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I am a prisoner locked up behind xanax bars
Dec 16, 2021
Putin will be essentially broken by the financial institutions. His economy is falling fast.


Feb 23, 2022
Jesus. I wish I could help you somehow. My grandparents were from Kiev and Odessa. If I weren't older and in such sucky shape, I'd fight alongside your countrymen and women. Lots of survival books/resources on the internet archive. Just go to "folscanomy: books" and go to "self-defense" and "survival/prepper" categories. There's even info on guerilla warfare and homemade weapons. I hope you make it to PL. Damnit. We all do. Terrifying. I have all the reespect and admiration in the world for you to be poised enough to articulate your experience so eloquently. Now, maybe the EU and NATO and the U.S. will get off their cowardly asses and HELP!
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I'm a loose cannon - I bang all the time.
Aug 15, 2021
Putin will be essentially broken by the financial institutions. His economy is falling fast.

Because of SWIFT? For good or bad, Russia's economy is going to get worse, but to call it falling fast is wishful thinking. Their natural reserves and banking functions are probably not underestimated. Russia has the most enormous gas supply and numerous of the most stable banks in the world are located there.

More in this way, savings and pensions will be reduced eventually, not now though. Official poaition by Ministry of Finance promise to pay in full all social benefits, salaries and pensions in the coming months.
Also, as in all other countries, citizens having a burden on their finances will be nothing new and unjustifiable, given a strong leader. Putin delivers on his word one way or another and that includes driving up the salary and pension numbers by so much compared to when he assumed presidency. The nation will be reluctant, but give them up in exchange for military victory. Nationalist pride and a strong military have always been top priority for Russia and Russian identity. Wars take a toll and I' not sure if it is, but maybe the war and sanctions are justifiable evils to them.

At least as can be confirmed from a common view among Russians, at large they are used to media portrayals as the new evil empire, as as is known better, they don't fear sanctions and in fact, sanctions only give strength to Putin' trust nationwide.

One event to look into: Yeltsin's economical disaster just after he suddenly gave up his power to Putin. Just look at how Russia's GDP in 1998 was at -5.3% and it had rebounded to 10 by 2000. It does prove your point that a big enough mishap can put a big dent in the economy, but strong governance can also recoup it.

I will point out Russian economy has had multiple such drops and bounces back to their GDP since Putin became president.
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Ethereal Knight

Ethereal Knight

Seja um bom soldado, morra onde você caiu.
Jan 10, 2022
I wouldn't know what to do either. I'm sending hugs from Brazil. You'll be okay. Be optimistic. There will be many survivors, you may be one of them.
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Aug 23, 2020
Putin will be essentially broken by the financial institutions. His economy is falling fast.
Frankly, I don't think so.
1) Russia's economy might bounce back from this. Well, the most disadvantaged people in Russia that were already not in a good place are probably fucked, but the bigger picture might be okay. Belarus might end up more fucked though.
2) Even if Russia's economy is screwed, it is not falling fast enough. If there will be major consequences, by the time they will be felt Ukraine is going to be a land of rubble, ashes and corpses.
3) Even if Russia's economy goes completely down the toilet it doesn't guarantee that Putin will lose his grip on power.
4) My country is FUCKED. This conflict is totally insane and no amount of sanctions are going to fix it.

Lots of survival books/resources on the internet archive. Just go to "folscanomy: books" and go to "self-defense" and "survival/prepper" categories.
Thanks for sharing this. This archive is...something. But really a lot of information you wouldn't find anywhere that could be useful in my case.

Nationalist pride and a strong military have always been top priority for Russia and Russian identity.
Strongest argument against "Russians are liberating people from a NeoNazi regime there" I've seen so far.
Russian officials are kind of use the same rhetoric - and simultaneously are calling this war a "demilitarisation and denazification of Ukraine". If this isn't "war is peace" we were warned about, I don't know what is.
Hey guys! Wanted to ask for a bit of advice, maybe you can think of something. Might be a silly issue, but any ideas on how to cover up a window like this for a blackout:
IMG 20220302 124130
It has blinds, but not sure if you can tell, but they are kind of fucked and I can't close them. No curtain rod. I've heard the whole "cover the windows with blankets" thing - but what the blanket is supposed to hold onto? How do I make it stay put on the window? Any ideas would be appreciated.
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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
@Nessie , the advice to keep the windows covered is to avoid injuries due to the glass shattering and flying, bits of shrapnel, debris etc.

