

Apr 8, 2020
I'll be devastated if they ban this site. It's helped me more than the local mental health services in my area. I don't access the method pages, but find it helpful to know others feel the same way as me and I can have a space to write my thoughts and feelings without being judged. The media only ever look at the negative and not the positive. Do they not even realise there is a "recovery" section on here, where people can get advice or support if they want to get better ...?!?
Same here before i came to this site i was lonely and depressed. The people around me didnt want to listen. Nobody saw how scared i am of the future.
Nobody wanted to listen.

Then this site everyone here became my friend . I found a place in which i can express my true feelings with judgement.
I can express myself in a way the outside world will never allow me to.
If my family actually listened to me like actually listened i wouldn't be here.
If people didn't patronise me and actually listened

If i was actually helped to find my place in the world i wouldn't be here.
Is there a YouTube link for this or a story on ITV's website?

ITV talking about mental health is a rich coming from them.
They allowed shows like Jeremy Kyle and Love island and lets not forget x factor which make people open for public ridicule and humiliation.

They keep piers Morgan employed even though he is such a bully in his interviewing
I was watching ITV news earlier (you'll know if you're British or know about ITV aha) and a report came on about suicide forums that are being blamed for people committing suicide.
It's true that sites like this provide the proper info needed to CTB which is what they're calling assisted suicide...but it's not like anyone's forcing suicide on others here. People who come on this site are here because they want to end their suffering, sooner or later.
Anyway, they're going to try getting these kinds of forums banned. Personally I hate this, banning would only prolong our suffering until we eventually find a way to CTB. I guess pro lifers aren't fans of rising suicide statistics.
What do you guys think?
I think ITV talking about mental health is soooo hypocritical. These are the last people to be talking about mental health.

Itv has given Britain tv shows like Jeremy kyle , love island and x xfactor which have opened members of the public to ridicule and humiliation. They didnt care about their mental health of the participants they cared about the profit and ratings.

Itv employ piers Morgan who is nothing but an aggressive smug bully in his interviewing.
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Nov 30, 2020
Itv employ piers Morgan who is nothing but an aggressive smug bully in his interviewing.
Yep, piers Morgan is a colossal wanker.
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Dec 4, 2020
We've all been let down by the NHS and that's probably why most of us ended up here.
Absolutely fucking this, my health and efforts to maintain it were flawless before i got ill and they didnt listen and didnt listen and didnt listen....
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Apr 8, 2020
Yep, piers Morgan is a colossal wanker.
Mentalmick i dont like piers Morgan he never gives people a chance to give their side of the argument, he is constantly interrupting and he has to make everything about him.

He has this self importance and acts like he the voice of the UK. It is so nauseating.

I dont way he treated Meghan markle especially bringing Meghan Markle fathers good morning Britain to discuss the troubled relationship. I am not a fan of Meghan markle but the way piers Morgan has been treating her is disgraceful. He is so obsessed with her all because she ghosted him on Facebook.

During the pandemic his ego has grown.
Someone needs to put him in place once for all and call him out on his damm hypocrisy.

He is everything wrong with the media in this country.
- One sided
- Agenda driven. The media controls the agenda . For example If the media pushes for lockdowns the government and mps will go along with it while ignoring the fact lockdowns expose vulnerable people to more harm especially those in abusive households
- Personality based. Previous generations of journalists would question things . Today journalists are obessed with being famous . So many journalists will go on i am a celebrity or similar tv shows. Journalists mix and party with politicians and even get lucrative jobs in government see Allegra Stratton no 10 new press secretary
Media and politics are clique which is why the public feel they dont have a voice

People in third world countries are fighting and dying for freedom of the press while journalists here in the UK the media for their own personal gain and agenda. Journalists now are treated on the same level of celebrities it is so wrong.
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tired of tomorrow
Feb 8, 2020
Ironic because the media does more damage to people than this website ever could.
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Apr 30, 2019
Late to the debate, but wow, i was quite surprised to see some of the comments on the 'stop sanctioned suicide' FB page.

Unless you've been through it, i can't even begin to comprehend the pain of losing a loved one to suicide, especially a son or daughter. My heart goes out to the family and its important we keep that at the forefront of our mind when considering how we react to their campaign.

That said, I was really saddened to see some of the words used to refer to some of the members. (they call someone who has responded to a post and is explaining how they perceive SS to be a safe space and helpful to some people as a "freak", for instance). It made my heart sink thinking that someone who is likely to be suicidal (by nature of presumably using the site) is called that.

I absolutely have concerns (perhaps similar to the family) about if enough is done to help people in their final moments to make sure someone has actually explored all options before ending their life, and i would welcome a debate on that.

I also agree that there are inherent dangers to a site like this... Some members who haven't shown sympathy, and from reading posts too many have been subject to scams. So an open debate how best to ensure a site like this remains an 'open space' whilst also protecting the most vulnerable from harm is absolutely needed.

But falling completely on one side of the argument or the other seems unhelpful (i.e Saying it must be banned entirely vs a refusal to listen to legitimate concerns about the site).

I completely and utterly accept the concerns that the family has, but the name calling, and venomous hatred of a site being used by the most vulnerable doesn't seem helpful either.

Anyway, I know the family regularly check this and I want them to know that the vast majority of people using this site are kind, good, people. They are vulnerable, and finding comfort wherever they can. We're not 'freaks' for using this site.

Yes, there are nasty people looking to take advantage of vulnerable people, and I think on both sides of the debate we can agree more needs to be done to prevent this.

I'm genuinely heartbroken for the families loss and i wish I could do something to undo the pain that they as a family, and their son, had to endure. I really hope the debate can remain kind.

Basically i'm concerned both sides are being upset, when both sides are hurting (a grieving family who has lost their son, and a community of people who are struggling to see the point in living). We need a bit of understanding on both sides.

We're dealing with people who directly oppose this site's cause though. They don't agree with/understand Right to Die, so I envisage a debate if one happened may begin with kindness and just escalate to normal bickering the likes we've already seen on Twitter because their (the pro-lifers') idea of a compromise is legit all the method info taken down. They wouldn't stop pursuing us for anything less and that's what they actually mean for us to do if they ever speak of a "call to arms".

I agree we need to raise awareness of the harm to our community caused by predators and others with adverse intentions. The site has come a way in mitigating those issues over the past year or two - as we even have a Scams Megathread now - but Fixthe26 consistently fails to use the word "predator" in context of actual occurrences of predators, instead stupidly brandishing the word at everything, and all self-chosen deaths on the site are deemed "victims" of predators (such as Joe, from the family who runs the page you're talking about). We can plainly see from his post history Joe acted autonomously, so unless the family have inside info I suspect they're pulling the "predator" card not because they believe that's true but because, like others before them, they perceive it to be the best way to incite a public outcry and achieve the site's closure.

i'm past the point of believing a rapport can be had, and because they don't want suicide info being accessible to anyone, the only negotiation I can foresee is one that surrenders this site's cause altogether. they never understood pro-choice and never will
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