't get why I cannot find the spot
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Nov 5, 2022
How is the night night method so high? I cannot not even seem to find thr right place with my fingers to feel anything in the slightest? Like anything. And I've looked at all the diagrams and everything. I have an average sized neck, like I'm not fat, so I don't get why I cannot find the spot
I'm going to try right now with a partial hanging and I'm hoping that the rope is thin enough it will achieve what I was trying to get with the ratchet strap. I'm using a 5/32 paracord which has a rating of 110 pounds but shouldn't break until quadruple the weight is on it. I'm just worried that the "noose" won't tighten enough but I'm gonna have to see. I'm using a running bowling and made another one where I can attach the other end incase the first one doesn't work as expected. Actually I'm going to tie 3 ligatures up so I can immediately use another one if the one I try breaks. I don't expect the rope to break because of it's ahigh rating but would have used a thicker one if I was going to do a full suspension. Since I was able to do the ratchet strap many times and as long as 10 minutes I imagine this won't be nearly as difficult. Wish me luck!


Oct 1, 2022
SCBA is 100% on everything.

i'd like to think so too (i really hope it is), but i don't know it, for a fact

it would take at least a video of a complete suicide, start to end, including all proof: 100% nitrogen, and tank + regulator + mask / SCBA equipment details; i'll probably never get this, so i'll have to do my best…

So if I am reading this chart correctly— nitrogen is the way to go?

it's easy to confuse the terms and notations, this why i always use to full names for everything except SN and N - almost universally known, so:

N = Nembutal, also known as Pentobarbital
  • Nembutal is the brand name for this drug (the link is 'Nembutal death video' on this site)
  • Pentobarbital (barbiturate), is the actual drug
N2 = Nitrogen; part of the inert gases, like Helium or Argon

SN = Sodium Nitrite, well know on this site (can be confused with Sodium Nitrate)

Death by Nitrogen, Hydrogen Helium, or Argon gas is peaceful and reliable but setting it up is more complicated.

exactly (i just corrected the mistake so it will be clear)

It's a method where you get one product with a certain kind of sulfur in it and mix it with another one that's highly acidic.

thank you :) found that peacefulness of detergent is not very good

Being of Germanic extraction I originally leaned to cyanide; thought I would go a la Hitler, Goering, and Himmler...... Just try to get cyanide in the USA. GOOD LUCK!
Cyanide is at least very quick.

lol :) (i heard is quite agonizing, between 1 to 3 minutes)

PPeH rated inert gases 7/10 peaceful as opposed to your 8/10. I'm guessing maybe they factor in having the bag over your head brings down the "peace" factor?

excellent research!

i feel more optimistic about inert gases than the PPeH, and actually i'd go as far as saying it's 10/10, but i'm not quite sure (yet)

i'm skeptical about SN as well - it doesn't seem terrible, from what we know, but we can't be sure about those 10 - 30 minutes; also, i think that most people here are more cautious and they maybe able to reduce some of the nasty side-effects (still, not too sure)

If I could get my hands on it hands down I would simply take a bunch of fentanyl and overdose to CTB.

to me, Nembutal = Fentanyl = Carfentanil are the same; they still remain unavailable to us…

How is the night night method so high?

i know it: it was applied to me, and i applied to someone else as well

this method has a lot of potential, from multiple aspects:
Peacefulness, Reliability, Availability, Speed, and cheap !

but it's tricky - i think all of us here are over complicating it (including me), and go down the wrong path
i read the entire Night-Night thread from start to finish, and got stuck in the same details

now, i'm trying to approach it, outside-the-box, with the facts:
i know it was applied to me, successfully; it's painless, it's fast, and lethal, and i don't need to know where the veins or arteries are; i just applied it, and was done

another person applied it to me, with to 2 arms like below

my main problem:
  • we cannot apply it properly to ourselves (survival instinct is not the main problem)
i'm trying to come up with a way to simulate that arm - it's critical

another aspect is that anyone here can look into: take a self defense class for exactly this method, and you'll experience it yourself (don't go there to die); people will bring you out without any brain damage, but you will not even be able to tap out before going unconscious

once you know how fast and painless it is, i'm sure we'll come up with that 'arm' mechanism, without any other confusing details like 'compress one or both carotid arteries and/or the jugular veins without compressing the airway'… i think we just need to concentrate on the mechanism

this called 'blood choke', 'rear naked choke', 'chokehold', or korean method; night-night is simpler

