

In the kingdom of th blind; the one-eyed are kings
Jan 24, 2021
I marvel at the infantile horror that this forum could be hijacked and turned into a dating site! :: maybe I am naive :: being human I guess we're all desperate for commonalities & 'comfort' & affirmation. Awful thing is that I (& other members with whom I privately messaged concern...) could read & recognise the "gameplay" but felt it was not my place to 'interfere'...

Screen Shot 2021 04 23 at 093955

I myself have struggled with figuring out what it is I actually want from this forum (and relatively; it's members).
When we login we all know the Rules & Regulations & are ultimately responsible for our communication - even the intention behind it; & even more so - the karmic effects we set into motion...

I have found incredible love & support here - but also struggled with harsh criticism (my tactless / irreverent / darklyshining humour a huge misunderstanding)

:: We hurt the one's we love because we partly know that they will ultimately forgive us?!

[ PREDATORY! ] Come on in - the water's fine - and there are even predators here...
  • TriggerHappy :: I remembered posting the above ages ago ::
  • Post #6,914
  • Mar 27, 2021
  • Forum: Offtopic << HOW ARE YOU FEELING TODAY?! 1 WORD... >>
  • Mar 27, 2021. << HOW ARE YOU FEELING TODAY?! 1 WORD... >>

ha! ha! so i discovered the "Recovery Partner's Megathread"
and so
i've been tripping about how this is nothing more than a glorified dating site
(where the sick prey on the sicker) and we are all vulnerable to desire and deceit.

& i faithfully / faithlessly went looking for 'friends' with 'common interests / desires' yes, I too am an apex predator...
<< my therapist once warned me that we're as sick as the people we fuck... am relatively celibate these days!!!) >>

... but then i remembered no-one else (only I} can make myself happy / miserable / find fullfillment
i am too burdened by the actions of my past: i may only bring others my burden [until i am maybe well]

so i deleted my communication (and promises of poetry / passion and even exquisite pain) maybe persuasion...?
until i can love myself; i will only love you from afar...

We are ultimately responsible :: please check out your own motivations. maybe. and then hopefully you will recognise the truth in other's...

TriggerHappy // Guns -Shooting - Stars
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I marvel at the infantile horror that this forum could be hijacked and turned into a dating site! ::
I will personally stop this from happening, I will not stand for others dating cute suicidal women when I am unable to.
  • Yay!
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Oct 26, 2019
Can you wannabe saints stop quoting the so called victim blamers

Preaching compassion and empathy for the poor victims but then in the same breath public shaming someone with an opinion. If you believe their post are hurtful then so are your 'not so well meant' replies to them. Double sta..
Nah if someone doesn't want to be publicly shamed, they should just ... not say shameful disgusting things lmao. Not hard.

Absolutely horrifying. I hope the victims are being taken care of. Let this be a lesson for members to not trust anybody on this site and protect our anonymity.

What was interesting to see was the predator (Jeremy/x_littleAmy_x) lurking in this very thread. A predator in the sense of manipulating members for his own gain and amusement. I had a feeling something was off about that user. Always trust your gut, use your common sense and don't trust anybody.
Jeremy/BipolarGuy/"Amy" seems like a piece of work but I don't think they're the predator/rapist Craig (who registered as "demonanon")
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Jun 15, 2021
I've been reading this thread with interest, especially the long 'warning and safety lesson' post in regard to protecting yourself from predators. Some of the advice suggests that you shouldn't 'attempt sky diving if you don't know how to open a parachute', in other words don't engage on ss if you can't protect yourself. But surely by the nature of this forum many members are mentally ill? Many are women, many self harm, are self destructive and suicidal. Also many probably have very impaired judgement due to mental health issues BUT may not even realise their judgement is impaired. How do those people protect themselves? They may not hold their own safety in high enough regard to employ these safety strategies, I mean if they are suicidal they probably aren't going to fear engaging with a weirdo through message? And might organise to meet a guy they met here because they are going to kill themselves anyway so why worry if he turns out to be a dangerous predator? If these choices they make are as a consequence of mental illness them should they still be called naive or accused of not following the rules?
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Dec 26, 2020
I've been reading this thread with interest, especially the long 'warning and safety lesson' post in regard to protecting yourself from predators. Some of the advice suggests that you shouldn't 'attempt sky diving if you don't know how to open a parachute', in other words don't engage on ss if you can't protect yourself. But surely by the nature of this forum many members are mentally ill? Many are women, many self harm, are self destructive and suicidal. Also many probably have very impaired judgement due to mental health issues BUT may not even realise their judgement is impaired. How do those people protect themselves? They may not hold their own safety in high enough regard to employ these safety strategies, I mean if they are suicidal they probably aren't going to fear engaging with a weirdo through message? And might organise to meet a guy they met here because they are going to kill themselves anyway so why worry if he turns out to be a dangerous predator? If these choices they make are as a consequence of mental illness them should they still be called naive or accused of not following the rules?
Agreed. I feel many people were being way too harsh on the girls initially
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Oct 13, 2019
If you read the OP of this thread, you'll see the sort of messages that were involved - its the same guy:

I wouldn't worry about the huge list of protective mechanisms in cases like these. This isn't the odd red flag to beware of. You only meet this guy if you intend to get murdered.

I think they're designed to help more subtle cases, although personally I don't bother with the majority of them.
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Jul 15, 2020
Absolutely shocking, and why it is best not to meet people realistically and not share your personal Information out

Did anyone read the article? It mentions about this site being ' the pro choice site " that he met the women on.

