

Aug 13, 2019
There is nothing negative to anti natalism
It is nothing but philosophic realism
We understand the difference of quantity and quality
A lack of the latter is a complete travesty
To brand us for hate and irrationalism
Is nothing but ignorant criticism
There is hardly anything more violent
Than being born through force, so turbulent
The second they leave that womb
They start the march towards their tomb
Losing every right they had before
Left to suffer a lifetime of war​
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Aug 13, 2019
My life is like shattered glass
Like a mosaic of pain en masse
Memories flickering in and out
Weakening me without a doubt
I remember when all was well
But the scales are tilted into this hell
There's nothing left to salvage
It does nothing but ravage
Memories so old they made me
And brought me to my knee
So don't you come and stand tall
Step on me and I'll make you fall​
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Aug 13, 2019
Politics on social media:

Brimming with Insignificance
So certain they make a difference
The dependence of facades
Desperate, like starved dogs
Self righteous masquerades
Indoctrinated, blind little slaves
Armchair politics behind safe screens
Waging war on words, not real screams
Hypocrite! I cry, as another heart blights
Like pests they scatter, hiding from real fights
The path of self serving posers
Exposed as nothing but selfish losers​
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Aug 13, 2019
The empty words of "pro lifers"

You all tell me it will change
But the world still has the same face
You all tell me my decisions aren't mine
As I dodge your landmines all the time
You all tell me I owe the world everything
But really I don't owe anyone anything
I'm sick and tired of being fed that line
Staring at me with those hungry, selfish eyes
You all tell me to live out these hollow lies
Following the scent of your own shit like flies​
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They/Them pronouns, please
Aug 28, 2019
have you ever had that one dream
of having someone, anyone that would stay
even if it's just a moment longer
it sounds like a bittersweet dream today
and maybe I'm being a little unfair
but I'm tired of my life being this way

been holding my breath every time
a person smiles and laughs with me
in hopes that maybe this once
someone will understand what I could be
but it's just another bittersweet dream
in a life where I can never be free
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Aug 13, 2019

Pain, are you full of it?
Patience, are you out of it?
Life, are you sick of it?
All in all, are you done with it?
Yes, I quit.​
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Sweet emotion

Sweet emotion

Sep 14, 2019
Me, Myself, and I

I've been sliding slowly, through the seven circles of hell
I met the devil long ago and fell under his spell
What lights my way during the day flickers out at night
There's no golden trophy at the end so why do I still fight?

I take the comfort in knowing some day there will be no pain
No more days of suffering and standing in the rain
I've let this go in way too long and now it's time to draw the line
What's the point of living if I have nothing to call mine?

All I'll have are memories to know I was alive
What I'm doing now ain't living, it's just a way to survive
They say people live forever when others hold them dear
But I'm the last left standing in line so who'll know I was even here?

Some were born to live and some were born to die
I hope that there's a place for me up in that endless sky
Don't tell me to take it a day at a a time because there's not an end in sight
I've been living in the darkness for so long that I'm blinded by the light

Not a soul on Earth can help me so excuse me if I help myself
I'm living like a porcelain doll collecting dust upon a shelf
So I hope you can forgive me when it's time to say goodbye
Because it's me alone that bares this pain, just me, myself, and I


I'm getting on a train
I won't be back again
There's nothing here but loneliness and pain

My back's turned on the past
Nothing good was meant to last
The years have gone by, my my, way too fast

I'm gonna plant my feet down deep into the ground
Though you won't see me I promise I'm around
So when all four winds come blowing through
That's my way of saying I am still with you

Keep me in your heart
Although we're many world's apart
It's time for you to have a brand new start

I pray I see the light
Because I'm tired of the fight
Like a free bird I plan on taking flight

I'm gonna spread my wings and soar from up above
And I hope you know you'll always have my love
So when all four winds come blowing through
That's my way of saying I am still with you
We packed our bags
We hopped on your Harley
My arms wrapped tight around your waist
You were the better part of me

We hit the open road
Set for destinations unknown
Every day, a new adventure
Look at how our love has grown

Dawn turned to dusk
And we slept under the stars
You kept me so very safe and warm
Wrapped up inside your arms

The fire burned
Deep within my heart
You made my life worth living
You touched every part

We bathed in the rivers
And warmed up in the sun
For the first time I felt safe
I didn't have to run

You taught me how to climb
I thought I'd never understand
Exactly what love felt like
Until you reached out and grabbed my hand

You pulled me along
And I was hesitant to go
You showed me a better life
A life I'd never known

Nothing holding us back
I had never felt so free
You filled my heart to overflowing
The moment you told me you loved me

Then I felt myself fall
Back into the heartache of reality
I was lying alone in my own bed
The walls were closing in on me

So never wake me when I'm dreaming
That's where the true love lies
Cause waking up, it's just too painful
And I no longer feel alive

I broke right through the surface
With pain inside my head
I've never served a purpose
And I'm wishing I was dead