I don't know your situation or what resources you have on hand.

It may be impossible to put up a curtain rod now.

You can get the thickest blanket you have and insert it right at the top of the messed up blind, if possible drawing the blanket through the other side of the blind all the way down and spreading it out, so that the blanket forms two layers of protection, covering as much as possible of the entire window.

P.S.: You can try to keep the blanket spread out to cover the entire window with whatever you have on hand - hammering nails through the blanket into the wall, single sided tape, double sided tape etc. - whatever materials you have with you or can borrow from neighbours.

P.P.S.: If you have empty cardboard boxes (if they are full, empty them & use) or thermocol sheets with you or can borrow them from neighbours, you can also stick them to the window with tape.
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Aug 23, 2020
the advice to keep the windows covered is to avoid injuries due to the glass shattering and flying, bits of shrapnel, debris etc.
Not really, it's more about making sure city is completely dark so it's not clear where to drop bombs, if your window in that one small light in the dark then for the bomber jet above it's the big red cross with a marking "Good place for shelling right here". I live on the top floor of my building. Pieces of shrapnel are more of a concern for the first three floors, and if we're hit it will probably be a full blown death from above. The best case scenario in that case is that it hits another part of the building but even then windows will probably completely fly out, windowpane and all. Or they will go along with a piece of a wall. Or, if things are even worse than well, I will die in rubble and hellfire or be blown to bits. Generally the best idea to just stay the fuck away from the windows during the air raid. And away from the outside-facing walls.

If you have empty cardboard boxes (if they are full, empty them & use) or thermocol sheets with you or can borrow them from neighbours, you can also stick them to the window with tape.
Oh my god this idea was perfect! How did I not think about it! If there is any resource that I have in abundance, that is cardboard boxes - I have a whole pile of empty pizza boxes from before. And a bit of scotch tape. It wouldn't hold a blanket, but cardboard ins't heavy! I cut up a couple of boxes, stuck them together with scotch tape and then stuck to the window. It worked perfectly! Thank you so so much for this idea, it really was super helpful. :heart:

Using expression "from before" to describe the time when I used to order pizza is depressing. I wonder if I'd live to see times like again. Would be pretty cool.
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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
The best case scenario in that case is that it hits another part of the building but even then windows will probably completely fly out, windowpane and all. Or they will go along with a piece of a wall.

I'm following reports by Ukrainians and foreigners on the ground in social media, and the invasion is truly horrifying, barbaric and extremely bloody. The cowardly invaders are shockingly indiscriminate with their attacks on civilian areas & buildings, it makes me extremely sad :aw: and very angry 😡 at the same time.

I have zero respect and only contempt for Russia & Russians after the invasion started, except the ones bravely protesting against their tyrant Poo-tin's evil actions and the ones refusing to fight for Poo-tin & his mafiocrats' megalomania & greed and are either surrendering to Ukrainians or deserting.

I've decided to completely boycott all things Russia & Russian from now. It's the least I can do for humanity. The problem - there is nothing to boycott or throw out, as the Russians are not known abroad for making anything beneficial for humankind (unlike the West, Japan, South Korea & Taiwan or even China for that matter). They only make things that are used to directly & indirectly kill, maim, murder & slaughter. It's an accurate reflection of their character as a nation.

Oh yes, now that I think of it, there is only one I can boycott. A fuel refiner & retailer in my country is partly owned by a Russian oil company. I'm never, ever going to drive or ride into any of their retail outlets to fill up, even if I run out of fuel. I'd rather walk than fill fuel from a partly Russian-owned company. Not a single freaking cent or penny of mine will go to anything Russian. I hope this oil company either goes bankrupt or the Russian company sells their stake soon.

Instead, I'll fill up fuel from now on at Shell or BP outlets as much as I can, 👍 for they have done the morally & ethically right thing by completely boycotting Russia and cutting any ties they have with it.

I will also boycott Total and ExxonMobil if they don't follow the moral & ethical path forward, as shown by Shell and BP.

Or, if things are even worse than well, I will die in rubble and hellfire or be blown to bits. Generally the best idea to just stay the fuck away from the windows during the air raid. And away from the outside-facing walls.

