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Feb 10, 2022
Like someone have suggested I think if you leave a note saying that it was your plan and it's not your boss/coworker faults, it should be fine, I mean they'll probably be sad but in any suicide case they'll be sad people left, unless you live as an hermit and has no family.


Apr 15, 2022
but that's getting to outright theft and i would feel bad about that.
What is the difference between stealing a syringe of N, and stealing what's remaining in a bottle? Theft is theft. Mind you, I'm not making ANY judgment regarding taking the N at all. Either way, you're stealing N to off yourself.


little bird fly away
Oct 7, 2022
What is the difference between stealing a syringe of N, and stealing what's remaining in a bottle? Theft is theft. Mind you, I'm not making ANY judgment regarding taking the N at all. Either way, you're stealing N to off yourself.
well taking a bit can be classed as spillage and it leaves a bottle with contents so they can see that they're low and order more whereas taking the bottle is very obvious and leaves them without anything at all incase of an emergency. i have decided not to take it i want to die but im not getting innocent people in trouble


Jul 23, 2022
Do you think it's worth it to finish your education and see what independent practice is like? You've had to work harder than the average student and evidently struggling with mental health as well. Kudos to you on that account. I imagine those will be more favorable circumstances to take the euthanasia solution for your own purposes without the kinds of consequences, or less severe ones, that you fear. It's not like this is a very narrow window you have to use the drug or lose access forever.


Nov 5, 2022
well taking a bit can be classed as spillage and it leaves a bottle with contents so they can see that they're low and order more whereas taking the bottle is very obvious and leaves them without anything at all incase of an emergency. i have decided not to take it i want to die but im not getting innocent people in trouble
It seems like a pretty risky plan in my opinion. It's probably better that you decided against it if not for the sake of your employer, for the potential of it going wrong and landing you in legal trouble. That being said, I'd be considering it too if I was in your position.


Nov 18, 2019
I can understand wanting to take the moral high ground, but I think there are ways to see it from a different perspective that changes the narrative. Let's get to the crux of what a veterinarian truly is. They mostly care for domestic animals, in my opinion domestication is morally wrong, it is wrong to interrupt the natural worlds rhythm and exploit animals for humanities benefit. What is our healthcare system all about? What is big pharma all about? Producing profits? What is the law all about? Controlling people and taking away their innate freedoms, punishing people for simply being alive? Is it possible that vets just continue this exploitative systems hamster wheel of doom? Big profits for the pharmaceutical industry while exploiting the natural world? I have no respect for our human made systems of credit/debt and exploitation. Sure there are real people involved, your coworkers, who might be affected by your actions, but they just contribute to a corrupt system that abuses the natural world and takes advantage of societies thoughtless lemmings. My point is that what you would be doing isn't as ethically irresponsible as you might think. There are probably countless talking points that could support the decision to take what you need to find peace in a world gone mad. It goes beyond the surface world and takes some systematic dissection to see what powers are truly at play here and what, for you, the true moral high ground would be. Do what makes you comfortable, but try to see the profession for what it truly is.
Domestication is a part of the world's natural rhythm. It's why some animals become domesticated while others do not. Because they're evolutionarily wired for it and have depended on it for survival. Animals have evolved with us to survive in this changing world and through natural selection domestication occurs to varying levels.

As for pharma that's another story you're right about. One thing I heard lately which caught my interest is that 1/3 of Pfizer is for veterinary medicine (for all types of animals)


Poles are shifting, death is looming
Jun 26, 2022
Domestication is a part of the world's natural rhythm. It's why some animals become domesticated while others do not. Because they're evolutionarily wired for it and have depended on it for survival. Animals have evolved with us to survive in this changing world and through natural selection domestication occurs to varying levels.

As for pharma that's another story you're right about. One thing I heard lately which caught my interest is that 1/3 of Pfizer is for veterinary medicine (for all types of animals)
Humans have chosen to domesticate animals. Leave nature alone and it is in balance… try and manipulate it, push a certain agenda, oppress it and it falls apart, that natural balance becomes corrupted. Take for example, sheep, they were fine for who knows how long, evolving as they naturally would, then people decided to shear them for their wool, we exploited and oppressed them for our selfish benefit, now they are dependent on people to continue this cycle of exploitation or they can actually suffer and die. They evolved in an unnatural and harmful way because of human interference. Dogs are another great example, all of the inbreeding to produce certain traits and now we have breeds with all sorts of poor evolutionary characteristics. Some of them can hardly breathe, others have legs too short, some are prone to diseases they wouldn't otherwise have.. etc.

Obviously I feel a certain way about this and it's an unpopular opinion. Please stop debating this topic everyone, all we are doing is hijacking the OPs original post and we as a community owe it to them to assist them with their dilemma. The reason I voiced my opinion as I did originally was to help them see things in a different light so they could CTB without some moralistic guilt trip, but it is clear they are very bothered by the decision to put coworkers at risk. I commend the OP for being so considerate of their coworkers, it's refreshing to see someone this empathetic and altruistic. My apologies to the OP, this was never my intention when posting my opinion, sorry your post has taken this odd detour.

I feel like it is clearly not in their best interest to take the pentobarbital that they have access to at this time because of a strong conviction and loyalty to coworkers.


Nov 18, 2019
Humans have chosen to domesticate animals. Leave nature alone and it is in balance… try and manipulate it, push a certain agenda, oppress it and it falls apart, that natural balance becomes corrupted. Take for example, sheep, they were fine for who knows how long, evolving as they naturally would, then people decided to shear them for their wool, we exploited and oppressed them for our selfish benefit, now they are dependent on people to continue this cycle of exploitation or they can actually suffer and die. They evolved in an unnatural and harmful way because of human interference. Dogs are another great example, all of the inbreeding to produce certain traits and now we have breeds with all sorts of poor evolutionary characteristics. Some of them can hardly breathe, others have legs too short, some are prone to diseases they wouldn't otherwise have.. etc.