I aint got no compassion
So please don't waste my time
So if you need someone to talk to
I'll provide you with the dime

I'm bitter and I'm broken
I'm damned near about to cry
These sentimental tokens
Are no more than a lie

Don't ask me about my future
It's just a dead end road
The weight of the world is on my shoulders
And I carry it alone

My minds just one big cavern
Where the demons come to play
Don't want to see tonorrow
Cause I'm suffering today

You ask me how I'm doing
Do you really want to know
And if you're hoping for some good news
You best get up and go

Don't ever test my patience
Cause I've lost all self control
There's demons dwelling inside my head
And they've swallowed up my soul

I'm a walking talking whipping post
There's no pain too severe
Every day I'm burned and beaten
And I've never shed one tear

You say that you'll stand by me
Well I've heard it all before
And when I said I need you
You headed for the door

Well I've been in isolation
For over 14 God damn years
Don't expect an explanation
I've been forced to face my fears

You know there ain't so shame in dying
If it takes me out of misery
And I better not catch you crying
Cause some day I'll be free
Last edited:
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Aug 13, 2019
Fake people, narcisists, flakes and what not:

The false friend is a toxic mess
If only they'd step up and just confess
They make you feel so on top
Feeling like you just never get enough
Until of course the mask slowly cracks
And you're stabbed right into your backs
They always seem to need you, and you've so much to give
Deep inside they know you'll either forget or forgive
When it's you who's in need all around
They hide all their worth, they're nowhere to be found
Despite the fact they're a bottomless pit
They never give unless they'll surely benefit
Before you know it, they're gonna blow it
They'll throw the most adolescent, narcissistic fit
Showing exactly those infamous colors
Unleashing all of their despicable horrors
And we all know if they're caught in the act
They treat their fabrications just as fact
In their mind it's always your fault
For being too kind and allowing this assault
Don't even give them the luxury of a farewell
They'll try to put you back in your cell
Always projecting to hide their own flaws
Make sure to escape their dirty claws​
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Aug 13, 2019
My thoughts on children with shitty parents, with a touch of humor in the shape of a rap:

I hate your kids and I'm not at all sorry
But you'll probably just turn this into an entitled little sob story
It's really quite a rational thought to be had
That I'm not the one, but your child that is bad
They're like leeches, so vile and gross
I wish that was all, so you better take notes
They slobber worse than dogs and they never floss
They're unpredictable and annoying, will this ever get across?
They're loud and whiny, even their laugh is maddening
Such obnoxious little monsters, it's just saddening
Their disgusting grabby hands touch everything
I swear they leave behind this ooze that always seems to cling
They turn every restaurant date into a boring takeout day
While dear mother sits there with a smug face and thinks it's okay
More destructive than an asylum escapee during a full moon
I'd rather deal with a real werewolf than your insane little shitty goon​
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Reactions: Thanatos, Ness and Sweet emotion
Sweet emotion

Sweet emotion

Sep 14, 2019
My thoughts on children with shitty parents, with a touch of humor in the shape of a rap:

I hate your kids and I'm not at all sorry
But you'll probably just turn this into an entitled little sob story
It's really quite a rational thought to be had
That I'm not the one, but your child that is bad
They're like leeches, so vile and gross
I wish that was all, so you better take notes
They slobber worse than dogs and they never floss
They're unpredictable and annoying, will this ever get across?
They're loud and whiny, even their laugh is maddening
Such obnoxious little monsters, it's just saddening
Their disgusting grabby hands touch everything
I swear they leave behind this ooze that always seems to cling
They turn every restaurant date into a boring takeout day
While dear mother sits there with a smug face and thinks it's okay
More destructive than an asylum escapee during a full moon
I'd rather deal with a real werewolf than your insane little shitty goon​
I'm guessing you can't stand kids either? Haha
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Global Mod
Sep 18, 2018
Fake people, narcisists, flakes and what not:

The false friend is a toxic mess
If only they'd step up and just confess
They make you feel so on top
Feeling like you just never get enough
Until of course the mask slowly cracks
And you're stabbed right into your backs
They always seem to need you, and you've so much to give
Deep inside they know you'll either forget or forgive
When it's you who's in need all around
They hide all their worth, they're nowhere to be found
Despite the fact they're a bottomless pit
They never give unless they'll surely benefit
Before you know it, they're gonna blow it
They'll throw the most adolescent, narcissistic fit
Showing exactly those infamous colors
Unleashing all of their despicable horrors
And we all know if they're caught in the act
They treat their fabrications just as fact
In their mind it's always your fault
For being too kind and allowing this assault
Don't even give them the luxury of a farewell
They'll try to put you back in your cell
Always projecting to hide their own flaws
Make sure to escape their dirty claws​
bestfriends ruined me this past year. you never truly know someone, even when you think you do. the only person who's got you in the end is you, no one else.

great piece, loved it and summed up how i feel.
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Aug 13, 2019
@Hasssssuùuu I wrote one for you on page two when you vanished, I missed you.

