
Jan 12, 2020
Hello everyone! My name is DiceRoller90 (my parents were very creative) and I have been suicidal for years. During this time I have tried to seek help and one big thing that everyone I ever reached out to said to me is something like "That can't be right, you are such a happy kid/man?" and other such classics like "Its obviously just a phase, just wait it out."

Now I am a nihilist. Not in the gloom and doom stereotype from the Big Lebowski (I am old), but I believe that nothing can ever be truly known because we can only understand the world remotely through ourselves. A human being is nothing more than a hacked together, fleshy, computer. Evolution doesn't care (to anthropomorphize a processes) about ensuring we can perfectly understand reality, only that we are lucid enough to know that a Saber Tooth Tiger isn't a pet long enough to have kids.

Due to this belief, I am inherently distrustful of my recollection. My memory is tainted, and the brain selectively recalls things. So in order to make sure I have as much information in front of me as possible I have been writing down my moods throughout the day for going on five years now and it has been... enlightening. First off I learnt that I do truly have good days. Not good as in tolerable, but actual happiness. They are few and far between, but knowing I experienced them and thus have the physical capacity to feel happiness has kept me rolling the dice on tomorrow. I have also learnt that my average mood on a 1-10 scale (1 being physically harming myself, 10 being the best days of my life) that my average mood is a 4.8 (between "Meh" and "So-So") which is a point higher than I thought it would be. I can also graph my moods and see whether my life is getting better or worse. Currently I am on a downhill mathematically (which is why I am here), but funny enough between July-September I was on a uphill with an average mood of 5.3.

Deciding whether to "Catch the Bus" (not a fan of euphemisms, but when in Rome I will act Roman) is the biggest choice anyone can make. Now I cannot speak for everyone here, but I don't like to make a choice unless I have all the information in front of me. Keeping a Mood Journal helps in that regard and I recommend everyone here keeps one too. When we are in the pits its hard to remember ever knowing we saw light.

I use an application called Mood Journal on my phone, but if you want to save the $3, you can always use iNotes on your phone. Mood Journal just lets you do all these cool things like tagging certain triggers like Family, Work, and the lot, and seeing a 1-10 mood score on how each of those make you feel.
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Jan 16, 2020
hey diceroller90,

i completely agree on journaling, and its great to hear how its working for you, especially in seeing a tangible difference (i might start logging moods daily to see this same difference). In similar practice i keep a journal to vent all my thoughts about life and another separate journal where i try to use art as therapy. Only two things keeping me productive right now

it is special to look back at the journal at times with a contrasting view of when you wrote it, helps for perspective. Sometimes it can put me down a rabbit hole of past negative thoughts though
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L'appel du Vide
Jun 27, 2019
This is a great idea, because I think a lot of the time we gloss over and forget any good things when we're feeling super depressed. It's easy to think they don't happen at all. Seeing it all tracked can be eye-opening.

I use a nifty app called Journey. It's free, but I liked it enough to pay. It has a built in mood chart and you can graph statistics and even see how the weather affects you. And it's for journaling, so you can put all that info with your entries. When I remember to utilize it, it's brilliant.
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