I thought I had it bad in life with my recurring Major Depressive Disorder, but this has made me realise what bad really is, and how terrifying it must be for Ukrainians, many of whom will be affected by PTSD etc. :'( I'm a fool for taking the things I have for granted. Stay safe, please. 💙💛

It worked perfectly! Thank you so so much for this idea, it really was super helpful. :heart:

Pizza is one of my favourite foods too. ❤

Glad to have been of some help with the idea about cardboard boxes. 💙💛

My countrymen are known for our famed ability to improvise with whatever things we have on hand, and in my first language the phrase for it translates to "sticking it together". I guess this is literally exactly what my suggestion to you was about. 😉
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Mar 23, 2018
I am so sorry for everything you and your country are going through. I think this is the first time I've said anything about it here before. Sometimes I feel there aren't any words. :aw:
All this because a psycho wants more control and a little more land.
I'm sure most of the Russian people did not want this. No one wants war unless they are psycho. People of Ukraine certainly didn't want this. I am in awe of everyone's bravery there. Standing up against tanks. Not sure I could.

Please be careful and safe. :heart::hug::heart::hug::heart:
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Oct 21, 2018
I'm amazed by the bravery of the Ukrainian people during all of this. I'm in Europe and a few years ago the air raid sirens were merely being tested, and I was shitting bricks just from that. I can't imagine what it must me like to live with that constant terror looming overhead – sometimes even literally.

It breaks my heart into a million pieces to see any country or region in a state of war, regardless of where it is; at the same time, and at the risk of sounding like I'm making it "about me" (which I don't mean to AT ALL – I grew up in a very invalidating environment so I often doubt the legitimacy of my feelings, if that makes sense), this war also strikes an additional nerve on a personal level, as I'm part Ukrainian in heritage and I know firsthand how warm and welcoming Ukrainians can be, once you gain their trust. They're a very genuine and humble folk, and resilient as hell, too.

I'm so fucking sorry that you are going through this, as if you weren't already having a hard enough time as it is... I mean, I can only assume that you didn't join this site because life was being particularly kind to you. Even on a "good" day life is brutal, humanity is ruthless and this world is cold, never mind when some bloodthirsty, power-starved, temper tantrum-throwing, selfish, bullshitting, piss-poor excuse for a human being (who should have been nothing beyond a stain on a mattress) invades your country, violates your basic safety and human rights and tries to rob you of everything you hold dear.

I've read a couple of dumb comments the past few days (NOT on SS, for the record – sometimes I make the mistake of reading comment sections under news stories and videos), and I've just gotta say, it's so easy for someone on the outside looking in to wonder why people living in war zones (or, for example, dealing with abusive relationships, toxic families, shitty employment conditions, etc) don't just choose to flee... if only it were really that simple. I'm so fucking glad and grateful that there are resources and countries willing to accept refugees with open arms, but I also just wish so badly that it were possible for everyone to actually be able to utilize these resources if that's something they want to do. And thinking of all of the people who are additionally unable to flee due to old age, illness, disability and lack of money... it makes me sick to my stomach. It shouldn't be like this at all. This is so fucked.

I've been watching this thread and never fail to be amazed by both your bravery and your compassion, especially under such terrifying and extenuating circumstances, and this seems to be a common theme among the other personal accounts from Ukrainians that I've read. I wish that there was something I could do and I feel so powerless here... I'm not religious and therefore not really someone who prays (but I also don't rule it out if someone asks me to pray for them), but for whatever it's worth, I fully support Ukraine and I'm sending my love and endless hugs.