I'm going to try right now with a partial hanging…
good luck, and if it fails let us know why
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Nov 5, 2022
It failed because I'm a coward who isn't willing to go through a lot of pain to finally be free of this world. I tried multiple heights and positions. Also tried it at various spots on my neck. Closing the cartoid artery is nearly impossible for me apparently. I pushed down for several minutes several times and didn't come close to passing out. Now my neck hurts really bad and has a bunch of ligature marks on it besides the previous damage I did to my eyes. I wish I had a gun or lots of fentanyl.
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Nitrogen Master Race
May 15, 2022
it would take at least a video of a complete suicide, start to end, including all proof: 100% nitrogen, and tank + regulator + mask / SCBA equipment details; i'll probably never get this, so i'll have to do my best…
You don't know our friend SlovakGuy? It's not a video but it has basically the same value since it's a complete medical report with autopsy. And that wasn't even fully SCBA, it was a NP (Negative Pressure) SCUBA, which is worse than SCBA (that always runs on PP (Positive Pressure)). I know EXACTLY the equipment he used. He followed Scrooge's guide but changing the demand valve for a different model.

The proof of the reliability of SCBA is on every firefighting video you can see on YouTube where the firefighters use it. They are surrounded by extremely toxic fumes for 20~40mins and they never breath them (only the gas inside the cylinder), with a perfect seal at all times. When you understand how this technology works, you realize why it's so good.


I didn't ask to be here... so why can't I leave?
Jan 18, 2019
I want to go by Fentanyl. I keep watching documentaries about how lethal it can be, there was a girl who got her hands on just 1 pill that was supposedly xan, but ended up being Fentanyl. She died and only had 1/3 the pill... I can imagine you will get extremely high beforehand too which would be amazing. Need to properly test for F
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
lol :))

i may not be correct about this, but at least is not extremely long until you reach unconsciousness
(more experts should correct me)

info about the 3-drug mix is coming from the PPeH (page 283) - we can update availability to 5 ?
I'd say lower than that! It's probably about as easy as heroin


Sep 10, 2022
exactly (i just corrected the mistake so it will be clear)
Thanks. I will correct the mistake my post. Didn't mean to mislead anyone.

Edit: Nevermind. Too much time has passed I guess and I can't edit previous post.


Oct 1, 2022
It failed because I'm a coward who isn't willing to go through a lot of pain to finally be free of this world. I tried multiple heights and positions. Also tried it at various spots on my neck. Closing the cartoid artery is nearly impossible for me apparently. I pushed down for several minutes several times and didn't come close to passing out. Now my neck hurts really bad and has a bunch of ligature marks on it besides the previous damage I did to my eyes. I wish I had a gun or lots of fentanyl.
sorry for what you're going through…
you might put too much emphasis on strength. these are tricky because you need the find the sweet spot; when you do, you don't need a lot of pressure, just need to keep it constant until you pass out / death
and yes, fentanyl would be ideal

The proof of the reliability of SCBA is on every firefighting video you can see on YouTube
i knew both SCBA and SCUBA are good, but didn't know that SCBA was better
the problem: which one is easier to find / purchase? (isn't SCUBA more available?)

I want to go by Fentanyl. I keep watching documentaries about how lethal it can be, there was a girl who got her hands on just 1 pill that was supposedly xan, but ended up being Fentanyl. She died and only had 1/3 the pill... I can imagine you will get extremely high beforehand too which would be amazing. Need to properly test for F
pills laced with fentanyl are not reliable; some pills have strong hot spots, even though they come from the same batch, so it's hard to know; but if you're lucky you just pass out and never wake up - i wouldn't bet on getting high from F (maybe from heroine)

I'd say lower than that! It's probably about as easy as heroin
thanks! i need to do more research on this
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Aug 20, 2022
It failed because I'm a coward who isn't willing to go through a lot of pain to finally be free of this world. I tried multiple heights and positions. Also tried it at various spots on my neck. Closing the cartoid artery is nearly impossible for me apparently. I pushed down for several minutes several times and didn't come close to passing out. Now my neck hurts really bad and has a bunch of ligature marks on it besides the previous damage I did to my eyes. I wish I had a gun or lots of fentanyl.

You're not alone, it happened to me too. I tried for two days straight and I'm still here, that sucks right?
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So tired of struggling
May 8, 2022
How is the night night method so high? I cannot not even seem to find thr right place with my fingers to feel anything in the slightest? Like anything. And I've looked at all the diagrams and everything. I have an average sized neck, like I'm not fat, so I don't get why I cannot find the spot
You don't feel the pulse in your neck?


Nov 5, 2022
You're not alone, it happened to me too. I tried for two days straight and I'm still here, that sucks right?
I tried for several hours yesterday with a relatively thin rope in several positions on my neck and putting most my weight down on it. Now my neck is extremely sore I don't know if I'm going to attempt this again but would probably have to let it heal a bit. Also still walking around with most of the blood vessels in my eyes burst. I don't think I'll be able to find another method that's decent to try again. Wish I had access to a gun or certain substances.
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