Please please please come back to me, I understand why you left but I love you more than anything, you're my best friend, the only one I feel safe with, my soulmate. We have been broken up a year and a half and I have missed you every single day. I know that I'm broken and you can't live with my eating disorder but I wish you would give me another chance. I know you said that you are not a 'prize' but without you, I feel hopeless. I am trying to be with other people, I am used to being alone, but I know deep down that nobody will compare to you. Come on, we are both around 30, neither of us have all the time in the world if we want a family. Am I really going to have to watch you have babies with another girl? If I am going to have babies without you I think it will never be with the person I truly that case I don't think I want them at all. Even if say 10 years from now I can somehow magically 'wipe you from my memory completely' by that time it would be too late for me to have a family. I don't get on or fit in with my 'old' family. I need a new life, a new place. I have learnt your culture, learnt your language, put years into loving you and it been a pleasure, but it's not been easy. You are the best man I have ever met, person in fact, and you deserve nothing of my illness. It probably sounds so stupid to someone else 'just move on and meet someone else' but it's not like that to me. So probably it's selfish to ask for another chance, I want you to be happy. But I am so so very tired, and I don't know if I will be able to go on without you. I love you so much tiger.
(PS, this is a great idea for a thread btw!)