🇺🇦 Слава Україні 🇺🇦
🇺🇦 Слава Украине 🇺🇦

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Aug 23, 2020
thought I had it bad in life with my recurring Major Depressive Disorder, but this has made me realise what bad really is, and how terrifying it must be for Ukrainians, many of whom will be affected by PTSD etc. :'( I'm a fool for taking the things I have for granted.
This whole thing doesn't invalidate that some people are having it hard around the world, suffering from mental and physical illnesses, poverty, loneliness. And I am sorry for their suffering, for your suffering. It matters and it deserves attention. It's can be good, it can be okay and it can be bad and it can be awful. And there are places in the world, where life becomes just...incomprehensible. In a meaning that it is very hard to properly comprehend and imagine when you're outside of this situation, and it feels surreal and hard to process when you in it. It's like the scale of suffering just overloads and breaks. I just ended up in one of those places. Never expected that. When our president declared a nationwide emergency, my biggest concern was that there would be a curfew that will make it difficult for me to find time to shop, and that issues with Internet connection might disrupt my work. And I was pretty seriously concerned about that! And then I went to sleep, in an hour and a half war was declared, and in another hour I woke up to a distant explosion. I didn't even believe it at first, because wars are terrible, but they are somewhere out there, in the Middle East, in Africa, not here, not in my country. You know that PSA "if it's not happening here, doesn't mean it's not happening"? I was convinced that it is how things go out, that they unwind slowly, that thing don't escalate from "everything is okay" to "war crimes" over a course of a few days. But apparently they do. I still struggle to process that this is real. I couldn't imagine myself in this situation up until the very moment it started. And no one outside of it should imagine it too. Because this shouldn't be happening never, nowhere, not for any reason. Because if you keep thinking about the possibility of scary shit of this magnitude - you might just lose your mind. We need to fix "normal" levels of suffering in the world, deal with illnesses and the poverty and the disrimination, not create SO MUCH MORE of it. You are not a fool for taking normalcy for granted. It should be granted. If you're a fool, I think 98% of people here are idiots too, because we all took the lives we had for granted. I think everyone will have PTSD after this. Even if you're somewhere safe, outside of the risk of shelling, you're still watching the news and asking yourself whether you're next, whether literally tomorrow you're going to be bombed, or food and water will run out, or electricity will disappear or your loved ones will be killed or, or, or... No one will come out of this mentaly okay.
I've read a couple of dumb comments the past few days (NOT on SS, for the record – sometimes I make the mistake of reading comment sections under news stories and videos), and I've just gotta say, it's so easy for someone on the outside looking in to wonder why people living in war zones (or, for example, dealing with abusive relationships, toxic families, shitty employment conditions, etc) don't just choose to flee... if only it were really that simple.
I understand people not in this situation not understanding why just flee/just surrender etc. isn't as easy as it seems. But I am watching livestreams pretty much 24/7 (the "can't watch the news anymore because it's too scary, but can't stop watching the news because it's too scary" kind of a situation). And they often have a chatbox that I am training myself not to read. There are so many trolls, edgelords, homegrown geopolitic experts that look on and cheer. I don't understand how anyone could do it, ever.
So I am grateful to anyone who as much as doesn't do that...

Love you all, thank you for the support :heart:
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Aug 23, 2020
I'm so exhausted. Laid down for a second because I don't feel well, set two alarms just in case. Fell asleep, slept through both of them and then through an air raid apparently. That's concerning. Didn't make it to chemistry but that's probably pointless either way, they have nothing. No real good news anywhere. Someone on the news explained what's the plan is with capturing Kharkiv with a map that showed that the biggest part of Russian army is there now and that they will move to surround Kyiv once they're done with Kharkiv. The map showed them moving through my city next. Best case realistic scenario is we surrender before it happens. Sorry for the negativity. So exhausted.
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Apr 28, 2020
you might be interested in this:

"The Prosecutor's Office of The Hague asks everyone who has documentary evidence of possible Russian war crimes in Ukraine
to send these materials to the e-mail [email protected].

It can be photos, videos, documents, eyewitness statements. The prosecutor's office is waiting for evidence of the following facts:

- Killing civilians
- Rocket-bomb and artillery strikes on hospitals, schools, residential buildings and other civilian facilities.

You can write in any language."

If anything happens to you or near you, you can send your report.
There is already a lot of proof and videos circulating and I believe that it's more than enough.
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Aug 23, 2020
@My_name_is_Luka thank you for sharing. Pretty sure there is ample evidence already and I deeply hope that I wouldn't have things to report there...

The electricity was kinda spotty this night. Which is unsurprising because the genuis invaders managed to set a huge NUCLEAR power plant on fire. But it should be okay now. Allegedly.
Going out for groceries for the first time since the first shelling. It's a bit of a hike to the nearest grocery shop, I always thought that's quite inconvenient. Now "inconvenient is not a correct term anymore...Weather today - hella snowing with a moderate chance of an air strike and a small chance of a nuclear catastrophe. Not sure what to expect from the shops, might be completely empty, or more or less okay, or have a three hour line. Hoping to return with food. And all my limbs intact. "Lower your expectations" indeed...
Have a nice day, everyone!
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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
I'm not well off, but I wanted to contribute in any little way I can for the cause of the proudly free, democratic Ukrainian nation and the absolutely heroic Ukrainian people, as they're facing the darkest time of their lives.

I first tried to donate to the courageous Ukrainian defenders through the official site of the democratic Ukrainian government, but none of the payment methods worked. My card didn't work on the site unfortunately, I can't do an international bank transfer from my account, and crypto is not (yet) legal in my country. So I tried a non-profit's site for Ukrainian veterans and the war wounded. The stupid card did not work again, and other methods did not have the option to transfer money into Ukrainian hryvnias from my currency.