Here I am waiting restlessly for the train
Heading westbound away from all the pain
A train that's taken twenty years to arrive
I hope I won't be waiting till I am forty-five
People come and go as I sit here watching
All of them seem to find their lives wanting
Every breath I take with deep hesitation
I'll be at peace once I leave this station​
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Aug 13, 2019
My feelings about religious extremists, I'm putting this one in a spoiler because it might rile some of you up and I don't want that.

False idols worshipped all day and nights
Daring to say a word gets you caught up in fights
There's no other people any more perfidious
Picking up debates goes nowhere, it's ridiculous
Religious extremists, a danger to society
Genocidal swine riding on the waves of insanity
Death threats all up in this shit
Better watch out or they call in a hit
Sending anthrax and explosives by mail
Condemning innocents to all layers of hell
They hate a woman's right to her own life
Putting us all through nothing but unbearable strife
Sticking to their guns and petty fear mongering
A subtle confession that their praised lord is found wanting
So convinced that it's all about love every day
Although the way they play is no better than the KKK
Yet sharia law they claim to never willingly join
Curious, they're both two sides of the same worthless coin
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They/Them pronouns, please
Aug 28, 2019
I don't know,
I don't know what I want to say,
there's these strange emotions
and I can't define,
I just can't figure them out.
I don't know,
I don't know what I should do,
there's these painful days
and I can't survive,
I just can't find a smile.
I don't know,
I don't know where to go from here,
there's no path I'd want to go
and I can't wander,
I just can't go down that road.

I just don't know.
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They/Them pronouns, please
Aug 28, 2019
I'm running on empty,
feeling that spite run out
and nothing works
as a replacement.

I've got nothing left,
caring is too much effort
and no one has noticed
that all I am is spent.

I doubt I'll make it alive,
not that I actually mind
and peace sounds too nice
to be something I'd prevent.

I don't need tomorrow,

thinking of it scares me
and why even wake up
to even more torment.
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Jun 10, 2020
Old thread came up in viewing suggestions so am reviving it. Can never have enough poems.

Deep in the forest
Flutter a butterfly's wings
Capturing the sheen
Of the wet sun

I walk a trail
That has long been forgotten
The smell of rain
Enters my lungs,
Expanding them

Steam rises from the
Green walls
Spiders dangle
From their wooden homes

A bird of many colours
Greets me
"Where are you?" it asks.
"I am following you,"
I reply.

I run through the jungle
To the swift beat of its wings,
My footsteps like a drum
Growing ever more exhuberant

Sweat pours
As my heart races
And expands
Not a trance
This is the dance

Butterfly behind me,
Bird leading the way.
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Mar 23, 2018
Young at age, only 3
Wanted death so bad-ly
I surely knew I couldn't stay
So I hid my mind away
Sealed with locks that have no key
Drowning slowly out at sea
Gasp for air but I cant breathe
The rest at shore
and filled with glee
Think my view's the enemy?
Don't want your help
just leave me be
Its time to end
this misery
this ain't no fuckin mystery
I'm just a part of history
Blame yourselves you all could see
The demons that reside in me
Want pain to stop so cut me deep
Or shy away and let me sleep
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little helpers

little helpers

did I tie the tourniquet on my arm or on my neck?
Dec 14, 2021
there is poison in every drawer
baked, stamped, lacquered
shriveled liver in a slow cooker
all mod cons and paracetamol

grenadine dash and maraschino
scatter over the liner notes
in a splash, an imaginary thrash
finish off with rolled sleeves

howling wind through the pipe it sings
drill six holes
last line said and the throat is slit
piper at his gate of dawn

loaded, loaded, the pocket then the gun
I am blue and the barrel brown
will the planet sing to a song
send me to sleep, my papaver hero

(disclaimer: I'm not saying all these methods work)


Mar 23, 2018
Lock me in the looney bin
But don't tell me what room I'm in
Moving 'round the mood I'm in
A rage that's fueled and at the brim
Approval of my thoughts within
Born insane and worn from sin
I'm not the same; I am not him
A thought came to me on a whim
To jump so wide, I end up thin
Turn my lights on but it's still dim
Cause everyone loves me till I'm grim
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Feb 8, 2024
Thought I'd bump this thread with some of my own poetry, since I'll probably never share it anywhere else.

My mistakes are razor blades...
Each cascading thought draws blood

I imagine pairs of eyebrows turned up
Worry mirroring the unveiling
Of skin, the shell that never yields
A caustic pressure rusting the screws

Wars of shrieking failure
Against external silence
Another bone broken that never mends

Words that materialize in spiraling torrents
A jagged, imperfect imagining
Of a perfect negative poison
And my neglect is the syringe

Bailing into an infinite entrance
Where all my pride is found and lost
Where time decays with every blink
Where death is my invisible shadow
Where friends compress into flat facades
Where secrets simmer to a lethal perfection
Where infantile dreams are dismembered
And intention dies.

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