I feel scammed. The most frustrating part is that the school I went to is supposed to be really good (you'd expect the absolute best from a private research university).
for the most part, it is a 'scam.' expensive education with professors that barely teach you anything at times. incurring debt just to try and secure a future high paying job that you may never get.
just because a school is 'really good,' doesn't mean it produces 'intelligent' students. you also have to consider the number of students that actually became 'successful' after completing their studies. unfortunately, willpower and determination alone doesn't allow for success as luck is also a factor -- and if motivation is depleted, nothing's going to push you to continue.
people have completed degrees just for the sake of completing it. the majority of the time they don't even do the job they studied for. computer science majors ending up becoming bakers for a living. they use the degree just to show they finished college and hiring companies tend to only look at that fact.
But a degree doesn't mean shit these days I guess.
there has always been an issue with degrees. such as having one and still only able to get a minimum wage job and not what you studied for which cost a high amount.
having a degree but not work experience in the field eliminates you as a candidate for a lot of jobs. which to this day is still happening and it doesn't make any logical fucking sense why these damn companies list it in that way.
I couldn't even get an internship.
so many jobs out there are saturated with students looking for a job or internship. too much competition as these companies try to find 'the best of the best.' a lot of these internships are unpaid as well. if you continue to search for internships, try to avoid ones that don't pay as that's still your time and energy. unpaid ones only take advantage of kids for free employment.
I hate talking myself up because I feel like I'm lying to people.
this is literally what so many do. lie their way in the job and just try to do their best learning on the job. you're lying to the hiring managers to get the job. you don't have to continue the lie towards your colleagues.
if you're tired, you're tired. if you want to take a break and continue a semester much later on, that's your choice. if you want to never deal with education again, that's also an option. maybe a break is what's needed as the education system is built to place a lot of unnecessary amount pressure on students which can be highly draining.