So, I did what people on Twitter are doing, book an airbnb place with no intention (or possibility) of going there. I chose a neat looking apartment in Kyiv and booked a weekend. I informed the host that I don't intend to come. I'll book another weekend soon in another beautiful city like Kharkiv that's being bombarded and flattened to the ground by the barbaric Russian invaders. I wish I was in a position to do more than just donating.

I hope Ukrainians emerge out of these dark times as the proudly, democratically and heroically free nation & people they are (and deserve to be!) 🇺🇦 and that they're able to rebuild their lives, their homes and their cities.

Slava Ukraini! Heroiam slava! 💙💛
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Hold your head high, and your middle finger higher
Dec 25, 2020
@Depressed Cat Likewise, I will be donating to my country's Red Cross Society, as suggested by @paulstrong. It's the least I can do to help. I will be donating by cheque. For those of you who plan to donate, please beware of scams. Do your research and be careful how you pay.

It was my birthday this week, but I was in no mood to celebrate. Seeing Kharkiv besieged was a distressing sight.
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Jan 1, 2019
I have no ability to help so I'm going to focus all of my mental energy on Putin dropping from a random and sudden brain aneurysm... power of positive thinking?
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𝔄 𝔲 𝔱 𝔦 𝔰 𝔪
May 21, 2021
I'm really sorry. this war was so preventable.. and now, here we are.
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Sep 28, 2020
The state of the world right now. The fact that no one does nothing to help those brave people in Ukraine. Meantime all they care is tge oil prices are going up globally and so as electricity. Gosh just shut up media.
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Feb 23, 2022
I'm so exhausted. Laid down for a second because I don't feel well, set two alarms just in case. Fell asleep, slept through both of them and then through an air raid apparently. That's concerning. Didn't make it to chemistry but that's probably pointless either way, they have nothing. No real good news anywhere. Someone on the news explained what's the plan is with capturing Kharkiv with a map that showed that the biggest part of Russian army is there now and that they will move to surround Kyiv once they're done with Kharkiv. The map showed them moving through my city next. Best case realistic scenario is we surrender before it happens. Sorry for the negativity. So exhausted.
I can't stop thinking about you and your welfare "Nessie". I hold you in my thoughts all through the day ever since I first read your heart-rending posts. My god what you must be going through! A couple of things you can check out on There's a book titled CIA EXPLOSIVES FOR SABOTAGE MANUAL that has a lot of advice for expedient, improvised weapons of resistance. Also look at books by Kurt Saxon. There are all five volumes of THE POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND, plus more of his works. When the title comes up, click on vertical rectangle icon just to the right of the two opposing arrows. Then move cursor way off to margin, single click, and then scroll down to "PDF" and hit download. Voila. There are vast resources there for the taking--all free.
Lots of books on guerilla warfare, silent killing, resistance weapons (incl chemical). It's survival after all and your David against Goliath. Please be safe. Thanks for staying with us and know we have you always inside our hearts.
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
Here's a decent source for rolling info on what's happening from the frontlines. Not perfect but might help you plan your moves or avoid areas of highest risk. Of course, it relies on internet connection which isn't ideal.

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Sep 28, 2020
Still no foreign troops to help,shame on you EU, NATO! All they do is bla bla bla, oh we will take the refugees, refugees don't wanna be taken, they want to go back home for Christ sake!
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Jan 14, 2022

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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
I think the fear is that once NATO get involved on the fighting side of things it officially triggers WW3. I am certain that NATO are biting at the bit to right this wrong but are stuck between a rock and a hard place. It's a game of chess and we don't have full view of the board.

Russia is in the wrong. There is no doubt about this and EU and NATO are all saying this. Russia are convicting their citizens for aknowleging the war and tell them they must refer to it as a' special military operation'. This is the insanity NATO must make tactical moves against. War needs to be avoided until there is no alternative. It means very tough decisions have to be made even against our human instincts at times. None of us want to see this happening to the people of Ukraine. There are individual lives at stake and that's not right but there is also a bigger picture of many more lives. Making the right moves/decisions is very challenging to say the least. Particularly against soneone with poor mental health and a little man complex that is happy to trick his own people and troups into commiting atrocities and being killed in the process. NATO are providing weapons. They are going upto the line but fear stepping across it in the best interests of everyone not only those poor people currently in the thick of it.