Obviously I feel a certain way about this and it's an unpopular opinion. Please stop debating this topic everyone, all we are doing is hijacking the OPs original post and we as a community owe it to them to assist them with their dilemma. The reason I voiced my opinion as I did originally was to help them see things in a different light so they could CTB without some moralistic guilt trip, but it is clear they are very bothered by the decision to put coworkers at risk. I commend the OP for being so considerate of their coworkers, it's refreshing to see someone this empathetic and altruistic. My apologies to the OP, this was never my intention when posting my opinion, sorry your post has taken this odd detour.

I feel like it is clearly not in their best interest to take the pentobarbital that they have access to at this time because of a strong conviction and loyalty to coworkers.
What you're saying is factually incorrect. Pardon me for clearing the record, it's not a subjective or "opinion" issue. Dogs domesticated far earlier than the 1800's when humans were choosing which dogs to mate with each other such as in line breeding. You are right in terms of problems related to genetics with inbreeding. It's one side of the coin. Despite that life expectancy has risen as time goes on. Which is related to having better health for longer periods of time and improved quality of life.

I think if OP takes it they should be 100% ready to CTB otherwise it will lead to different kinds of problems for the clinic & staff. Veterinarians have one of the higher CTB ratios by profession. If OP takes the bottle & writes a clear statement of self responsibility the clinic won't have any professional repercussions. Suicide is normalized on this forum compared to the avg population in a similar but different way in veterinary practice. It's not discussed broadly but a known secret among people in the profession. That's my personal experience. I hope something about your situation improves OP.


Poles are shifting, death is looming
Jun 26, 2022
What you're saying is factually incorrect. Pardon me for clearing the record, it's not a subjective or "opinion" issue. Dogs domesticated far earlier than the 1800's when humans were choosing which dogs to mate with each other such as in line breeding. You are right in terms of problems related to genetics with inbreeding. It's one side of the coin. Despite that life expectancy has risen as time goes on. Which is related to having better health for longer periods of time and improved quality of life.

I think if OP takes it they should be 100% ready to CTB otherwise it will lead to different kinds of problems for the clinic & staff. Veterinarians have one of the higher CTB ratios by profession. If OP takes the bottle & writes a clear statement of self responsibility the clinic won't have any professional repercussions. Suicide is normalized on this forum compared to the avg population in a similar but different way in veterinary practice. It's not discussed broadly but a known secret among people in the profession. That's my personal experience. I hope something about your situation improves OP.
Humans always had a choice to not interact with animals, they chose to do so. Humans domesticated animals. I'm well aware that domestication has been evolving for over 10,000 years. Not once did I say anything about a timeline regarding when certain domestication traits took shape. I get it… your hell bent on proving me wrong somehow. For the sake OP and the community… drop it. If you have anything further you'd like to add, which I'm sure you do, DM me and leave this thread alone.


Jul 23, 2022
Humans didn't play much of an active role in the domestication of one of the most widespread and popular domestic animals, cats, who largely domesticated themselves. That is why they are able to thrive so well as feral animals, to the great detriment of the surrounding ecosystem.
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Poles are shifting, death is looming
Jun 26, 2022
Humans didn't play much of an active role in the domestication of one of the most widespread and popular domestic animals, cats, who largely domesticated themselves. That is why they are able to thrive so well as feral animals, to the great detriment of the surrounding ecosystem.
Holy crap guys.. really? You do realize you can't have one without the other.. right? I think this thread needs to be closed for the sake of the OP.
Humans didn't play much of an active role in the domestication of one of the most widespread and popular domestic animals, cats, who largely domesticated themselves. That is why they are able to thrive so well as feral animals, to the great detriment of the surrounding ecosystem.
Enjoy your toxoplasmosis.
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little bird fly away
Oct 7, 2022
Holy crap guys.. really? You do realize you can't have one without the other.. right? I think this thread needs to be closed for the sake of the OP.

Enjoy your toxoplasmosis.
i think the threads pretty much gone now, I've decided against it and recieved some good advice :) toxoplasma is a strange one to pick as it's mainly a result of humans wasting food in general, but is also not seen as often in places where domestic animals are kept and not just released after boredom or from necessity.

we should stop this discussion though as arguing doesnt change people's opinions (⌒‐⌒)
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Poles are shifting, death is looming
Jun 26, 2022

How are people infected with Toxoplasma?

People become infected with toxoplasmosis several ways:

  • Eating food, drinking water, or accidentally swallowing soil that has been contaminated with infected cat feces.
  • Eating raw or undercooked meat from animals (especially pigs, lamb, or wild game) that have been infected with Toxoplasma.
  • Directly from a pregnant woman to her unborn child when the mother becomes infected with Toxoplasma just before or during pregnancy.


little bird fly away
Oct 7, 2022

How are people infected with Toxoplasma?

People become infected with toxoplasmosis several ways:

  • Eating food, drinking water, or accidentally swallowing soil that has been contaminated with infected cat feces.
  • Eating raw or undercooked meat from animals (especially pigs, lamb, or wild game) that have been infected with Toxoplasma.
  • Directly from a pregnant woman to her unborn child when the mother becomes infected with Toxoplasma just before or during pregnancy.
im well aware how toxoplasma is spread, ive studied it (  ̄- ̄)
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