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Apr 7, 2018
I have TRIED and TRIED. Tried to get a minimum wage job, no responses. Parents won't give me cash and they clearly want me out of the house. Can't get social welfare because parents won't give their payslips (utter b.s. I know)

I'm seriously thinking of doing something rash. Really need help. Considering stealing at this point and then killing myself violently. I've been turned down by the A&E for mental health.
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Jun 24, 2018
Damn..sounds messed up. I currently live with my mom and stepdad too..and from my monthly earnings I pay my mom 100e to help out with the shit...yeah..and of course she doesn't know in what state of mind I am, and she forced the job on to me..makes my life more miserbale..but no worries, I personally don't have long. If you have seen my posts, I already got everything I need.
As for you..I wouldn't do anything which could land you in prison if caught..but if it's a sure thing, then maybe. But my advise..calm down, think every rational ( rational to you ) option, weight pro's and con's, and decide on your next moves.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
Try to make a job and advertise online. Like something people need. It's the best route if u cannot find a job. But it does take time to start making serious money so don't get discouraged when u aren't making much at beginning.
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May 31, 2018
Parents won't give me cash and they clearly want me out of the house. Can't get social welfare because parents won't give their payslips (utter b.s. I know) ... I've been turned down by the A&E for mental health.

First people force consciousness onto others who never asked for it. Then they tell those they've created how they must live. Then, when the created happen to dislike the world they were forced into, they're punished, both by their creators and by the society they've been shoved into, for their recalcitrance. If it weren't so common, it might be laughable. Sorry. :(
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Reactions: Smilla, Final Escape and Tiburcio

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