A chopper was shot down in the last hour too.
NATO are monitoring air space off the edge of Poland. I assume they will pass info to Ukraine as and when they see threats.
Another 2 planes shot down in the last hour. One a Su-34 and pilot killed another a Su-30SM aircraft from Saky shotdown in Mykolaiv region. Pilot captured.

Check this link for a rolling feed of upto date info.

What meds do you need? Are you able to recieve mail anywhere at all? Maybe it's possible to get care package to you somehow? A check point perhaps?
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Reclaiming my human rights & liberty thru suicide.
Dec 12, 2021
Still no foreign troops to help,shame on you EU, NATO! All they do is bla bla bla, oh we will take the refugees, refugees don't wanna be taken, they want to go back home for Christ sake!
I reckon they'd be better off in western EU.
Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
66,000+ Ukrainians living abroad have returned home so far and have picked up arms to fight off the invading barbarian horde unleashed by the megalomaniac mass-murderer Poo-tin (💩 -🥫). They may not be professional, trained fighters, but they have seen what it means to live in liberty & freedom in the civilised democratic societies in the West, they have seen the genocidal war crimes being inflicted upon their nation & people, and they are willing & ready to die to defend their land, their soil and their people.

This (along with their numbers) is worth quite a lot. It would not be wise to send these returning Ukrainians directly to the frontline, but they will be of good use in the Territorial Defence units, apart from many other things. For instance, since they are returning from many different countries, they will fluent in many languages, and this would be of great use for the International Foreign Legion for the Territorial Defence of Ukraine (IFL). Many of them will serve as embedded translators & interpreters in the IFL.

Talking of the IFL, combat veterans in good numbers from different countries are also joining the fight against the barbarians let loose in Ukraine by Poo-tin's Russian mafiocracy. They may be veterans, but they are well-trained and battle-hardened professionals who are volunteering for a righteous cause to save the civilised world and humankind as a whole, and they are experts in using the weapons that Ukraine is being supplied with.

If the invading savages from Russia were shocked by the stunningly fierce, exceptionally heroic resistance put up by Ukrainians so far, they have no idea what's going to hit them in the days to come. And boy, aren't Poo-tin's invaders shocked. They rolled into Ukraine thinking that it was going to be a cakewalk and that Ukrainians would not even put up a fight. How wrong they were!

Poo-tin and his mafiocratic regime made some huge miscalculations. For those who would like to know what they are & much more on this war, I suggest Kamil Geleev's twitter account. This man clearly knows what he's talking about on not only this war & war in general, but also on Russia, the old Russian Empire and the failed USSR. Here is his thread on the deluded megalomaniac war criminal Poo-tin's huge miscalculations

Clearly, not only Poo-tin and his minions underestimated the Ukrainians and overestimated the Russians. Many in the West did the same thing. And so did I, for that matter.

In fact, I suggest reading Kamil's many other excellent threads as well. It will provide a deep understanding on this unprovoked, barbaric invasion of peaceful Ukraine by Poo-tin's uniformed thugs. Here is his "thread of threads", a fabulous compilation

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Aug 23, 2020
Hey, everyone! Thank you so much for your ungoing support! I really appreciate it!

I have no ability to help so I'm going to focus all of my mental energy on Putin dropping from a random and sudden brain aneurysm... power of positive thinking?
Yeah, that's a nice thought. I think this is pretty much the only thing that could improve the situation at this stage. Maybe the theory that his erratic aggressive behaviour lately is due to some griveous neurological condition is true...
this war was so preventable.. and now, here we are.
Yeah. I recon us talking about some french politician being hyped for war because his ass isn't going to be here. And now, here we are...
What meds do you need? Are you able to recieve mail anywhere at all?
Now moostly pregabalin to deal with seizures and any painkiller stronger than paracetamol, although nitroglicerin and an asthma inhaler also wouldn't hurt...
I was surprised that it is possible to send mail to most cities. Not to mine, but to one reasonably close and there are volunteers delivering mail to a checkpoint here. I thought it woudn't work.
Still no foreign troops to help,shame on you EU, NATO! All they do is bla bla bla, oh we will take the refugees, refugees don't wanna be taken, they want to go back home for Christ sake!
There wouldn't be any NATO troops here, and that's reasonable. People in the west are very kind, I believe they help enough. No one wants to be a refugee, but it's better than a horrible death.
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