On another note, out of absolute coincidence the fake profile maker/pro lifer, Bipolarguy.... the comment in this thread were by one of his other accounts. If you read some of the comments you can get an idea of how sneaky they are, at one point even claiming they knew one of the women involved in the article. these people will say or do anything to convince you they are legitimate whilst being total liars and fakes, manipulating members of this forum and having no shame in what them make fake claims about.

this person claimed to be an autistic, young woman(x_LittleAmy_x),claimed to suffer from bipolar, claims to 'know' woman who were actually raped from this site, doxxed another member ,who in turn CTB. these people will stop at nothing, bear in mind this person joined fixthe26, people who claim they want to 'save' suicidal people.

Not exactly the best advertisement for a person who wants to 'save' you is it!!!!!


Jul 15, 2020
After reading this thread it made me think. I mean some of these members of these groups to stop SS could quite easily be rapists and nonces etc, i mean they set up fake profiles and try to manipulate young people, god noes what else they would try to do. as we have seen with this thread there are weirdo's about.

I mean take jeremy 'the nonce' bipolarguy. this guy sets up multiple fake accounts pretending to have illnesses and pretending to be a young female in one, that just screams "i'm a sex case". that is what sex offenders do set up fake accounts try to draw in young men/women. i guess we should be aware that nonces and sex cases set up fake profiles and pretend to be people they aren't, as we have seen with what happened to the members in the OP
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Nov 9, 2019
This sort of thing is why I'm ambivalent about the Partners thread. I don't wanna tell anyone else how to butter their toast, but it seems to me the possibility of very bad things happening should not be discounted.

Having said that, meeting through this site hardly makes the site culpable in any way. Or at any rate should not do so in any rational society. As others have noted, the same shit or worse has occurred on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc.
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Jul 15, 2020
I notice how that sex case jeremy was using his fake profile on this thread, pretending to be concerned about members when he himself was a fucking nonce quite obviously.

At least when SS find out about sex case members trying to pretend to be someone else they ban them. the groups against SS then welcome them with open arms, thats speaks a thousand words of the kind of people they are to me.
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Mar 15, 2020
I notice how that sex case jeremy was using his fake profile on this thread, pretending to be concerned about members when he himself was a fucking nonce quite obviously.

At least when SS find out about sex case members trying to pretend to be someone else they ban them. the groups against SS then welcome them with open arms, thats speaks a thousand words of the kind of people they are to me.
While you make some valid points, you seem really concerned about this Jeremy person. Perhaps, you may want to start your own thread about them. I don't want this thread getting further derailed by posts focused on Jeremy or the group with which he's associated.
this person claimed to be an autistic, young woman(x_LittleAmy_x),claimed to suffer from bipolar, claims to 'know' woman who were actually raped from this site, doxxed another member ,who in turn CTB
My understanding from people who claim to know the doxxed member is that it had nothing to do with their decision to ctb. Unless you have proof to the contrary, please don't make this accusation.
Last edited:


Jan 22, 2021
"He said he would tie my wrists, hang me, cut me down and dump me on the beach. That if it looked like a murder my family wouldn't hate me" - @L0ne1ygh0st

Imagine agreeing to this.
I can imagine agreeing to that. Once you're in the situation it's out of your hands and my hope would be they'd actually do all that. Getting put in a dungeon for the rest of my life not so much
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Jan 30, 2021
I'm bumping this thread because many new members are not aware of this happening, and they should be. It's a nasty world out there. Don't make yourself an easy prey.
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  • Aww..
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
I remember reading this a while ago but I still have a hard time even processing it. Just totally shocking. Those poor women. And I'm not shitting on anyone in particular but it's worth remembering that desperate people can do desperate things, and that sometimes a person with nothing left to lose is the most dangerous of all. There are fates worse than death.
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Death is salvation
Sep 26, 2021
Doesn't surprise me anymore. Every corner of the internet is filled with shitheads like these that prey on vulnerable and hurting people as these ones are the easiest to get so that they can manifest their sick fantasies on. But to do it on such a forum like this is a whole another level of disgusting. Be careful, stay guarded, and if you feel deep down there that something is shady, then it probably is.

God, I hate humans.
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Dec 13, 2021
i cant believe that,Why is there always such a scum to hurt someone who is already in such pain😥
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Aug 14, 2022
Bumping not to scare anyone but just so people can be aware and make make wise choice when it comes to meeting up with someone.
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Oct 16, 2021
Why am I not surprised? Predators look for vulnerable, easy targets. And depressed, suicidal people are just that. Easy pickings.
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Feb 23, 2023
Sure but I have seen a few women literally say that they don't care about a rape and torture risk in relation to meetups on here a few months back...
I think these statements should not be taken out of the context in which they were made. In addition, they do not provide a free ticket for sex offenders.

The fact that it later obviously led to a complaint is a sign that it was not done amicably.
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I think these statements should not be taken out of the context in which they were made. In addition, they do not provide a free ticket for sex offenders.

The fact that it later obviously led to a complaint is a sign that it was not done amicably.
I just want to tell you that you have replicated a message published on April 16, 2021. Just so you know if it wasn't intentional. Sometimes they are messages from users who are not active and cannot answer the replies that are made to them, but I see that this is not the current case, because the user is still active.
it's all.


Només vull dir-te que has replicat un missatge publicat el 16 d'Abril del 2021. Només perquè ho tinguis en compte si no ha estat pas intencionat. De vegades són missatges d'usuaris que no són actius i no poden respondre pas les repliques que els hi facin, pero veig que no és el cas actual, doncs l'usuari encara és actiu.
És tot.

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