God, please don't. I'm going through the exact same thing, except in my case it's been a year. I know that's a long time to be hung up on an ex, but I'm sure I would have gotten over her much sooner if I never tried to reach out. But I kept trying and re-opening the wound. I think the lack of response is a response in and of itself. It's your ex saying "I don't care", and it'll hurt each and every time. I rationalized to myself "well maybe if I was persistent enough", "maybe if I said the right words", "maybe if she knew I was going to CTB", but it was all wrong. Truly, the only thing you can do is try your hardest to put your ex out of your mind and move on. Trust me, sometimes I feel like I can't do it without her in my life, but at a point you gotta realize that no matter what you do, no matter what you say, they may never be back in your life. And if they come back, it has to be on their terms since they cut you off. And you can't be sitting by the phone waiting for it to happen either. I know it feels impossible, and there's nothing you can change about him, but you can change you. Like I said, I'm struggling with this as well, so I'm not entirely sure how to go about moving on, but I think making new friends and meeting new people is a good start. I'm about to try doing that myself. It'll probably be a while before you meet someone that you really click with and won't ghost you (cause in my experience, most people are phony), but you gotta keep trying. The last thing I wanna say is, if you really love him, you need to let him go. That's what he wants you to do. That's want he needs from you to be happy. I'm tearing up a bit typing this because I'm struggling to swallow that pill. But I'm trying my hardest to believe in myself and be the best person I can be. And I know you can do it too. Best wishes, and don't be afraid to reach out if you want to talk.